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Election Committee (ELECOM) Report

Dear Esteemed Members of the General Assembly,

It is with great pleasure and a sense of duty that we present to you the Election
Committee's Year 2023 Report. As the custodians of the democratic process within
our esteemed organization, we hold the responsibility of ensuring fair, transparent,
and efficient elections.

Throughout the past year, our committee has diligently worked to uphold the
principles of democracy and ensure that the voice of every member is heard. We
have conducted elections for various positions within the cooperative, including
executive roles, committee memberships, and other important functions.

Key Highlights:

 Transparency: Transparency has been the cornerstone of our operations.

We have ensured that all election procedures were conducted openly and in
accordance with the organization's bylaws and regulations. From the
nomination process to the announcement of results, every step has been
transparent and accessible to all members.

 Fairness: Upholding the principle of fairness has been paramount. We have

enhanced the Election Guidelines which was successfully approved by the
General Assembly.

 Engagement: Engaging with our members has been a priority for us. Our
aim has been to foster a sense of ownership and participation in the
democratic process.

Looking Ahead:

As we reflect on the past year, we also look ahead to the future with optimism and
determination. We remain committed to our mission of facilitating democratic
elections within the organization and will continue to adapt and improve our
processes to meet the evolving needs of our members.

We recognize also the importance of efficiency in conducting elections. To this end,

we would like to pray that as the cooperative is growing maybe we can consider
streamlining our processes, leveraging technology where possible to facilitate
smoother operations. This will result in timely elections and prompt
announcement of results. It might not be this year but we look forward for this
possibility and we are not closing our doors to technology.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all members of the General Assembly for their
participation, cooperation, and support throughout the past year. Your
commitment to democratic values is what makes our organization strong, vibrant,
and resilient.

We reaffirm our dedication to upholding the principles of democracy and serving

the best interests of our cooperative and its members. Together, we will continue
to build a community where every voice is heard, and every vote counts.
Audit Committee Report

Dear Esteemed Members of the General Assembly,

It is our honor as the Audit Committee to present our 2023 Report, highlighting
our endeavors and outcomes throughout the past year. Our mandate remains
rooted in ensuring transparency, accountability, and adherence to best practices
within our organization. In addition to our quarterly internal audits, we focused on
minimizing staff turnovers by conducting a thorough review of the HR policy this
year 2024.

Quarterly Internal Audits:

Throughout the year, the Audit Committee conducted rigorous quarterly internal
audits aimed at assessing various facets of our organization's operations. These
audits served as essential tools for evaluating financial practices, operational
efficiencies, and regulatory compliance. By scrutinizing key processes and
controls, we sought to identify areas for enhancement and mitigate potential risks.

Key areas covered in our audits included:

 Financial Controls: We meticulously reviewed financial controls and

procedures to safeguard assets, and ensure the accuracy of financial

 Operational Efficiencies: We evaluated operational processes across offices

to identify opportunities for improvement, streamline workflows, and
optimize resource utilization.

 Compliance: Our audits focused on assessing the coop’s compliance with

applicable laws, regulations, and internal policies, emphasizing the
importance of ethical conduct and adherence to industry standards.

Review of HR Policy:

In alignment with our commitment to minimizing staff turnover and fostering a

supportive work environment, the Audit Committee will conduct a comprehensive
review of the HR policy this year, 2024. Recognizing the significant impact of HR
practices on employee morale and retention, we examined various aspects of the
policy to identify areas for enhancement.

Key to consider in our review includes:

 Talent Acquisition and Retention: We will evaluate recruitment strategies,

onboarding processes, and retention initiatives to attract top talent and
reduce turnover rates.
 Employee Development: We will suggest trainings and development
programs to ensure alignment with coop’s objectives and support career
growth opportunities for staff members.

 Work-Life Balance: our review will encompass policies related to flexible

work arrangements, wellness programs, and benefits designed to promote
work-life balance and enhance employee well-being.

Outcomes and Recommendations:

The Audit Committee identified several opportunities for improvement and

formulated actionable recommendations to address them. These recommendations
aim to strengthen internal controls, enhance operational efficiencies, and optimize
HR practices to minimize staff turnover and maximize organizational performance.

Looking Ahead:

As we embark on a new year, the Audit Committee remains steadfast in our

commitment to promoting accountability, transparency, and continuous
improvement. We will continue to collaborate closely with management and Board
of Directors to implement our recommendations and drive positive change within
our cooperative.

We extend our sincere appreciation to the General Assembly for their support.

Thank you for your attention.

Ethics Committee Report

As the Ethics Committee, it is our privilege to present our report for the past year
to the General Assembly, outlining our activities and addressing matters pertinent
to ethical conduct within our cooperative. Our role is pivotal in upholding the
highest standards of integrity, transparency, and accountability, thereby fostering
a culture of trust and respect among all members.

Overview of Activities:

Throughout the year 2023, the Ethics Committee has been diligently engaged in
fulfilling its mandate, which includes:

 Reviewing and updating the coop’s code of ethics and conduct to ensure
relevance and alignment with evolving industry standards and regulatory

 Providing guidance and support to the cooperative activities.

 Posting the Coop's Code of Ethics: One of our primary initiatives has been to
enhance awareness of our cooperative's Code of Ethics. To achieve this, we
have prominently displayed the Code of Ethics in the office bulletin board.
This serves as a constant reminder to all employees, officers and members
of the ethical standards we uphold and the expectations regarding conduct
and behavior within our cooperative.

As we move forward, the Ethics Committee remains committed to promoting

ethical awareness, integrity, and compliance within our cooperative.. Our ultimate
goal is to cultivate a culture of ethics that fills every aspect of our cooperative's

We extend our gratitude to the General Assembly for their support and
commitment to ethical governance.
Education Committee Report

We are pleased to present the annual report of the Education Committee for the
year 2023. The Education Committee (EDCOM) was established with the objective
of promoting learning and professional development opportunities for all
cooperative members, staff and officers. Year 2023 has been a busy year as the
EDCOM dedicated to enhancing the skills, knowledge, and teamwork capabilities
of our workforce through various initiatives and programs.

Key Achievements:

 Training and Development for the Laboratory Cooperative:

The EDCOM facilitate the pre-organization of a 20-member Laboratory
cooperative that will be soon registered on the year 2024. Some topics
discussed were relevant to our laboratory cooperative's operations, including
customer service, financial literacy, and cooperative principles.
 Partnered with Cordillera Administrative Region Cooperative Union (CARCU)
trainers and experts to deliver training sessions for the mandated
cooperative trainings.
 Team Building Activities:
The EDCOM conducted team building activities and retreats to strengthen
communication, collaboration, and camaraderie among cooperative staff
members, organized team building exercises, such as outdoor challenges,
problem-solving activities, and group discussions, to promote teamwork and
mutual support.
Challenges and Opportunities:

While we have made significant progress in advancing our educational objectives,

we have also encountered some challenges along the way, including:

 Ensuring equitable access to training and development opportunities for all

members, particularly those who are always busy in their businesses.
 Securing sufficient funding and resources to sustain ongoing educational
initiatives and meet the evolving needs of our workforce.

Looking ahead, we see several opportunities to further enhance the educational

experiences and outcomes for our cooperative staff members, including:
 Strengthening partnerships with educational institutions, industry
associations, and other stakeholders to access additional resources and
 Empowering staff and officers to take ownership of their learning and
development journey through self-directed learning opportunities and
personalized development plans.

In conclusion, the EDCOM remains committed to fostering a culture of continuous

learning, growth, and excellence within our cooperative. We are grateful for the
support and collaboration of the Board of Directors and all staff members in
advancing our educational objectives. By investing in the knowledge and skills of
our workforce, we can build a stronger, more resilient cooperative that is better
equipped to meet the needs of our members and communities.
GAD Committee Report

We are pleased to present the annual report of the Gender and Development
Committee for the year 2023. The Gender and Development (GAD) Committee was
established with the objective of promoting gender equality and fostering an
environment that is inclusive and supportive of all genders within our cooperative.

The committee will try to work diligently to advance these goals through various
initiatives, programs, and advocacy efforts these coming years to come; since the
priority for year 2023 was for all the committees to attend and finish the basic
cooperative training courses, which was successfully given by the Cooperative
Union (CARCU).

The committee, however, has collected and analyzed data on membership,

participation, and benefits within the cooperative disaggregated by gender, that
out of the total membership of 1,700 as of January 2023, there were 1,052 females
and only 648 men. The committee suggested that recruitment of more men
members should be encouraged from the driver’s sector and other sectors.

The GAD Committee plans to promote gender equality and women's empowerment
within the cooperative through the following plans and activities to be
implemented these years 2024-2026:

Gender Sensitization Workshops: Conduct workshops and training

sessions for cooperative members and staff to raise awareness about gender
issues, stereotypes, and biases, and promote understanding of gender
equality principles.

Policy Review and Development: Review existing cooperative policies and

procedures to ensure they are gender-responsive. Develop new policies or
revise existing ones to promote equal opportunities and address gender-
based discrimination.

Capacity Building Programs: Organize skill-building programs, leadership

training, and mentoring opportunities specifically targeted at women
members to enhance their participation and decision-making roles within
the cooperative.

Promotion of Women's Entrepreneurship: Provide support and resources

for women members interested in starting or expanding their businesses.
This could include access to financial assistance, training in business
management, and networking opportunities.

Gender-Responsive Budgeting: Ensure that budget allocations within the

cooperative consider the specific needs and priorities of both men and
women members. Allocate resources towards initiatives that promote gender
equality and women's empowerment.

Awareness Campaigns: Launch awareness campaigns within the

cooperative and the wider community to challenge stereotypes, promote
gender equality, and encourage men's involvement in caregiving

Partnerships and Collaboration: Forge partnerships with other

organizations working on gender equality and women's empowerment to
leverage resources, share best practices, and amplify impact.

By implementing these plans and activities, the GAD Committee can play a crucial
role in fostering an inclusive and equitable cooperative environment that benefits
all members, officers and staff regardless of gender.
Mediation and Conciliation Committee Report

We present this report on behalf of the Mediation and Conciliation (MedCon)

Committee detailing our activities, findings, and recommendations for the year

During the reporting period, the MedCon Committee diligently carried out its
mandate to facilitate the resolution of conflicts and disputes within the
cooperative. Our activities included:

 Conducting mediation sessions between members and/or between members

and the cooperative management to address various grievances and
 Providing a neutral platform for all parties involved to express their
concerns, identify underlying issues, and work towards mutually acceptable
 Offering guidance and support to parties involved in disputes, emphasizing
cooperative values, fairness, and respect for all members.
 Maintaining confidentiality and impartiality throughout the mediation
process to foster trust and encourage open communication.
 Documenting agreements reached during mediation sessions and ensuring
compliance with agreed-upon terms.

However, we have key findings:

 A significant portion of the cases brought to our attention were related to

the non-payment of loans. The non-payment of loans was often attributed to
various factors, including unexpected financial hardships, changes in
employment status, and insufficient income to cover loan obligations.
 Many members expressed a willingness to repay their loans but required
additional support and flexibility to meet their financial commitments.
 Communication gaps between members and the cooperative management
sometimes contributed to misunderstandings regarding loan terms and
repayment expectations.

Based on our experiences and observations, we offer the following

recommendations to address the issue of non-payment of loans and enhance the
cooperative's loan management practices:

 Strengthened Communication: Improve communication channels between

the loan department and members to provide clear and consistent
information about loan terms, repayment options, and available support
 Flexible Repayment Options: Offer flexible repayment options, such as
loan restructuring, deferment of payments, or partial settlements, to
accommodate members facing temporary financial hardships.
 Early Intervention: Implement proactive measures to identify members at
risk of defaulting on loans and provide timely intervention and support
before the situation escalates.
 Monitoring and Evaluation: Establish mechanisms for monitoring loan
repayment performance, identifying trends in default rates, and evaluating
the effectiveness of interventions to mitigate non-payment.

In conclusion, the Mediation and Conciliation Committee recognizes the

importance of addressing the issue of non-payment of loans within the cooperative
and is committed to working collaboratively with all members to find equitable and
sustainable solutions.

We believe that by implementing the above recommendations, we can improve loan

management practices and support members in fulfilling their financial obligations
while promoting the cooperative's overall stability and resilience.

Thank you for your attention to this report. We welcome further guidance from the
Board of Directors as we continue our efforts to promote harmony and prosperity
within the cooperative.

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