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In this example, 103 police officers were rated by their supervisors on 14 scales (variables).

You conduct a common

factor analysis on these variables to see what latent factors are operating behind these ratings. The overall rating
variable is excluded from the factor analysis.

The FACTOR Procedure

Initial Factor Method: Principal Factors
Prior Communality Estimates: SMC
Communica Problem Learnin Judgme Observati Willingn Interest Interperso Desire for Appeara Dependab Physical Integrity
tion Skills Solving g Ability nt onal Skills ess to in nal Self- nce ility Ability
Under Confront People Sensitivit Improvem
Pressur Problem y ent
e s
0.62981394 0.58657 0.61009 0.63766 0.6718758 0.647798 0.75641 0.7558489 0.5746017 0.455053 0.6344904 0.42245 0.68195
431 871 021 3 05 519 1 6 04 5 324 454

Eigenvalues of the Reduced Correlation Matrix: Total = 8.06463816 Average = 0.62035678

Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative
1 6.17760549 4.71531946 0.7660 0.7660
2 1.46228602 0.90183348 0.1813 0.9473
3 0.56045254 0.28093933 0.0695 1.0168
4 0.27951322 0.04766016 0.0347 1.0515
5 0.23185305 0.16113428 0.0287 1.0802
6 0.07071877 0.07489624 0.0088 1.0890
7 -.00417747 0.03387533 -0.0005 1.0885
8 -.03805279 0.04776534 -0.0047 1.0838
9 -.08581814 0.02438060 -0.0106 1.0731
10 -.11019874 0.01452741 -0.0137 1.0595
11 -.12472615 0.02356465 -0.0155 1.0440
12 -.14829080 0.05823605 -0.0184 1.0256
13 -.20652684 -0.0256 1.0000

3 factors will be retained by the PROPORTION criterion.

Rotated Factor Pattern

Factor1 Factor2 Factor3
Communication Skills 0.35991 0.32744 0.63530
Problem Solving 0.30802 0.23102 0.67058
Learning Ability 0.08679 0.41149 0.66512
Judgment Under Pressure 0.58287 0.17901 0.51764
Observational Skills 0.05533 0.70488 0.43870
Willingness to Confront Problems 0.02168 0.69391 0.43978
Interest in People 0.85677 0.21422 0.13562
Interpersonal Sensitivity 0.86587 0.02239 0.22200
Desire for Self-Improvement 0.34498 0.55775 0.37242
Appearance 0.19319 0.54327 0.24814
Dependability 0.52174 0.54981 0.29337
Physical Ability 0.25445 0.57321 0.04165
Integrity 0.74172 0.38033 0.15567

The rotated factor pattern matrix is somewhat simpler to interpret. If a magnitude of at least 0.5 is required to indicate
a salient variable-factor relationship, Factor1 now represents interpersonal skills (Interpersonal Sensitivity, Interest
in People, Integrity, Judgment Under Pressure, and Dependability). Factor2 measures physical skills and job
enthusiasm (Observational Skills, Willingness to Confront Problems, Physical Ability, Desire for Self-
Improvement, Dependability, and Appearance). Factor3 measures cognitive skills (Communication Skills,
Problem Solving, Learning Ability, and Judgment Under Pressure).

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