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Absolutely, time-independent perturbation theory can be applied to analyze how a perturbation

affects a degenerate system, but it requires additional steps compared to the non-degenerate
case. Here's a breakdown of the key points:

Degeneracy and Perturbation:

● In a degenerate system, the unperturbed Hamiltonian (H₀) has multiple eigenstates with the
same energy eigenvalue (E₀).
● Introducing a perturbation through a perturbation term (V) in the Hamiltonian (H = H₀ + λV,
where λ is a small parameter) can lift the degeneracy partially or completely, depending on
the nature of the perturbation and the degenerate states.

Key Steps:

1. Identify Degeneracy: Confirm that the unperturbed system (H₀) has degenerate energy
levels. This usually involves solving the eigenvalue equation for H₀.
2. Form the Degenerate Subspace: Construct a subspace that spans the degenerate
eigenstates. This subspace consists of the eigenvectors corresponding to the same energy
3. Diagonalize the Perturbation in the Subspace: Within the degenerate subspace,
calculate the matrix elements of the perturbation term (V) between the basis states. This
essentially creates a new effective Hamiltonian acting on the degenerate subspace.
Diagonalize this effective Hamiltonian to determine how the perturbation lifts the

Order of Splitting:

The order of splitting (partially or completely lifted degeneracy) depends on the eigenvalues of
the effective Hamiltonian within the degenerate subspace.

● First-Order Splitting: If the eigenvalues of the effective Hamiltonian are all non-zero, the
degeneracy is completely lifted in the first order of perturbation theory.
● Higher-Order Splitting: If some eigenvalues are zero, further analysis beyond the first order
might be necessary to determine the complete splitting of the degeneracy.

Important Note:

It's crucial to choose the appropriate basis within the degenerate subspace for diagonalizing the
effective Hamiltonian. This often involves finding a basis where the matrix elements of the
perturbation are traceless (their sum along the diagonal is zero).

Example (without Calculations):

Consider a two-state system with degenerate energy levels (E₀). Let V be the perturbation term.

1. We identify the degeneracy from the unperturbed Hamiltonian (H₀).

2. We form the degenerate subspace by taking the linear combination of the degenerate
3. We calculate the matrix elements of V within this subspace.
4. Diagonalizing this matrix provides the eigenvalues that determine the order of splitting
caused by the perturbation.


Time-independent perturbation theory offers a valuable tool to analyze how perturbations affect
degenerate systems. By focusing on the subspace of degenerate states and diagonalizing the
perturbation within that subspace, we can determine the extent to which the degeneracy is
lifted. However, the specific calculations depend on the details of the system and require the
explicit forms of the Hamiltonians (H₀ and V) and the wavefunctions.

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