Annotated Bibliography

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Name: Md.

Zayed Hossain
Date: 24th Match 2022

ID: 2013844630

ENG 105

Section: 03

Assignment: Annotated Bibliography

Research Topic: Psychological Effects of having Breakfast in Young Generation of Dhaka


Biswas, S., Alam, S. S., Sayem, A. H., Hossain, M., Mithu, S. H., Akther, S., Rahman, N., &
Siddique, A. E. (2020). Breakfast Skipping and Associated Factors: Experience from Students at
Public University in Noakhali District, Bangladesh. ResearchGate.

In this article, the author explained breakfast skipping experiences of some students who are

studying in a public university as well as he also explained other some associated factors of

breakfast skipping. Here, author conducted a survey among 403 students whereas 213 male

students and 190 female students participated. In this survey, by that survey, author tried to show

that regular activities are hampered due to skipping breakfast. Besides, academic performance,

physical exercise and so on are hampered if a person skips breakfast in morning. In this survey,

one more thing comes forward. Students who stay in houses skip breakfast less than students

who stay in hostels. According to age limit, teenage students tend to skip breakfast more than

adult students. It means adult students are more conscious about their health than teenage

Goon, S., & Islam, M. S. (2014). Breakfast skipping and Obesity risk among urban adults in

Bangladesh. International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS), 3(1).

In this article of factors associated with breakfast skipping explained some factors

because of skipping breakfast. In this research paper, author used a survey among urban

adults to find out exact information. This primary survey had been conducted from April

to May, 2013. In that survey, total 426 adults have been participated. The result of survey

shows that 35.8% adults skips breakfast and 64.2% adults don’t skip breakfast. Male

skipper was 39.5% and female skipper was 60.5% Besides, this survey was based on age,

education status, weight status, occupation and reasons of skipping breakfast. After

showing result, an effective discussion has been included in research paper where some

ways have been discussed to solve out this problem among adults.

C. (2020, September 28). The 4 Most Popular Excuses for Skipping Breakfast (And How to Beat

Them). Cookist.Com.


In this article, author mentioned total 4 most common excuses for skipping breakfast and

author also explained way to beat this. First excuse of them is that they have no time to

take breakfast, second one is they don’t get any taste eating breakfast. Thirdly, they give

another common excuse which is they want to lose weight of their body. So they don’t

take breakfast. Last common excuse is they will be very tired. As a result, they can not

take morning exercise. So, they want to take breakfast regularly. Though there are more

new and innovative excuses to avoid breakfast and these excuses generally come from

young generation, above 4 excuses are used mostly. Author gave some suggestions in the
end of each excuse by which young generation can solve out their problems and take

breakfast regularly. If one take those suggestions, the person can take breakfast everyday

very easily.

Lien, L. (2007). Is breakfast consumption related to mental distress and academic performance in

adolescents? Public Health Nutrition, 10(4), 422–428.

In this journal, author wanted to examine breakfast consumption related to mental

distress of adolescents. To do this survey, two four-page questionnaires had been made

and two school sessions needed to fill up those questionnaires. 88.3% students of two

schools had participated in the survey. Survey result shows that girls are facing more

mental distress related problem because of breakfast than boys, percentage number is

19%. In this survey, educational level of parents, family structure, smoking, dieting, soft

drink consumption and so on had been included. By using these variables, author

understood whether the participant took breakfast regularly or not. In the end of survey,

author discussed what he got from the survey. Here, he said that mental distress is less if

one takes breakfast regularly. Not only mental distress but also academic performance is

increased if breakfast is taken regularly. Author also mentioned that immigrant people

such as Norwegian group skip breakfast more often than boys. So, girls suffer from more

mental distress than boys.

Ferrer-Cascales, R., Sánchez-SanSegundo, M., Ruiz-Robledillo, N., Albaladejo-Blázquez, N.,

Laguna-Pérez, A., & Zaragoza-Martí, A. (2018). Eat or Skip Breakfast? The Important

Role of Breakfast Quality for Health-Related Quality of Life, Stress and Depression in
Spanish Adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public

Health, 15(8), 1781.

In this article, authors conducted a survey among 527 Spanish adolescents about stress

and depression because of skipping breakfast. Besides, authors explained the role of

having breakfast as well as they gave a quality breakfast routine which helps to lead a

healthy life. This survey followed more variables such as moods, emotions and parent

relations. The result of analysis showed that adolescents are healthier who are taking

breakfast than other adolescents. Again, lower level of depression and stress have been

noticed who take good quality breakfast. On the other hand, poor quality breakfast eater

faced depression and stress as well.

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