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SUBMITTED BY: United Kingdom

CO-SUBMITTERS: United States of America, Republic of Korea, Poland, Israel
QUESTION OF: Rights of Refugees

Recognizing that the rights of refugees are unprotected in various member states of the UN
(i.e recognized countries that have been officially recognized), causing a serious humanitarian
crisis, where human rights have been denied and unprotected from these countries.

Condemns the actions of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Russia and China and
urges them to create policies to work towards maintaining humanitarian, socially acceptable
rights for refugees.

1) We Call upon to maintain the rights of refugees in different ways. In order to

maintain, delegations we should grant refugees:
a) the same educational rights as any other civilians.
b) the same healthcare and medical rights as any other civilians.
c) the rights to pensions and good quality housing during their stay.
d) To prevent the discrimination of refugees by providing:
i) the same wages and working conditions as any other civilians.
ii) proper court proceedings if they commit a crime.
iii) Banning unemployment without proper reason
e) Outlawing the following unjust actions:
i) Expulsion of refugees without cause and sufficiently robust
background checks
ii) Discrimination of refugees due to their cultural background and
persecution due to potential religious beliefs.
iii) Denial of services or job opportunities based solely on refugee status
2) We urge delegations to create legal frameworks to maintain the national security
of host countries as well as via other methods:
a) Create a registration system to register refugees before entry, in order to
maintain the national security of host countries and prevent illegal migration
b) Create a legal framework to prohibit the expulsion of refugees without a valid
cause, including the threat to the national security of host countries
c) the proper court proceedings if they commit a crime.
d) Supply host countries to lawfully protect the rights of refugees via:
i) Providing national:
(1) Security
(2) Support programs
(3) Accessible and reliable education
ii) Provide financial aid to host countries, enabling/assisting them to
provide refugees with various basic human rights
e) Allowing host countries to proceed with proper court proceeding if a crime is
committed by a refugee during their stay at a host country
3) We are addressing the main causes for the root causes for displaced people
a) Supplying humanitarian and financial aid in nations that are at:
i) Civil war either ongoing or past conflicts
ii) International health risks such as involving the WHO in taking in
action on waterborne diseases such as cholera.
iii) Gender Based Violence
iv) Torture and poverty
v) Victims of illegal trafficking or sexual violence.
b) Clear plan of action, policies and resolutions along with long term evidence
addressing foreign states that contribute to refugee population increase
i) Cooperation with various Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
ii) Collaboration with the UN
iii) National action and cooperation
c) Regular status reports
4) We request refugees to put in a sustainable refugee camp.
a) In the camp, the house, cloth and food should be provided in both good quality
and quantity should be offered properly.
a) Following with clean drinkable water, good sanitation and education and
livelihood opportunities
b) Following the example of nations such as the U.K. and proactively providing
land within their territory with the following conditions:
i) The land should not be too remote or isolated from civilisation
ii) The land should have habitable climate and weather conditions
c) In the camp, the refugees should not be tortured, physically abused or
persecuted and subjected to forced labour.
d) Medical and Psychological help should also be offered to victims of traumatic
e) Refugees’ belongings should not be taken away unless there is a special
f) Men and women who are not family members should be housed separately.
g) Refugees can be questioned with a translator.
h) Any kind of discrimination should not be allowed in the refugee camp.

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