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Ex 1: Word formation
Do you like your job?

Job (1) .satisfication.....(satisfy) is an important part of overall happiness in life. It gives workers a strong
sense of (2).achievement.....(achieve) and success. It indicates that people are doing a job they enjoy, doing
it well, and are being (3) ..unsuitable..-> suitablly.. (suitable) rewarded for their efforts.

It means they have enthusiasm for their job and are happy with their working conditions. Happy workers
are also more likely to get a (4) ..promotion.... (promote). Sadly, many workers are (5) ..satisficated....
(satisfied) with their jobs. They are less (6)..productions....-> productive (produce) and perform worse than
their happier fellow employees. They are less reliant lack motivation. They also suffer from the 'Sunday
night blues', when the thought of returning to work the following day makes them (7) ...depressed...…
(depress). In fact, research has shown that more than a third of all sick leave is taken on a Monday.
Interestingly, the least popular day for sick leave is Friday because the weekend is just around the corner!
Ex2. Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.
My first (1) _____ was as a sales (2)____ at a large department store. I wanted to work part-time, because I
was still studying at university and I was only (3) ____ to work a few nights a week.

I came (4) ____ the advertisement in the local newspaper. I remember the interview as though (5) ____
were yesterday. The personnel manager sat behind a large desk. He asked me various questions which
surprised me because all I wanted was to work in sales. An hour later, I was told that I had got the job and
was given a contract to go (6) _____. I was to be trained for ten days before I took my post. Also, as a
member of (7) ______I was entitled to some benefits, including discounts.
When I eventually started, I was responsible for the toy section. I really enjoyed it there and I loved
demonstrating the different toys. I was surprised at how friendly my (8) ____ were, too. They made
working there fun even when we had to (9) _____ customers who (10) _____on our nerves. On the whole,
working there was a great experience which I will never forget.

1. A. occupation B. job C. work D. employment

2. A. employee B. attendant C. officer D. assistant
3. A. capable B. able C. eligible D. experienced
4. A. across B. into C. on D. round
5. A. it B. I C. that D. there
6. A. on B. over C. ahead D. with
7. A. staff B. crew C. team D. party
8. A. assistants B. labourers C. colleagues D. employees
9. A. control B. deal with C. manage D. cooperate
10. A. came B. went C. got D. were
Ex3: Complete these reports, using the information in the speech boxes.
Oh, James. 1 Where are you going? 2 Please, please,
don’t go rock climbing again this weekend. 3 Don’t
you realize how worried I get?

Good morning. Thanks for coming at such short notice. 4Would you like a cup
of tea? OK. 5 Please take a seat. 6 Have you considered our offer? 7 Are you
ready to join the elite team?

A. James’s wife was really upset when he came downstairs with overnight bag. She (1) ___. She (2) ___
rock climbing again that weekend and she (3) ___ .
B. The leader of the team thanked me for coming at such short notice. She (4) ___ a cup of tea and (5) ___.
Then she got to the point and asked (6) ___ their offer, and (7) ___ to join the elite team

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