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When embarking on academic research, one of the crucial components is the literature review.

critical analysis of existing literature on a specific topic not only provides a comprehensive
understanding but also serves as a foundation for further research. However, delving into the
intricacies of literature review writing can often be daunting and time-consuming.

There are various types of literature reviews, each serving different purposes and approaches:

1. Narrative Literature Review: This type provides a comprehensive overview of the existing
literature on a particular topic, organizing it thematically or chronologically.
2. Systematic Literature Review: In contrast to a narrative review, a systematic review follows
a structured methodology to identify, evaluate, and synthesize relevant studies based on
predefined criteria.
3. Meta-Analysis: This involves statistical analysis of data from multiple studies to draw
conclusions about a particular research question. It quantitatively synthesizes findings from
various sources.
4. Scoping Review: This type aims to map the existing literature on a broad topic, identifying
key concepts, theories, and knowledge gaps.
5. Critical Literature Review: This involves a critical evaluation of the strengths and
weaknesses of existing literature, examining methodologies, biases, and theoretical

Writing a literature review requires extensive research, critical thinking, and strong analytical skills. It
involves not only summarizing existing literature but also synthesizing it to develop new insights or
perspectives. Additionally, ensuring coherence, clarity, and relevance throughout the review is

Given the challenges associated with crafting a literature review, many individuals seek assistance
from professional writing services. Among these, ⇒ ⇔ stands out as a reliable
platform offering expert guidance and support in literature review writing. With a team of
experienced writers well-versed in diverse academic fields, ⇒ ⇔ ensures high-
quality, meticulously researched literature reviews tailored to meet specific requirements.

Whether you're a student grappling with the complexities of academic writing or a researcher seeking
to enhance the impact of your work, ⇒ ⇔ provides a convenient solution to your
literature review needs. Place your order today and unlock the potential of your research endeavors.
You must study the original paper thoroughly before you start writing. Carl Gustav Jung, a
psychologist, has prepared a character archetypes list of 12 basic types responsible for the human
motivation for all type of activities. Doing a Literature Review: Releasing the Social Science
Research Imagination. Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP
on. Your expert tutor will read everything they have to read, put in the time to do research, and
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including ASD, determine the behavior. It enables the reader to draw a dynamic understanding of
the paper. Definitions may be similar across the disciplines, with new types and definitions
continuing to emerge. Usually if you take three or more words directly from another source, you
should put those words within quotation marks, and cite the page. A description of the literature
relevant to a particular field or topic. Still you might be worried about how to write a Literature
review. Only that way, you’ll answer the research question. ?? Step 2. Identify the Review Scope
One more essential thing to do is to define the research boundaries: don’t make them too broad or too
narrow. May require the author to adopt a guiding theory, a set of competing models, or a point of
view about a topic. This is specifically crafted for academic writing improvements. Finally, managing
your sources wisely is the key to writing good literature for your dissertation. Summarizes previous
studies while also showing how the body of literature could be extended and improved in terms of
content and method by identifying gaps. It should not merely be descriptive—it should present
definitions, theories, debates, and research data in the field of interest. On top of monthly and
weekly deals, we also offer bulk and referral discounts. Now equipped with the essential steps to
start your literature review, you're set on the right path. So, you have to suggest solutions to the
problems and identify the main issues of the event. Synthesize Information Connect the dots
between different studies. Marx believed that every story, both real and fictional, concerned
economics and power structures in society. Then, you select and study the topic-related literature to
confirm or deny the stated question. She is majorly involved in developing and reviewing online
content plans that engage and resonate with audiences. To ensure the success of your analysis, you
should equally uphold all of these parts. ? What Must a Literature Review Include. Identify Gaps
Highlight areas where existing research falls short. You focus on the main subject and make a critical
analysis. It helps you to understand the research area about what are the methodologies already
present in that research area. Step 4: Create An Outline In this crucial step, determine the
organizational structure of your review, which will serve as the foundation for your written work.
Hence it evaluates the different information on the basis of multiple qualitative research studies.
Both of the stories focus on isolation from people and the world. Chronological Approach This
approach organizes your review based on the temporal progression of events, theories, or studies.
Usually if you take three or more words directly from another source, you should put those words
within quotation marks, and cite the page. Chronology (this method will give the worst impression,
use only if it really makes sense to your topic!) (University of Wisconsin, 2006) MS 640:
Introduction to Biomedical Information 21. This chapter provides an overview to help prepare you
for this process. Hence I am here providing you literature review example to make it more clearly for
you. It it crucial as a part of your qualifying exams and the accompanying literature reviews that you
elaborate on the context of the studies being cited. Learn more about our academic and editorial
standards. However, Historical reviews are focused on exploring research. Writing a Literature
Review: Overcoming Challenges 16. Always choose recent publications as reference for your
literature work. Import references from a database PubMed, MEDLINE, Web of Science, Google
Scholar, more 2. Some things to keep in mind as you begin your own research and writing are ways
to avoid the most common errors seen in the first attempt at a literature review. Literature review.
Defined as a systematic, explicit, and reproducible way of identifying, evaluating, and interpreting
all of the research findings and scholarly work available on a topic. Crafting a literature review is a
strategic process encompassing various vital steps to ensure a comprehensive and coherent review.
Review articles summarize previously published research on a topic and usually present new ways to
organize or explain the results. Then you will learn how to write a literature review for a dissertation.
Innovations and advancements in those fields tend to change every now and then. Literature
Reviews are Conducted For Various Reasons: 1. Think about why this is important for your research.
After that, select a pool of credible sources for further synthesis and analysis. ?? Step 3. Work with
Sources Investigate each chosen source. This helps to eliminate the non-relevant work and also some
of the lower quality research. Hence the literature review gives a historical review or the works of
other researchers related to the topic to give an insight to us. Your search should help refine the topic
and objective of the overview being written. They have expertise in more than 100 academic
subjects, so no matter what kind of class you’re enrolled in, be it a major course or an elective, we
can help. Utilize reputable academic databases for literature searches like Google Scholar or your
university's library resources. Sure, it’s impossible to find a topic that hasn’t been discussed or cited.
However, It is basically around 10,000-12,000 words if you are an undergraduate. 15,000-25,000
words at the PhD level and it can also go up to 50000 words. You research literature is a summary or
introduction of sorts for your research topic.
However, Historical reviews are focused on exploring research. It discusses the published
information or data of the other scholars pertaining to your topic. In case you want to see the
examples of this type of work, check out our collection of free student essays. Unleashing the Power
of AI Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP on. The summary of previous sources is a
recap of the critical information related to that topic and synthesis is a reorganization or shuffling of
the information. It shows how well you have understood the original paper. So, after determining the
approach on how to write the contents in your body, you must construct your paragraphs as per
academic conventions. At a basic level, the term implies a survey of factual or nonfiction books,
articles, and other documents published on a particular subject. A literature review is a
comprehensive examination and analysis of existing literature and scholarly works on a specific
subject or research topic. Nova has also worked as a technical and scientific writer. The literature
review helps to persuade the person reading and marking your assignment that what you have
written about is relevant and your arguments are justified and worthwhile. It would be better to seek
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the analysis of the paper’s theoretical methodology. Both environment and psychological states,
including ASD, determine the behavior. The body reveals how each of the selected literature sources
answers the formulated questions from the introduction. If your literature review is not a part of the
thesis and goes as a stand-alone paper — be concise but explore the research area in-depth. As you
search for journal articles, you will need to read critically across the breadth of the literature to
identify these gaps. We Take Classes helps thousands of online students every semester. The entire
literature review revolves around this part. It’s better to use tables or diagrams to make your content
visual. Contrast. Use listings to categorize particular approaches, themes, and so on. Critique. Critical
thinking is a must in any scientific research. Provide, in a brief and concise way, the context of the
study. It helps you to understand the research area about what are the methodologies already present
in that research area. Meta-synthesis goes along with the inductive approach. After that, select a pool
of credible sources for further synthesis and analysis. ?? Step 3. Work with Sources Investigate each
chosen source. First, “the” erroneously signifies that your literature review is one standalone thing, as
opposed to something that is integrated and referred to throughout the entire thesis or article. It is
much more than a summary of all the related literature. When you compile all that together, you have
yourself a literature review.”. When is the best option to write an integrative literature review.
Identifying gaps allows you to position your work as a valuable contribution to the field.
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we’ll get you rolling in no time at all. Sometimes also referred to as a traditional literature review. It
is done in order to highlight the direction of your research work. You should evaluate all the sources
and critically analyse them. It also shows them that you have a better understanding of the research
area. You will have a devoted tutor working on your behalf then on out. Example: If reviewing
literature on climate change, themes could include the impact on ecosystems, societal responses, and
mitigation strategies. When searching these databases, emphasis should be given to meta-analysis,
systematic reviews randomised controlled trials and landmark studies. Hence it evaluates the
different information on the basis of multiple qualitative research studies. The author states that the
majority of children with ASD are likely to engage in disruptions. You need to make sure that you
are aware of the debates and counter arguments associated with your topic as well. Once your
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literature review must be defined by a guiding concept (eventually your research objective, the
problem or issue you are discussing, or your argumentative thesis). It is not a difficult task to know
how to write a Literature review. Utilizes Evidence: Enhances credibility by citing expert findings
and theories. Don’t forget about these five C’s to make things easier in writing a literature review:
Cite. Literature Reviews are Conducted For Various Reasons: 1. The more work you bring our way,
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making sure everything is submitted on time. Methodologies, findings and limits of the existing body
of knowledge are discussed in narrative form. Hence, it helps in giving a new interpretation to the
old materials available on the topic. If there is no discussion of the relevance of the overview to other
work in the field, or if there is no interpretation of the literature, it may signal the author has not
thoroughly investigated the topic. (University of Wisconsin, 2006) MS 640: Introduction to
Biomedical Information 22. Therefore, it will demand more effort and time from you. In a way, it
guides the readers to analyze the research work. Theoretical literature review implies gathering
theories. Remember: before writing a literature review, specify its type. That is why we cannot but
use the works of other authors. The literature available on any given subject is extremely broad. Just
call us and say, “Take my online course,” and an experienced professional will start working
immediately. Now, let's explore some examples of literature reviews that can assist you in crafting
your own.
Provide, in a brief and concise way, the context of the study. A good conclusion should contain:
Cumulative list of arguments around the research question Links to existing literature and a place of
your paper in the existing system of knowledge. Summarizes previous studies while also showing
how the body of literature could be extended and improved in terms of content and method by
identifying gaps. The paper enumerates the current studies on the topic, its advantages, and
disadvantages. To ensure the success of your analysis, you should equally uphold all of these parts. ?
What Must a Literature Review Include. You wouldn’t want to circle around the same content.
Literature Review Some would ask: isn’t what you are writing about is just an annotated
bibliography. Also, It contributes to the betterment of your final scores. These services would give
you a helping hand in your distress. A good review builds on and strengthens existing knowledge
with new data. Before you understand about a literature review, it is important to know each and
everything about a dissertation. Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing Research,
International FDP on. The framework of understanding the same methodology at different angles. As
a study of the research on a particular topic, it is arranged by key themes or findings, which may
lead up to or link to the research question. There is one sufficient problem in this type, by the way.
Promotes Theory Development: Evaluates and combines existing theories, possibly leading to new
ones. That is why we cannot but use the works of other authors. Don’t forget about these five C’s to
make things easier in writing a literature review: Cite. Utilizes Evidence: Enhances credibility by
citing expert findings and theories. Select the Topic Selecting a topic requires looking from two
perspectives. Offers Methodological Guidance: Helps choose appropriate research methods for
quality outcomes. It could be helpful for your thesis or dissertation work. They find that the literature
compellingly demonstrates that low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels significantly
influence the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Utilize a wide range of materials; may not
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