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Mind-altering drugs

Drug Also known as... E ect on the Brain E ect on body/behavior

Depressant (镇定剂)/

Alcohol (酒精) booze Decreases dopamine levels Dizziness, slurred speech, impaired judgment
High doses can result in respiratory depression and death

Barbiturates (巴⽐妥 yellowjackets Inhibits neural arousal centers Decreases anxiety; increases relaxation
类) High doses can result in respiratory depression and death
Can be very addictive and dangerous when mixed with other
depressants or alcohol

Rohypnol (氟硝安定) Date-rape drug,

roo es, rope

Tranquilizers: Inhibits neural arousal centers Reduces anxiety without inducing sleep

Stimulant (兴奋剂)

Ca eine (咖啡因) Reduces levels of adenosine(腺 Accelerate heart rate; constricts blood vessels
苷)—> norepinephrine release Can lead to irritability, insomnia

Cocaine (可卡因) Coke, crack, snow, Increase dopamine, serotonin & Stimulate heart rate & blood pressure
lady, blow norepinephrine release Users feel as though they have increased mental ability and social
Can be highly addictive

Amphetamines (安⾮他 speed, ice (Ritalin, Increase production of Increase body temperature and heart rate
命) diet pills) dopamine & norepinephrine Can be addictive; produce feeling of euphoria
High doses can lead to motor dysfunction

Nicotine Stimulate acetylcholine Increase heart rate

transmission Have depressant behavioral e ects such as decreasing appetite while
increasing heart rate and respiration
Can sometimes cause euphoria & dizziness
Mind-altering drugs
Drug Also known as... E ect on the Brain E ect on body/behavior

narcotics(麻醉剂)/ Activates receptors for endogenous endorphins


Morphine (吗啡) First line, mud, Induces relaxation and euphoria; can relieve pain
cube, drugstore May cause impaired cognitive ability, sweating, nausea, and respiratory
dope depression
Highly addictive
Heroin (海洛因) Hombre, Junk, crap, Agonist that binds to opiate
Available only by prescription or through illicit means
horse (methadone) receptors

Opium (鸦⽚)

Hallucinogens (致幻 May increase serotonin levels


marijuana (⼤麻) Ganja, dope, grass, May induce sensory synesthesia, in which stimuli from one sense, such
pot, hemp, joint, as hearing, produce sensory e ects in other modalities, such as vision
weed Occasionally, the perceptual alterations are extremely unpleasant and
terrifying. This state may also be accompanied by paranoia.
MDMA (摇头丸) Ecstasy

LSD (⻨⻆酰⼆⼄胺,邮 Acid, Microdot,

票) White lightning

• Agonists
• Antagonists

Addiction/Dependence (physiological/psychological)

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