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Equation 1. One-third of Rahul's savings in National Savings Certificate is equal to one-half of his savings in Public Provident Fund. If he has tk. 1,50,000 as total savings, how much has he saved in Public Provident Fund ? (Ans: 60000) 2. There are two examinations rooms A and B. If 10 students are sent from A to B, then the number of students in each room is the same. If 20 candidates are sent from B to A, then the number of students in Ais double the number of students in B. The number of students in room A is ? (Ans : 100) 3. The price of 2 sarees and 4 shirts is tk. 1600. With the same money one can buy 1 saree and 6 shirts. If one wants to buy 12 shirts, how much shall he have to pay ? ( Ans :2400) 4. Afires 5 shots to B’s 3 but A kills only once in 3 shots while B kills once in 2 shots. When B has missed 27 times, A has killed ? ( Ans : 30) 5. Eight people are planning to share equally the cost of a rental car. If one person withdraws from the arrangement and the others share equally the entire cost of the car, then the share of each of the remaining persons increased by: ( Ans : 1/7 ) 6. In a regular week, there are 5 working days and for each day, the working hours are 8. A man gets tk. 2.40 per hour for regular work and tk. 3.20 per hours for overtime. If he earns tk. 432 in 4 weeks, then how many hours does he work for ? ( Ans : 170) N . Free notebooks were distributed equally among children of a class. The number of notebooks each child got was one-eighth of the number of children. Had the number of children been half, each child would have got 16 notebooks. Total how many notebooks were distributed ? ( Ans : 512) 8. Aman has some hens and cows. If the number of heads be 48 and the number of feet equals 140, then the number of hens will be ? ( Ans : 26 ) 9. David gets on the elevator at the 11* floor of a building and rides up at the rate of 57 floors per minute. At the same time, Albert gets on an elevator at the 51 floor of the same building and rides down at the rate of 63 floors per minute. If they continue travelling at these rates, then at which floor will their paths cross ? ( Ans : 30" floor ) 10. If the sum of two numbers is 22 and the sum of their squares is 404, then the product of two numbers is ? (Ans : 40) 11. What is the maximum number of half — pint bottles of cream that can be filled with a 4-gallon can of cream? (2pt. = 1qt. And 4at. = 1gal.) ( Ans : 64) 12. If the sum of the squares three consecutive natural numbers is 110, then the smallest of these natural numbers is = ? ( Ans : 5) 13. Adrum of kerosene is 3/4 Full. When 30 liters of kerosene is drawn from it, it remains 7/12 Full. The capacity of the drums is = ? ( Ans : 180 ) 14. A teacher wants to arrange his students in an equal number of rows and columns. If there are 1369 students, the number of students in the last row are ? (Ans : 37) 15. Asum of tk. 1360 has been divided among A, B and C such that A gets 2/3 of what B gets and B gets 1/4 of what C gets. What’s the share of B ? ( Ans : 160) Who. ont in publle provident Aund = oe. wins in aadiona) Savings antiffente = 15000 (198100) = EX ay sencoemm A > —3 = 2 = 3000%M-2n = Br > 6900=%* ms 0000 hy A lo. t Room A hw & arnt Rem hod ¥ sradent” Aye) aq-lo= 4410 _a@ a wy? un, gly-ae) = te =) BY- 10* mt 20 Le ES Ulm Bt prite of eath tanee = TK. price Bf earch Shixt =f TK. AD tuys 1660 oi) At by = Koo Pl) Qxa - @x2 RAY Y = 1600 ie AYE = ote a4 oy ye 24 TKy priez of 12 okt en oss ae z= |et, dl aumber: ot aratse bn ed Wo “ge * Mon, Shots reed ic Ac Ape, Fire Killing hots by A 3 st he Ro ah 7 *? ~3 ads “yaed y Nn 2 SAM = 80 iad Mon Tue ¥ oniginal shoru of "4 poraon = te Nw Show sf 4 penaone 4 | * Puneane = ng = = I i Requrved Proton 4. baked —fym, L $ 4, , a— tut; overtime = a heard Kae = (5xem ! howd in- 4 wee Regulon PR = ATO» A6onn4o + ‘yaed*s = yon - r = gaomo4e> i, — os * are aie) tS ote working howtt = esa) FA it, hem a ne evens J x44 oie? pathyc 0 ar oy = nn > Mead From O° avid ‘id O get ne is ofr): Lb E ut number of children =~ aumber 5f Apo Ky Rock ebad Gets 7 " Tita} bookiy distributed = © Xx H- “*3 TH tee number f childar = > mamber Of bony earl chifd wilt gefe 16 Teoted deoxy distriguded.= ee le = Bn i ar? Be aa 64° - ted queméess t 4nk, = Bxey = B 9. Z vt, Thar path anes mater m minuce0 “41+ Sin = 59 70g =) BFat+bon c 51541 =) qlen = yo" = AS 4 - | Nombes of Aros dovered Ay David m4 Mint = BREF = 19 - ms) Sp, tiv pode crtos OO) cote * gor Adve. 1 Lets crue mam bers ae a and Y my 290 way you 0 [Cl een ee 2 @2)" = sora yt On = 484s o aa a2 mys a I? “ae c 2 =e 2° 3 \\ = let, the thnee numbend arn, Ki utL ond 242 aATa: uv + Curt)” + Qert) “= ado = vVn ip oat + ME UAT = 110 S> B4% 4bnt 7 = 120 2) akY ha 10h = 8 a ann OF ao = ap. ul } . mamber of sWS ae KW number of eleumva 2 %W AKn s 1969 =) ow s1369 = “us of Profit and Loss 1. The difference between the cost price and sale price of an article is tk. 240. If the profit is 20% , then what will be the selling price? 2. Peter purchased a machine for tk. 80000 and spent tk. 5000 on repair and tk. 1000 on transport and sold it with 25% profit. At what price did he sell the machine? 3. The profit earned by selling an article for tk. 832 is equal to the loss incurred when the same article is sold for tk. 448. What should be the sale price for making 50% profit? 4. At what profit percent must be an article be sold so that by selling at half that price , there may be a loss of 30% ? 5. lf 5% more is gained by selling an article for tk. 350 than by selling it for tk. 340,then what will be the cost price? 6.10% loss on the selling price is what percent loss on the cost price? 7. The purchase price of 12 pencils is equal to the selling price of 8 pencils. What is rate of profit ? 8.A trader marks his goods 20% above the cost price. If he gives a discount of 5% on marked price , then what will be his gain percentage? 9.A merchant has 1000 kg of sugar, part of which he sells at 8% profit and the rest at 18% profit . He gains 14% on the whole. The quantity sold at 18% profit is : 10. The percentage profit earned by selling an article for tk. 1920 is equal to the percentage loss incurred by selling the same article for tk. 1280. At what price should the article be sold to make 25% profit ? 11. A shopkeeper earns a profit of 12% on selling a book at 10% discount on the printed price. What’s the ratio of the cost price and the printed price of the book ? 12. On selling a chair at 7% loss and a table at 17% profit , a man gains tk. 296. If he sells the chair at 7% profit and the table at 12% profit , then he gains tk. 400 . What is the actual price of the table? 13. A shirt was sold for tk. 171 and the gain was as much percent as its cost. What was the purchase price of the shirt? 14. Alam sold two vehicles for tk. 46000 each. If he gained 10% on the first and lost 10% on the second, then what is his percentage profit or loss in this transaction? 15. A man sold a book at 10% profit. Had he bought it at 20% less and sold it for tk. 10 more, he would have made a profit of 40%. What is the cost price of the book? POT Oe 1. — AT3, seth x 240 1% = = AIR = Ue ting 108 "yx Wes = 144o + ny ™% jut Q. isd (8h (mot rent 1) Sebingy POH ehee * es pony But ep Prie = mH WTB) | gon-% 2% NE a) 2a etl a 12 ov : = NOs te uh ent price = 400 Tk. belting, prite = 16 x to [30 10 ] = Ah TT. Aetwal Sebbingy Prite = 27 = 14a 7K prfit>, 1ys—400 = YOTK. Se, penentage et petite A qtr { “4 we = Yo% , =~ afer: or S&S wt Setting prite= 100 T%, a = x HO Cr prie= dort 2140 AMD Bess + Amo peruantnge tf cet price = G06 = tf Theme: ut, a , Z Gost | priée e ag pnub Fo _— tt pri uf M ae ' . - a TK. afyein. uLinh price” oe 3 pons he orn Se “soln price & 4 perl 3 BNALH os sas Se ie a t ¢ pifike Si n3.0 B p10 =o cal a 2% . [ Bt Cost prita= doo mK. ved price 2 120, : HoNY Pr ox 28 a 100 TK. Seltingy price. = 400% 96- Ir ty pwofit (aay- 10) = 14 Tk. ooo Mon Tue wed Th —— ay te OG 3. ut, eld ot 4B 7 Prott = sald “af 8 a . rea ch fo ; 2 none 958 x= “ayo ae > A= “Pees. a “os o: | Lh oxy 5 +13, ries ane 78) aq gen owi2BO B one3er 5 ne ae ey priten A 6x SS ae|hCU AT AX et, ett “priene OP 450 TK. geltingy ries = 00 x M2 nw Ut, print periee = * TK. aK ax D2 Ne 420 = => = _ “1s : 2. 4420 ° prinied pre = ) (14199) -90 gi any = m-9 =) (at 199) ( | - 190 a= FO i “7 . purech re prin e TK, 2p Jon”? lov>.= . dot ey) +, Aonnde dent or a iS; bt ep n Anx, $P= denn Sh Ne. = AMOK. Nu CPs dmx, Fes Bor Nv, Sp goxx S40 = 412K f1T3 gasn— Von = 40 © or =) me. 0 ve Gos pains hoo = ” at an/) Percentage and Fraction 1. In a college, Rahim scored 80 marks out of 150 in history and 95 marks out of 120 in English. If he wants to obtain 70% marks in 3 subjects, find the minimum marks he should score in Geography out of 100. 2. At an election involving two candidates, 68 votes were declared invalid. The winning candidate secured 52% and won by 98 votes. What was the number of polled vote ? 3. If A's income is 25% less than that of B, then what percent is B's income more than that of A ? 4. In a club 50% of the male voters and 80% of the female voters voted for candidate A. If candidate A received 70% of total votes , then what was the ratio of male to female voters ? 5. The price of rice is increased by 20% , A man reduces his consumption by 20%. By how much percent will his expense for rice be changed? 6. If the radius of a circle is increased by 6%, then the area is increased by how much percent? 7. The selling price of an article after giving two successive discounts of 10% and 5% on the marked price is tk. 171. What is the marked price ? 8. The price of a pen is 25% more than the price of a book. The price of a penholder is 50% more than the price of the book. How much is the price of the penholder more than the price of the pen? 9.A football team won its first 8 games of the season, and then won 25% of its remaining games. If it won 50% of its games for the entire season, how many games did it play that season? 10. In June, A baseball team that played 60 games had won 30% of its games played. After a phenomenal winning streak this team raised its average to 50%. How many games must the team have won in a row to attain this average? 11. Three workers X, Y and Z are paid a total of tk. 5500 for a particular job. X is paid 133.33% of the amount paid to Y and Y is paid 75% of amount paid to Z. How much is paid to Z? 12. If the numerator of the fraction is increased by 200% and the denominator is increased by 350% , the resultant fraction is 5/12 . What was the original fraction? 13. The difference between a positive proper fraction and its reciprocal is 9/20. What is the fraction? 14. At a college football game , 4/5 of the seats in the lower deck of the stadium were sold. If 1/4" of all the seats in the stadium were located in lower deck , and if 2/3 of all the seats in the stadium were sold , what fraction of the unsold seats in the stadium were in the lower deck? 15. Ina country, 60% of male citizen and 70% of female citizen are eligible to vote. 70% of male and 60% of female are eligible to cast their vote. What fraction of citizens voted during their election ? ‘Se\_Sun Mon Tue wed Thu Fri Se et B= 40K. og *b mome é Surome a Az 10x Eo ame ancien ua \etome ua mons “than e out es 225, THK «kee mn at fh oh — lst, ole Von = 160% oe finale in = sey » (gene 399) are ne a sary * “aot “a0 * ’ apr AS | ox + 8oy 2 Pet ey 2? =) aby = 20% 10 we 70 ? Jy a na 2 HN Te TH a Ant Sat Sun Mon Tue wed Th AtBt Se y Qo+ (2) + “m9 go~ 20 + —U fe y. 150 . a4 f . mney dene = 4 aM. \V \ &. «+ DS br bt BHery, 2» ‘ 160 Ss vadnieaur cho ~ 49-667 Ap: . — al . 7 | 1 ‘ a iE let, NantKed peree = 40x ” ; ed ‘? fn Jo 95_ = ‘ OLX =a 706 ~ Aw 444 ? B5- GH = 17) ? nek panved peiee = oox2— : = 200 Te: meme, oo vu oD ‘Sat Sun Mon Tue wed Ze ef, Tus pri en of eok = Hh 1so s prie of pen 200% we me » Prien, op panluldun = Jo0nd = -125_ , pequinad pereantaige = WP —— x (80 = 2 f/ hs— Let, dan te Muember of fam ey . i a5 = 8 + G8) Ate n-% = gt 4 dy let, The aumber é required modtedy to wins X ATA, box 90 4 x = bof af (iow) sgrne 304°7% | => °5n o\t— = A= 24 a : = UM, - al —! \ Le wt, 2 paud= aor. ~ Ly pod = 10847 He Fon "Ns 13:99 — 10% be ted tee ARE ae A me ey Wiss che ’ nrong FEnt Joon = BPP oo i a) 2 Fem= 5900 Bp AW ~I 2000 ! EY a ae | rate ee Mw abs BY) gon} Agu —Udn 2020 an=4 oy <) 2) gn (et) ere a> Foe =) (unt§) (Fre) =0 a— Pt vrootd= a 2% = a nh pequived Proction — a to * =-Go Mee let; THal malas doox Totes demale = Ay cline ee onl vee = Aon x48, x Be = We = Amy x 0, y See a6 = WJ i yan 42 48 exactin, = arty wot) = oe = 40 (+3) Ys Ann 2 Interest 1. Aman is in need of money for 120 days. He asked the banker and the banker charged Tk. 360 at the rate 6%. What was the amount asked for? Ans: Tk. 18000. 2. The sum of principal and simple interest of a certain amount of money would be Tk. 460 after 3 years from now and Tk. 500 after 5 years from now. What is the total interest rate? Ans: 5%. 3. Asum of money lent out at simple interest amounts to Tk. 720 after 2 years and to Tk 1020 after a further period of 5 years. The sum is- Ans: Tk. 600. 4. Tk. 800 becomes Tk. 956 in 3 years at a certain rate of simple interest. If the rate of interest increased by 4%, what amount will Tk. 800 become in 3 years? Ans: Tk. 1052. 5. Two banks offer interest rate 6% and 7% respectively on savings on savings account. Mr. Faruq deposited a total amount of Tk. 4,000 in the banks and the one year his interest income was Tk. 250. Find the deposit in the bank with 7% interest rate? Ans: 1000. 6. A person borrows Tk. 5000 for 2 years at 4% p.a. simple interest. He immediately lends 6 % % to another person at p. a. for 2 years. Find his gain in the transaction per year. Ans: Tk. 112.50. 7.A sum of money amounts to Tk. 9800 after 5 years and Tk. 12005 after 8 years at the same rate of simple interest. The rate of interest per annum is: Ans: 12%. 8. The difference in taka between simple and compound interest at 5% annually on a sum of Tk. 5000 after 2 years is- Ans: 12.5. 9. An amount of Tk. 10,000 becomes Tk. 20,736 in 2 years. If the rate of interest is compounded half yearly, what is the annual rate of interest? Ans: 40%. 10.A bank offers 5% interest compounded half yearly. A customer deposits Tk. 1600 each on 1* January and 1%. July of a year. At the end of the year the amount he would have gained by the way of interest is- Ans: Tk. 121. 11. What will be the difference between simple and compound interest at 10% on a sum of Tk. 1000 after 4 years? Ans: Tk. 64.10 12. A sum of money is borrowed and paid back in two annual installments of Tk. 882 each allowing 5% compound interest. The sum borrowed was: Ans: 1640. 13. The difference between simple and compound interest on a sum of money at 20% per Annum for 3 years is Tk. 48. What is the sum? Ans: 375 tk. 14. A sum of money placed at compound interest double itself in 4 years. In how many years Will it amount of 8 times itself? Ans: 12 years. Bou ob & a 4 Fa 6 JD Tnteratiy = $00 ) indent — SOXE — 120 dn 2 yoo) inert = » Tue uma (720-120) = 60 tw ; Tk. 6650 PP snsspel p= gon!) Trt, Ie (ost) = | ae Te ‘3 1a year> ‘ Time ms % ‘eb Ka0 — » Rate oF iewt = — i bt mew) sot ne (6) “ee nud anrunt= ‘Boo-+ Brox x12 , = 1052 TK. . MORLTK Stay: 4 voi ’ ‘vided at 47 sh Wetbaunt of &% (yrs TM. AB a x Fes + (omen) Ag = OP =) Frt+ Tysm—6A> ase i = ne Voor tsi 3 ett \ | ont} yore. aitenenee (645 “4) A r | _, 2 =(Gh -) | 4! tog te 7 ae. | mA jon = 500d 7” axe % (oD = 44:5 | far TK. 142 Ly ee ee we wed This | ie 7 — Sf= oe K2x 5 = 5D NK, ete, 5m C+ sP)% am = 55ins- om = 540: 5 ™. } ° piktuunce = (gue 5m) . = ™ ! 1g ms Pe? ™. Ath. 6. a. + yee ' ne > P (s+ Sn) apd 7 L0FSE Ines ve (1055) ue 2 2 (t+ Ga)| oe ja) 2 » ey ay {2 — + wf 9 ee 3 my a etm | a ae “ =“g0 / , 7 -F che yt Yor Theme: D 10+ tt bi * = wee Ae 2ee (Hats ont 3 Totop Ameoot = oe ° ont =, 1400 (3+! 5) t uso (4 85 Jom (1444 tz) + (600 (1+ 45) 4 Lb 2 yShs + Wee * "06 my ‘vole \ = = ‘dee 840 = 3424 Lrcecoti ahoa— (ears) | ™m 402 “TK jaa , Of- Aeon ao? > “4 Yrie ‘vor (1+ +t) ~ = 4m A poke chee? it) be — 1500 lo ! a the Ind yom, baid = BEL AI Hit dine yout, goidc enna — ap 40 » The Aum dorrraed = = (ayer geo) “S40 TK. Sf: Ab Te (3. { ME the om Ae 6{= ASAT = fe: (14 Fe He 53 oe = mh (149° oN u oa) 7 12 ATA» nm An __ ad = 4% 12 “ 40h “| bat “haan Acs Tas weed Tine “Sr pringipal = P mate rf Wer #7 ATB! : (eels > oP agein, mm p (448) = pelt > 5 ee)” “yoostf (7 ~ 5 (aer)” a8] pone un 7 ne ain = BE Q22>== Problems on Ages : 1. Melissa is four times as old as Jim. Pat is 5 years older than Melissa. If Jim is y years old, how old is Pat? Ans: 4y+5 2. The present age of John and Mary are in the ratio of 6: 4. Five years ago their ages were in the ratio of 5: 3. How old is John now? Ans: 30 3. Today is Aziz’s 12" birthday and his father’s 40" birthday. How many years from today will Aziz’s father be twice as old as Aziz’s at that time? Ans: 16. 4. A person's present age is two-fifth of the age of his mother. After 8 years, he will be one- half of the age of his mother. How old is the mother at present? Ans: 40 years. 5. Ais two years older than B who is twice as old as C. If the total of the ages of A, B and C he 27, then how old is B? Ans: 10 years. 6. Four years ago, the father's age was three times the age of his son. The total of the ages of the father and the son after four years will be 64 years. What is the father's age at present? Ans: 40 years. 7. Six years ago Anita was P times as old as Ben was. If Anita is now 17 years old, how old is Ben now in terms of P? Ans: 11/p+6 8. AA mother said to her daughter, “I was as old as you are at now at the date of your birth.” If the mother’s age is 38 years now, the daughter’s age five years back was: Ans: 14 years. 9. The total age of A and B is 12 years more than the total age of B and C. C is how many years younger than A? Ans: 12. 10. The sum of the present ages of a father and his son is 60 years. Six years ago, father’s age was five times the age of the son. After 6 years, son’s age will be: Ans: 20 years. 11. Six years ago, the ratio of the ages of Kunal and Sagar was 6: 5. Four years hence, the ratio of their ages will be 11: 10. What is Sagar’s age at present? Ans: 16 years. 12. . A woman says, “If you revise my own age, the figure represents my husband’s age. He is, of course, senior to me and the difference between our ages is one-eleventh of our sum.” What is the age of the woman? Ans: 45. 13. In 10 years, A will be twice as old as B was 10 years ago. If A is now 9 years older than B, the present age of Bis: Ans: 39 years. 14. Three years back, a father was 24 years older than his son. At present the father is 5 times as old as the son. How old will the son be three years from now? Ans: 9 years. 15. Tanya’s grandfather was 8 times older to her 16 years ago. He would be 3 times of her age 8 years from now. Eight years ago, what was the ratio of Tanya's age to that of her grandfather? Ans: 11:53 ‘Theme; $31 Sun Mon tue wed Thy Fri oe t, oe Repu tred tims =& ATS: 2 (apr %) = Pt% =) a4 ane YOrR = az 46 wd 16 yond Ut, age t Oa Bo 2H Ae fer ATA: et o-+ Qxtr = a a> sre OB inna? FY oa = a Te me me zug 40 10 you). et 7 - ot ob a Lb Mig years afo ben wd x ves So," iam hoy nnd px+b= 2 ne 4346 a cree - eee punk ert v= 4h be St condition, F-42 3 (5-4) => FeH 3$- In+ . 2 ps os- 8 2) and condi”, ‘ tated 6y Nova J Frs+B = by > O$-B+S4+3—44 =a 46=26Y = $el4 ? go 16 ' Fsom equnsen@) . fe SA- @= Yo ° = Yo yer pot sod = 0 Aw ap, Sea S eyes A . 2978) (ap) - (Br8) 230- 2) largrero= a An 2 p+b -8-© g Aree a ae yo’ 7 “_— ps ‘bt, | pranent age of loner | boon | AtB) Go-x)-4 = 5 (x6) go-x-& = 5x90 5 bx= 8} a x= 4 Son's age oAyert An epties ‘ peo) = a Kuna] = 6% & OK now, : kuna) S 6x+6 Sogn -¢ Gxt+6 AQ, éxréet+d — 12 Raley 48 40 7 = 10 se | resent o ae jou 3g pruocert | age Bok .- (Ae arg ATS 4494102 2. (Ra, 10) =) xt 19 = 2n- 20 ) Xs 9 ’ ' eon . on dis 99 Yemen. Ou a a wt 16 yeand amo, Tanya = Gtramdefathert. = Bx mows T= 4+ 16 ¢=. gxt+1é. 1 Q yee depm ano, hiss Te atib+s = at2y ‘ d= Bx+t+ Lé+2 . axt2y ATS: 2 NAY 3 4 gat 24> %(n+24) D Bxt24e Sat FL, 2 me a 1g yore AP 7 ott , . T: 4 = —gas8 B42 a 43 grte+8 = 44454 bon —= Mensuration 1. If the volume of a cube is 27 cubic meters, find the surface area of the cube. Ans: 54 square meters. 2. If the length of a rectangle is increased by 20% and width is decreased by 20%, what is the change in area of the rectangle? Ans: decreases by 4%. 3. If the length and width of a rectangular garden plot were each increased by 20 percent. What would be the percent increase in the area of the plot? Ans: 44%. 4. The length and breadth of a square are increased by 40% and 30% respectively. The area of the resulting rectangle exceeds the area of the square by? Ans: 82%. 5. When the diameter of a circle is tripled, the area of the circle will be increased by how many time? Ans: 9. 6. The area of a rectangle is 200 sq. meter. If the length is twice the breadth, what is the perimeter of the rectangle? 6. The area of a rectangle is 200 sq. meter. If the length is twice the breadth, what is the perimeter of the rectangle? Ans: 60 m. 7. The measurement of a rectangle is 16 feet by 12 feet. What is the area of the smallest circle that can cover this rectangle entirely so that no part of the rectangle is outside the circle? Ans: 100N1 sq. ft. 8. A box is made in the form of a cube. If a second cubical box has inside dimensions three times those of the first box, how many times as much does the second box contain? Ans: 27. 9. Ahall, 20 m long and 15m broad, is surrounded by a verandah of uniform width of 2.5 m. the cost of flooring the verandah at Tk. 3.50 per square meter is- Ans: Tk. 700 10. An iron rod that weighs 24 kg is cut into two pieces, so that one of these pieces weighs 16 kg and is 34 m long. If the weight of each piece is proportional to its length, how long is the other piece? Ans: 17 m. 11. A rectangular fish tank 25 m by 9 m has water in it to a level of 2m. This water is carefully poured into a cylindrical container with a diameter of 10m. How high will the water reach in the cylindrical container? Ans: 18/n. 12. A cylindrical rod of iron, whose height is equal to its radius, is melted and cast into spherical balls whose radius is half the radius of the rod. Find the number of balls. Ans: 6. 13. If the diagonal of a square measures 16V2 cm, what is the area of the square in sq. cm? Ans: 256 sq. cm. 14. If the difference between the circumference and diameter of a circle is 90 cm, then the radius approximately is- Ans: 21 cm. 15. The area of a rhombus is 54 sq. cm and the length of one of the diagonals is 6 cm. The length of the other diagonal is- Ans: 18. 16. The height of an equilateral triangle with a side 2 cm is- Ans: v3 cm. it one side sf +he Cubee Q | faites Mal volume of tube, a9 = 2 r a = “Tw 4 [Arena ba 7 ” Pot st 2 6KS , ‘gig iscsi qx 12 a eS Aiea “odfor deere 0x B= =e" uo Arie. = + 92x80 a. 26001 « Square heen).

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