Literature Review On Domestic Violence in Africa

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Title: Expert Literature Review on Domestic Violence in Africa

Welcome to our comprehensive literature review on domestic violence in Africa. Understanding the
complexities of this issue is crucial for effective intervention and policy-making. However, delving
into the vast array of scholarly works, reports, and articles can be a daunting task. That's where we
come in.

Writing a literature review on domestic violence in Africa is no small feat. It requires extensive
research, critical analysis, and synthesis of diverse perspectives. Navigating through the myriad of
sources, ranging from academic journals to government reports, demands time, effort, and expertise.

Domestic violence in Africa is a multifaceted issue shaped by cultural, social, economic, and political
factors. To provide a comprehensive understanding, our literature review delves into various
dimensions of this complex phenomenon. From exploring cultural norms and gender dynamics to
examining legal frameworks and intervention strategies, we aim to offer valuable insights into the
dynamics of domestic violence in the African context.

However, you don't have to tackle this challenging task alone. At ⇒ ⇔, we specialize
in crafting expert literature reviews tailored to your specific needs. Our team of experienced
researchers and writers are well-versed in the nuances of domestic violence in Africa. With
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So why struggle with writing a literature review on domestic violence in Africa when you can rely on
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Source: D ukor, M. (2010). Gender discourse in Africa epistemology. Multiple logistic regressions are
used to conduct the analysis. They also must have been abusive six or more times to be included in
the study. Furthermore, selected Nigerian newspapers were analyzed for the reportage of violence
against men and Focus Group Discussions were conducted. I am happy with the writing, especially
the sources used. For instance, in conflict resolutions and management the women are seen to be the
force that could calm down the situa- tion after all efforts of the males have failed. Therefore, the
paper started by defining domestic violence, and its different aspects, such as physical abuse,
psychological abuse, FGM and eight other types. Table 2 indicated the women most frequently at
risk of women violence by their follow women. We will provide you with a review written with fresh
opinions on sources and significant academic worth. Discussion The main aim of this paper was to
determine whether the prevalence of women violence by fellow women is a factor to the persistence
of domestic violence against women in Nigerian society and to proffer the best considered strategy
towards the reduction of violence against women. Scholars can use them for free to gain inspiration
and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. Experts make accurate citations, use current
books, and derive conclusions from them. The type of family violence is the most seen violence type.
The study included questions about how often they felt threatened, hit, injured, etc. This article
adopts the non-doctrinal approach using textbooks, the internet, statutes and newspaper reports. To
browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to
upgrade your browser. Societal responses to domestic violence in Nigeria continue to be influenced
by the culture of patriarchy, religion, and indifference in the attitude of the criminal justice system.
The article is with a view to achieving at least a significant reduction in the rate of domestic violence
directed against women whether in its physical, psychological, emotional or economic in its domestic
dimension. There was a lack of secondary information about methods which universities used, so I
telephoned universities’ Students’ Unions to ask how they helped students in need. In tackling this,
the article first evaluates the forms of domestic violence with the negative effects they have on the
health of women and children. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. Thus, the
present research sought to determine whether various forms of women violence perpetrated by
women is a contributing factor for the persistence of violence against women in Nigerian society and
proffered the best considered strategy for reduction of the scourge. Download Free PDF View PDF
See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Women's Aid
(2009) defines domestic violence as physical, sexual, psychological, or financial. In order to
accomplish this a feminist and human rights consciousness is utilised. Thus, the prevalence of
violence against women by fellow women was confirmed. In addition to witnessing violence, 68
percent of the participants admitted to being victims of child abuse themselves. The questionnaire
was administered individually using 6 field research assistants. The last nationally conducted survey
found that an estimated 16 percent of married Americans experienced domestic violence within the
previous year. Levels of domestic violence reflect a problem that has been entrenched in society,
perpetuated by tradition, culture and gender norms, and with it being exacerbated by the effects of
To prove their findings, they found abusive males to interview. This paper examines the challenges
and limitations of policing domestic violence from a different angle. The effects of domestic
violence are far-reaching and long-lasting. Tested through the test of mean, standard deviation and X
2 chi-square statistics. Also, our service specializing in writing your literature review includes a
complete list of literature. The Af- rican character on Human and Peoples Rights, which has al-
ready been domesticated, also guarantees these rights afore- mentioned. The results found that about
74 percent f the participants had witnessed some form of domestic violence as a child. Out of the
900 sampled, 140 (15.56%) did not return the questionnaire, 20 (2.22%) returned the ques- tionnaire
but uncompleted, while responses of 40 participants were not analyzed as a result of omission of
items. Thus, the. The legislative frameworks established prevention, protection, prosecution, and
punishment of perpetrators of violence against persons, especially women and children who are
usually victims, and provided the mode of redress and psychological revival for victims. The state is
responsible for upholding human rights protection, particularly in eliminating violence against
women, and every citizen, without discrimination. The last nationally conducted survey found that
an estimated 16 percent of married Americans experienced domestic violence within the previous
year. Statistics Make data-driven decisions to drive reader engagement, subscriptions, and
campaigns. Download Free PDF View PDF Examining the Effects of Domestic Violence Against
Women In Nigeria IOSR Journals This article seeks to examine the various acts that are referred as
customary or socio-cultural perspective of violence against women in Nigeria and how same
vicariously affects the family setting and the society at large. The project, which is funded by the
European Union, promotes support for state accountability for adequate and effective provision of
domestic violence survivor support programmes, especially those associated with the provision of
shelters for abused women. The study showed that DVAM is a reality in Nigeria in spite of cultural
underpinning. Rank Women’s Group Frequency Percentage 2 The widows 318 45.4 6 The women
political aspirant 218 31.1 3 The women poor 287 41.0 5 The women employees 254 36.3 7 The
women great achievers 132 18.9 1 The childless women 340 48.6 4 The illiterate women 283 40.4 8
Others, specify 12 1.7 Source: prepared by the res earcher from fieldwork 2010. Table 3.
Participants’ responses by forms of violence on women by fellow women in percentages. It’s
necessary at least to be a perfect writer, information seeker, and analyst. They succeeded to make the
domestic violence hidden and away from detailed socio-psyhological researches and practical
interventions for so long. If the owners of land dese- crate the land they live in, they would not
blame anybody for the land’s extinction. This paper examines the relationship between the domestic
violence and child health outcomes in three sub-Saharan Africa countries; Burkina Faso, Cameroon
and Zimbabwe. However, the findings from the study show that participants willingly responded to
all the statements on violence against women by fellow women from different sexes, ages, religion,
educational qualification, marita l status and cultural or geo- political zones of Nigeria. Each kind
has its special purpose and particularities. Thus, for question on various perpetrators and areas of
perpetration, the respondents gave such perpetrators as “daugh- ters of same family or clan
(Umuada)” with agree—4 points scoring the highest 298 (42.6%) and strongly disagree scoring Table
1. For instance, the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 Constitu tion, in its chapter IV cap- tioned
“Fundamental Rights” provides for equality under the law. The childless women and the widows
topped the list with 340, (48.6%) and 318, (45.4%) respectively. This supports the assertion that it is
a curse to be childless or widowed in Nigeria society. Thus it refers to men and women in society
which in turn affect their percep- tions of domestic violence and women in Nigerian society. Again,
Dukor, (2010: p. 65) diagrammatically explained the different faces of gender consciousness. While
our findings clearly underscore the limits of focusing on improved policing absent cultural change,
we nuance and qualify this argument by identifying important exceptions from the norm and
mapping gendered and intra-gender differences in participants’ concerns. Your order will be
completed by a writing expert who is ready to evidence originality with reliable plagiarism-checking
results. The study looked at physiological reactivity, which is defined as changes to a person’s body
brought about by a stimulus. The paper thus recommends the harmonization of all legislation related
to domestic violence.
Violence against women can be defined in various ways. Thus, for question on various perpetrators
and areas of perpetration, the respondents gave such perpetrators as “daugh- ters of same family or
clan (Umuada)” with agree—4 points scoring the highest 298 (42.6%) and strongly disagree scoring
Table 1. Globally, approximately 1 in 3 women will experience violence during her lifetime, often at
the hands of an intimate partner.1 The cost of this violence on women, on communities and on the
development of nations—especially those recovering from conflict—is too high to accept. Table 2
indicated the women most frequently at risk of women violence by their follow women. The
childless women and the widows topped the list with 340, (48.6%) and 318, (45.4%) respectively.
This supports the assertion that it is a curse to be childless or widowed in Nigeria society. In a study
conducted by Hines and Saudino (2002), domestic violence in close, intimate relationships is a
country wide problem within the United States. Thus, for Africans, every sex group, Dukor
continued, is organized on the existence of certain divi- sion of labour, and distribution patterns of
privileges and duties. September 18, 2014 Local Accountability in Service Delivery July 28, 2014
Read more Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Issuu converts static files into: digital
portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. The same participants
were then given a test called State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI) (Shorey et al. 2011).
This was used to review the participant’s trait anger. The study used 186 different postal codes from
around Melbourne, Australia. They also included questions about each offenders past and childhood
experiences. Various international and local legal instruments applicable in Nigeria have also been
examined. However, the more horrifying aspect of violence is that perpetrated by women themselves
on women. Whether you need to write a literature review in a day or a month, you’ll receive it
without the slightest delay. On the other hand, the writing professional will present original
conclusions based on the already conducted research. See Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF
Download PDF Related Papers Domestic violence its causes consequences and preclusions
strategies ijariie Abdul Raffie Naik Domestic violence is an offence and is one of the major causes
for increase of crime index of the state. This chapter mainly examines domestic and sexual violence
victimization in Nigeria based on the data from the annual national criminal victimization survey
conducted by the CLEEN Foundation for 2005, 2006, 2010, 2011 and 2012. The questions were
answered on a scale from one to four in (one being not at all, and four being very often). It offers
possible patterns and reasons for domestic violence against men, and why violated men are usually
silent, ignored or unbelieved. Livingston (2010) collected the data involving domestic violence from
the Victorian Police Services. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF
Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. The rationale behind the objectiv e of this
paper stems from the observation that despite the constitutional provision of fun- damental rights of
the individuals irrespective of gender, women are still everywhere in chains. Even though there is
paucity of available empirical data on violence against men in Nigeria, is this to say that it does not
exist. You won’t also write a literature review originally without flexible thinking and new
approaches. What strategies could be adopted towards the reduction of women violence in Nigerian
society. It argues that even in a patriarchal society like Nigeria where women are considered as the
“weaker sex” and men, “the head”, men still suffer domestic violence perpetrated by women. I am
happy with the writing, especially the sources used. And Table 6 summarized table of regression
analysis showing SSM as the dependent variable. It is not an inevitable consequence of the human
condition as portrayed by some traditional cultures in Nigeria. There are various referencing styles,
and non-compliance with them might affect your grade.
That’s why we’ve introduced relevant additional features: “Top Writer” (one of the top-30) and
“Premium Writer” (one of the top-10). The results found that about 74 percent f the participants had
witnessed some form of domestic violence as a child. This means we'll keep fixing the work until the
supervisor approves it. Download Free PDF View PDF Women as Perpetuators of Domestic
Violence in Nigeria: Evidence from Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey 2003 Amos Oyedokun
Download Free PDF View PDF Assessing Domestic Violence in Nigeria Texila International Journal
Domestic violence is form of violation of person's human rights or abuse of anyone in a way that
causes pain, distress or injury. Indeed the roles played by such perpetrators like the males, close
relations, partners and the society itself have been ex- pressed and even documented but that played
by the women themselves is extant in literature and as such is played down in recognition. This fact
is significant for every literature review writing service, and ours isn’t an exception. Situationally,
women are perceived as cata- lysts in certain situations and as agents of doom in other situa- tions.
Researchers have continued to show from their findings strong negative relationship between
domestic violence, and learning as a result of inappropriate classroom behaviour, dysfunctional peer
relationship, attentional challenges and low self-esteem which are aftermaths of domestic violence. It
is being an another discussion issue that we accept violence as an inevitable end as the violence is a
widespread issue. Infringement of conventional roles and postulations escort to discrete detrimental
effects on women and children, it has been found that home is the most precarious corner in the
contemporary world. The second part were substantial to the study meant to assess the respondents’
per- ceptions about violence committed against women by women. Here lies the thrust of this paper
as a point of departure from many available documentation of domestic violence in the so- ciety.
This article explores the experiences and wellbeing of eight facilitators from one cohort of the
Building Better Relationships (BBR) programme in England. The findings indicated that the overall
police response to victims of DV is not good enough and the local police needs to take decisive
action to rectify this. Violence con- notes rough treatment, use of bodily force on others, especially
unlawfully, to hurt or harm. Each governmental organisation or charities’ strategies to prevent a
specific type of abuse was explored and evaluated. This section 12 provides for Declaration on
Elimination of All Forms of violence against women. Hence, this study embarked on examining
Women in Dome stic Violence in Nige- ria using gender perspectives. This hinders development
which should not be blamed on any factor outside themselves. It also concentrates largely on male to
female violence, consonant with the evidence concerning predominant abuse trends. With this
purpose interviews have been conducted with the administrators of Mor Cat. Other recommended
strategies include; enhancing women education, effective application of the rule of law, encouraging
women empowerment, attending to our religious duties and practices, encouraging women in politics,
empowerment of gender equality in society, addressing negative traditional and cultural practices and
embarking on public enlightenment. There is not a specific cause to establish why domestic violence.
You can download the paper by clicking the button above. The perpetration of violence is not limited
to any specific domain but experienced in the public and private spheres. Test of Hypothesis Ho: The
hypothesis states that there is no significant differ- ence between gender and perceptions of SSM as
the best con- sidered strategy for reduction of women violence. Lastly preventive and remedial is
proffered as a panacea for the ugly phenomenon. References Corvo, K. (2006). Violence, separation,
and loss in the families of origin of domestically violent men. Table 1 showed the background
information of the respondents like age, sex, religion, educational qualification etc.

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