Tender Call Notice

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No- r/22g" (Eng.Section) Date: _ZllaSlZnt

Tenders in double sealed cover.
registered Transpoftation Agenci", -iruing in the prescribed
,ne!l Format are
pnN - invited from the intending
certificate for supply of ctosld vario r.ro C;;
.onLin"rlfJr transpo-dation of confidential ,riio ,p to date cST & lT
txams & other Exams for the materiats of sA_l and s^_ll
v"rr:io3z-zs to oiiteilni"r.roorr
''ror c;rl;;;;"ross odisha conducted by
llffi3:1r:f"r.,1::::li:rv eoucation,-odisha cuttacr rurtrre, o"trl.'-pr"rru visit our website
The last date for receipt of Tender _ dt.08.09.20 22 at 1O0 p.m.
Opening of Tender _
The authority reserves the dt.08 09.2022 at 3.30 p.m
thefeOf '- right
"Y'r( to
rv reject
reJs\'t ,rr-";
drly (.)[
all tenders *',ilrout assigning any reason


Memo No. L/ z3 6 leLg)r1Ens. section)/ dt zlla_slLaLL

Copy forwarded to:-

1' M/s Annapurna Advertising, At-Bagha

Mangala Lane, Mangalabag,cuttack-
annapurna2002@gmail com
for information with a iequest to prease 7s3oo1, Email_
edition of "The Prameya", in pubrish this notification in o,e
one issue only utirizing space (12
publication on 30'08'2022 positively cm.x 6 cm.) inside page for
for information ir ,tt concerned at the
lnformation and Public Relations rate prescribed by
oe[artment, Govt. of odisha, Bhubaneswar
The firm is requested to send with a discount of 14%.
a complimentary copy to ir,is office for
duplicate along with the paper record and submit the birs in
insertion within 15 days from
payment the date of pubrication for pass and
2 The Finance officer/Asst. secy
Engineering Section / s.o, salary/Asst.
I A. for information and necessary secy., Accounts_ll /
3 Office Notice-Board for wide publication.
Mr. Jiten Moharana, DEo, BsE, odisha,
directed to hoist the Tender paper cuttack is
in Board,s website.


Tenderers are required to fill up the Technical Bid & keep it in one envelop along with
.equisites & super scribe it as "Technical Bid". Similarly Financial Bid should be
kept in another

envelop along with required documents & super scribe it as "Financial Bid".
Both the sealed

envelopes shall be kept in another envelop & super scribe it as "Tender

for Transportation of
Confidential Materials", Tender call Notice No- dt-

in shape of Bank
Tenderers are requested to submit EMD of Rs.1o,o00/- (Rupees Ten thousand) only
Draft drawn in favour of Secretary, Board of Secondary Education, Odisha, Cuttack, payable at
Cuttack along with the tender.

Transportation and delivery of confidential materral to different Nodal Centres across

the state
provide'10 numbers
shall be contrnued at least for 5 consecutive days or more. Tenderer must have to
container if required
of 6 wheeler close container of different capacity and in some cases 4 wheelers
per day till completion of the work.
Tenderers are required to submit one true copy of PAN Card and l.T. clearance
authority along
GST Clearance certificate/ receipt of deposit of last qtr, obtained from the appropriate
with the tender.
Paper Rs-
4. lf the Tender paper are to be downloaded from the Website, the cost of the Tender
1,680/- (1,500 + 12ok GST) (Rupees One thousand Six hundred Eighty) only shall
be submitted along
with the tender in shape of Bank Draft drawn in favour of Secretary, Board of Secondary
Odisha Cuttack, payable at Cuttack
S. The closed Containers must be in good running condition with up to date Tax Clearance and
fitness cerlificates, lnsurance and all Odisha permit'
The driver of each vehrcle must have valrd Driving License and good track record of
intoxicated with alcohol etc.
7. The authorrty reserves the right to transport the confidential materials by other means of
conveyance for timely completion of the work at the time of exigency.
B. The bllls are to be submitted after completion of the assignment for payment.
g. A letter of confirmation in this regard will be sent within 3 days from the date of issue of
10. The president shall have the rightto reject anytenderwithout assigning any reason thereof.


along with other
1 Tenderers are requrred to fill up the Technical Bid & keep it in one envelop
I reqursrtes & super scribe it as,,Technical Bid". similarly Financial Bid
along with required documents
the sealed envelopes
should be kept in another envelop & super scribe it as "Financial Bid". Both
shall be kept rn another envelop & super scribe as "Tender for transportation
of confidential
materials", Tender call Notice No- dt-
only rn shape of
2 The tenderer shalt deposit E.M.D. of Rs-10,000/- (Rupees Ten thousand)
Board of Secondary Education'
Bank Draft drawn on any Nationalised Bank in favour of Secretary,
E M D shall be rejected'
Oc,sha, Cuttack payable at Cuttack. Tender without accompanying
of tender' No
3 The E M.D. of unsuccessful tenderer(s) will be refunded soon after finalization
:terest shall be paid on EMD deposit.
/- All columns of Technical Bid and Financial Bid must be filled in properly.
Transport Agency
5 The Tender should accompany the number of closed Containers that the
to provide at
posses specifying the No. of 6 wheeler & 4 wheelers of different capacity. A declaration
of assignment must be
least 10 closed containers per day for five consecutive days or till completion
submitted with the Tender.
Tender without list of vehicle Number and other requisites such as copy
of PAN Card, up to
date I T clearance certificate & GST Clearance Ceftificate/ deposit receipt of last
qtr" shall be
7 The rate should be quoted exclusive of all taxes i levies but including cost of fuel, driver and
Toll Gate charges.
B. Over writing, inserlion, addition, alteration and erasing on Tender PaPer should be avoided'
Technical or Financial
Thrs may cause disqualification. corrections if any on tender paper, in either
bids should be duly attested by the tenderer'
g. journey should be quoted
Rate for transportation of each category of vehicle for to & fro
per Km. only and should be written both in figures and words
10. The Financial Bids of all the tenderers whose Technical Bids are found in order and are
qualified, only will be oPened'
11. For award of tender L-l will not be the only criteria but experience I expertise in the field,
credibility of the firm, for transportation of confidential materials will be taken
in to consideration for
qualification of Financial Bid.
12. The successful tenderer shall have to execute an agreement & deposit security money
amounting to Rs.50,000/- (Rupees Fifty thousand) only in shape of
Bank Draft drawn any

Nationalised Bank in favour of the secretary, Board of Secondary Education,

odisha, cuttack,payable
at Cuttack within 03 ( three) days from the date of award of tender '
13 The tenderers shall produce the original documents related to Technical Bid on the date of
openrng of tenders.
14. lf the tenderer fail to execute the agreement and does not deposit security money within
and next eligible
stipulated date, the EMD will be forJeited and award of tender shall be cancelled
tenderer shall be awarded with the work.
.15. After due formalities stated above, final order shall be placed with the Transport Agency along
with the process of execution of assignment.
date & time, which
16. The transportation of confidential material would be made as per specified
would be intimated later on along with category of closed containers required
on each date of
any reason thereof
17 . Board shall have the power to refuse / accept any tender without assigning
1g. payment shall be made after the transportation of confidential materials is over on submisston

order fairing which the bills cannot

..rf bi, arong r,vith other rerevant documents as specified in the work
be pr"cessed
19 TDS shall be deducted at the time of payment of bill' within time as specified in the work order
20 lf the tenderer fails to deliver the confidential materials
the authority of the Board reserves the right to
or fairs to provide the crosed containers as required
for.feit the security deposit and take other action
as deemed proper'
representatrves if
21 The tenders shall be opened in presence of the tendrers or their authorized
be rejected'
any, otherwise the tender of the absentee shall
The closed containers must be in good running condition with up to date Tax clearance
receiptsFitnessCerlificates,lnsuranceandallodishapermit. good track record of not
23 The driver of each vehicre must have varid Driving License and
intoxicated with alcohol etc'
24. The tenderer shall bear all risks,responsibilityandalsoextracostincaseofbreakdownor
timely delivery of confidential materials at the
damage of anY Part of container and should ensure
desttnation without fail
the power to amend any
25 president, Board of secondary Education, odisha, cuttack shail have
of the terms & conditions of the tender in case
of exigency'
the decision of the President'
26. ln the event of any dispute arising in execution of theontender,the Tenderer.
Board of Secondary Education, odisha shall be
final & binding
thereof, will be subject
27 Any dispute rerated to this tender and arising out of terms and conditions
to lurisdrction of Court at Cuttack only

formats, instruction, terms and conditions

I have gone through the Tender Notice both the bid
of the Tender and understood fully and agreed'


& seal of the Tenderer
(Engg.Section) dt:'
Tender Catl Notice No'
(originol Documents are to be produced on the dote of opening of Tender Paper for

1- Name and address of the

TransPort AgencY along with
pftoto' 6t negistration Certificate
2- Name and address of the Proprietor/Director

3- PAN No. Yes I No

6h;i; e"py of PAN Gard to be enclosed)

Photo coPY l.T. Clearance

: Yes/No
4- qtr'
Certificatei deposit receipt of last
(to be enclosed)

5- GST Registration along with.. qtr: Yes / No

cL"rrni* Certificate/d-eposit receipt of last
(PhotocoPY to be enclosed)

B'D'No rr"r'ir"'r' Dt """""'

6- Details of EMD
(Draft to be attached)- Rs'

7- lf Tender Paper purchased against : C.R. No- Dt-

PaYment of Cash Rs.
(orisinal Cash receipt to be "i:l::^*) ...
8- in downloaded
of Tender Paper Dt- .::.......
iro* tt," Website :- B'D' No"" irl

( Cost of Tender Paper in shape of

B'D' to be attached) Rs'
as per
vehicle No' that the agency possess
9- Detail list of closed containers with
be attached along with the declaration'
elause -5 of termsi *noitions to
10- i*J"tiun"e in the field of Transportation if any'
(proof to be attached)

& seal of the Tenderer
(Eng.Section) dt:-
Tender Catt Notice No'

Name and address of Transport
Rate to be offered Remarks
Type of closed Particular of KM for per K.M. for to and
SI, coverage
No container
MoTe than 250 kms
& Fro) Rupees
6 wheelers c/osed ffo
container (B ton

capacitY and above)

eov;rnfi51 to 250 kms Rs.
lo & Fro)

eorilngny to 150 kms Rs.

[o & Fro)
lVtore tnan 250 kms
6 wheelers c/osed
container (6 ton
capacitY and above) Covenng 151 to 250 kms

Con|eiiig iP to 150 kms Rs.

lo & Fro)

More than 250 kms
4 wheelers c/osed lo & Fro)
3 container (4 ton 151 to 250 kms Rs.
capacitY and above) Rupees
[o & Fro)

ffiup to 150 kms Rs.

lo & Fro)

lVtore tnan 250 kms D, rnaac
To & Fro
4 wheelers c/osed Rs.
container (tess than 4 6;iern{1s1 to 250 kms
To & Fro
bn caPacitY)
e overn{uP to 150 kms Rs.
lo & Fro)

on the. firm as per the rate offered which should
Note. crose container sha, be binding charges'
in.trr,u" oi.J.t of fuel, driver and Toll Gate
exclusive of all taxer"nri

& seal of the Tenderer

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