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Discussion Questions

1. How important is assessment within the current field of clinical psychology? How important
was assessment in the earliest days of the field? War has greatly influenced the field of
clinical psychology. How might current or future wars influence the field? Give practical
2. Discuss the significant differences between male and female offending.
3. Can you identity several instances in which the discipline of Clinical Psychology has worked
toward social justice and dignity for all? Can you identify instances in which the discipline,
or the work of the discipline, may have contributed to injustice? Be elaborate in your

4. Why is it important to query multiple sources when investigating the effectiveness of

psychotherapy? How might a client’s opinion be biased? How might a psychologist’s
opinion be biased? How might an outside party, such as a managed care company, be
5. Research has revealed a list of “common factors” inherent within virtually all schools of
psychotherapeutic intervention. In addition to the therapeutic alliance, the psychologist’s
role as expert, and hope, what other factors may contribute to the success of therapy?
6. The “society” component of the tripartite model can include many groups or individuals,
such as family, friends, and managed care companies. How do you think the role of
managed care companies has changed the provision of psychological services? Will recent
changes in healthcare law affect the role that managed health care companies play in
psychological treatment? Will the federal government become part of the “society”
component of the tripartite model? Are such changes positive or negative? Why?
7. How serious should the potential harm be for a clinical psychologist to break confidentiality
to provide a warning? For example, if a client infected with HIV discloses unsafe sex
practices with partners unaware of the client’s HIV status, does a psychologist have a duty to
warn the client’s current and future sexual partners? If a client discloses an intent to injure,
rob, or verbally assault (but not kill) another person, should confidentiality be broken? Why
or why not?
8. In your opinion, how ethical is “conversion therapy?” What constitutes “affirmative
treatment” for LGBT clients? What are potential benefits and drawbacks of conversion
therapy? How would you respond to a lesbian, gay, or bisexual client who sought treatment
to achieve a heterosexual orientation?
9. Are you interested in pursuing a career in forensic clinical psychology? What unique
challenges are likely faced by psychologists working in prison and penitentiary settings?
Specifically consider the relationship between psychologist and client, and consider the role
of the forensic psychologist in child custody evaluations.
10. How might cultural factors influence the practice of forensic psychology? Describe several
scenarios in which a client’s cultural background might influence the way in which a
psychologist conducts a forensic assessment.
11. How can a psychologist ensure confidentiality in a group setting? Is confidentiality in a
group setting possible? What is your opinion of the systems approach employed by family
therapists? Can family systems be pathological, or is pathology only found in individuals?
12. . In your opinion, what is the best way for a family therapist to bring up the issues of abuse
and violence when those are not the problems that the family members have identified?

13 Think about the ethical and legal reporting requirements for psychologists, such as when
someone’s life is imminently in danger or current child or elder abuse is discovered.
When providing therapy to a family with younger children, how would you distinguish
between behavior that may be an appropriate punishment for children (e.g., spanking)
and behavior that is abusive? What client and cultural factors might you wish to consider
as you appraise the situation?

14. Give an overview of the state of the in prison rehabilitation programs in Kenya. What
programs are used to reduce recidivism? What are the several shortcomings of these
programs? Discuss the several risk factors associated with inmates. Suggest possible

15. What are the benefits of releasing inmates early? Perhaps discussion can focus on
benefits to the offender, the prison system, the criminal justice system, and the
community. If this is an idea that has some support, what should be the primary factor(s)
in determining whether an inmate is ready for release? What should be the major factors
in determining when to revoke early release and return a parolee to prison?

16. Discuss the challenges facing the released prisoners in Kenya. How can the transition be
made easier to both the victim and the family members? Compare this with the traditional
way of dealing with the criminals.

17. Analyze the relationship between the following personality disorders and crime.

i) Borderline personality disorder

ii) Antisocial personality disorder
iii) Dependent personality disorder
iv) Major depressive disorder
v) Narcissistic disorder

18. Discuss the following theories of crime and demonstrate how they influence crime.

i) Psychodynamic theory
ii) Behavioral theory
iii) Cognitive theory

19. Explain the types of crime and the factors that influence crime. What is the role of the
forensic psychologist and eye witness in court cases? Analyze the qualities of an expert eye
witness. Discuss the challenges that face the judicially and suggest possible solutions.

20. Demonstrate how the administration of legal issues in Africa influence development for
global sustainability. Discuss the human rights and traditional justice systems in relation to the
following: i) rights to a fair trial, ii) prohibition of torture and other forms of ill-treatment or
punishment, iii) rights to life, iv) rights to equality and non-discrimination.

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