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Database Design and Development

INTE 12223- Academic Year 2021/2022

Session 1 : Understand the need of databases

University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka

Dr. Dilani Wickramaarachchi

PhD, MSc., BSc. (Special )
Senior Lecturer

Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Science

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At Lectures ….

• Look - at what is being shown

• Listen - to what is being said
• Think - about the examples
• Ask - questions when you do not
• Write - when you think it is important

Tr a d i t i o n a l

Student Centered Learning

• You hear you forget

• You see you remember

• You do you understand

In Class Activity -1
• What is a database?

• Why do you want to learn database?

• Provide two examples of application of databases

• Compare how the same task would have been done without using
a database

• Are you a producer of data or consumer of data? Provide examples to

justify your answer.

• How does google maps work?

Course Aim/Intended Learning
• On completion of this course, the student should be able
• Describe various logical database architectures
• Describe various database types available
• Analyse information needs of an organization
• Design a logical data model
• Develop databases using relational model
• Define and manipulate data using structured query language
• Write and use stored procedures
• Describe object relational mapping concept and ORM tools
• Recognize new trends in databases

Course Content
• Data and information,
• Role of database management system in an organization,
• Database approach,
• Information requirement elicitation and analysis,
• Entity relationship diagram,
• Historical database architectures,
• Relational database architecture,
• Logical data modelling,
• Normalization,
• Structured Query Language (SQL),
• Data definition and data manipulation,
• Stored procedures,
• New trends in databases

Teaching /Learning Methods:
• Lectures, supervised practical and guided
self-study assignments

Evaluation Criteria:
• End of course unit examination and continuous
• Final Examination: 60
• Continuous Assessment: 40

Recommended Reading
• Ramez Elmasri and Shamkant B. Navathe, (2017),
Fundamentals of Database Systems, 7th Edition, Pearson.
• Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Ramesh Venkataraman and Heikki Topi,
(2019), Modern Database Management, 13th Edition,
• C. Coronel and S. Morris, (2018), Database Systems: Design,
Implementation and Management, 13th Edition, Cengage
• G. Harrison, (2015), Next Generation Databases: NoSQL and
Big Data, Apress
• C. J. Date, (2003), An Introduction to Database Systems, 8th
Edition, Pearson.
• Materials provided in the CAL.

End of the Session 1


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