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Membership Number: __________________

I, __________________________________, a duly registered member of the Cordillera Administrative Region Credit

Cooperative, hereby express my intent to run for the upcoming elections on April 6, 2024. I am seeking the position of

____________________________________ with the aim of contributing my services and expertise to enhance the

overall operation of the Cooperative.

I understand that it is my responsibility to abide by the existing Articles of Cooperation and Cooperative By-Laws, legal

orders, and decrees promulgated by the duly constituted authorities, and ensure that I possess all the qualifications and

none of the disqualifications as stated in the aforementioned.

I further understand that the “Letter of Intent” does NOT constitute the official elections application, and I am NOT

considered an official candidate until all candidacy requirements, as outlined in the guidelines, have been satisfactorily

completed. My status as a candidate will only be official upon the announcement made by the appropriate authorities.

I hereby affix my signature to attest to my serious and true intention to run as a candidate for the position.

Signature over Printed Name
Date of Application

Verified and Validated by the 2024 Election Committee

(Name of Committee) (Name of Committee)

(Position) (Position)

(Name of Committee)

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