Force and Acceleration

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Do Now Activity 08/03/2024

Explain. With a diagram, what the
resultant force of two forces is

Stretch it:
A car is moving at a constant velocity of
20 m/s. If two equal and opposite
forces are now applied, what will
happen to the motion of the car?

Please complete in silence

What happens when forces are unbalanced? 08/03/2024

To secure an understanding:
Explain that balanced forces make no
change to the motion of an object, but
unbalanced forces always cause an
To achieve excellence:
Explain that Newton’s Second Law has
never been shown to be wrong, so it is
the best description of nature that we

Key word: Acceleration - a change in the speed, and/or the direction that a
body is moving in
Velocity, as we know is a speed in a given direction

The first car has a constant speed of 20 m/s.

Because it is constant, it does not change

The second car has a constant velocity. What does

this tell us?
Clearly, its speed does not change, as we have a
constant velocity,… but,…
This must also mean that the direction the car is
travelling in does not change. If it did change, then
the velocity could not be constant

Constant velocity means no change in speed or direction. A body travelling with a constant velocity must be
travelling at a constant speed in a straight line. Why? Newton’s First Law tells us so. A body will keep on
moving with a constant velocity, unless acted upon by an external, unbalanced, force. We need to think
about what this actually tells us
WDS 2017
WDS 2017
Constant velocity means no change in speed or direction. A body travelling with a constant velocity must be
travelling at a constant speed in a straight line. Why? Newton’s First Law tells us so. A body will keep on
moving with a constant velocity, unless acted upon by an external, unbalanced, force. We need to think
about what this actually tells us

WDS 2017
Newton’s First Law - redux
If a body is moving with a constant velocity, it will continue to do so unless
acted upon by an external, unbalanced, force.

This tells us that we need an unbalanced force to change the velocity of an


WDS 2017
Rate of change of velocity
Now we can introduce a concept which you all know something about -
acceleration, which is another word that has its root in Latin, (celer -

Acceleration is not to be confused with


We must extremely careful - velocity is not anything near the same idea as acceleration. Velocity is a speed
in a given direction. If the velocity doesn’t change, then the acceleration will be zero, irrespective of the
actual speed!

So what do we mean by acceleration?

Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity. This means it is how quickly the velocity is changing. Be
careful again. Acceleration is not a change in velocity - it is how quickly the velocity changes

WDS 2017
Acceleration I
Acceleration is defined as ‘the rate of change of velocity’. This is how quickly the velocity
changes, obviously over a given time.

Velocity change.
• A change in speed. Note this can be a speeding up, (acceleration), or slowing down,
(deceleration, which is another ways of saying negative acceleration)
• A change in direction
• Both, e.g. speeding up whilst going around a corner

WDS 2017
Acceleration II
So Newton’s First Law tells us that an unbalanced
force will cause velocity to change, (clearly, over time).

This being the case, Newton’s First Law actually tells

us that an unbalanced force will cause an acceleration.
And that is the essence of his First Law.

His second Law tells how to calculate the effects of

that unbalanced force.

Remember, an unbalanced force will always produce a

non-zero resultant force

WDS 2017
Do now activity
State Newton’s Second Law,
defining all terms

Stretch it:
Explain how it is possible to
accelerate without changing
you speed

To be completed in silence
WDS 2017
Learning question
08/03/2024 What is acceleration?
To achieve excellence by:
Understanding that an unbalanced
force is required to cause an
acceleration, and that acceleration
can be a change in direction, as well
as a change in speed

To secure an understanding:
Newton’s Second Law relates the
acceleration of an object to the
unbalanced force

Newton’s Second Law

Key words:
𝐹 = 𝑚𝑎 Equilibrium
Unbalanced force
WDS 2017
Newton’s Second Law
Force = mass  acceleration
In symbols, which we prefer:
𝐹 = 𝑚𝑎

And that three term equation is pretty amazing. It points to a fundamental truth in our Universe. Think of
it like this:

If you ever encounter an unbalanced force acting on a body, it will always change the velocity of the object
it is acting on, i.e., it will cause an acceleration. Think of it the other way around. If you see a body whose
motion is changing, then no matter how hard it is to detect/locate, there will be an unbalanced force causing
it, (there are caveats, but these are point of view, or reference frame caveats).

WDS 2017
Newton’s Second Law
Newton’s Second Law states:

𝐹 = 𝑚𝑎
Here, the constant of proportionality is mass. So, we have:
Consider the graphics, right

For a given mass: The more force, the more acceleration. Increasing the mass
for a given force will also produce a proportional change in the acceleration

WDS 2017
Question p. 145

WDS 2017
Do now activity
What force would be required
to accelerate a mass of 120
kg by 10 m/s2 ?

Stretch it:
Explain what inertia is, and
give an example

To be completed in silence
WDS 2017
Learning question
08/03/2024 What is acceleration?
To achieve excellence by:
Explain that unbalanced
forces cause acceleration

To secure an understanding:
Newton’s Second Law
relates the acceleration of
an object to the unbalanced

Key words:
Unbalanced force
WDS 2017
The inertia of a body is a measure of it’s tendency to resist acceleration. Thus the more massive something
is, then the less it wants to accelerate, or change it’s state of motion. The more mass a body has, the more
inertia it has. Also, the more velocity a body has, then the more inertia it has.

WDS 2017
Newton’s Second Law - RED ZONE
i. A toy rabbit of mass 0.15 kg is accelerated at 8 m/s2 by an angry toddler. Calculate the force exerted
on the toy rabbit.

ii. A 100 g toy car accelerates at 0.17 m/s2. Calculate the size of the resultant force on the toy car.

iii. A 1200 kg car accelerates at 4.5 m/s2. Calculate the size of the force on the car in kilonewtons.

iv. A 500 g bag of sugar accelerates towards the ground at 9.81 m/s2. What is the size of the resultant
force on the sugar? Give your answer to 2 significant figures.

v. If the same force is applied to a large cannon ball and a small cannon ball, which one will accelerate the
fastest? Explain why.

vi. A van of mass 1400 kg experiences a resultant force of 5000 N. Calculate its acceleration.

vii. A large carrot experiences a force of 200 N at the hands of the same angry toddler we met earlier and
it accelerates at 4000 m/s2. What is the mass of the carrot? What is wrong with this child?

viii. A lorry of 15000 kg decelerates using a force of 50 kN. What is the deceleration of the lorry?

WDS 2017
Newton’s Second Law

WDS 2017
We know that Newton’s second Law tells us
𝐹 = 𝑚𝑎
This is really the mathematical extension of his First Law, which tells us that there will be no acceleration if
there is no balanced force

If the resultant force on a body is zero, i.e., the forces are balanced, there will be no change in the velocity
of the body. This means that id the body is stationary, it will stay stationary, or if it is moving with a
constant velocity, it will continue to do so, with no change

Body is stationary Body is accelerating

WDS 2017
Do now activity
If two equal and opposite
forces act on a body, what is
the resultant force? Are the
forces balanced or

Stretch it:
Explain what a vector is, and
give two examples. Give two
examples of a scalar quantity

To be completed in silence
WDS 2017
WDS 2017
Learning question
08/03/2024 What is acceleration?
To achieve excellence by:
Understanding that an
unbalanced force is
required to cause an
To secure an understanding:
Explain that Newton’s
Second Law relates the
acceleration of an object to
the unbalanced force

Key words:
Unbalanced force
WDS 2017
Acceleration from velocity I
Consider the following situation

v = 5 m/s v = 10 m/s

To get from here to here took the body 10 s

We know that a change in speed, and the time taken for this change is an acceleration, so


Here, the Greek letter , delta, means ‘change in…’, read it literally as that. So we can say
‘acceleration is the change in velocity divided by the time taken for that change’. To work out a change in a quantity, we
subtract. So
𝛥𝑣 𝑣−𝑢
𝑎= =
𝑡 𝑡

WDS 2017
We know that a change in speed, and the time taken for this change is an acceleration, so


Here, the Greek letter , delta, means ‘change in…’, read it literally as that. So we can say
‘acceleration is the change in velocity divided by the time taken for that change’. To work out a change in a
quantity, we subtract. So
𝜟𝒗 𝒗−𝒖
𝒂= =
𝒕 𝒕

WDS 2017
Acceleration from velocity II

v = 5 m/s v = 10 m/s

To get from here to here took the body 10 s

a = acceleration m/s2
u = initial velocity, (this is the starting velocity) m/s
v = final velocity, (this is the finishing velocity m/s
t = time taken for the change to occur s
Acceleration in above example

10 − 5
𝑎= = 0.5 𝑚/𝑠 2

WDS 2017
WDS 2017
Do now activity
Explain what acceleration is.
Remember that velocity is a
speed in a direction

Stretch it:
What will happen to the
motion ofc a body if all the
forces are balanced?

To be completed in silence
WDS 2017
Learning question
08/03/2024 Calculating acceleration
To achieve excellence by:
Understanding that an
unbalanced force is
required to cause an
To secure an understanding:
Explain that Newton’s
Second Law relates the
acceleration of an object to
the unbalanced force
Key words:
Acceleration - a change in speed and/or direction of a body. It is always caused
by an unbalanced force
Unbalanced force
WDS 2017
• The greater the resultant force on a body, the greater it’s acceleration
• The greater the mas of a body, the smaller its acceleration, for a given force
• The resultant force acting on an object is: 𝐹 = 𝑚𝑎
• The inertia of an object is its tendency to stay at rest or uniform motion

Force & Acceleration

WDS 2017
Consequences of NI
If a body is moving at constant velocity, it will continue to move with constant velocity, unless acted upon by an external,
unbalanced force. If it is stationary, then it will remain so, unless acted upon by an external, unbalanced force

Newton’s second Law

Velocity is simply a speed in a given direction

v = velocity
s = displacement
t = time

If there is a change in speed and/or direction, then we have a change in velocity, and therefore we have an acceleration

WDS 2017
Newton’s second Law
So, NI tells us that the forces will be balanced for a body moving at constant velocity.

If an unbalanced force acts on a body, it will always produce an acceleration. If you see a
body accelerate, then there must be an unbalanced force causing it


𝐹 = 𝑚𝑎
F = force
m = mass
a = acceleration

WDS 2017
Newton’s second Law
If an unbalanced force acts upon a body, then the body WILL accelerate

WDS 2017

An aeroplane is travelling at a constant velocity of 200 m s- , what is the
acceleration and resultant force on it?

Words or phrases to use in your answer. Write these down in your exercise book above your answer, and
tick them off as they get used.
Resultant force

Possible starter sentences:

The acceleration is…
WDS 2017
Acceleration of Saturn V rocket

Apollo 11 was powered by a Saturn V rocket which stood 101.5 meters tall. It weighed 2,337,540 newtons, empty; and
27,000,000 newtons loaded. Apollo's Saturn V's five boosters generated a total of 33,400,000 newtons of thrust at lift off.

The Saturn V rocket's first stage carries 203,400 gallons (770,000 litres) of
kerosene fuel and 318,000 gallons (1.2 million litres) of liquid oxygen
needed for combustion

WDS 2017
WDS 2017
Unbalanced forces

• Are the forces balanced?

• Which direction will the motion be in?

• Are the forces balanced?

• Which direction will the motion be in?

WDS 2017
Apollo 11, 16 July 1969

33,400,000 newtons
101 m

Resultant upward thrust = 33,400,000 N - 27,000,000 N = 6,400,000 N

27,000,000 newtons
WDS 2017
WDS 2017

WDS 2017

WDS 2017
Do now activity
Stretch it:
Write down the equation that
relates change in velocity and

A car accelerates from rest
to 20 m/s in 7 seconds. What
is the value of the

To be completed in silence
WDS 2017
Learning question
08/03/2024 What is momentum?
To achieve excellence by:
Explain that unbalanced
forces cause acceleration

To secure an understanding:
Newton’s Second Law
relates the acceleration of
an object to the unbalanced

Key words:

WDS 2017
WDS 2017

A cyclist accelerates from 0 m/s to 8 m/s in 3 seconds. What is his acceleration ? Is
this acceleration higher than that of a car which accelerates from 0 to 30 m/s in 8

A car advertisement states that a certain car can accelerate from rest to 70 km/h in 7
seconds. Find the car’s average acceleration

A lizard accelerates from 2 m/s to 10 m/s in 4 seconds. What is the lizard’s average

1. Change in speed = 14 m/s; time taken = 2 seconds.

Calculate the acceleration.

WDS 2017

1. A car accelerates from rest (zero speed) up to a speed

of 30 m/s in 12 seconds. Calculate the acceleration.

WDS 2017

1. A cyclist in the Tour de France accelerates down a hill

from 22 m/s to a speed of 37 m/s. This acceleration
takes him 2 seconds. Calculate the acceleration.

WDS 2017

1. A rocket launching in French Guyana accelerates

upwards from rest to a speed of 12 km/s in 8 seconds.
Calculate the acceleration.

WDS 2017

1. A cyclist accelerates from 0 m/s to 8 m/s in 3 seconds.

What is his acceleration ? Is this acceleration higher
than that of a car which accelerates from 0 to 30 m/s in
8 seconds?

WDS 2017

1. A car advertisement states that a certain car can

accelerate from rest to 70 km/h in 7 seconds. Find the
car’s average acceleration.

WDS 2017

1. A lizard accelerates from 2 m/s to 10 m/s in 4

seconds. What is the lizard’s average acceleration?

WDS 2017

1. If a Ferrari, with an initial velocity of 10 m/s,

accelerates at a rate of 50 m/s2 for 3 seconds, what
will its final velocity be?

WDS 2017

Acceleration (m/s2) Starting speed (m/s) Final speed (m/s) Time taken (s)
2 6 2
2 5 25
10 4 2
8 5 10
4 8 2

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WDS 2017

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