6.sinif İngi̇li̇zce Kazanimlar 2023

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2023-2024 Eğitim Öğretim Yılı

Yoğunlaştırılmış Yabancı Dil Programı (İNGİLİZCE)

6.sınıf Düzeyi Kazanımlar


 Describing people what do regularly

 Talking about time tables and scheduled events
 Describing the frequency of actions
 Accepting and refusing simple offers
 Describing what people are doing now
 Describing places
 Expressing feelings
 Asking personal questions
 Talking about occupations
 Making phone conversations
 Talking/complaining about annoying habits
 Making predictions
 Sequencing the actions
 Naming numbers ( 100,200,…1000,etc.)

 Talking about past events and actions

 Giving and responding to simple suggestions
 Talking about stages of a procedure
 Describing characters/people
 Comparing people, places and things
 Talking about past events (Giving explanations/reasons)
 Taking about present and past actions
 Taking about present and past habits
 Reporting events happening in a period of time in the past
 Expressing preferences
 Talking about quantity
 Expressing purpose
 Giving explanations & reasons
 Expressing obligations
NOT: Yukarıda belirtilen kazanımlar zorunlu ve seçmeli ders programlarının içeriklerinde
işlenecek olup haftalık 8 saatlik ders planlamasına göre verilmiştir. Dönem ve yılsonu
kazanım değerlendirme sınavları için ortak çerçeve plandır.

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