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I. Decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.

Some people claim that only humans are truly intelligent. But what about animals?; Are they
intelligent, too? They can certainly learn and remember. However, many of their actions are
instinctive, even (1)____________they may look intentional. Generally, animals cannot
(2)____________ one crucial test of self awareness- they are unable to identify themselves in a
In fact, we are not really sure exactly what intelligence is or how to measure it. In the competitive
(3)___________ market, IQ scores and formal (4)____________are used in the selection of
employees, although many successful people did not actually (5)_________ very well at school.
1. A since B though C but D that
2. A get B succeed C win D pass
3. A occupation B work C job D business
4. A certificates B abilities C qualifications D talents
5. A make B do C get D go
5 items X 2 points= 10 points

II. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word
in each space.
By the time we reached the town centre it was packed (1)…..people (2)…..their shopping
done. Trees decorated (3)……coloured lights blinked at every corner and (4)…..I hadn’t known
about the centenary celebrations, I would (5)…..thought it was Christmas.
5 items x 2 points= 10 points

III. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the
space in each line.
In 1957, a group of music (1)…… Los Angeles decided to create PROFESSION
an (2)…….which would represent people who worked in the recording ORGANISE
business. They wanted to celebrate the (3)……achievements, not only ART
of (4)……and singers, but also of the people who work behind the scenes, MUSIC
such as producers and (5)……. ENGINE
5 items x 2 points= 10 points

IV. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning. Do not change the word
1. Charles and his father are exactly alike. LOOKS
2. The cost of excursions is part of the price of the holiday. INCLUDES
3. I find working here really enjoyable. ENJOYING
4. I study hard, so I spend a lot of time in the library. MEANS
I study hard,………………………………………….
5. Sunrise is at 4.30 tomorrow morning. SUN
5 items x 2 points= 10 points

V. Put the words in the right TENSE and VOICE:

Farmers, as we all (1)…………….(to know), (2)………..(to have) a hard time of it in Britain
lately, and (3)…………..(to turn) to new ways of earning income from their land. This (4)………
(to involve) not only planting new kinds of crops, but some strange ways of making money, the
most unusual of which has got to be sheep racing. Yes, you (5)……….(to hear) me correctly!

5 items x 3 points= 15 points

VI. Cross out the incorrect extra word in each sentence:
1. I play a lots of tennis with my friends during the summer.
2. The role that manufacturing played in the development of the city was bit huge.
3. The road is almost dry- it couldn’t have not been raining all night.
4. Did you feel yourself nervous when you talked to the Prime Minister?
5. My best friend and I are happy because we are both too slim and healthy.

5 items x 2 points= 10 points

VII. Correct the mistake in each sentence:

1. I took part for a competition to see who could eat the most hot dogs.
2. I’m afraid I can’t bring the pressures of studying for so long every day.
3. Tom asked Jan if she had be abroad before.
4. I used to playing tennis a lot when I was younger.
5. What sorts of things do you take to account when you buy a new computer?

5 items x 2 points= 10 points

VIII. Write a 250-word narrative essay beginning as shown: “Have you ever had one of
those days when everything goes wrong?”

25 points


CLASA a X- a

I. Decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.

On 31st of March 2002 I had my only first-hand experience of a fairly small natural disaster, when,
within four hours, about 224 litres of water per square metre (1)_________ on the city of Santa Cruz de
Tenerife, where I live. The evening before we noticed some unusual (2)__________ formations that
looked as if they were carrying a huge (3)__________ of water. It didn’t rain during the night but in the
morning we noticed that the air was hot and (4)__________ . At around midday it began to
(5)__________ but this quickly developed into quite a heavy downpour.
1. A dropped B felt C fell D showered
2. A wind B rain C fog D cloud
3. A bunch B number C volume D bundle
4. A humid B damp C wet D moist
5 A spot B drizzle C drop D drip

5 items X 2 points= 10 points

II. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each
1.____________ it may seem sensible for companies nowadays to use robots to do deep-diving work-
after all, 2.___________ don’ t need to breathe!- it seems unlikely that they will ever take
3._____________ from real divers because robots cannot think for 4.____________ in dangerous
situations. Skilled 5.____________ will always be in demand.
5 items x 1 point = 5 points

III. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in each
line. There is an example at the beginning(0).

Many people feel very nervous about job interviews but remember
the interviewers must have liked your 1___________ , so you only have APPLY
to live up to their 2_____________! Before you go into the interview room, EXPECT
take a few deep 3_____________ . If you think about something nice, that BREATHE
brings you a feeling of 4_____________ then you will smile, and give an HAPPY
impression of 5_____________. CONFIDENT

5 items x 2 points = 10points

IV. Fill in the spaces in these sentences. Use a verb and an appropriate form of the passive.
1. All these houses____________(damage) by the recent earthquake.
2. I don’t understand why she ___________(forbid) to see her own child.
3. When you ______(call up), you sister will just be being operated on by one of the most famous
surgeons in our country.
4. When the door opened, the little child __________(feed) by his nurse.
5. We__________(blame) for not having respected the terms of the contract.
5 items x 2 points= 10 points

V. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning. Do not change the word given.
1. It was Susie’s first visit to London. NEVER
Susie…………………………to London before.
2. You need both luck and talent to succeed. WELL
Success depends………………………….as talent.
3. I live in New York because it is a very exciting place. IF
I wouldn’t live in New York…………………..a very exciting place.
4. It was a mistake not to buy a better car. ONLY
If………………………….a better car.
5. You missed the bus because you left home too late. CAUGHT
If you had left home……………………….the bus.
5 items x 2points = 10 points

VI. Some of the lines are correct and some have an extra word. If a line is correct, put a tick at the
end of the line. If a line has an extra word, write that word at the end of the line.

Some colleagues of mine decided to go on a trip 1.____________

to England. They asked me if I was wanted to join them, 2.____________
but I had already arranged to visit my grandparents. 3.____________
I told them so that I had been to England before, 4.___________
So they asked me to give them some ideas. 5.____________

5 items x 2points = 10 points

VII. There are five mistakes in this short passage. Underline them and then correct them.
“That day has been very warm, and the next was more warm still: muggy, uncomfortable, summer
heat coming too soon from the long cold monthes just past. At dawn on the day of John’s party we were
having a thunderstorm but it did not clear the sky.
5 items x 2 points- 10 points

VIII. Arrange the sentences in such a way as to build a logical paragraph.

a. “I know, but by the time we get to the church, the marriage service will have started.”
b. “I finished dressing an hour before you did.”
c. “It’s not my fault. You should have told me we were in a hurry.”
d. “If you hadn’t taken such a long time to get dressed, we’d have been there by now.”
e. “Slow down, darling. You are driving much too fast.”

5 items x 2 points- 10 points

IX. Write a 250-word essay describing an event you have attended and explaining why it
was important to you.

25 points

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