Question and Answer For Industrial Security Management

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Read the Instruction Carefully

Answer the questions, write your COMPLETE answer at the back no erasures

I. Identification

1. _____________ Early Codes that became effective in the Philippines on December 7, 1889
2. _____________the most extensive and severe law that prescribes harsh punishment.
3. _____________The Director of the English Prison who opened the Borstal Institution for young offenders.
4. _____________the Director of the Irish Prison in 1854 who introduced the Irish system that was modified from the
Maconochie’s mark system.
5. _____________mass living in cell blocks, mass eating, mass recreation, mass bathing.
6. _____________non-communication, limited news, “ the lone wolf”.
7. _____________a drug capable of paralyzing the muscles
8. _____________the public will be protected if the offender has being held in conditions where he can not harm
others especially the public.
9. _____________the criminal is punished is to serve as an example to deter others from committing crimes.
10. _____________under the DILG; which has the exclusive control over all city, municipal and district Jails nationwide

II. Enumeration

Rights of Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDL)

Answer Key
I. Identification
1. Spanish Civil Code
2. The Code of Kalantiao
3. Sir Evelyn Ruggles Brise
4. Walter Crofton
5. Mass Movement
6. Isolation or Solitary Confinement
7. Pancuronium Bromide
8. Incapacitation and Protection
9. Exemplary Theory

II. Enumiration
a. right to be treated in a humane manner;
b. right to a fair trial with adequate and free legal assistance;
c. right to be protected from cruel, inhumane, degrading treatment and punishment, including sexual violence and other
forms of torture;
d. right to be kept in official government civilian prisons and to be protected from being imprisoned in unofficial places of
detention or in military custody;
e. right to appear in public before a legally-constituted court within a short time after their arrest;
f. f. right to fair and humane treatment which enables the maintenance of self respect;
g. g. right to a prison program which enhances their social and intellectual abilities;
h. h. right to separate living arrangements in prison in
accordance with the categories of gender, age, and reasons for imprisonment;
i. That prisoners awaiting trial have the right to be held separately from convicted prisoners;
j. j. That political prisoners have the right to be segregated from other prisoners;
k. k. right to communicate with their families and to maintain familial relationships;
l. l. right to free legal assistance

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