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Haralambos and Holborn (2013) defined sociology as one of the social science subject which

attempt to y and understand the behavior of human beings in the society. Giddens (2013) defines
sociology as the scientific study of human life, whole social groups, human and the society in
such. In simpler terms sociology is the study of people’s interactions and what comes out of
these interactions.

 August Comte: August Comte defined sociology as the social dynamics and statics.
Social dynamic refer to the changes that occurs in the society and social statics deals with
the development of the society. He is known to be the father of sociology.
 Karli Max: he was know for his preposition that a society is characterized by the forces
that brings about change through struggle and conflicts
 Herbert Spencer: Herbert Spencer is a sociologist whose for us was the evolutional in
the society . He developed a concept revolution as a way of development in the society.
He was best known for the expression, “ survive of the fittest”
 Emeril du

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