Numerical Simulation Controlling Light Emiiting Diodes From Matlab

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748 Int. J. Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, Vol. 10, No.

6, 2018

Numerical simulation: controlling light emitting

diodes from MATLAB

Samuel Eweni*
Department of Computer Information Systems,
Southern University at New Orleans,
6400 Press Dr. LA 70126, USA
*Corresponding author

Chukwuebuka Eweni
Department of Computer Science,
Dillard University,
2601 Gentily Boulevard,
New Orleans, Louisiana 70122, USA

Abstract: The most popularly used light bulb in homes is the incandescent. It
is also the least energy efficient. The filament in the bulb is so thin that it
causes resistance in the electricity, which in turn causes the electricity’s energy
to form heat. This causes the incandescent to waste a lot of energy generating
heat rather than light. It uses 15 lumens per watt of input power. Increasing
energy efficiency is considered as a feasible policy option for many economies.
It motivate every nation to reconsider their energy and climate policies A
recorded MATLAB demonstration showcased LED versatility and its use by an
Arduino UNO board. The purpose of this experimental study was to determine
to what extent LEDs can reduce energy consumption through the use of an
Arduino UNO board and MATLAB and to discuss the applications of LED.
LED will be the future of lighting homes and will eventually completely
incandescent bulbs when companies complete the necessary improvements to
the LED. Light emitting diodes (LEDs) offer an exciting opportunity to
improve energy efficiency.

Keywords: simulation; light emitting diodes; LEDs; incandescent bulbs;

communications; control systems; numerical simulation.

Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Eweni, S. and

Eweni, C. (2018) ‘Numerical simulation: controlling light emitting diodes from
MATLAB’, Int. J. Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, Vol. 10,
No. 6, pp.748–761.

Biographical notes: Samuel Eweni is an Assistant Professor of Computer

Information Systems at Southern University at New Orleans. He received his
PhD in Science Math Education and MS in Computer Science from Southern
University and A&M College in Baton Rouge Louisiana, MBA from East
Texas State University, Texarkana, Texas, and BS in Biology from Texas Tech
University, Lubbock, Texas. He was a former Acting Director, Computer
Information Systems/Graduate Studies Program at Southern University at

Copyright © 2018 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

Numerical simulation: controlling light emitting diodes from MATLAB 749

New Orleans. He has more than 25 years of experience in teaching/research.

His areas of research interest include simulation of systems, computer network
and security, and e-readiness.

Chukwuebuka Eweni is an Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at Dillard

University in New Orleans. He obtained his Bachelor in Biology and Master of
Science in Management Information Systems at Southern University at New
Orleans, and Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from Southern
University and A&M College in Baton Rouge Louisiana. His areas of research
interest include simulation of systems and system design and implementation.

1 Introduction

Energy use constantly occurs all around us. Whether it is using the alarm clock to get up,
turning on the lights in the room, taking a warm shower, or driving a car to work, energy
usage is essential. The use of energy is known as energy consumption.
According to the National Energy Education Development Project (NEED, 2012), the
U.S. Department of Energy assigns different categories to energy users: residential,
commercial, industrial, and transportation (NEED, 2012).
A residential building is any place that a person lives in. Homes and buildings
consume about 40% of the energy produced in the USA (NEED, 2012). Lighting alone
consumes up to 6% of the energy bill (NEED, 2012). Most homes still use the lighting
that Thomas Edison invented in 1879 which is not efficient by modern technological
The advancement of technology has led to an increase in energy efficient products.
Energy consumption worldwide has been slowly dropping yearly due to the better
technology. G7 countries (USA, Canada, Great Britain, Japan, Germany, France, and
Italy) had a drop in electrical energy consumption of 1.1% in 2012 following a drop of
1.3% in 2011 (Enerdata, 2012).

1.1 Statement of problem

Light emitting diode (LED) technology in particular is among the fastest growing
products in lighting. It is also the most expensive bulb of its kind. In terms of light
brightness, LED bulbs are more versatile than incandescent bulbs because they are
dimmable to suit individual preferences. Despite this, consumers still overwhelmingly
choose incandescent bulbs over LED bulbs.

1.2 Statement of objective

The objective of this research is to show that LEDs are the technological future of
lighting homes. This will be done by highlighting the journey of the incandescent light
bulb from its original invention to today. There will also be a discussion on the
incandescent bulb’s competitor (the Compact fluorescent bulb) and its lifespan.
Afterwards, we will highlight the introduction of LED, its types, and other factors that are
important to mention. In order to successfully establish that LED is the future we:
750 S. Eweni and C. Eweni

x compared light bulb types

x showcased the advantages and disadvantages of LED
x discussed the possible solutions that alleviate the disadvantages of LED.

2 Numerical simulation: controlling LEDs from MATLAB

LEDs have several advantages over compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) and incandescent
bulbs. These advantages include durability:
x Bulbs made of LEDs last ten times as long as compact fluorescents and even longer
than incandescent lamps.
x Cool – LED bulbs do not generate as much heat as the other two types of bulbs.
x Mercury-free – there is no mercury used in manufacturing LEDs.
x Efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Above all, LEDs are multi-purpose.
Apart from lighting homes, they can also be manipulated to perform other functions such
as security, digital message displays, etc., which can be achieved through the use of
various software and hardware.
MATLAB is the high-level language and interactive platform used by scientists and
engineers worldwide. It allows one to visualise and explore ideas and collaborate across a
variety of disciplines including communications, image and signal processing, and
control systems. In order to control LEDs from MATLAB, a number of components are
required. These include:
x Arduino Uno board
x MATLAB support package for Arduino
x jumper wires
x breadboard (solderless breadboard was used in this instance)
x red LEDs (I used two red LEDs)
x 3’ USB cable
x 100 ohm resistors (two resistors for each LED).
To be able to use MATLAB program to control LEDs, you need MATLAB support
package. MATLAB support package for Arduino enables one to use MATLAB program
to communicate with the Arduino hardware over a USB cable. The support package is
based on a server program, running on the Arduino board. The package listens to
commands or instructions arriving through a serial port. It then executes the instructions
and returns a result.
Numerical simulation: controlling light emitting diodes from MATLAB 751

Figure 1 Breadboard (solderless breadboard) (see online version for colours)

Figure 2 Arduino UNO board flow chart (see online version for colours)

You use the serial port on the Arduino hardware to pick instructions from MATLAB
software. Arduino hardware is connected to the MATLAB support package through a
USB cable. Arduino receives commands from MATLAB program via the USB. The
LEDs can be switched ON and OFF after running certain codes.
752 S. Eweni and C. Eweni

Figure 3 The setup we used to make two LEDs light up (see online version for colours)

Figure 4 Solderless breadboard and the Arduino UNO board (see online version for colours)
Numerical simulation: controlling light emitting diodes from MATLAB 753

Each LED has two 100 ohm resistors that are connected in a parallel formation to form
150 ohms after calculations (which is considered the perfect amount to run these red
LEDs). The red LED’s negative side (the side with the shorter edge) was connected on
the negative hole of the solderless breadboard and the positive was connected on the body
that was on the same row as the resistors. Also, the green jumper cable was connected on
the negative hole of the solderless breadboard. The red and black jumper cables were
connected on the positive side of the solderless breadboard along the same column of
holes where the resistors are seen connected by the resistor’s left edges. These jumper
cables make the connection between the breadboard and the Arduino UNO board. The
resistors regulate the amount of current that goes to the red LEDs.
Figure 5 showcases the setup we had on the Arduino UNO:

Figure 5 Arduino board (see online version for colours)

The red jumper cable was connected to the digital pin labelled ‘13’. The black jumper
cable was connected to the digital pin labelled ‘11’ and the green jumper cable was
connected to the digital pin labelled ‘GND’ or ‘ground’. The USB was then connected
onto the top-left corner of the Arduino board and the other side was connected to the
USB port of a computer. Note: the colours of the jumper cables do not matter; they are
there just to differentiate each pin connection.

2.1 Programming the Arduino with MATLAB

[Refer to the following link for my live presentation of this section:
The code below is the precursory procedure for controlling two LEDs. The Arduino
board picks commands from MATLAB and through the serial port and controls the LEDs
The above code must be run on MATLAB after you have successfully downloaded
MATLAB support package and after they have successfully communicated with the
Arduino UNO in the Arduino IDE. You must also go to Tools>Ports and check which
COM port number is being used and type that instead of ‘COM4’. The code above
connects the Arduino to MATLAB.
754 S. Eweni and C. Eweni

If your code executes, it will say: ‘Arduino successfully connected’. Now erase the
previous code you just wrote until the page is blank. Simply put the letter ‘a’ in the editor
window (excluding the quotations) and click ‘Run’ to run the code. You should get the
following execution.
Table 1 Arduino connection/code execution

Digital Pin 02 is currently UNASSIGNED Digital Pin 03 is currently UNASSIGNED

Digital Pin 04 is currently UNASSIGNED Digital Pin 05 is currently UNASSIGNED
Digital Pin 06 is currently UNASSIGNED Digital Pin 07 is currently UNASSIGNED
Digital Pin 08 is currently UNASSIGNED Digital Pin 09 is currently UNASSIGNED
Digital Pin 10 is currently UNASSIGNED Digital Pin 11 is currently UNASSIGNED
Digital Pin 12 is currently UNASSIGNED Digital Pin 13 is currently UNASSIGNED
Digital Pin 14 is currently UNASSIGNED Digital Pin 15 is currently UNASSIGNED
Digital Pin 16 is currently UNASSIGNED Digital Pin 17 is currently UNASSIGNED
Digital Pin 18 is currently UNASSIGNED Digital Pin 19 is currently UNASSIGNED

Each digital pin number is found on the Arduino Uno board. For this simulation, pins 13
and 11 will be used. We must make pins 11 and 13 convert from ‘UNASSIGNED’ to
output. The code to do that is below:
pinMode(a, 13, ‘output’); %Sets pin 13 as output
pinMode(a, 11, ‘output’); %Sets pin 11 as output
Note – The line with the sentence that comes after ‘%’ is not code, but comments used to
explain what the code does for easy comprehension. Run the above code. If it ran
successfully, the command window will just display the filename that you saved the
program as, followed by a blank line. Now erase all the code you wrote until the editor
window is empty and type ‘a’ as you did before again and then run it. You should now
get the following in the command window:
Table 2 Making pins 11 and 13 convert from ‘UNASSIGNED’ to output

Digital Pin 02 is currently UNASSIGNED Digital Pin 03 is currently UNASSIGNED

Digital Pin 04 is currently UNASSIGNED Digital Pin 05 is currently UNASSIGNED
Digital Pin 06 is currently UNASSIGNED Digital Pin 07 is currently UNASSIGNED
Digital Pin 08 is currently UNASSIGNED Digital Pin 09 is currently UNASSIGNED
Digital Pin 10 is currently UNASSIGNED Digital Pin 11 is currently set as OUTPUD
Digital Pin 12 is currently UNASSIGNED Digital Pin 13 is currently set as OUTPUT
Digital Pin 14 is currently UNASSIGNED Digital Pin 15 is currently UNASSIGNED
Digital Pin 16 is currently UNASSIGNED Digital Pin 17 is currently UNASSIGNED
Digital Pin 18 is currently UNASSIGNED Digital Pin 19 is currently UNASSIGNED

Notice that digital pins 11 and 13 are now set as outputs. You are now ready to turn on
the LEDs. To turn on the red LEDs, the following code is necessary:
a.digitalWrite(11, 1); % This turns on the red LEDs at 50% brightness.
Numerical simulation: controlling light emitting diodes from MATLAB 755

Figure 6 Connected boards showed both LEDs light up (see online version for colours)

If everything was connected correctly, both LEDs will light up.

The 11 in the code tells Arduino to get ready to make an ‘on’ or ‘off’ command for
pin 11. The 1 means that pin 11 should turn the LEDs on. ‘0’ is used to turn the LEDs
off. To turn the red LEDs to full brightness, type and run the following code onto
a.digitalWrite(13, 1); % This turns on the red LEDs at full brightness.
Now you can see the red LED at its brightest. If you want to turn the LED off, there are
two ways. To turn it off by lowering its brightness, type the following code:
a.digitalWrite(11,0); % This turns the red LEDs down to 50% brightness
Run it and then erase the previous code and type the following:
a.digitalWrite(13,0); % This turns the red LEDs off completely
The other way to turn off the red LEDs if at full brightness is to use the two codes
together, as shown below:
a.digitalWrite(11,0); % This turns the red LEDs down to 50% brightness
a.digitalWrite(13,0); % This turns the red LEDs off completely
When this is run, the LED turns off completely.
LEDs are more efficient than normal bulbs. One does not need to physically switch
the lights ON and OFF every time. All you need is to control the LEDs with the right
software, commonly MATLAB software. The LEDs are connected to a microcontroller,
which controls the LEDs depending on the MATLAB commands. For home use, Arduino
is the most preferred controller since they are inexpensive, widely available, and can
easily be connected to MATLAB over a MATLAB support package.
756 S. Eweni and C. Eweni

3 Results and discussion

Table 3 highlights the advantages and disadvantages of the LED:

Table 3 Benefits and drawbacks of LED

Advantages Disadvantages
Long life: White LED lamps can last up to 100,000 hours Cost: LEDs presently cost more
(11 years of continuous use or 22 years of 50% use). If money, price per lumen, than other
the lighting device requires placement into a place that is types of lighting.
not easily accessible, LED would be the perfect choice
rather than requiring a routine bulb replacement.
Reduced power consumption: This is the key advantage Dangerous substances inside LED:
of LED lighting. If properly created, a LED circuit can LED contains lead, arsenic, and
reach 80% efficiency; this means that 80% of the other dangerous substances.
electrical energy is changed to light energy (Lim et al.,
2011). The remaining 20% is dissipated as heat energy.
In comparison, an incandescent bulb, can reach 20%
efficiency (while 80% of the energy is dissipated as
heat energy.)
Durable quality: LED lights are very durable and created
with robust material that is very strong and can withstand
even the toughest conditions. In addition, since LED is
shock-resistant and resistant to external impact, it makes
for great outdoor use during rough conditions such as bad
No UV emissions: The illumination of LED light creates
little infrared light and close to no UV emissions. This,
LED lighting is highly suitable not only for resources
sensitive to heat because of the advantage of little
radiated heat emission, but can also be used to illuminate
ultra-violet sensitive materials such as in museums, art
galleries, archaeological sites, etc.
Design flexibility: LEDs can be formed into any shape
to illuminate highly proficiently. Individual LED light
intensity can be lowered, which results in an active
control of light, colour and distribution. A well-created
LED illumination system could accomplish fantastic
lighting effects, not only for the eye but also for the
mood and the mind.
LED illumination for the mood is found in airplanes,
classrooms and many other locations. We should
anticipate seeing more LED illumination for the
mood in our daily lives within the next few years
(Narra and Zinger, 2004).
Operational during extreme weather cycles: LEDs
are the best choice for use during cold and low outdoor
temperature settings. For fluorescent lamps, low
temperatures may affect the functioning of the lamp and
lead to a dispute, but LED illumination, works well in
cold conditions, such as for outdoor winter settings,
freezer rooms, etc. (Sandberg and Söderstrom, 2003).
Numerical simulation: controlling light emitting diodes from MATLAB 757

3.1 Solutions to making LED replace Incandescent

x Lower the cost of LED bulbs: the inexpensiveness of incandescent bulbs makes them
popular than LEDs. A highly reviewed incandescent light bulb sells for about $4
(Home Depot, 2013a). This bulb has an output of 780 lumens and has a lifespan of
2,000 hours. Compare that to a LED bulb that costs about $21 (Home Depot, 2013b).
This bulb has an output of 730 lumens and a lifespan of almost 23 years (based on
3 hours a day usage). If you want the cheapest lighting possible for LED, the magic
number to purchase them would be $15. When LED reaches that price, they will be
known as the cheapest solution for light bulbs in home use. This price is predicted
within three to five years (Hamm, 2009). Luminanz, a company in Northwest
England, claimed to fix this problem of high cost by using their own technology,
which requires fewer LED lights for the same required brightness (Luminanz, 2011).
In addition, the magic number ($15) has been reached, according to Hutchings. A
newly designed Cree LED can last as long as 25,000 hours. This bulb is also
inexpensive, with a warm white costing $9.97, a 60 watt warm white replacement
that costs $12.97, and a 60 Watt daylight bulb that costs $13.97 (all below the magic
number cost) (Zheludev, 2007). These LED light bulbs pay for themselves over time
and then pay the consumers year after year in the form of saving on energy
consumption, replacement cost, etc. (Hutchings, 2013).
x Find a substitute for the dangerous substances found inside the LED: as stated in
Table 2, LED contains lead, arsenic, and other dangerous products. In order to fix
that problem, a better substitute of materials must be used. Ogunseitan said that
people who create LEDs could easily lower the concentrations of heavy metals in
their products or even recreate their products with safer materials, especially if state
or federal regulators required them to do so (Scheer, 2012).
x Change directional lighting to spherical: Having directional lighting can be seen as
an advantage because you can direct the light in a particular area you want it and
thus light is not wasted (Continental Inc., 2010). However, it is also a disadvantage
because it does not illuminate a place well that requires a spherical field. Luminanz
found a solution to that problem by producing LEDs that in fact can produce
spherical light fields and can make adjustments of beams and spread angles to suit
the required application (Luminanz, 2011).
x Upgrade the light intensity: Many cool-white LEDs have a spectrum that is very
different from the black body radiator like the sun or an incandescent light. The
constant up-and-down spike and dip makes the colour of things viewed look
differently under the LED illumination of cool-white than sunlight or incandescent
bulbs, caused by metamerism (Worthey, 2006); in particular, the red surfaces are
seen as the bad parts of the phosphor-based cool-white LEDs. However, today’s
white LEDs are much superior to the colour-rendering properties of a universal
fluorescent. Luminanz has the newest LEDs that mix light inside the fitting before it
comes out; this helps it to produce all kinds of colour temperatures and colour
rendering (Luminanz, 2011).
x Fix the electrical polarity: Incandescent light bulbs can illuminate no matter the
electrical polarity; LEDs on the other hand, will only light in the correct electrical
polarity. In order to fix that problem, rectifiers can be used (Solar Sign Lights, 2012).
758 S. Eweni and C. Eweni

x Shield from blue pollution: Since cool-white LEDs that have high colour
temperature illuminate more blue light than modern-day outdoor light sources
such as high-pressure sodium vapour lamps, the strong wavelength dependence of
Rayleigh scattering shows that the cool-white LEDs can lead to more light pollution
than other light sources (International Dark-Sky Association, 2010). Luminanz
technology fixes this problem by using the light in a fully shielded way to minimise
blue pollution (Luminanz, 2011).
x Temperature dependence: The performance of a LED depends on the ambient
temperature of the place in which it is operating. Overheating of the LED happens
when the LED bulb is in overdrive and in ambient temperatures (Round, 1907). This
causes the device to malfunction. To make the LED last longer, enough heat sinking
is needed. This is especially true in the case of automotive, medical and military
applications, where the LED bulb must work over a vast range of temperatures and
needs to have a low failure rate (Roebuck, 2012). Luminanz has LED bulbs that
make good use of high brightness LEDs, which have less heat buildup, together with
competent thermal management that leads to optimum performance (Luminanz,
What do these solutions prove? It outlines that although LED has its disadvantages, the
solution to each disadvantage is also currently present. Luminanz, a private company in
Bolton, Northwest England, found the solution to most of the disadvantages. The only
problem is that it is only one company, but it shows that there is room for growth in LED
technology (Moreno and Sun, 2008). With time, more companies will follow suit in
fixing the disadvantages, which will lead to mass production of better versions of LED
and a lowering of the price to give it a more competitive edge over other kinds of bulbs
(incandescent, CFL, fluorescent, etc.).

3.2 Results analysis

An analysis of the results of the illustration can be done as based on the graph generated
from the results of the experiment. With clarity, the intention is to find the amount of
current used by LED versus the amount used by the incandescent and other lamp. From
the basic laws of the graph, the linear correlation of the two circumstances can be shown
in a singular prospect. These aspects are analytic as progressed in the Excel sheet works
shown below:
Table 4 Acquired lamp parameters

Lumens Measure of V for incandescent (volts) Power (watts) Current, I for lamp
450 230 40 0.174
800 120 60 0.500
1,100 130 75 0.577
1,600 120 100 0.833
2,600 120 150 1.250
Numerical simulation: controlling light emitting diodes from MATLAB 759

Table 5 Acquired LED parameters

Lumens Measure of V for LED (volts) Power (watts) Current, I for LED
450 12 5 0.417
800 265 8 0.302
1,100 110 13 0.118
1,600 175 20 0.114
2,600 23 28 1.217

Figure 7 LED and lamp current graphical correlations (see online version for colours)

3.3 Discussion
As indicated by the graph, current consumption by LED is generally lower than that of
the lamp. This current is indicated by the orange line while the one of the lamp is
showcased by the blue line. As clearly seen, LED’s current usage initially is higher
than the lamp at 450 lumens but later falls and remains below when it ranges from
800–2,600 lumens. Given the fact that lighting a LED requires lower voltages, this
implies that the national grid supply can be used by other consuming units before finally
being drawn to the limits of their usage. This will ensure that no power goes to waste
(Decanio, 1998).
760 S. Eweni and C. Eweni

4 Conclusions

Presently, incandescent bulbs are the most common light bulbs used in lighting homes.
Many people flock to incandescent bulbs only because of their cheap initial pricing even
though the disadvantages are numerous. However, recently many people have been
removing incandescent lighting from their homes. Also recently, several stores have
started to phase out incandescent bulbs because they are becoming out-of-date with
today’s technology. LED has slowly become the alternative to incandescent. In addition,
certain LED products have become more competitive in terms of pricing compared with
incandescent (Csutora and dePalma, 2009).
There are many reasons LED is better than incandescent bulbs. Incandescent bulbs
burn out quickly and waste more energy generating more heat than light compared to
LED. In addition, they have a far lower lifespan compared to LEDs (which can last for
almost 20,000 hours versus 2,000 hours for the incandescent).
LED has its flaws, such as being expensive and having only directional lighting
(which means that the light shines only in one direction like a flashlight does) instead of
filling the whole room. LED has disadvantages, which can be have been rectified by a
private company called Luminanz. In addition, the recent cost of LED has dropped
significantly to compete with the incandescent. The findings of these solutions to the
disadvantages prove that LED will be the future of lighting homes and will eventually
replace incandescent bulbs for good. This will happen when companies begin to make the
necessary improvements on the LED.
Using incandescent bulbs is minor based on the trends exploited by the LED. As the
experimental results have indicated, LEDs provide an on-grid solution to power
utilisation, especially given the manner under which low voltages have been seen to be
useless. Some of these scattering perspectives have all along violated the concept of
green energy and renewability of electricity (Rácz, 2012). To a lesser degree, LEDs have
proven their worth by allowing the possibility of having no energy going to waste (Wald,

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