Group 4 Study Case

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Business Ethics Case

"Hiding True Facts"

Presentation by Group 4
Group Member
Angeline Khanti Kurniawan (015202100042)

Gabriella Putri Junita Pasaribu (01202100041)

Haura Nizar Nabila (021202100012)

Ida Ayu Daydra Eureka (021202100014)

Naufal Malik Ibrahim (015202100017)

Ummi Azzuhaira (012202100003)



Zahid is an assistant manager in the IT department and
was recently promoted to senior manager. One day,
Waleed who is the head of the IT department, calls Zahid
to his office for a discussion. Waleed told Zahid that the
CEO had received an anonymous voice from an employee
who expressed concern about the poor performance of
recently installed software and the department's failure to
achieve the desired results. Zahid had previously reported
the issue to Waleed, who was the sole supporter of the
software and provided positive feedback to the CEO.
Zahid was asked by Waleed to make a draft reply
containing support for the performance of the system, but
Zahid wanted to be honest with higher management.
However, he is worried that fighting Waleed could
jeopardize his performance progress.
Lack of Transparency Ethical Dilemma for Potential career
Zahid Implications
Waleed, the department Zahid, who has recently Zahid fears that if he goes
head, is aware of the been promoted to the against Waleed and
software performance position of senior manager, provides honest feedback
issue but has been is faced with an ethical about the software's
providing positive dilemma. He wants to give performance, it may
feedback to the CEO the true facts about the negatively impact his
about its performance. By software's performance to career. He has worked
doing so, he is not being the higher management hard to achieve his
transparent with the but is concerned that promotion, and going
higher management and is going against Waleed, his against his superior may
trying to hide the problem. department head and endangering his
supported, could put his professional growth and
career at stake. standing within the
What should Zahid do?

Which of the following alternatives should Zahid

choose? Why?
Replying as Waleed requested
Providing true facts
Refusing to write a false report
Zahid should start by carefully analyzing the issue
and compiling all pertinent data regarding the
functionality of the software and his prior reports. If
he agrees with Waleed's request to create a
deceptive response, he should think about the
possible repercussions of his behavior and the effect
it will have on his career. Zahid can discuss his
concerns about hiding the software's problems with
Waleed in private while reiterating his dedication to
honesty and openness.
Option B
If Zahid decides to provide the true facts to the higher
management, he would be acting honestly and
transparently. However, this could potentially harm his
relationship with Waleed, who may feel betrayed and
could retaliate against Zahid in the future. Zahid may
also face backlash from other colleagues who may
feel that he is undermining the department's goals.
1 The most important situation is to maintain integrity and transparency in a
professional environment, even though you are faced with difficult choices
that can greatly affect your career.

2 Higher management should consider the report that Zahid gave earlier about
the software's poor performance when dealing with the issues discussed in the
anonymous letter.

3 Communication between Waleed and Zahid must be mutually open and

honest, as it is very important to complete a balance between the need for
honesty and the maintenance of their working relationship.

It is important for him to act with integrity and honesty, even if it means risking
short-term consequences. He should be prepared to handle any backlash that
may come his way and be willing to explain his decision to his colleagues and
superiors will help him build a strong reputation and earn the respect of others
in the long run.

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