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ETHIOPIA, 2017/2018 G.C


1. Abdulrazak Gariba…..HMWR 001/07

2. Alemitu Ayele………...HMWR 006/07
3. Abeba Getie…………...HMWR 002/07
4. Buze Teshome…………HMWR 013/07
5. Ahimed Esmael………..HMWR 005/07

A Research paper submitted to Madda Walabu University Goba referral hospital Department of
Midwifery in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in

May 2018

West arsi Ethiopia



1. Abdulrazak Gariba……HMWR 001/07

2. Abeba Getie…………..HMWR 002/07
3. AhimedEsmael………HMWR 005/07
4. AlemituAyele……….HMWR 006/07
5. BuzeTeshome……….HMWR 013/07


1. S/r Genet Fekadu (Bsc, Msc)

2. Mr.Chala Kene (Bsc).


First and for most, we would like to thank the almighty God without whom this work have ended
as a day dream. . Next we would like to thanks Madda Walabu University CBE office for giving
us the opportunity to do this research paper .And also we would like to thanks mada walabu
university Goba referral hospital department of midwifery for their support and guidance. Then
we would like to express our deep heartfelt gratitude to our advisors ,S/r Genet Fekadu (BSc,
MSc)& Mr.Chala Kene (BSc), for their guidance and constructive ideas, sharing and gathering
necessary information in preparing this research paper and also we would like to thanks for
Dodola hospital medical director for allowing us to gather necessary records and information.
Finally we also thanks all staffs in Dodola general hospital for their support and encouragement
in each step of this work.


AOR: Adjusted odd ratio

ANC: Antenatal care

CI: confidence interval

DC: Data collectors

EDHS: Ethiopia demographic health survey

MMR: Maternal mortality ratio

PI: Principal investigation

SP: Supervisor

SPSS: Statistical package for social science

TFR: total fertility rate

UN: United nationUNFPA: united Nations population fundUSA: United States of America

Table of contents


1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Background............................................................................................................................1

1.2 Statement of the Problem.......................................................................................................2

1.3 Significance the study............................................................................................................3

2. Literature review..........................................................................................................................4

2.1 Prevalence of unplanned pregnancy.......................................................................................4

2.2 Factors associated with unplanned pregnancy....................................................................... 5

2.3 Conceptual framework........................................................................................................... 8

3. Objectives.................................................................................................................................... 9

3.1 General objectives..................................................................................................................9

3.2 Specific objectives..................................................................................................................9

4 Methodology...............................................................................................................................10

4.1 Study design and period....................................................................................................... 10

4.2 Study area.............................................................................................................................1o

4.3 Source population.................................................................................................................10

4.4 Study population...................................................................................................................10

4.5 Eligibility criteria................................................................................................................. 10

4.5.1 Inclusion criteria............................................................................................................10

4.5.2 Exclusion criteria:..........................................................................................................10

4.6 Sample size& Sampling procedure...................................................................................... 11

4.6.1 Sample size determination.................................................................................11

4.6.2 Sampling technique............................................................................................ 11

4.7 Variables of the study...........................................................................................................11

4.8 Operational definition...........................................................................................................12

4.9 Data Collection Procedure....................................................................................................13

4.10 Data quality assurance........................................................................................................13

4.11 Data processing and Analysis.............................................................................................13

4.12 Ethical consideration..........................................................................................................13

4.13 Dissemination and utilization of result...............................................................................14

5 Result.......................................................................................................................................... 14


7.Strength and limitation of the study…………………………………………………………………….24

8.Conclusion and Recomendation..................................................................................................24







List of tables

Table 1: socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents at, Dodola General Hospital, South East
Ethiopia, March1-30, 2018 G.C 14
Table 2: Obstetric factors of pregnant women attending ANC services in Dodola General Hospital,
Oromia, South East Ethiopia, 2017\ 2018 G.C..........................................................................................18
Table 3: Logistic regression analysis of factors associated with unplanned pregnancy at Dodola General
Hospital, Oromia reagion, South East Ethiopia, 2017/2018 (n=224)........................................................21

List of figures

Figure 1. A conceptual frame work showing the association between the independent and the dependent
Figure 2: shows the un planned pregnancy status of women attending ANC at Dodola General Hospital,

Background; Unplanned pregnancy is defined as a pregnancy which is of mistimed (pregnancy
wanted at a later time) or unwanted pregnancy (pregnancy which is not wanted at all).It is among
the major public health problems that result in economically, socially and health crisis
throughout the world. Different efforts have been applied to reduce unplanned pregnancy, but it
is still increasing in Africa specifically in Ethiopia. Identifying factors that are associated with
unplanned pregnancy will help to identify the gaps and take appropriate measures.

Objectives; The main objective of this study was to assess the magnitude of unplanned
pregnancy and its associated factors among pregnant women attending ante natal care at Dodola
hospital, south east Ethiopia,2017/2018.

Methods; A quantitative institution based cross sectional study was conducted from march 1-
30,2018 on pregnant women who are attending ANC at Dodola hospital, Arsi zone south east
Ethiopia. Single population proportion formula was used to get a total of 224 sampling units. To
get the actual women systematic sampling was used. Interviewer administered questionnaire was
used to collect data.

A binary and multivariate logistic regression analysis was done to identify factors associate with
unplanned pregnancy. The presence and strength of association was determined using COR &
AOR with its 95% CI .Variables with P-value less than 0.05 were considered to declare
statistical significance.

Result: The study showed that magnitude of unplanned pregnancy was 22.3% .Multivariate
analysis revealed that Predictor like living in rural, husbands make decision about utilization of
family planning, not discuss about family planning between couples,& poor knowledge about
modern family found to be associated with unplanned pregnancy.

Conclusion:The study concludes that there is no single factor accounted for the higher rate of
unplanned pregnancy rather many factors were intervene to affect the occurrence of the event.

Key word; unplanned pregnancy

1. Introduction

1.1 Background
Pregnancy is the nine-month time period where a fetus grows inside mother’s womb. During the
normal pregnancy the mother has the higher health risks than non-pregnant women and when the
pregnancy is unplanned the risk increases further (1). Unplanned pregnancy is such pregnancy
when mother doesn’t have a plan to becoming pregnant and giving birth. It is the persistent
health issue affecting the lives of several women and children across the globe (1)

Unplanned pregnancy is an important public health issue in both high income and also in low
and middle income countries because of its negative association with the social and health
outcomes for both mothers and children. It is one of the important factor contributing to high
level of maternal and child morbidity and mortality. According to World Health Organization
(WHO), at least one woman dies from complications related to pregnancy or childbirth in every
minute which accounts nearly 529 000 women a year (3). Furthermore, for every woman who
dies in childbirth, around 20 more suffer injury, infection or disease which accounts to nearly 10
million morbidities each year. Unsafe abortion is one of the leading causes of maternal deaths
and it accounts for nearly 13 percent of deaths(1).

Worldwide, an estimated 213 million pregnancies occur annually, nearly 85 million are
unplanned and about 75 million of the unplanned pregnancies occur in the developing world.
The rate of pregnancy and of unplanned pregnancy is highest in Africa. In 2012, the unplanned
pregnancy rate ranged from a low of 43 per 1000 in Europe to 80 per 1000 in Africa(2).

Ethiopia is considered as an ‘emerging family planning success story’ (3) due to the rapid rise in
contraceptive use in the last decade, but the magnitude of unplanned fertility is still high. Use of
modern family planning increased from 6% in 2000 to40% in 2014. Similarly, the total fertility
rate declined between 2005 and 2011, from 5.4 children per women to 4.8, and then decreased
further to 4.6 children in 2016. Apparently, women’s fertility preferences have been changing.
While, women’s wanted fertility (wanted TFR) declined from 5.0 to 3.0 and the unwanted TFR
increased from 1.0 to 1.8 births per woman between 2000 and 2011.The proportion of women
with a desire to stop child bearing also increased during the same period. Moreover, there is a

large regional, rural- urban and wealth inequalities in the magnitude of unmet need for family
planning and unplanned pregnancy(4). This widening gap between actual and desired fertility
and between population groups suggests a lag between effective contraceptive practice and the
changing fertility preference.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Although the prevention of unplanned pregnancy has been the major rationale of family planning
and reproductive health programs throughout the world, but available evidence shows that a
significant level of unplanned pregnancy exists in almost all countries of the world (2).

Globally, about 85 million unplanned pregnancies occur annually, resulting in 42 million

induced abortions, 32 million unplanned births, and 13 million miscarriages (2). On the other
hand, about 289,000 maternal deaths occur annually, over 99% of which occurs in the
developing world where the magnitude of unplanned pregnancy and fertility is higher (1). Half
of the 42 million induced abortions that occur annually are unsafe causing about 47,000 maternal
deaths annually (5). Unsafe abortion complications also cause several other physical and
psychosocial health problems to those affected (6, 7).

The Gutt macher Institute and UNFPA estimated that by averting all unplanned pregnancies that
occur worldwide each year, 22 million induced abortions, 1.4 million infant deaths, and 142,000
maternal deaths could be prevented (5).

IN sub-Saharan Africa from a total of 49.1 million pregnancies ,39% were unplanned pregnancy
and about one third of this unplanned pregnancy were end up in abortion(8).

According to report of the EDHS 2011, 28% of births in the five years before the survey and
32% of most recent births were unplanned. Another national survey conducted in 2013 stated
that the prevalence of unplanned pregnancy was 24 %(9), while in southern Ethiopia it was
found to be 43 %(10).A 2014 report of the Performance, Monitoring and Accountability study
also showed that the magnitude of unplanned pregnancy is even higher43%(11). According to
EDHS, 2016 the prevalence of unplanned pregnancy was 22%(12).

Ethiopia is one of the countries with highest maternal (412 death/100000 live birth) and child
mortality rate (67 death/1000 live birth) in the world, EDHS 2016(12). Cognizant of this, the
Ethiopian government prepared national reproductive health strategy that gave stress on the
importance reducing unplanned pregnancy through raising the contraceptive use (13).

In additions, ranges of reproductive health services offered for women of reproductive age group
including family planning services, education ,counseling and assessment of sexual reproductive
need, education and counseling on Human immune deficiency virus and other sexually
transmitted infections, ANC, skilled delivery, basic and comprehensive emergency obstetrics and
new born care, and comprehensive abortion were declared to be free for all people regardless of
their ability to pay(14).

1.3 Significance the study

Many studies have shown negative consequences of unplanned pregnancy to mothers and child’s
health. But effort to reduce unplanned pregnancy is very weak. So this is a very important issue
that needs research, information sharing, and documentation of effort that tried to reduce
unplanned pregnancy from all the sector of the society. But, Majority of Ethiopian studies on
unplanned pregnancy has relied largely on national large scale data. As far as our knowledge is
concerned little is known about the magnitude and determinants of unplanned pregnancy at sub
national level and no research was conducted in this study area. Hence, this study aimed to assess
the magnitude of unplanned pregnancy and its associated factors among women who attend
ANC at Dodola general Hospital, south East Ethiopia,2017/ 2018.

Findings from this study will be used for Arsi Zonal health bureau, Dodola hospital health
services provider, health extension workers, & other stakeholder to formulating relevant and
more efficient maternal health service to make women to have their desire number of children in
their life time by providing most efficient maternal health services.

- Also used as a source for other researcher

2. Literature review

2.1 Prevalence of unplanned pregnancy

Unplanned pregnancy is no longer the problem of only low or middle income countries. Women
from high income countries are equally suffering from this problem. Study conducted in UK
found that half of all the pregnancies in UK were unplanned, of which 22 % were aborted (16). A
review on the contraceptive failure rate for women experiencing unplanned pregnancy reports
that every second pregnancy in US and every third pregnancy in UK and France are reported as
unplanned (17).

Another study was carried among 170 pregnant African American teens during their first
prenatal visit in USA results shows that more than half (51.2%) of the pregnancies were
unplanned (18). Another study from USA found that adolescents aged 15-19 years have the
highest rates of unplanned pregnancy, demanding for a continued focus on adolescents in efforts
to reduce unplanned pregnancy (19).

A study from Japan revealed that nearly half (46.2%) of the pregnancies were unplanned and
more than two fifths of them had repeated experience of unplanned pregnancy. Analysis of 1255
pregnancies that the subjects had experienced shows that more than half (51.2%) had mistimed
pregnancies whereas nearly a quarter (25.9%) had unwanted pregnancies (20).

In the study conducted among ever married Indonesian women, of the 15,127 births, 19.9 percent
were classified as unplanned (11.9 % mistimed and 8.0 % unwanted). Majority of the
respondents belonged to the 25-34 age groups (21).

A study conducted in Kenya among 1262 pregnant women to determine the prevalence and
associated factors of unplanned pregnancy shows that 24% of all the women had unplanned

Another study conducted in six urban cities in Senegal between 15-49 years women shows that
14.3% of ever pregnant women reported having a recent unplanned pregnancy(23).

A study conducted on 723 currently pregnant women in Nepal shows that more than two fifths of
the respondents had their current pregnancy unplanned(24).Another cross-sectional study
conducted in Nepal on 798 currently pregnant married women show that more than half (54.5%)
of their current pregnancy were unplanned(25).

A study conducted in Adigrat zonal hospital revealed that nearly 70 % of the pregnancies were
unplanned. High incidences of complication in patients with unwanted pregnancies were also
reported in their study (26).

A study conducted on 413 currently pregnant women attending ANC in DebraMarkos town
health institutions show that the prevalence of Unplanned pregnancy was 32.9%(27).

A facility based study conducted at Bale Zone hospitals among ANC attending women’s shows
that the prevalence of unplanned pregnancy were 37.3%( i.e. 26.9% mistimed and 10.6% were

A facility based cross-sectional study conducted at Gelemso General Hospital among 413
antenatal care attending women shows that 27.1% were unplanned of which 21.9% were
mistimed and 5.2% were unwanted(29) .

Another Community Based Cross-sectional Study conducted in Debre-Birhan town, in 690

currently pregnant mothers show that 23.5% were unplanned of which 10.58% were unwanted
and 12.9% were mistimed(30).

A facility based cross-sectional study conducted in Duguna fango district, Wolayita zone,
indicates that the magnitude of unplanned pregnancy among currently pregnant women who visit
health institution was 36.1%(31).

Another community based cross-sectional study conducted in Arbaminchi town among currently
pregnant women show that the prevalence of unplanned pregnancy was 19.1%(32).

2.2 Factors associated with unplanned pregnancy

Contraceptive failure

Contraceptive failure refers to incorrect or inconsistent use of a method or lack of use of any
form of contraception (33). Despite the widely available family planing efort to reduce unwanted
pregnancy, rate of un planed pregnancy is still significantly large(34). Incorrect or inconsistent
use of contraceptive contribute to the greater proportion of unintended pregnancy especially in
developed countries however, in developing world lack of access to contraceptive is the
underlying reason (33).

WHO has estimated that nearly 222 million women in developing world would like to delay or
stop childbearing but do not have access to any method of contraception. The unmet need for
contraception remains too high in developing countries. In the USA, half of & in France two-
thirds of the unplanned pregnancy were the results of contraceptive failure(17).

Another study from UK found that 34% of women with unplanned pregnancy blamed
contraceptive failure. Same research shows that 22% of women who had an unplanned
pregnancy do not use regular contraception and that more than a third admitted not using
contraception during the intercourse that led to an unplanned pregnancy (16).

Study from Japan reveals that main reason for unwanted pregnancy in Japan was lack of
contraceptive use (20).

In Nepal 20 % of rural and 16 % of urban married women aged 15–49 reported method failure as
the reason for their unplanned pregnancy(24).

A study conducted in Republic of Congo shows that 40% of the current Unplanned pregnancy
were due to contraceptive failure(35).

In Ethiopia there is high level of unmet needs for family planning ,that is,25% of married women
had unmet needs for family planning (32, 36).A study conducted on Unplanned pregnancy
among married women in Damote Gale Woreda shows that about 39% of the respondents
reported ever use of contraception and 61% never used contraception during their life time. The
current users of contraception accounted for 21.3%(37).

Socio-demographic and pregnancy related

In USA, unmarried women, black women, and women with less education or income are more
likely to experience unplanned births(38).Another study conducted in USA shows that pregnancy
intention was significantly associated with reduced social support(39).

Study from Indonesia shows that women aged 15-24 years old were less likely to have
unplanned pregnancy compared to those aged 25–34 years old. Moreover, those aged 35-49
years old were most likely to report unplanned pregnancy. It revealed that the higher the age of
mother, the higher the odds of experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. And also number of
previous births or parity was also strongly related with the odds of unintended pregnancy(21).

Research from Nepal indicates that with an increase in women's age, the odds of women
experiencing unintended pregnancy also increases (24).

In Ethiopia it was found to be lack of knowledge about contraceptives, and being single or
divorced/widowed marital status are more likely to experience unplanned pregnancy (32, 25).
Women having less parity were less likely to experience unplanned pregnancy(29, 40).The
numbers of past unplanned pregnancies were significantly correlated with the number of
pregnancies ,and live births(29).Women who married before 18 years of age were 4.6 times
more likely to experience unplanned pregnancy compared to who married at the age 18 or
above(41).Women`s age at first marriage less than 18 and husband refusal to use family planning
were found to be positively associated with unplanned pregnancy. And also women`s knowledge
on family planning and utilization of family planning were found to be protective factors for
unplanned pregnancy(32).

2.3 Conceptual framework

Obstetrics related
Age at first marriage
Socio-demographic related Family planning
variables: Age at first birth related variables:
Women’s age, residence, religion Number of living children
Knowledge about modern
Occupational status of women Ideal number of children family planning

Women’s educational status Spousal communication

Marital status Utilization of modern

Unplanned family planning
Husbands educational status and pregnancy

Figure 1. A conceptual frame work showing the association between the independent and
the dependent variables
Sources: This conceptual frame work is adapted from different literature by the principal

3. Objectives

3.1 General objectives

To assess the magnitude of unplanned pregnancy and its associated factors among
women attending ANC at Dodola General Hospital, Southeast Ethiopia, 2017/2018.

3.2 Specific objectives

To determines the magnitude of unplanned pregnancy and its associated factors among
women attending ANC at Dodola General Hospital.

To identifies factors associated with unplanned pregnancy among women attending

ANC at Dodola General Hospital.

4 Methodology

4.1 Study design and period

A quantitative institution based cross- sectional study was conducted from March 1-30, 2018

4.2 Study area

The study was conducted in Dodola General Hospital at Dodola town. Dodola General
Hospital is located at Dodola town west Arsi Zone, Oromia Region, south east part of Ethiopia.
It is 335 km far from the capital city Addis Ababa, According to the 2007 National census, the
total population is estimated to be over193,812 in the zone, of which 95,065 are man and 98,747
are women. This is located in Oromia region which is conditioned by an overall elevation of
between 2362 and 2493 meters above sea level. The climate is stable, with temperature variation
24 and 26 degree centigrade. It provides various services with its department of surgery,
Gynecology, Pediatrics, medical, obstetrics, emergency, laboratory, pharmacy, and ART clinic.
The study was conducted from March 1-30 , 2018.

4.3 Source population

All pregnant women attending antenatal care at Dodola Hospital,2017/ 2018 G.C.

4.4 Study population

All pregnant women attending ante natal care at Dodola General Hospital during data collection

4.5 Eligibility criteria

4.5.1 Inclusion criteria: Those pregnant women who were attended ANC at the time of data
collection period and who gave their consent to participate in the study.
4.5.2 Exclusion criteria: Woman who were not capable of being interviewed like critically ill,
and hearing problems at the time of data collection period.

4.6 Sample size& Sampling procedure

4.6.1 Sample size determination

Sample size was determined using single population proportion formula by considering the
following assumption are made on the previous research that showed the magnitude of
unplanned pregnancy and associated factors among pregnant women in duguna fango district,
wolaita zone, southern Ethiopia was 36.1%(31).
n= (zα/2)2p (1-p)/w2

 Proportion of unplanned pregnancy (p=36.1%) (31)

 95% level of confidence (z=1.96)
 5%of marginal error (w=0.05)

n= (1.96)2 0.361(0.639)/ (0.05)2=355

After adding 10% non-response rate the total sample size was 391.

Since our source population is < 10,000, we use correction formula.

The total number of women who attend antenatal care (N) was estimated by considering the
immediate previous two month records of antenatal care at Dodola General Hospital from ANC
registration book in month October and November is (524) and the final sample size was

4.6.2 Sampling technique

Systematic sampling technique was employed to select the study participants. By using k value.
K=N/n, 524/224=2. By selecting one mother randomly then we were collected our data by
passing two mother the randomly selected mother was 6 (6,8,10.………..224)

4.7 Variables of the study

4.7.1 Dependent variable:
 Unplanned Pregnancy

4.7.2 Independent Variables:

o Age of women, Residence, Religion, Marital status, women’s education,
husband’s education, Occupational status of women, Husbands occupational
status, women’s autonomy, age at first marriage, Age at first birth, Number of
living children, Ideal number of children, Spousal communication, Knowledge,
and use of modern contraceptive.

4.8 Operational definition.

Unplanned pregnancy is pregnancies which are either mistimed or unwanted at the time of

Unwanted pregnancy: a pregnancy which occurred when no children, or no more children, were
desired (15)

Mistimed pregnancy: a pregnancy which occurred earlier than desired (15)

Utilization of Modern contraceptive methods: is practicing at least one method which includes
oral contraceptives, injectable, implants, IUCD, tubal ligation, vasectomy & condom methods

Knowledgeable on contraceptives: the knowledge of who scored(42)

-below the mean correct answer is poor

-above the mean correct answer is good

4.9 Data Collection Procedure
Data was collected by face to face interview using structured questionnaire, which was adapted
from different literature by considering the local situation of the study area & purpose of the
study. five Bsc midwife staffs at Dodola hospital were collect the data at MCH ward.

4.10 Data quality assurance

Questionnaires was prepared first in English and then was translated into Amharic and oromic
again back into English by language expert to increase accuracy. A short discussion was
conducted with data collectors and supervisor on how to collect the data. Before starting the
actual survey, the questionnaire was pre-tested on 12 individuals (5% of the sample) on Robe
hospital to see the accuracy of the response and to estimate the time needed for interview. Based
on the pretest, an appropriate modification was made before the actual data collection. Each day,
the collected data was checked for completeness and consistency by the supervisors. The
principal investigators were closely communicating the performance of the data collectors and
supervisors on a daily basis. Interview was conducted in private. The collected data was
reviewed and checked for completeness before data entry.

4.11 Data processing and Analysis

The returned questionnaire was checked for completeness manually. After that it was exported to
SPSS version 20 for analysis. Frequency distribution for selected variables was preformed.
Statistical significance and strength of the association between independent variables and
outcome variables was measured by using bivariate logistics regression model. A variable P
value less 0.2 was transferred to multivariable logistic regression model to adjust confounders
effects and a p value less than 0.05 was considered as significantly associated. Crude and
adjusted odds ratios with there 95% confidences intervals were calculated Finally, the result of
the study was presented using tables, figures and texts based on the data obtained.

4.12 Ethical consideration

A formal letter of cooperation was obtained from Madda Walabu University Goba Referral
Hospital Department of Midwifery. After that Permission was obtained from medical director of
Dodola Hospital medical director to cascade the research. After explaining the purpose of the

study, the data collectors were obtain voluntary verbal consent from each study participant. The
participants will be informed that participation was on voluntary basis and they could withdraw
from the study at any time if they were not comfortable about the questionnaire. Personal
identifier was not be included so that a participant`s confidentiality was assured.

4.13 Dissemination and utilization of result

The initial objective of this research paper is in a partial fulfillment of our requirement for the
Degree of Bachelors of Science in Midwifery, so the final result of this paper will be submitted
and presented to Madda Walabu University, Goba referral hospital Department of Midwifery.
Besides, the copy of the document will be given for Dodola General Hospital and Dodola health
bereu as an input data for further finding and formulating relevant program in planning and
provision of more efficient maternal health services especially family planning. And also further
effort will be applied to publish on journals.

5. Result
5.1 Socio-demographic characteristics of the study participants
A total of 224 study participant were participated in this study, making a response rate
100%.From this, 113(50.4%) are in the age group of 15-24 years with mean age of 25.96(±
4.843SD). Majority of respondents were married and lives in urban that were 215(96%) and
147(65.6%) respectively. Concerning ethnicity of the respondents, more than half of them were
Oromo 125(55.8%). Regarding to religion and educational status 101(45.1%) are Muslim
religion followers and113(50.4%) cannot read and write. With regard to occupation 78(34.8%)
were house wife. Regarding to husbands educational status 84(39.1%) cannot read and write and
74(34.42%) of them were farmer. The mean monthly income of the respondents was 991.12 ETB
and range from 50 to 5000 ETB.

Table 1: socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents at, Dodola General

Hospital, South East Ethiopia, March1-30, 2018 G.C

Variable Frequency Percentage (%)

Age 15-24 11 50

25-34 95 42.4

>=35 16 7.2

Total 224 100

Residence Urban 147 65.6

Rural 77 34.4

Total 224 100

Ethnicity Oromo 125 55.8

Amhara 51 22.8

Tigre 26 11.6

Others 22 9.8

Total 224 100

Religion Orthodox 41 18.3

Protestant 74 33

Muslim 101 45.1

Catholic 8 3.6

Total 224 100

Marital Married 215 96

Single 3 1.3

Widowed 2 0.9

Divorced 4 1.8

Total 224 100

Educationa Cannot read and 113 50.4

l status write

Primary school 82 36.6

Secondary school 21 9.4

Tertiary school 8 3.6

Total 224 100

Work of Student 14 6.3

Merchant 55 24.6

Farmer 41 18.3

Housewife 78 34.8

Government 17 7.6

Private employ 16 7.1

Daily labor 3 1.3

Total 224

Husbands Cannot read and 84 39.1

education write

Primary school 59 27.4

Secondary school 37 17.2

Tertiary school 35 16.3

Total 215 100

Husbands Student 1 0.47
Merchant 69 32

Farmer 74 34.42

Government 48 22.33

Private employ 14 6.5

Daily labor 9 4.28

Total 215 100

Average 0-500 103 46

501-1000 61 27.2
>1000 60 26.8

Total 224 100

5.2 Obstetric related characteristics of respondents

Majority of the respondents 161(71.9%) married at the age of 18 years and above.From those
91(40.62%) respondents married at the age of above 18 years and 70(31.25%) respondents
married at the age of 18. One hundred four (46.6%) of the respondents were became pregnant for
the first time at the age of 20-24 years, seventy (31.3%) of the respondents were became
pregnant at the age of less than 20years and the rest 50(22.3%) became pregnant at the age of 25
years and above. One hundred (44.6%) of the respondents became pregnant for the first time, 78
(34.8%) became pregnant for 3-4 time and the rest 46(20.5%) of respondents become pregnant
for five and more times. One hundred three (46%) respondents have 1-2 children, 53(23.7%)
respondents have 3-4 children, 19(8.5%) respondents have >=5 children and the rest 49(21.9%)
respondents have no children. One hundred five (46.9%) of the respondents’ desire to have 1-2
children, 96(42.9%) desire to have 3-4 children and the rest 23(10.3%) of the respondents’ desire
to have >=5 children to have in their life time.

Table 2: Obstetric factors of pregnant women attending ANC services in Dodola General
Hospital, Oromia, South East Ethiopia, 2017\ 2018 G.C

Variables Frequency Percentage

Gravidity 1-2 100 44.6

3-4 78 34.8

>=5 46 20.5

Total 224 100

Number 0 49 21.9
children 1-2 103 46

3-4 53 23.7

>=5 19 8.5

Total 224 100

Desired 1-2 105 46.9

of 3-4 96 42.9
children >=5 23 10.3

Total 224 100

Age at <18 63 28.1

marriage >=18 161 71.9

Total 224 100

Age at <20 70 31.3

first child
birth 20-24 104 46.4

>25 50

Total 224

5.3 Magnitude of unplanned pregnancy

From the total respondents, 50(22.3%) of their current pregnancy were unplanned. From these 50
unplanned pregnancy, 35(70%) were wanted later (mistimed) and 15(30%) were not wanted at
all. The most reasons why they experienced currently unplanned pregnancy were contraceptive
failure 24(10.7%), contraceptive inconsistent use 22(9.8%), and not using contraceptive 4(1.8%)



Mistimed pregnancy Unwanted pregnancy

Figure 2: shows the un planned pregnancy status of women attending ANC at Dodola
General Hospital, 2018

5.4 Logistic regression analysis of factors associated with unplanned


In the bivariate logistic age, residence, number of pregnancy(gravidity), number of children,

ideal number of children, age at first marriage, age at first child birth, decision maker about
utilization of family planning, discussion about family planning between couples, and knowledge
about modern family planning were associated with unplanned pregnancy.

From these variables, residence, decision maker about utilization of family planning, discussion
about utilization of family planning, and knowledge about modern family planning were
significantly associated with unplanned pregnancy in multiple logistic regression analysis.

The study showed that women living in urban were less likely to have unplanned pregnancy
than those respondents living in rural area (AOR= 0.429, 95%CI: 0.184, 0.996). Those women
whose husbands made decision about utilization of family planning were almost 3 times more
likely to have unplanned pregnancy as compared to those making decision jointly (AOR=2.797,
95% CI:1.377, 5.681).Women who discuss with their husband about contraceptive were less
likely to encountered unplanned pregnancy compared to those not discussed (AOR=0.033,
95%CI: 0.006,0.177).Women who have poor knowledge about modern family planning were 5.5
times more likely to experience unplanned pregnancy as compared to those who had good
knowledge(AOR=5.486, 95%CI: 1.178,25.554).

Table 3: Logistic regression analysis of factors associated with unplanned pregnancy at

Dodola General Hospital, Oromia reagion, South East Ethiopia, 2017/2018 (n=224)

Variables Categories Current COR(95%CI) AOR(95%CI)



Yes No

Age 15-24 81 14 0.134(0.043,0.420) 0.209(0.027,1,606)

25-34 86 27 0.244(0.083,0.718) 0.426(0.093,1.958)

>=35 7 9 1 1

Residence Urban 126 21 0.276(0.144,0.530) 0.429(0.184,0.996)

Rural 48 29 1 1

Gravidity 1-2 87 13 0.194(0.085,0.443) 0.979(0.187,5.110)

3-4 61 17 0.4202(0.362,0.801) 1.078(0.308,3.773)

>=5 26 20 1 1

Number of 0 43 6 0.101(0.029,0.359) 0.441(0.018,10.064)

1-2 84 19 0.165(0.058,0.464) 1.964(0.054,7.186)


3-4 39 14 0.261(0.087,0.782) 0.552(0.061,1.245)

>=5 8 11 1 1

Ideal number 1-2 88 17 0.211(0.080,0.555) 0.733(0.186,2.894)

of children
3-4 74 22 0.324(0.126,0.836) 0.680(0.183,2.521)

>=5 12 11 1 1

Age at first <18 43 20 2.036(1.047,3.939) 1.519(0.445,5.185)

>=18 131 30 1 1

Age at first <20 47 23 3.589(1.336,9.639) 1.573(0.066,37.582)

child birth
20-24 83 21 1.855(0.698,4.935) 1.790(0.086,37.48)

>=25 44 6 1 1

Decision about Herself 53 20 1.630(0.404,6568) 1.099(0.181,6.68)

Husband 8 4 1.640(0.841,3.199) 2.797(1.377,5.681)

Jointly 113 26 1 1

Discussion Yes 170 33 0,049(0.015,0.154) 0.033(0.066,0.177)

about FP with
husband *

No 4 17 1 1

Knowledge Poor 5 2 2.309(0.982,5.428) 5.486(1.178,25.554)

about FP

Good 169 48 1 1

*P<=0.05, statistically significant, 1=constant

6. Discussion

In this study out of 224 study participants 50(22.3%) were considered their current pregnancy
were unplanned. From these unplanned pregnancy 35(15.6%) were mistimed and 15(6.7%) were
not wanted at all.This finding is in line with studies done in Debre-Birehan town 23.5 % (10.58%
were unwanted and 12.9% were mistimed) (30), and EDHS 2016, 22%(12),it also goes in line
with research’s done in Kenya 24%(22). On the contrary study conducted in Adigrat 54.5%,
Debre markos 32.9%,&Dugunafango district 36.1%(26, 27, 29) shows higher prevalence of
unplanned pregnancy, this difference might be difference in study period, different socio
demographic characteristics, and due to increased availability & accessibility of maternal health
service, including modern contraceptives with time since that time.

However, the prevalence of unplanned pregnancy in this study was higher than a study
conducted in Arba minchi 19.9%, Senegal 14.3%, and Indonesia 19.1%(32, 23, 21). This might
be due to in Arba minchi different socio-demographic characteristics, most of the study
participants are unmarried and in Senegal and Indonesia due to the difference in the health
service coverage of the country.

The most reasons why they experienced currently unplanned pregnancy were contraceptive
failure 24(10.7%), contraceptive inconsistent use 22(9.8%), and not using contraceptive 4(1.8%)
respectively.The finding of this study is in line with the study conducted in Ganji
Woreda(25.2%),Gelemso General Hospital(27.1%), Debre-Birehan town(32.9%), Demote Gale
district(23.4%), and Arbaminchi town(19.4%)of unplanned pregnancy.( 41,29,30,37,32). This
shows that the above listed reason is the most common reasons that most women exposed to
unplanned pregnancy.

In this study, residence of respondents, decision maker about utilization of family planning,
discussion about contraceptive methods with husbands, and knowledge about modern family
planning were the predictor variables that significantly associated with unplanned pregnancies.

The study showed that women living in urban were less likely to have unplanned pregnancy than
those respondents living in rural area (AOR= 0.429, 95%CI: 0.184, 0.996). This study is
supported by EDHS 2016(12).

Those women whose husbands make decision about utilization of family planning were almost 3
times more likely to have unplanned pregnancy as compared to those making decision jointly
(AOR=2.797, 95% CI: 1.377, 5.681). This study was similar with a study conducted in Damote
Gale district(37)..

Women who discuss with their husband about contraceptive were less likely to encountered
unplanned pregnancy as compared to those not discussed (AOR=0.033, 95%CI: 0.006,0.177).
This finding is in line with a study conducted in Damote Gale district(37) and Senegal (23).

Women who have poor knowledge about modern family planning were 5.5 times more likely to
experience unplanned pregnancy as compared to those who had good knowledge (AOR= 5.486,
95%CI: 1.178,25.554). This finding is similar with a study conducted in Ganji Woreda(41).

7.Strength and limitation of the study

 Strength;
 all respondents were cooperative and we get 100% response and full information easily
about our study.
 All of our group mates were motivated to do this research.

 Limitation

 The limitation of our study was only focused on pregnant mother who attend ANC

8. Conclusion and Recommendation

According to the study finding magnitude of unplanned pregnancy was found to be high
(22.3%). It shows that it was a major reproductive health problem in the study area for family
planning and thus deserves priority attention. Residence, decision about utilization of family
planning, discussion about family planning between couples, and knowledge about modern

family planning methods were the predictor variables that are significantly associated to
unplanned pregnancy. The study concludes that there is no single factor accounted for the high
rate of unplanned pregnancy rather many factors were interwoven to affect the occurrence of the

8.1 Recommendation

Based on the finding and conclusion drawn from the study, the following recommendations were
 To Dodola general hospital administrator to increase the skill of health professional who
work in Family planning unit and to reinforce post-natal counseling regarding
contraceptive to all mother giving birth at health institution.
 Since discussion with partner about modern contraceptive& decision maker about family
planning utilization in the house hold have an association with unplanned pregnancy:
HEWs, Dodola town health office, Arsi zonal health bureau and other concerned bodies
creating awareness on modern contraceptives that promote male involvement.
 Knowledge about modern family planning has also an association with unplanned
pregnancy so HEWs, Dodola town health office, Arsi zonal health bureau & other
concerned bodies should improve the door to door visit of the community and provide
information and counseling about each contraceptive method in order to make informed
choice and correct method use and also strengthening family planning users.
To Arsi zonal health bureau to increases and promote family planning utilization at the
rural area.
 To other researcher: better to conduct on determinants of unplanned pregnancy by
considering services provider and health service manager view. And better to conduct at
the community level.

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. Hello! My name is…………….I am currently a member of data collector in this study that
assess the magnitude of unplanned pregnancy and its associated factors among pregnant women
attending ANC at Dodola General hospital for an investigators doing their research as the partial
fulfillment of BSC degree in Midwifery at Maddawalabu university ,southwest Ethiopia . They
have received permission from Madda walabu University Goba Referral hospital Department of
Midwifery research committee .And also they get permission from Dodola General hospital
directorates. You were selected for the study by hoping that you will cooperate with us. We are
kindly requesting you to answer the questions that we have prepared for you. You will not be
provided any incentives or payment to take part in this project. We assure all information
gathered during the course of the study will be kept completely confidential. All the information
that you are going to deliver to us will be coded for anonymity. Only the principal investigator
and the research assistants collecting the data will have access to the data.

Would you willing to participate?


Having been well explained and informed of the intentions and benefits of the study, voluntarily
consent to participate in the study.


Interviewer name…………….Sign……………


Time Interview started……………………Time Interview completed…………………

Name of Supervisor………………………….Sign………………

Questionnaire code……………………


1. The client name will not be important and keep the rights of respondent if they don’t want to
respond and to terminate at any time during interview.

2. For multiple choice items circle the appropriate letter

3.for items schedule calling “yes” or “No” put a mark “√ “ in front of in item which corresponds
the participant response.

4. For open ended question items, please write the direct client response in space provided.

Part I: Socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents.

Numbers Variables Choose

1 Age ...............................Year
2 Residence 1. Urban
2. Rural
3 Ethincity 1. Oromo
2. Amara
3. Tigrie
4. Others
4 Religion 1. Orthodox
2. Protestant
3. Muslim
4. Catholic
5. Other ...
5 marital status 1. Married

2. Single
3. Widowed
4. Divorced
6 Educational status 1. Can not read and write
2. Primary school
3. Secondary school
4. Tertiary
7 Occupational status 1. Student
2. Merchant
3. Farmer
4. House wife
5. Goverment employ
6. Private employ
7. Daily labour
8 husband educational status 1. Can not read and write
2. primary school
3. Secondary school
4. Tertiary scho
9 Husband occupational status 1. Student
2. Merchant
3. Farmer
4. Goverment employ
5. Private employ
6. Daily labour
7. Others ...
10 monthly income .......... Birr

Part II specific information regarding family planning service

11 Including this pregnancy how many times have ......................

you been pregnant in your life?

12 Now how many children do you have? ........................
13 How many children do you think sufficient for .........................
life time?
14 What was your age when you married at first ...................
time ?
15 What was your age when you give birth to your .......................
first child?
16 Is your current pregnancy planed? 1. Yes
2. No
17 Is your answer is no for number question ‘16’was 1. Wanted later
the pregnancy wanted later or not wanted at all? 2. Not wanted at all

\Part III Reproductive history of pregnant women

18 Who usually makes decision about utilization of 1. Her self

family planning? 2. Hasbands
3. Jointiy
19 .Do you discus with your partner about 1. Yes
contraceptive methods? 2. No
20 Have you ever heard information about family 1. Yes
planning methods before? 2. No
21 If your answer is yes for question no ‘’20’’what 1. Health workers
was your source of information? 2. Teacheres
3. Masmidia
4. Written materials
5. Others
22 If your pregnancy is due to method failure what 1. Pills
type of method? 2. Depo
4. Implant
5. Rhythm
6. Diaphragm

7. Condom
8. Others
23 If your pregnancy is un planed what was your 1. Lack of means to protect
reason for being pregnant? 2. Missed time
3. Failure of contraceptive
4. Husband preference
5. Rape
6. Other
24 DO you have previous un planed pregnancy? 1. Yes
2. No
25 How many unplanned pregnancy do you have ......................
26 Have you take contraceptive methods according 1. Yes
to instruction? 2. No

27 Have you ever practiced any type of family 1. Yes

planning methods 2. No
28 If your answer is yes for question no ‘27’ what 1. Depo
type of family planning method did you practice? 2. Implanon
4. Condom
29 If your answer is no for question no ‘27’ what is 1. Lack of information
your reason for not to use? 2. Child preference
3. Religious view
4. Husband domination
5. In accessibility of service
6. Fainancial problem
7. Other
30 would you expect family planning program help 1. Yes
you to get the number of children you when you 2. No
want t get?

Interviewer: ------------------------------------signature:

Anii -------------------yuniversity Maddawalabu Goba rifarral Hoospiitaal ebifama BSC Mid
wifery yoo tahu kan hoospiitaal kana dhufee bara 2010 tajajilaa hadholee ulfaaf dura kennamuf
jidduti ulfaa karooran alaa hawwolle mudatanif bayyinaa isaa beekudhaaf kanatii anaasudhaa
gaaffile arman gaditif gafatamatu iccitidhaa tahu isin ibsina kan gafatamatu eyyammatu yoo
tate debbii keenu fi keenu dhabuu mirgaa keessan tahuisin hubaachifana deebbiin atii deebistu
kun ammoo iccitidha tahu siihubachifana garu deebbii gaaffii keenya kannaf nu keentu qo’anna
fi qoranaa kenyaaf eddo guddaa qaba wan tahef gaaffii kana akka nuf debistu kabjaan isiin
gaafana gaaffii isiin gafanu

daqiiqa shan oli isinti hin fudhaatu.

Gaaffii isin gafaneen deebbii nu keennu keesanf guddaisin galatofannaa


Namnii gafatamu maqaa isaa hin ibsamu

Gaaffii filatan tokko tokkon irraa mara

Gaaffilee ibsaabarbaadanif kaan isaan deebisan bakka barbadameti isan barreessuu.

Kutaa tokko gaaffilee walii gala

Lakk Gaaffii Deebii

1 ddo jireenya keessa 1. Magala

2. Badiyya

2 Umriin ------------ wagga

3 Sirna gaa’ilaa kee 1. kaan hin herumnee
2. kaan herumte
3. kaan addaan bahan
4. Kan du’an addaan bahan

4 Sadarkaa barnoota ke 1. kan dandeesu

2. sadarkaa 1ffaa kan h. baranne in

3. dubbisu fi bareesuu
4. sadarkaa 2ffaa
5. koleejjii
6. F.Yuniversity
5 Saba 1. Oromo
2. Amhara
3. Tigre
4. kan biro( ibsi -)----

6 Amanta kee
1. Orthodox
2. Musilam
3. Catolic
4. Protestant
5. Kan biro ibsii------

7 Hojiin kee 1. Hadhaa mana

2. Hojatu mootummaa
3. Hojjatu mana buna

4. Daldaltuu
5. Qote bulaa

8 Abban mana keetii maal 1. Qote bula

hojjata----------------------- 2. Daldala
3. Hojjii motummaa
4. Qote Nama dhufa bira hoj
5. Hojji guyya hojjat
6. Barata

9 Sadarka abban keetii 1. Hin barane

----------------------------- 2. Barreessu fi dubbissuu kan
3. Sadarka 1ffaa
4. Sadarkaa 2ffaa
5. E.Kollejii
6. Yuniversit

10 Galii ji’aa 1. Qarshii 600 gadii

2. Qarshii 601-720 birr
3. Qarshii 721-1000 birr
4. Qarshii 1001-1500 birr
5. Qarshii 1500 olii

Kuta lammaffaa ; waa’ee karooraa matii ilaalchisee

11 Karooraa qussanaa matii 1. Eyyeen
dhageette beeytaa 2. Lakkii

12 .Lakkoofsaa gaaffii 11ffaa 1. ogessa fayya irra

irraattii gafii gafatamteef 2. midiya irra
deebiin kee eyyen yoo tae 3. Kitaaba dubbiseeti
raga isaa essa argatte ? 4. manaa barumsaa irray
5. kaan biro (ibsii)

13 Kaarora maati kessa kaan 1. Eyyen

fayyadamtee beeytu jira 2. lakkii

14 Lakkofsaa Gafii 13ffaa irratti 1. Kinnini (pills)

deebin kee eyyen yoo tahe 2. Lilmmon kaan keenamu
karoora maati kessa isa kaam (dipoprovera)
fayadamtee beeyta [tokko olii 3. Gadammeesa keessaa kan
filaachun ni dandamaa) kayamuu (IUCD)
4. Armaa keessa kan awwalamu
5. Marsa laguu (rhythm)
6. Qamaa saalaa keessa kan kayamu
7. Kondomii( condom)
8. Kan biro


15 Lakkofsa gaaffii 13ffaa irraati 1. Sababa wan hin

yoo deebii kee lakkii tahe qabneef
sababaa karooraa maati hin 2. Dai’maa dahu wan
fayyadamnef maal ? barbaaduf
3. Amantiin koo wan
hin eyyamneef
4. Abban mana koo
wan na hin eyyamnef
5. Tajajillii karoora
maatii naannoo
keenatii wan hin

16 Qusana matii fayyadamuf 1. Ofii murtefadha

eyyutu sii murteesa 2. Abbaa mana kootu
3. Waliin murteesa
4. Kan Biro( ibsii)

Kuta 3ffaa; Gaffii wa’ee ulfaa hadhollee fi Dahumsa ilaalatu

17 Kanan duraa ulfofte 1. Eyyeen
beeytaa ? 2. lakkii

18 Amma ijoolee meqa

19 Lakkoofsa gaaffiii 1. Lama

17ffaa gaafatamate 2. Sadii
irraatii deebbii kee 3. Afur
eyyeen yoo tahee 4. Shan
hangaa ammatii yeeroo 5. Jaha fi isa ol
meqa ulfoftee?

20 Ulfaa ammaa kana kan 1. Eyyeen

ulfofte karooraan ? 2. Lakkii

21 Lakkoofsaa gaaffii 1. Tajajilaa karooraa maatii wan hin

20ffaa irraati gafatamate argaaneef
deebbii kee lakkii yoo 2. Yeeroo ittii fayyaadamaa isaa wan
tahee sababan karooraan dagadheef
malee ulfoftee maalii? 3. .karoorii maatii ani fayyadamee
ulfaa wan ittisuu dideef
4. Abban mana koo ulfahu koo waan
5. Gudeedamatii
6. Kaan biro( ibsii) ---------------------

22 Ulfii kun karoora alaa 1. Yero san dahu
yoo tahe barbadaa
2. B.xiqoo turu
3. Dahu hin barbaduu

23 Kanan duraa karooraa 1. Eyyeen

malee ulfoftee beeytaa? 2. Lakki

24 Lakkoofsaa gaaffii 23 ffaa

irraattii yoo deebbii kee
eyyeen tahee yeeroo
meqaaf ulfooftee?

25 Tajajila karooraa maattii 1. Eyyeen

haala sif ajajammeti 2. Lakkii

26 .Karooraa malee kaan 1. .Kininii (pills

ulfooftee yoo tahee 2. keenamu (depoprovera)
tajajillii karooraa 3. .Kan gadameessa keessaa
maatii fudhaatee sun kayamuu (IUCD)

yoo hojjachuu didee 4. Armaa ir)
yoo tahee karooraa 5. Kan lilmmoon raattiikan
maatii gosaa kaam awwalamuu (implant)
fayyadamatee ? (tokko 6. .Marsa lagu (rhythm)
ol filaachuu in 7. .Kan qamaa saalaa keessa
dandeetaa) kayamuu (diaphragm)
8. Kondomii (condom)

27 Da’imaa meqaatu naaf 1. Tokkoo

gahaa jettee yaddaa 2. Lama
3. Sadii
4. Afur
5. Shan
6. F .Jaha fi isaa o

28 .Yero jelqaba herumtu

umrii meqaa
turte ?----------------------

29 Yero da’ima jelqaba

deessu umrii meqaa
turte ?------------------

30 Tajajillii karooraa matii 1. Eyyeen

fayyadamatuu kan

barbaduu 2. Lakk
baayinaaijoollee yeroo
barbadettee akka argatu
sii tasisee jiraa?


እኔ-------------------------- የመደ ወለቡ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ጎባ ሪፍራል ሆስፒታል ተመራቂ ሚድዋይፈሪ ተማሪ ስሆን
የመጣሁት በዚህ ሆሰፒታል 2010 አ.ም ቅድመ ዎሊድ ክትትል ከሚደርጉ እናቶች መካከል ያልተፈለ ገእርግዝና
ያጋጠማቸውን እናቶች ብዛት ለማዎቅ ነው፡፡ ከዚህ በመቀጠል ከታች ለምትጠየቂያቸው ጥያቄዎች የምትመልሻቸው
መልሶች በሚስጥር እንደሚጠበቁ እና መጠይቁን ያለመመለስ መብትሽ እንደተጠበቀ መሆኑን ላሳስብሽ እዎዳለሁ፡፡ ነገር ግን
ለጥያቄዎቹ የምትሰጫቸዉ መልሶች ለጥናታችን ከፍተኛ የሆነ ጠቀሜታ ስላላቸው ይህ ንጥናት የተሳካ እንዲሆን ለዚህ አጭር
መጠይቅ ምላሽ በመስጠት እንድትተባበሪን ስን ልበአክብሮት እንጠይቃለን፡፡ለመጠይቁ ምላሽ ለመስጠትከ 5 ደቂቃ በላይ

ለመጠይቁ ምላሽ ለመስጠ ትፈቃደኛ ስለሆንሽ ከልብ እናመሰገናለን፡፡


የተጠያቂውን ስም ማስፈር ስፈልግም፡፡

የእያንዳንዱ ጥያቄዎች መልስ በመምረጥ ያክብቡ፡፡

ገለፃ ለሚያስፈልጋቸው ጥያቄዎች የተናጋሪውን መልስ በተዘጋጀው ቦታ ላይ ይፃፉ፡፡

ክፍል አንድ፡አጠቃላይ መረጃ

ተ.ቀ ጥያቄ ምርጫ

1 የምትኖሪበት ቦታ የት ነው 1. ከተማ
?--------------------------- 2. ገጠር

2 እድሜ---------------- .............

3 የጋብቻ ሁኔታ 1. ያላገባች

2. ያገባች
3. የፈታች
4. በሞት ምክንያት

4 የትምህርት ደረጃ 1. ያልተማረች

2. ማንበብ እና መፃፍ
3. ከ 1-8 ኛ
4. ከ 9-12 ኛ
5. ኮሌጅ
6. ዩኒቨርሲቲ

5 ብሄር 1. ኦሮሞ
2. አማራ
3. ትግራይ
4. ሌላ(ግለጭ)-----
6 የምትከተይው እምነት 1. ኦርቶዶክስ
2. ሙስሊም
3. ካቶሊክ
4. ፕሮቴስታንት
5. ሌላ(ግለጭ)---------------------------

7 የስራ ሁኔታ 1. የቤት እመቤት
2. የመንግስት ተቀጣሪ
3. ነገዴ
4. አርሶ እና አርብቶ አደር
5. የቀን ሰራተኛ
6. ተማሪ

8 የባለቤትሽ የስራ ሁኔታ ................. ................. 1. ገበሬ

2. ነጋዴ
3. የመንግስት
4. የግል ተቀጣሪ
5. የቀን ሠራተኛ
6. ተማሪ

9 የባለቤትሽ የትምህርት ደረጃ............................... 1. ያልተማረ

2. ማንበብ እና
3. ከ 1-8 ኛ
4. ከ 9-12 ኛ
5. ኮሌጅ
6. ዩኒቨርሲቲ

10 የወር ገቢ 1. ከ 600 ብ ር በታች

2. ከ 601-720 ብር
3. ከ 721-1000 ብር
4. ከ 1001-1500 ብር

5. ከ 1500 ብር በላይ

ክፍል ሁለት፡ስለቤተሰብ መጣኔ የሚጠየቁ መጠይቆች

11 ስለ ቤተሰብ ምጣኔ ዘዴዎች መረጃ 1. አዎ

ሰምተሽ ታውቂያለሽ? 2. አላውቅም

12 በጥያቄ ቁትር“11“ ላይ ለተጠየቀ ው 1. ከጤና ባለሙያዎች አስተምሮ

ጥያቄ መልስሽ አዎ ከሆነ መረጃውን 2. ከመገናኛ ብዙሀን
ከየት ነው ያገኘሽው? 3. ከመፀሀፍት አንብበሽ
4. ከትምህርት ቤት
5. ሌላ(ግለጭ)---------------------

13 መንኛውንም አይነት የቤተሰብ ምጣኔ 1. አዎ

አገልግሎት ተጠቅመሽ ታውቂያለሽን? 2. . አላውቅም

14 በጥያ ቁጥር“13“ ላይ ለተጠየቀው 1. በአፍ የሚዎሰደውን (pills)

ጥያቄ መልስሽ አዎ ከሆነ የትኛውን 2. በመርፌየሚሰጠውን (dipoprovera)
አይነት ዘዴ ነው የተጠቀምሽው ? 3. መሀፀን ውስጥ የሚቀበረውን (IUCD)
(ከአንድ በላይ መምረጥ ይቻላል) 4. ክንድ ላይ የሚቀበረውን (implant)
5. የወር አበባን በመከተል (rhythm)
6. ዲያፍራም (diaphragm)

7. ኮንዶም (condom)
8. ሌላ (ግለጭ)------------------------

15 .በጥያቄ ቁጥር“13“ ላይ ለተጠየቀው 1. መረጃ ስለሌለሽ

ጥያቄ መልስሽ አላውቅም ከሆነ 2. ልጅ መውለድ ስለምትፈልጊ
የቤተሰብ ምጣኔ ዘዴዎቹን 3. ሀይማኖትሽ ስለማይፈቅድ
ያልተጠቀምሽበት ምክንያት 4. ባለቤትሽ ስለማይፈቅድ
ምንድነው? 5. የቤተሰብ ምጣኔ አገልግሎት በአካባቢሽ

16 ስለ ወለድ መቆጣጠሪያ መጠቀም 1. የዐንች

የመወሰን ስልጣን የማን ነው? 2. የባለቤትሽ
3. የጋራ
4. ሌላ (ግላጭ)

ክፍል ሶስት፡የነፍሰ ጡር እናቶችን የስነ ተዋልዶ ሁኔታ የሚዳስስ

17 ከአሁን በፊት አርግዘሽ ታውቂያለሽ? 1. አዎ

2. አላውቅም

18 አሁንስንት ልጆች አሉሽ? .........

19 በጥያቄ ቁጥር“17“ ላይ ለተጠየቀው ጥያቄ መልስሽ 1. ሁለት

አዎ ከሆነ እስካሁኑ ስንት ጊዜ አርግዘሻል? 2. ሶስት
3. አራት
4. አምስት
5. ስድስት እና ከዚያ በላይ

20 .ያሁኑን እርግዝናሽን ያረገዝሽው በእቅድነው? 1. አዎ
2. አይደለም

21 በጥያቄቁጥር“20“ ላይ ለተጠየቀው ጥያቄ መልስሽ 1. የቤተሰብ ምጣኔ አገልግሎት

አይደለም ከሆነ ያለቅድ ያረገሽበት ምክንያት ምንድ ስላላገኘሁ
ነው? 2. የመጠቀሚያ ግዜየን እረስቼ
3. የዎሊድ መቆጣጠሪያው
4. ባለቤቴ እንዳረግዝ ስለፈለገ
5. ተደፍሬ
6. ሌላ(ግለጭ)----------------

22 እርግዝናው ያልታቀደበት ከሆነ - 1. በዚያን ጊዜ መውለድ ትፈልጊ ነበር

2. ትንሽ መቆየት ትፈልጊ ነበር
3. መውለድ አትፈልጊም ነበር

23 ከዚህ በፊት ያለእቅድ አርግዘሽ ታውቂያለሽ? 1. አዎ

2. አላውቅመም

24 ቁጥር“23“ ላይ .በጥያቄለተጠየቀው ጥያቄ መልስሽ .....................

አዎ ከሆነ ምን ያክል ጊዜ አርገዘሻል? ------------

25 የዎሊድ መቆጣጠሪያ ዘዴዎችን በታዘዙልሽ መሰረት 1. አዎ

ትጠቀሚያለሽ? 2. አልጠቀምም

26 ያለ እቅድ ያረገሽው መቆጣጠሪያው ሳይስራ ቀርቶ 1. በአፍ የሚዎሰደውን (pills)
ከሆነ የትኛውን አይነት የዎሊድ መቆጠጠሪያ ነው 2. በመርፌ የሚሰጠውን
የተጠቀምሽው? (ከአንድ በላይ መምረጥ ይቻላል) (dipoprovera)
3. መሀፀን ውስጥ የሚቀበረውን
4. ክንድ ላይ የሚቀበረውን
5. የወር አበባን በመከተል
6. ዲያፍራም (diaphragm)
7. ኮንዶም (condom)
8. ሌላ

27 .ምን ያክል ልጆች መውለድ በቂ ነው ብለሽ 1. አንድ

ታስቢያለሽ? 2. ሁለት
3. ሶስት
4. አራት
5. አምስት
6. ስድስትእናከዚያበላይ

28 የመጀመሪያ ባለቤትሽን ስታገቢ ስንት አመትሽ ነበር ?

29 የመጀመሪያ ልጅሽን ስትወልጅ ስንት አመትሽ ነበር?

30 .የቤተሰብ ምጣኔ አገልግሎት መጠቀምሽ 1. አዎ

የምትፈልጊውን የልጅ ብዛት በፈለግሽው ጊዜ 2. አላደረገኝም
እንድታገኚ አድረጎሻል?

We the undersigned, declare that the work entitled “Magnitude of unplanned pregnancy and its
associated factors among women attending antenatal care at Dodola Hospital ,West Arsi
Zone ,Oromia ,South east ,Ethiopia 2017/2018.” presented in this Research is original. It has not
been presented to any other places. Where, the work of other people has been used, reference has
been provided. It is in this regard that we declare this work as original ours.


Name Signature Date

1. ABDULREZAQGAREBA ----------------- ----------------

2. ALEMITU AYELE _________ ________

3. AHMED ESMAEL __________ ________

4. ABEBA GETIE __________ ________

5. BUSE TASHOMA __________ ________


Name Signature Date

1. GENET FEKADU (BSc, Msc) _____________ _________

2. CHALA KENE (BSc) _____________ _________ _



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