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Title: Understanding Smartphone Addiction Among University Undergraduates: A Comprehensive

Literature Review

In recent years, the proliferation of smartphones has become a ubiquitous aspect of modern life.
However, alongside the convenience they offer, concerns have emerged regarding the potential for
smartphone addiction, particularly among university undergraduates. This literature review aims to
delve into the complexities of smartphone addiction within this demographic, drawing upon a wide
array of scholarly sources to provide a comprehensive understanding of the issue.

The process of writing a literature review on smartphone addiction among university undergraduates
is not without its challenges. Navigating through the vast body of research, understanding the various
methodologies employed, and synthesizing findings into a coherent narrative require careful attention
to detail and critical analysis. Furthermore, the dynamic nature of technology and its impact on
behavior adds layers of complexity to the discussion.

Research on smartphone addiction among university undergraduates encompasses a broad spectrum

of topics, including psychological, social, and behavioral aspects. Studies have examined the
prevalence of smartphone addiction, its underlying causes, the psychological mechanisms involved,
and its implications for academic performance and overall well-being. Additionally, researchers have
explored interventions and strategies aimed at mitigating smartphone addiction and promoting
healthier technology use habits among university students.

Despite the challenges inherent in studying smartphone addiction, the insights gained from this body
of research are invaluable for understanding the phenomenon and devising effective interventions.
By synthesizing findings from diverse sources, researchers can identify patterns, gaps in knowledge,
and areas for future investigation.

For those seeking assistance in navigating the complexities of writing a literature review on
smartphone addiction among university undergraduates, ⇒ ⇔ offers a reliable
solution. Our team of experienced writers specializes in academic research and can provide expert
guidance and support throughout the writing process. With our assistance, you can ensure that your
literature review is thorough, well-structured, and grounded in the latest scholarly research.

In conclusion, understanding smartphone addiction among university undergraduates requires a

comprehensive review of the existing literature. Despite the challenges involved, the insights gained
from such an endeavor are invaluable for addressing this pressing issue and promoting healthier
technology use habits among university students. For reliable assistance in writing a literature review
on this topic, consider reaching out to ⇒ ⇔ for expert support.
The findings obtained indicate that, although sometimes the smartphone becomes a means to avoid
loneliness, most of the participants presented a habitual user pattern linked to other users or
networks. Based on the results, it seems that girls are more affected by the problem. The study was
carried out among the Post Graduate Students of Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur. Although these
are convenient and useful, teenagers are becoming more and more dependent on them. Aims and
Objective: This study was designed to assess the mobile phone usage pattern and its negative effects
on psychological health, sleep, and academic performance in students of a medical university. The
phone can be interpreted as a tool that provides access (for each function or application) to the
object of addiction. Materials and Methods: A descriptive study was conducted on a total of 1,000
medical students aged between 17 and 24 years who were using mobile phone for at least 1 year. In
addition, 59% of students use the internet with their phone. 50 % of the students stated that they
check their mobiles at least every 15 minutes. With the help of phones, music, games, social
networking sites and online gambling can be accessed immediately, which can facilitate the
development of addiction. Smartphone addiction is not specific to a certain cultural, social,
economic or educational background. Devices also offer many additional features beyond keeping
contact with others. However, addiction as a “dark side” of this technology use has been described,
and multiple psychological scales for the determination of this addiction’s severity have been
created. Positive correlations were found between the overuse of smartphone Scale scores and many
disturbances in students' sleep habits. Namun, kerana mereka masih tidak yakin dan juga bergabung
dengan rakan mereka, mereka akhirnya mencuba suntikan silikon ini. This, together with the high
employment rates of this group, means that their use is sometimes labelled as dependent and
addictive. The finding also proved that students with poor sleep quality might exhibit low academic
performance. Total time spent on mobile phones was significantly (p o 0.05) associated with waking
time tiredness and difficulty in waking up and highly significantly (p o 0.001) with decline in study
habits, increase in missed classes, and going late for classes. According to the results of the
experimental method, it has been evaluated that students have less movement and less learning
achievement on the days they use smart mobile phone. Risk factors for smart phones addiction
development have been detected in epidemiological trials: female gender, high anxiety level,
insomnia, Internet use, alcohol use, low self-esteem, low self-control, and sensation-seeking. They
can be considered as status symbols, their possession can create a sense of security, our social needs
can be met with their help, as well as they provide entertainment. Smartphone addiction was found to
be associated with sleep quality where overusing smartphones was related to poor sleep quality in
univer. The purpose of this paper is to summarize and analyze the results of research that have been
made on young people's smartphone use. Applications for monitorisation of the smartphone use have
been created, in order to help a clinician to verify th. High frequency cell phone users tended to have
lower GPA, higher anxiety, and lower Satisfaction with Life. According to the results of research, 71
% of students use the smart types of mobile phones. A validated, anonymous data collection sheet
was used. The data were processed with the statistical analysis program SPSS version 25, with which
a descriptive study was carried out. SPSS was used as a tool of analysis for descriptive and
inferential analysis. Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science, in press.
Download Free PDF View PDF Algerian Journal of Research and Studies The correlation between
smartphone overuse and disturbance of sleep habits among university students. The study was carried
out among the Post Graduate Students of Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur. Materials and Methods:
A descriptive study was conducted on a total of 1,000 medical students aged between 17 and 24
years who were using mobile phone for at least 1 year. It has now become a basic need to have it
along as a necessity. They can be considered as status symbols, their possession can create a sense of
security, our social needs can be met with their help, as well as they provide entertainment. The
result indicated that the greater the smartphone addiction, the lower the academic performance of
university students. Applications for monitorisation of the smartphone use have been created, in
order to help a clinician to verify th. Major purpose of using the phone was for communication,
coordination of activities, and in emergency situations, while others were also using it for
downloading games, music, videos, and for style. Although these are convenient and useful,
teenagers are becoming more and more dependent on them. Methods: A standard scale based
questionnaire was constructed and reviewed by a panel of expert for content reliability and validity.
For the purposes of the research, 759 students from Korfez Vocational High School were selected as
the study sample by using simple random sampling method in 2015-2016 academic year. The
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) was also included. To browse and the wider
internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Total time
spent on mobile phones was significantly (p o 0.05) associated with waking time tiredness and
difficulty in waking up and highly significantly (p o 0.001) with decline in study habits, increase in
missed classes, and going late for classes. High frequency cell phone users tended to have lower
GPA, higher anxiety, and lower Satisfaction with Life. It included the Problematic Mobile Phone
Use Questionnaire (PMPU-Q) for assessing various aspects of cellphone addiction (dependency,
financial problems, prohibited and dangerous use). It is easy to live even without food and water but
a man cannot live without interacting with another person. The findings obtained indicate that,
although sometimes the smartphone becomes a means to avoid loneliness, most of the participants
presented a habitual user pattern linked to other users or networks. Based on the results, it seems that
girls are more affected by the problem. Devices also offer many additional features beyond keeping
contact with others. Risk factors for smart phones addiction development have been detected in
epidemiological trials: female gender, high anxiety level, insomnia, Internet use, alcohol use, low self-
esteem, low self-control, and sensation-seeking. According to the results of research, 71 % of
students use the smart types of mobile phones. A large number of students use the smartphone
excessively at night. Addiction-related withdrawal symptoms, cravings, dropouts appear in
individuals with problematic phone use. The finding also proved that students with poor sleep quality
might exhibit low academic performance. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the usage profile of
university students with respect to the smartphone and to determine whether it is problematic. In
acclaiming to the inception of this novel form, the first place is the advent of telephones and now the
application of smart phones. In addition, 59% of students use the internet with their phone. 50 % of
the students stated that they check their mobiles at least every 15 minutes. Positive correlations were
found between the overuse of smartphone Scale scores and many disturbances in students' sleep
The collected data was systematically analyzed and the findings logically interpreted. However, the
disproportionate and unbalanced consumption of this type of device can generate a serious impact
on their physical and mental health. Positive correlations were found between the overuse of
smartphone Scale scores and many disturbances in students' sleep habits. According to the results of
research, 71 % of students use the smart types of mobile phones. SPSS was used as a tool of analysis
for descriptive and inferential analysis. The questionnaire consisted of 3 parts: Part “A” for
demographic parameters, Part “B” was designed to evaluate Smart phone addiction and Part “C” for
assessment of sleep disturbance. Smartphone addiction is not specific to a certain cultural, social,
economic or educational background. Conclusion: Besides the positive role of mobile phones in our
daily lives, its overuse presents negative impact on psychological health, sleep, and academic
performance of students. However, addiction as a “dark side” of this technology use has been
described, and multiple psychological scales for the determination of this addiction’s severity have
been created. The study presented quantitative research on 323 students in a public university in
Sabah to explore the relationship between smartphone addiction, sleep quality, and academic
performance. Based on the results, it seems that girls are more affected by the problem. Therefore,
this study aimed to identify the usage profile of university students with respect to the smartphone
and to determine whether it is problematic. In addition, 59% of students use the internet with their
phone. 50 % of the students stated that they check their mobiles at least every 15 minutes.
Walaupun ukuran organ vitalnya adalah ukuran normal, jadi mereka tidak perlu diperbesar lagi.
Communication has now become a basic need for human beings. Devices also offer many additional
features beyond keeping contact with others. The data were processed with the statistical analysis
program SPSS version 25, with which a descriptive study was carried out. Smartphone addiction was
found to be associated with sleep quality where overusing smartphones was related to poor sleep
quality in univer. Depression has been associated with both high risk for developing cell phone
addiction, and with protective value for this pathology. Datas were analyzed using SPSS version
25.Results: There were 62 subjects included in this study, the majority were women (74.2%), the
average age was 21 years old. Download Free PDF View PDF Algerian Journal of Research and
Studies The correlation between smartphone overuse and disturbance of sleep habits among
university students. Furthermore, the study found that students with depression also tend to have
sleeping disorders. The upshot of this study was to find out the level of addiction among students
using mobile phones and how this factor impacts their health and studies. Risk factors for smart
phones addiction development have been detected in epidemiological trials: female gender, high
anxiety level, insomnia, Internet use, alcohol use, low self-esteem, low self-control, and sensation-
seeking. Methods: A multistage stratified random sample was used for selection of 610 participants,
during 2016- 2017. Major purpose of using the phone was for communication, coordination of
activities, and in emergency situations, while others were also using it for downloading games,
music, videos, and for style. This is particularly evident among the younger generations, who use it
frequently in almost all facets of their lives. The findings obtained indicate that, although sometimes
the smartphone becomes a means to avoid loneliness, most of the participants presented a habitual
user pattern linked to other users or networks. They can be considered as status symbols, their
possession can create a sense of security, our social needs can be met with their help, as well as they
provide entertainment. It included the Problematic Mobile Phone Use Questionnaire (PMPU-Q) for
assessing various aspects of cellphone addiction (dependency, financial problems, prohibited and
dangerous use).
Nighttime usage of mobile phone was highly significantly (p o 0.0001) associated with difficulty in
waking up, waking time tiredness, decline in study habits, difficulty in concentration, increase in
missed classes, and going late for classes. The study was carried out among the Post Graduate
Students of Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur. Let it be anyone, young or old, rich or poor, all own a
mobile phone. They were requested to fill a specially designed, self-administrated, pretested,
questionnaire that comprised details of their frequency and pattern of using mobile phone and its
effects on their psychological health, sleep-related behavioral issues, and academic performance.
According to the results of the experimental method, it has been evaluated that students have less
movement and less learning achievement on the days they use smart mobile phone. The Smartphone
Addiction Scale Short Version (SAS-SV) and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) were used
in this study. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a
few seconds to upgrade your browser. A large number of students use the smartphone excessively at
night. Devices also offer many additional features beyond keeping contact with others. This is
particularly evident among the younger generations, who use it frequently in almost all facets of
their lives. Smartphone addiction is not specific to a certain cultural, social, economic or educational
background. Total time spent on mobile phones was significantly (p o 0.05) associated with waking
time tiredness and difficulty in waking up and highly significantly (p o 0.001) with decline in study
habits, increase in missed classes, and going late for classes. The present study was designed to
investigate whether sleep disturbances among students may be associated with the overuse of
smartphones. The result indicated that the greater the smartphone addiction, the lower the academic
performance of university students. For the purposes of the research, 759 students from Korfez
Vocational High School were selected as the study sample by using simple random sampling method
in 2015-2016 academic year. It has now become a basic need to have it along as a necessity.
Walaupun ukuran organ vitalnya adalah ukuran normal, jadi mereka tidak perlu diperbesar lagi.
Conclusion: Besides the positive role of mobile phones in our daily lives, its overuse presents
negative impact on psychological health, sleep, and academic performance of students. According to
the results of research, 71 % of students use the smart types of mobile phones. Moreover, 41% stated
that they check their mobiles at least once every half an hour. Based on the results, it seems that girls
are more affected by the problem. The collected data was systematically analyzed and the findings
logically interpreted. Although these are convenient and useful, teenagers are becoming more and
more dependent on them. Addiction-related withdrawal symptoms, cravings, dropouts appear in
individuals with problematic phone use. Datas were analyzed using SPSS version 25.Results: There
were 62 subjects included in this study, the majority were women (74.2%), the average age was 21
years old. The finding also proved that students with poor sleep quality might exhibit low academic
performance. Materials and Methods: A descriptive study was conducted on a total of 1,000 medical
students aged between 17 and 24 years who were using mobile phone for at least 1 year. Result:
Among the total 1,000 students, all of them possessed their own mobile phone, with about 76.4%
students having smart phones. To browse and the wider internet faster and more
securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Smartphone addiction was found to be
associated with sleep quality where overusing smartphones was related to poor sleep quality in univer.
The Smartphone Addiction Scale Short Version (SAS-SV) and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index
(PSQI) were used in this study. This is particularly evident among the younger generations, who use
it frequently in almost all facets of their lives. The finding also proved that students with poor sleep
quality might exhibit low academic performance. Smartphone addiction was found to be associated
with sleep quality where overusing smartphones was related to poor sleep quality in univer. The
questionnaire consisted of 3 parts: Part “A” for demographic parameters, Part “B” was designed to
evaluate Smart phone addiction and Part “C” for assessment of sleep disturbance. Materials and
Methods: A descriptive study was conducted on a total of 1,000 medical students aged between 17
and 24 years who were using mobile phone for at least 1 year. Communication between one person
and another is disseminated in different forms. The past two centuries were known for the
development of communication technology. The phone can be interpreted as a tool that provides
access (for each function or application) to the object of addiction. The collected data was
systematically analyzed and the findings logically interpreted. To browse and the
wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. The data
were processed with the statistical analysis program SPSS version 25, with which a descriptive study
was carried out. It included the Problematic Mobile Phone Use Questionnaire (PMPU-Q) for
assessing various aspects of cellphone addiction (dependency, financial problems, prohibited and
dangerous use). Moreover, 41% stated that they check their mobiles at least once every half an hour.
The study presented quantitative research on 323 students in a public university in Sabah to explore
the relationship between smartphone addiction, sleep quality, and academic performance. They were
requested to fill a specially designed, self-administrated, pretested, questionnaire that comprised
details of their frequency and pattern of using mobile phone and its effects on their psychological
health, sleep-related behavioral issues, and academic performance. The research involved 350
students in the 1st year of the Bachelor’s Degrees in Early Childhood Education and Primary
Education at the University of Alicante (Spain). Result: Among the total 1,000 students, all of them
possessed their own mobile phone, with about 76.4% students having smart phones. Applications for
monitorisation of the smartphone use have been created, in order to help a clinician to verify th. This,
together with the high employment rates of this group, means that their use is sometimes labelled as
dependent and addictive. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely,
please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Based on the results, it seems that girls are more
affected by the problem. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the usage profile of university
students with respect to the smartphone and to determine whether it is problematic. Nighttime usage
of mobile phone was highly significantly (p o 0.0001) associated with difficulty in waking up,
waking time tiredness, decline in study habits, difficulty in concentration, increase in missed classes,
and going late for classes. In addition, 59% of students use the internet with their phone. 50 % of
the students stated that they check their mobiles at least every 15 minutes. SPSS was used as a tool
of analysis for descriptive and inferential analysis. For this reason, and considering its potential for
learning, we conclude by stressing the need to integrate it into university classrooms but foreseeing
the risks that its excessive use can provoke. For the purposes of the research, 759 students from
Korfez Vocational High School were selected as the study sample by using simple random sampling
method in 2015-2016 academic year. High frequency cell phone users tended to have lower GPA,
higher anxiety, and lower Satisfaction with Life. Total time spent on mobile phones was significantly
(p o 0.05) associated with waking time tiredness and difficulty in waking up and highly significantly
(p o 0.001) with decline in study habits, increase in missed classes, and going late for classes.
However, the disproportionate and unbalanced consumption of this type of device can generate a
serious impact on their physical and mental health.
Therefore, this study aimed to identify the usage profile of university students with respect to the
smartphone and to determine whether it is problematic. The Smartphone Addiction Scale Short
Version (SAS-SV) and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) were used in this study.
Smartphone addiction is not specific to a certain cultural, social, economic or educational
background. Addiction-related withdrawal symptoms, cravings, dropouts appear in individuals with
problematic phone use. Aims and Objective: This study was designed to assess the mobile phone
usage pattern and its negative effects on psychological health, sleep, and academic performance in
students of a medical university. Total time spent on mobile phones was significantly (p o 0.05)
associated with waking time tiredness and difficulty in waking up and highly significantly (p o
0.001) with decline in study habits, increase in missed classes, and going late for classes. You can
download the paper by clicking the button above. Download Free PDF View PDF Algerian Journal
of Research and Studies The correlation between smartphone overuse and disturbance of sleep habits
among university students. Positive correlations were found between the overuse of smartphone
Scale scores and many disturbances in students' sleep habits. Conclusion: Besides the positive role of
mobile phones in our daily lives, its overuse presents negative impact on psychological health, sleep,
and academic performance of students. Major purpose of using the phone was for communication,
coordination of activities, and in emergency situations, while others were also using it for
downloading games, music, videos, and for style. It has now become a basic need to have it along as
a necessity. This is particularly evident among the younger generations, who use it frequently in
almost all facets of their lives. Materials and Methods: A descriptive study was conducted on a total
of 1,000 medical students aged between 17 and 24 years who were using mobile phone for at least 1
year. They were requested to fill a specially designed, self-administrated, pretested, questionnaire that
comprised details of their frequency and pattern of using mobile phone and its effects on their
psychological health, sleep-related behavioral issues, and academic performance. With the help of
phones, music, games, social networking sites and online gambling can be accessed immediately,
which can facilitate the development of addiction. According to the results of research, 71 % of
students use the smart types of mobile phones. For the purposes of the research, 759 students from
Korfez Vocational High School were selected as the study sample by using simple random sampling
method in 2015-2016 academic year. The finding also proved that students with poor sleep quality
might exhibit low academic performance. Depression has been associated with both high risk for
developing cell phone addiction, and with protective value for this pathology. The present study was
designed to investigate whether sleep disturbances among students may be associated with the
overuse of smartphones. Hence, it is important to guide the students regarding efficient, safe,
purposeful usage, and negative effects of mobile phones on health and environment. The phone can
be interpreted as a tool that provides access (for each function or application) to the object of
addiction. Communication between one person and another is disseminated in different forms. The
past two centuries were known for the development of communication technology. The findings
obtained indicate that, although sometimes the smartphone becomes a means to avoid loneliness,
most of the participants presented a habitual user pattern linked to other users or networks. For this
reason, and considering its potential for learning, we conclude by stressing the need to integrate it
into university classrooms but foreseeing the risks that its excessive use can provoke. Journal of
Technology in Behavioral Science, in press. In addition, 59% of students use the internet with their
phone. 50 % of the students stated that they check their mobiles at least every 15 minutes. Result:
Among the total 1,000 students, all of them possessed their own mobile phone, with about 76.4%
students having smart phones.

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