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Self-study in MFL – Chrome book

Topic: Los números (numbers 1-10)


Username: croesy

Password: let5learn

Once in the student area:

1. Select BEGINNER
2. Select the fish holding the Spanish flag (blue, white and red)
3. Select the first red tab “las bases” (=Basics)
4. Select “los números ” (numbers)
5. Select “Introducción” first and practise the new language you will be working on today.
Listen to the phrases/sentences. Repeat them out loud to yourself as many times as you need to feel
comfortable saying them.

Now complete at least 5 of the following:

 ¡Escucha ! (listen)  Imágenes borrosas (blury picture)

 Juego de memoria (memory)  Anagramas (jumble words)

 Empareja (find the labels)  sopa de letras (wordsearch)

 Tres en raya (noughts and crosses)  ¿Qué falta? (what’s missing)

 Parejas  El ahorcado (hangman)

 Una de cuatro (multiple choice)  Completa (fill in the gaps)

Next, if you feel confident, have a go at the end of topic assessment “Examen final” in Reading, Writing and

You may even print a certificate of achievement to stick in your book! 😊

Please return this sheet at the end of the lesson to show your progress




Favourite activity from the

list above and why

Least favourite activity

from the list above and

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