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Platelet Production, Structure, and Function erythropoiesis.

The same progenitor cell is

differentiated into the platelet cell line or the
Megakaryocytopoiesis red blood cell line.
 Platelets: - Three megakaryocyte lineage-committed
- Nonnucleated blood cells progenitor stages (defined by: in-vitro
- Reference range: 150-400 X 10^9/L culture colony characteristics) arises from
- Average plt. Count: Females > Males common myeloid progenitor.
*it is slightly higher*  BUF (Burst-forming Unit)
- Plt. Count  both sexes > 65 years =  least mature
slightly lower.  Form hundreds
- Plts.  hemostasis once exposed to:  CFU (Colony-forming Unit)
subendothelial collagen or endothelial cells  Intermediate
inflammatory proteins (during vessel  Form dozens
injury).  LD-CFU-Meg (Light-density CFU)
- Plts. Arise from: megakaryocytes (unique  more mature
bone marrow cells)  undergoes endomitosis
- Megakaryocytes: (unique to megakaryocytes).
 Largest cell in the bone marrow.  All of these three resembles
 Possess multiple chromosome a lymphocytes and cannot
copies (polyploid). be distinguished by Wright-
 Wright-stained bone marrow stained light microscopy.
aspirate smear = 30 – 50 um in  BFU-Meg and CFU-Meg:
diameter with  multilobulated Diploid
nucleus and abundant granular Normal mitosis to
cytoplasm. maintain a viable
 Account for < 0.5% of all BM cells. pool of
 Normal Wright-stained BM aspirate megakaryocyte
smear = 2 – 4 megakaryocytes / 10X progenitors.
low-power field.  Endomitosis:
 Healthy intact bone marrow Partially
tissue: characterized form
o Megakaryocytes  under of mitosis.
influence of array of stromal DNA replication
cell cytokines: cluster with and cytoplasmic
hematopoietic stem cells in maturation 
vascular niches adjacent to normal but cells
venous sinusoid endothelial lose their capacity
cells. to divide.
 Recruited from common myeloid
progenitors then subsequently
differentiate through several
maturation stages as megakaryocyte
progenitors are stimulated by
growth factor thrombopoietin
 Also found in the lungs.
 Differentiation and Progenitors:
- Under the influence of the transcription
gene product GATA-1 (regulated by
cofactor FOG1), the megakaryocyte
progenitors arise from the common myeloid
- MYB (Transcription gene product):
suppresses megakaryocyte differentiation.
- GATA-1 and MYB  works in opposition
to regulate megakaryocytopoiesis with
 Endomitosis

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