Himalaya Products

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CHAPTER 3 7 – 11


CHAPTER 4 12 – 36

CHAPTER 5 37 – 39





4.1 Table showing classification of the respondents 13

based on Gender

4.2 Table showing classification of the respondents 14

based on occupation

4.3 Table showing classification of the respondent 15

based on annual income

4.4 Table showing respondent ever used any product 16

of himalaya .

4.5 Table showing which product respondent buy more. 17

4.6 Table showing that respondent heard about 18

himalaya products before usin the sample

4.7 Table showing respondent like himalaya product . 19

4.8 Table showing main factors effect the respondent 20

on buying Himalaya

4.9 Table showing the location for buying 21

himalaya product
4.10 Table showing whether respondent buy this in 22
the future

4.11 Table showing the respondent recommend 23

this product

4.12 Table showing respondent deals with 24

himalaya products

4.13 Table showing the rating of himalaya products 25

4.14 Table showing how much long the respondent 26

using himalaya

4.15 Table showing how did you come to know about it 27

4.16 Table showing himalaya offers large variety of 28


4.17 Table showing the satisfaction of customers 29

4.18 Table showing the himalaya uses natural ingredients 30

4.19 Table Showing himalaya products are chemical free 31

4.20 Table Showing himalaya have good image 32

4.21 Table Showing the price level the customer 33

most prefer
4.22 Table Showing the pricing are reasonable 34

4.23 Table Showing whether the respondent purchase
himalaya products through online

4.24 Table showing whether the responders are convenient
on using himalaya products


Chart showing classification of the respondent based on

4.1 13

Chart showing classification of the respondents based on

4.2 14

Chart showing classification of the respondents based on

4.3 15
annual income

Chart showing the respondent have ever used Himalaya

4.4 16

4.5 Chart showing which products responders buy more 17

Chart showing whether the responders heard about

4.6 18
Himalaya products

4.7 Chart showing the responders like Himalaya products 19

Chart showing main factors with effect the Himalaya

4.8 20
Chart showing prescribed location for purchase Himalaya
4.9 21

Chart showing whether the respondent buy this product

4.10 22
in the future
Chart showing whether the responders prescribe this
4.11 23
product to friends and relatives
Chart showing the responders deals with Himalaya
4.12 24

4.13 Chart showing the rating of Himalaya 25

Chart showing how much long the responders use
4.14 26
Himalaya products

4.15 Chart showing how come to known about Himalaya 27

4.16 Chart showing Himalaya offers large variety 28

4.17 Chart showing satisfaction of responders 29

4.18 Chart showing Himalaya contain natural ingredients 30

4.19 Chart showing Himalaya are chemical free 31

Chart showing have the Himalaya products have good

4.20 32
Chart showing the price level of Himalaya products
4.21 33
which the responders buy more
Chart showing the price of Himalaya are reasonable to
4.22 34
Chart showing the responders buy this product through
4.23 35
Chart showing responders are convenient on using
4.24 36
Himalaya products
1.1 Introduction

Customer satisfaction is a term frequently used in marketing. It is a measure of

how products and services supplied by a company meet customer expectation.
Customer satisfaction is defied as “the number of customers, or percentages of
total customers, whose reported experience with the firm, its services exceed
specified satisfaction goals”. It is seen as a key performance indicator with in
business complete for customers, customer satisfaction is seen as a key
differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of business strategy.
Under this I am studied about customer satisfaction towards Himalaya product
with references to Varandarappilly, panchayath.

1.2 Statement of the problem

Different varieties of the product are available in the market. Customer prefer
the varieties of for high quality, low price and attractive cover. Most of the
customers are satisfied with the quality products and some customer prefer
other factors. The completion is severe in and the manufactures has to consider
the opinion of the customers . in the context , I am interested in studying the
customer satisfaction toward Himalaya products.

1.3 Scope of the study

 It is very important to study the satisfaction level of the Himalaya
 It’s leading indicator of customer repurchase intention and loyalty.

1.4 Objectives of the study

 TO study about the customer level of satisfaction towards Himalaya
 To ascertain the factors that influencing customer on choosing the
Himalaya products.
 To measure the level of awareness among customers towards the
Himalaya products.

1.5 Research design

1.5.1 Nature of the study

The nature of study are descriptive in nature

1.5.2 Primary or Secondary

The primary data as well as the secondary data are used for collection of data.

1.5.3 Sources of data

In this study we used primary data as well as the secondary data .the primary
data are collected by using questionnaire and the source of secondary data are
research papers, magazine, websites etc.

1.6 Sample design

1.6.1 Nature of population

In this study I am selected customer which uses Himalaya products from the
locality of Varandarappilly (Thrissur). In this study the population are infinite.

1.6.2 Sample unit

The sample units are the customers of Himalaya products of the locality of
varandarappilly , Thrissur.

1.6.3 Method of sampling

Simple random sampling are used.

1.6.4 Size of sample

Sample size determination is the act of choosing the number of observation or

replicates to include in a statistical sample . the sample size is an important
feature of any empirical study in which the goal is to make inferences about a
population from a sample. In this study the sample size is 50.

1.7 Tools for analysis

Percentage analysis are used in this study.

1.8 Limitation
 Some responders are biased in answering the questions.
 Majority of the peoples are not responded.

1.9 Chapterization

Chapter 1 – Introduction and Research Methodology

Chapter 2 – Review of Literature

Chapter 3 – Theoretical framework

Chapter 4 – Data analysis and Interpretation

Chapter 5 – Findings, Suggestion, Conclusion

2.1 Introduction
The literature review discusses published information in a particular subject area
.and sometimes information in a particular subject area within a certain time
period. A literature review can be just a simple summary of the source .But it is
usually as an Oraganizational pattern and combines both summary and
synthesis. It is help in clarifying and defining the problem, stating the
, formatting hypothesis, selecting an appropriate design and methodology of
research as well as interpreting the result in the light of research work already
undertaken in the previous studies. In this chapter an responder has to made to
provide and present an overview of various aspect of this study through the
review of the existing literature

2.2.1 Empirical Review

Empirical research is published in books and in scholarly , pre – revived

journals. However most library database does not offer straight forward ways
to locate empirical research. Below are tips for some of pen states that the
Himalaya product are most commonly used product among customers.

 DEPAL SINGH (2001): In his studies enticed “ entitled consumer

behaviour and banking retail products and analysis. Stress that borrows
attitude is important factor for the improvement of housing loan schemes.

 CHING-CHOW yang (2003): He has stated that “customer satisfaction

measurement” highlights the strength and the area of improvement is
considered one of important activities for its products. Through the
continuous improvement action , the enterprise can increase consumer
satisfaction and raise profits.

 DR. JAYANT DEOPUJARI: In his study entitled “clinical dietetics in

CHARK SAMHITY with special reference to skincare and skin diseases”
arrives at the conclusion that due to the pollution and family way of life,
allergic manifestation of different food articles , hypersensitivity to certain
drugs and its skin manifestation are causes of skin disease but he remain
salient about skin disease on account of the cosmetics.
 Mr. Charles B. Islander: in his book skin: Head-to-Toe tips for the health
and beauty, he argues that healthy skin is about more than just looking
good. As human body’s organ, skin is a vital part of overall good health
.Yet threats to human skin’s health sunlight , chemicals , bacteria and even
food and medication are seemingly everywhere . Too often , information on
skin care comes from advertisement s , magazine and cosmetics counter
attendant’s despite the fact that their conclusion may be contradictory or
even wrong . It also throws light on health and beauty from head to toe. But
these book concentrates much on skin’s health but nothing is discussed as
regards ayurveda cosmetics.

 Bass Frank M.. (2001): “A non rational buyer does not plan his buying , it
is equally logical to assume that this buying the product and especially a
specific brand is random this means that the buyer is not looking for a
particular brand but pick up the brand available . This is probabilistic
switching behaviour.

 ABHIJI BHANDARI (2000): “Making loyalty pay” retain done through a

loyalty programme can help building a direct marketing database. The cost
of retaining customer is just one tenth of the cost acquiring new states
ABHIJIT BHANDARI chairman of royal images direct marketing limited.

 DR RAJA SEKAR N (2002): conducted a fairness cream a study on

market trend and product preferences of the study has revealed very
significant finding like a skin care product showed brand equity should also
be developed to sustain in the market.

 Kittler (2006): The study discussed that antecedents and consequences of

customer satisfaction index model to create more meaningful value.

 RAMESH and PAVITHRA: viewed that to identify the customer

preference and satisfaction towards Himalaya products and to investigate
the influence the product dimension on customer satisfaction and customer
loyalty as well as to understand the Himalaya effects of the product.
Himalaya products are part of the knowledge of indigenous culture and
marginal societies across the globe which has stood the test of time.
 SAWANT (2013): The study mentioned that consumer perception towards
AYURVEDIC cosmetic products. The absence of side effects is the most
important factor that influence women in the purchase of skin care products


3.1 Conceptual review
A conceptual frame work is an analytical tool with several variations and
contexts. It can be applied in different categories of work where an overall
picture is needed . it can be used to make conceptual distinction and organize
ideas. Strong conceptual framework captures something real and do this in a
way that is easy to remember and apply.

3.1.1 Introduction
Theories are formulated to explain, predict and understand phenomena and in
many cases to challenge and extend existing knowledge with the limits of
critical bonding assumptions. The theoretical framework is the structure that
can hold or support a theory of a research study. The theoretical framework
introduces and describe the theory that explains why the research problem
under study exist . A theoretical framework consists of concepts and together
with their definitions and reference to relevant scholarly literature , existing
theory can be used for your particular study . The theoretical framework must
demonstrate an understanding of theories and concepts that are relevant to the
topic of your research paper and that relate to the border areas of knowledge
being considered.

3.1.2 Customer
A customer is a person that receives , consumes or buy a product or service and
can choose between different goods and services . the main role of enterprises
is to attract customers or client and make them purchase what they have on
sale. They also encourage them to keep coming back.

We often refer to customers who have a relationship with the suppliers and

The 7 steps approach for attracting new customers are

 Identify the ideal client.
 Discover where your customer live.
 Know your business inside and outside.
 Position yourself as the answer.
 Try direct response marketing
 Build partnership
 Follow – up

3.1.3 Types of customers

There are mainly 4 types of customers

The toughest challenge that companies face today is dealing with the margin –
draining games played by some customers to gain addional discounts. Each
customer type requires a different selling aapproach.

The four primary customers type are :

1. Price buyers: These customers wants to buy products and services only
at the lowest possible price. They are less concerned about value,
differentiation or relationship.
2. Relationship buyer: These customers wants to trust and have dependable
relationship with their supplier to take goods care of them.
3. Value buyer: These customers understand the value and want suppliers
to be able to provide the most value in their relations.
4. Poker player buyers: These are relationship or value buyers who have
learned that they act like a price buyer, they can get high value for low

3.1.4 Needs of customers

There are four main customer needs that an entrepreneur or small business
must consider. These are price , quality , choice and convenience

Price is how much a business charges for its service. Customer want fair prices
when purchasing a product or service .Usually, low prices will draw in many
customers, although people ultimately want value for money


Quality relates to the standard of the product or services being offered.

Customers also expect some level of quality, no matter how much they pay for
product or services. Generally those paying a low price will expect lower
quality and those paying higher price expect higher quality.


Choice is very import any – many business have range of product or services
available to suit different group of customers. Customers have different needs
and desires when buying items .They might want different size , styles or even
completely different product altogether.


Customers and consumers want convenience are often willing to pay more of
it. Convenience relates to something being easier , quicker or generally less
hassle for customers.

3.1.5 Customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction can be defined as a marketing term that measure how
products or services supplied by a company meet or surpass a customer’s
expectation. According to J .Willard MARRIOTT, the founder of Marriott
corporation ,

“customer needs may vary , but their bias quality never does”.

Customer satisfaction can be used as a metric to manage and improve the

business and hence it is important for the marketers and business . It can be
also defined as “ the number of customer or percentage of total customer ,
whose reported experience with a firm , it’s products, or it’s service exceeds
specified satisfaction goals”
The top reasons which makes customer satisfaction much important can be
explained follow

 It’s a leading indicator of consumer purchase intentions and loyalty.

 It’s a point of differentiation.
 It increases customer lifetime value.
 It reduces negative word of mouth.
 It’s cheaper to retain customer than acquire new one.

The main advantage of customer satisfaction

1. Greater customer loyalty.

2. Support during corporate crisis.
3. Growth in sales revenue.
4. Stand out from the competition.
5. Increases brand popularity.

The main limitation of customer satisfaction

 Expected versus delivered value is being measured – CAST is not

necessarily a measure of overall value or quality of the firm and its
 High CAST scores may be simply a reflection of low expectation of the
 High CAST may not be delivered increased profitability.
 Existing customers will adjust their expectations to the value regularly
being delivered , resulting in most customer being “just satisfied”. This
means that it is difficult to maintain very high satisfaction scores over a
long period of time
 More engaged and involved customers are more likely to participate in
optional market research surveys , such as online surveys , potentially
leading to an overestimation of CAST levels.
 There are better measure available – for the aggregate of factors that
customer satisfaction is suggested to address.
The main objectives of customer satisfaction

1. Increase customer utility.

2. Increase customer advocacy.
3. Increase profitability.
Methods to measure customer satisfaction

1. Direct method: Directly contacting customers and getting their valuable

feedback is very important . Following are some of the ways by which
customer could be directly table.

 Getting customer feedback through third party agencies

 Direct marketing in-house call centres , complaint handling department
could be treated as first point contract for getting customer feedback.
 Getting customer feedback through face to face conversation.
 Feedback through complaint or appreciation letter.
 Direct customer feedback through survey and questionnaire.

2. Indirect method: The major drawback of direct method is that it turns

out to be very costly to implement . For getting valuable feedback the
supplier totally depend up on the customer due to which they losses
options and chances to take corrective measures at correct time. Hence
there are other following indirect methods of getting feedback regarding
customer satisfaction

 Customer complaint and

 Customer loyalty.
4.1 Descriptive statistical analysis
Descriptive statistics are used to describe the basic feature of the data in a study
. they provide simple summarises about the sample and the measure .Together
with sample graphics analysis, they form the basis of virtually every
quantitative analysis of data. Descriptive statistics are typically distinguish
from in different statistics.

Descriptive statistics are simply describing what is or what the data shows.
Descriptive statistics are used to present quantitative descriptions in a
manageable form . descriptive statistics help to simply large amount of data in
a sensible way. Each descriptive statistics reduces lots of data in to similar
summary. Descriptive statistics in the term given in to analysis of data in to the
analysis of data that help to describe, shows or summarises data in a
meaningful way

Descriptive statistical tools are those tools in which these are used to describe
characteristics of a single variable like frequency percentage etc.
Table 4.1
Showing the classification of Gender

Option Count Percentages (%)

Male 15 26.79
Female 41 73.21
Total 56 100

(source : survey data)

In this diagram 73.21% are females and 26.79% are males.

Figure 4.1

Figure shows the classification of gender



Male Female

Table 4.2

Showing the Occupation of the respondent

Option Count Percentages (%)

Private employee 5 8.93

Government employee 2 3.57

Student 46 82.14

Business 1 1.79
Others 2 3.5

Total 56 100
(Sources :survey data )

Under this diagram 8.93% responders are private employees, 3.57% are
government employees, 82.14% are students, 1.79% are business and 3.57%
are comes others category
Figure 4.2
Figure shows occupation of the respondent

3.5 3.57

Private employee
Government employee Student

Table 4.3

Showing the annual income of the respondent

Option Count Percentages (%)

Below 50000 42 75.00

Between 50000 -100000 10 17.86

Above 100000 4 7.14

Total 56 100

(source : survey data)

Under this diagram, 75.00% of responders which is under below 50000, 17.86%
0f between 50000 – 100000 and 7.14% of responders are above 100000

Figure 4.3

Figure shows annual income of the respondent



Below 50000
Between 50000 -100000
Above 100000


Table 4.4
Showing the respondent ever used any products of Himalaya

Option Count Percentages (%)

Yes 53 94.64
No 3 5.36
Total 56 100
(source :survey data)

According to this graph 94.64% of responders which uses Himalaya products

and 5.36% 0f peoples which is not uses Himalaya products.

Figure 4.4

Figure shows the respondent ever used any product



Table 4.5

Showing Which product you buy/use in Himalaya products

Option Count Percentages (%)

Face wash/Cleaner 35 62.50
Shampoo 12 21.43
Moisturiser 1 1.79
Creams 6 10.71
Others 2 3.57
Total 56 100
(source : survey data)

Under this diagram 62.50% responders users use face wash /cleaner,
21.43% responders uses shampoo, 1.79% users use moisturises, 10.71%
responders uses creams and last 3.57% responders uses other products of
Himalaya .

Figure 4.5

Figure shows which product buy/use


1.79 10.71

Face wash/Cleaner
Shampoo Moisturiser Creams


Table 4.6

Showing Have you heard about Himalaya products before you

tried the sample

Option Count Percentages (%)

Yes 45 80.36
No 2 3.57
May be 9 16.07
Total 56 100
(datasource : survey)

Under this diagram 80.36% responders are heard about Himalaya products,
3.57% responders are not heard about Himalaya products and 16.07% are may
be heard about Himalaya products.

Figure 4.6

Figure shows the respondent heard about Himalaya product



May be

Table 4.7

Showing In general do you like Himalaya products

Option Count Percentage (%)

Yes 45 80.36

No 3 5.36

I don’t know much 8 14.29

about this product

Total 56 100

(source : survey data)

According to this diagram 80.36% users are heard about Himalaya products,
5.36% responders are not heard about Himalaya products and 14.29%
responders are don’t know about product.

Figure 4.7

Figure shows how much respondent heard about Himalaya


5.36 Yes


I don’t know much about this


Table 4.8

Showing What are the main factors you like in Himalaya products

Option Count Percentage (%)

Quality 22 39.29
Natural ingredients 18 32.14
Price 4 7.14
Brand heritage 7 12.50
Package 5 8.93
Total 56 100
(source : survey data)

Thisdiagram shows that 39.29% responders main factor to like Himalaya

products is quality, 32.14% is natural ingredients, 7.14% is price, 12.50% is
brand heritage and 8.93% is package.

Figure 4.8

Figure shows the main factor which effect the respondent in buying
the product


Natural ingredients

39.29 Brand heritage



Table 4.9

Showing the prescribed location to buy Himalaya products

Option Count Percentages (%)

Medical store 6 10.71
General store 15 26.79
Super market 35 62.50
Total 56 100
(source: survey data)

Under this among 100% 10.71% buy from medical store, 26.79% from general
store balance 62.50% from super market.

Figure 4.9

Figure shows the location on buying Himalaya products


Medical store
26.79% General store Super market

Table 4.10

Showing buying/using Himalaya product in the future

Option Count Percentages (%)

Yes 50 89.29
No 6 10.71
Total 56 100
(source : survey data)

Under this 89.29% responders are consider on buying/using products in the

future and 10.71% are not consider on buying/using Himalaya products in the

Figure 4.10

Figure shows the respondent who buy Himalaya product in the




Table 4.11

Showing the respondent recommend this product to your


Option Count Percentage (%)

Yes 48 85.71
No 8 14.29
Total 56 100
(source : survey data)

In the view of this diagram 85.71% are recommend Himalaya products

to their friends/relatives and14.29% responders are not recommend this product
to their friends/relatives.

Figure 4.11

Figure shows the responder recommend this product



Table 4.12

Showing the responders deal in Himalaya products

Option Count Percentages (%)

Yes 33 58.93

No 23 41.07

Total 56 100

(source : survey data)

Under this diagram 58.93% are deal in Himalaya and 41.07% are not deal
in Himalaya products.

Figure 4.12

Figure shows who deal in Himalaya product


Table 4.13

Showing the rating of the Himalaya products quality

Option Count Percentage (%)

Best in class 11 19.65

Good 39 69.64

Slow response 6 10.71

Total 56 100
(source : survey data)

Under this diagram 19.64% responders rates Himalaya product quality as best in
class, 69.64% as best and 10.71 as slow response.

Figure 4.13

Figure shows the rating of the quality of the product

Table 4.14

Showing much long have you been using Himalaya products

Option Count Percentages (%)

Last 6 months 21 37.50

Last 6 months – 1 12 21.43

From 1 – 3 year 12 21.43

More than 3 years 11 19.64

Total 56 100
(source : survey data)

Under this diagram 37.50% responders uses Himalaya products from last
6 months, 21.43% responders from last 6 month to 1 year, 21.43% from last 1 to
3 years, 19.64% from more than 3 years

Figure 4.14

Figure shows the year which respondent use Himalaya


37.5 Last 6 months

Last 6 months – 1 year
From 1 – 3 year More than 3 years


Table 4.15

Showing How did you come to know about Himalaya products

Option Count Percentages (%)

Retailer 16 8.93
Advertisement/television 5 57.14

News paper 32 5.36

Words of mouth 3 28.57

Total 56 100

(source : survey data)

From this diagram 8.93% responders are come to know about Himalaya
products from retailer, 57.14% responders are from advertisement/television,
5.36 % from news paper and 28.57% from words of mouth

Figure 4.15

Figure shows how to know about Himalaya


News paper

5.36 Words of mouth

Table 4.16

Showing that Himalaya company offers large variety of products

Option Count Percentage (%)

Strongly agree 11 19.64
Agree 24 42.86

Neutral 20 35.71
Disagree 1 1.79
Strongly disagree 0 0.00
Total 56 100
(source : survey data)

According to this diagram 19.64% responders strongly agree that Himalaya

company offers large variety of products, 42.86% only agree that Himalaya
company offers large variety of products, 35.71% neutral says that Himalaya
company offers large variety of products, 1.79% disagree Himalaya products
offers large variety of products and no one says that Himalaya company offers
large variety of products.

Figure 4.16

Figure shows Himalaya offers large variety of products

1.79 0


Strongly agree
35.71 Agree Neutral Disagree
Strongly disagree

Figure 4.17

Showing the respondent are satisfied with Himalaya products

Option Count Percentages (%)

Yes 45 80.36
No 11 19.64
Total 56 100
(source : survey data)

Under this diagram 80.36% responders are satisfied with Himalaya products and
19.64% are not satisfied with Himalaya products

Figure 4.17

Figure shows the satisfaction of Himalaya product




Showing that Himalaya products uses natural ingredients

Option Count Percentage (%)

Disagree 3 5.36
Strongly disagree 2 3.57
Neutral 29 51.79
Agree 21 37.50
Strongly agree 1 1.79
Total 56 100
(source : survey data)

According to this diagram 5.36% responders disagrees that Himalaya

products uses natural ingredients, 3.57% strongly disagree that Himalaya
products uses natural ingredients, 51.79% responders neutral says that
Himalaya products uses natural ingredients, 37.50% agree that Himalaya
products uses natural ingredients, 1.77% strongly agree that Himalaya products
uses natural ingredients

Figure 4.18

Figure shows Himalaya uses natural ingredients


37.5 Strongly disagree Neutral

51.79 Strongly agree

Table 4.19

Showing Himalaya products are chemical free

Option Count Percentage (%)

Strongly agree 5 8.93
Agree 16 28.57
Neutral 27 48.21
Disagree 8 14.29
Strongly disagree 0 0.00

Total 56 100
(sources : survey data )

According to this diagram 5.36% responders disagrees that Himalaya products

uses natural ingredients, 3.57% strongly disagree that Himalaya products uses
natural ingredients, 51.79% responders neutral says that Himalaya products
uses natural ingredients, 37.50% agree that Himalaya products uses natural
ingredients, 1.77% strongly agree that Himalaya products uses natural

Figure 4.19

Figure shows that Himalaya are chemical free


Strongly agree
Agree Neutral Disagree
Strongly disagree

Table 4.20

showing Himalaya products have good image

Option Count Percentage

Yes 49 87.50

No 7 12.50

Total 56 100

(source : survey data)

Under this diagram 87.50% have a good image about Himalaya

products and only 12.50% responders not have a good image about Himalaya

Figure 4.20

Figure shows the image of Himalaya products



Table 4.21

Showing price level do you most buy Himalaya products

Option Count Percentage (%)

Below 100 20 35.71

100 – 200 26 46.43
200-300 8 14.29
Above 300 2 3.57
Total 56 100
(source : survey data)

Under this among 100% 35.71 responders who buy Himalaya products at the
price range of below 100, 46.43%in the range of 100 and 200, 14.29% at 200
and 300 and balance 3.57 purchased at the price level of above 300

Figure 4.21

Figure shows price level



Below 100
100 – 200
Above 300

Table 4.22

Showing the pricing of Himalaya products are reasonable

Option Count Percentage(%)

Yes 44 78.57
No 12 21.43
Total 56 100
(source : survey data)

78.57% responders says that the pricing of Himalaya products are reasonable
and only 21.43% says that the pricing of Himalaya.

Figure 4.22

Figure shows Himalaya products price are reasonable



Table 4.23

Showing responders purchasing Himalaya products through online

Option Count Percentage (%)

Yes 17 30.36
No 39 69.64
Total 56 100
(Source : survey data)

Under this diagram 30.36% responders are purchased Himalaya products from
online and 69.64% responders not purchased Himalaya products from online.

Figure 4.23

Figure shows customer buying Himalaya through online


Yes No

Table 4.24

Showing customers are convenient on using Himalaya products

Option Count Percentage (%)

Yes 50 89.29

No 6 10.71

Total 56 100
(source : survey data)

Under this 89.29% responders are convenient on using Himalaya products and
10.71% are not convenient on using Himalaya products.

Figure 4.24

Figure shows how much convenient of customers by using Himalaya


Yes No


 All the responders are from the locality of varandarappilly.

 Out of 56 41 are female and 15 are male
 Out of this most of the responders are student
 The annual income of responders mostly buying Himalaya products
below 50000
 Out of 56, 53 peoples are ever used any products of Himalaya.
 The most peoples uses face wash/cleaner of Himalaya products.
 Under this 80.36% responders heard about Himalaya products.
 Out of 56 only 2 responders are not heard about Himalaya products.
 Most of the peoples like Himalaya products.
 The main factor on buying Himalaya products is quality (22/56).
 Most users buy Himalaya products from super market than general store
and medical store.
 Most of the peoples says that they are buy Himalaya products in the
 Out of 56, 21 responders are uses Himalaya products from last 6 months.
 Most of the peoples use Himalaya products from last 6 months.
 Many of the peoples come to know about Himalaya products from
 Most of the peoples agrees that Himalaya company offers large variety
of products.
 No one strongly disagree that Himalaya company offers large variety of
 Out of 100%, 80.36% responders are satisfied with Himalaya products.
 Under this survey most peoples are convenient on using Himalaya
 Most peoples buy Himalaya products under the range of between 100 –
 Out of 56, 44 responders feels that the pricing of Himalaya products are
 Most of users of Himalaya products are tried online purchase.
5.2 Suggestions
 Himalalaya company offers more products to men.
 The company may directly contact the customer. It will help the company
to increase the sales volume.
 The company may reduce the price of the products to attract more
customers of low income group.
 The advertisement on Himalaya products on news paper and magazines are
less. So the company should try to increase the advertisement in this media.
 Change the style of packaging may help retain the customers.
 The quantity inside the pack should be matched with the inside of the content.
 They should more concentrate more on offering free gifts to attract the

5.3 Conclusion
The modern marketing is highly competitive and transitional one. A company
must decide that what it can sell and what the approaches to satisfy the
customer are. The customer today do not accept any products which does not
find a place in the market. So it can be said that modern market is customer
oriented and any product success or failure is determined only by the customer.

In this study it is found that Himalaya was the first mover among the other
hands available in the market. Majority of the customers are satisfied with the
product. The weakness of the Himalaya products is high cost and less quantity.
The main competitors for them are INDHULEKHA. Amway, Lakhme,
Garnier, Hence, it is concluded that retaining of customers is a real challenging
to manufactures.







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Name : M.Srikanth Reg No:COB14137



1 Name of the respondent

2 Gender of the respondent

3 Occupation of the respondent

4 Annual income of the respondent

5 Have you ever used any products of Himalaya?

 Yes
 No

6 Which product do you buy/use more in Himalaya products?

 Face wash /cleaner

 Shampoo
 Moisturiser
 Creams

7 Have you heard about Himalaya products before you tried the sample

 Yes
 No
 May be

8 In general, do you like Himalaya products?

 Yes
 No
 I don’t know much about this product

9 In general what are the main factors you like Himalaya products?

 Quality
 Natural ingredients
 Price
 Brand Heritage
10 Which is your preferred location to buy Himalaya products?

 Medical store
 General store
 Super market

11 Would you consider buying/using this product in the future?

 Yes
 No

12 Would you recommend this to your friends/relatives?

 Yes
 No

13 Do you deal in Himalaya products?

 Yes
 No

14 How do you rate the Himalaya product quality?

 Best in class
 Good
 Slow response

15 Since how much long have you been using Himalaya products?

 Last 6 months
 Last 6 months – 1year
 From 1-3 year
 For more than 3 year

16 How do you come to know about Himalaya products?

 Retailer
 Advertisement/ television
 News paper
 Word of mouth
17 Do you agree Himalaya drug company offers large variety of products?

 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
18 Do you agree that you are satisfied with Himalaya products?

 Yes
 No

19 Do you agree that Himalaya products uses natural ingredients?

 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree

20 Do you agree that Himalaya products are chemical free?

 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree

21 Do you agree that Himalaya products makes a good image?

 Yes
 No

22 In which price level do you must most buy Himalaya products?

 Below 100
 100 – 200
 200 – 300
 Above 300
23 Do you feel the pricing of Himalaya products are reasonable?

 Yes
 No

24 Have you tried purchasing Himalaya products online

 Yes
 No

25 Are you convenient on using Himalaya products

 Yes
 No

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