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MR. Mitesh Thakor Chaudhary Drasti M
PRN NO:- 2021095900001523
Chaudhary Saloni A
PRN NO:-2021095900001515



Sankalchand Patel University, Visnagar


Faculty of Management StudiesFaculty of
Management Studies
Smt.S. B. Patel Institute of Business Smt.S. B. Patel
Institute of Business Management, Management,


We, the undersigned, hereby declare that this Research Project titled “IMPACT OF SOCIAL
MEDIA ON YOUTH” is a result of our own work and our indebtedness to other work publication,
reference, if any, have been duly acknowledgement. If we are found guilty of copying any other
report or published information and showing as our original work we understand that we shall be
liable and punishable by SPU which may include ‘repeat study & resubmission of the report’ or any
other punishment that SPU may decide.


2021095900001523 Chaudhary Drasti M

2021095900001515 Chaudhary Saloni A

Faculty of Management Studies
Smt.S. B. Patel Institute of Business Management,


This is to certify that Miss. Chaudhary Drasti M., Exam seat

no_________,and Miss. Chaudhary Saloni A., Exam seat

no.__________ , Of BBA ; Sem-VI, has satisfactorily completed

practical research project in the subject of “MARKETING AREA” and its

title is “IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON YOUTH” and submitted their

Research report to Smt. S. B. Patel Institute of Business

Management, Visnagar, affiliated to Sankalchand Patel University,

Visnagar for the partial fulfillment of the requirement of the practical

studies in Sem-VI ; BBAprogramme.

Place: Visnagar Project Co-ordinator

MR.Mitesh Thakor

Date: Principal
Dr. Jayshri S. Datta
Here we are presenting survey report assignment on the Impact of social media on Youth. This survey
report will help us to understand the social media marketing as a tool and its impact on the youth. This
survey report includes the study about the various tools of social media marketing and its impact which is
positive as well as negative on the youth users. Further added that this survey report also throws light on
the activities performed by youth users on various social medias.

The survey report include negative and positive impact on youth of social media, history of social media,
rise of social media, specially role of social media in covid- 19, various social media tools, even the
social media benefits to youth users and how its harmful to youth users, objective of the survey report, its
research methodology. The survey report also gives an analysis along about the media consumption by the
youth users. All this help to develop an understanding how the social media is proving to be a boon or a
bane to the society youth. How the usage of social media is shaping the thoughts and even idea of the youth
and how they react to particular things when they are active to media.


It is a great pleasure for us to undertake this survey report. We feel highly doing the survey project
entitled - “Impact of Social Media on Youth.”

Many thanks to a Smt. S. B. Patel Institute of Business Management, for giving us the chance of
gathering practical knowledge as a part of BBA students.

Deep gratitude is expressed to the principle mam DR. JAYSHRI DATTA, and the other faculty member
of BBA programme for their insight and guidance in the area of this survey report and supervision as well
as providing necessary information related to the survey report and for support in completing this. This
survey report would not have completed without the enormous help and worthy experience, so we again
sincerely thankful to our guide MR. MITESH THAKOR


Social media make a significant contribution on online that connect a group of community that interact and
exchange knowledge. Some extensively used social platforms such as Face book, Instagram, WhatsApp,
YouTube, Snap chat, Twitter, Pinterest etc….These not just social media or networking platforms but also
where people can share their details with the people and community. Social media applications allow for
immediate exchange of ideas between large population, which present many opportunities and challenges
for practicing physicians. Company owners will also sell their goods via social media and earn crowd
funding. Data analysis gathers and analyses data from social media platforms that allow companies and
business to make a smart choice. Social media also has a paramount impact on students and youth to
consider human nature and adversely becoming greedy and fanatical. Thus, social media is being utilized
for the construction and as well degradation of people from all background of life .




1.1 Introduction 2

1.2 History of Social Media 3

1.3 The raise of Social Media 5

1.4 Social Media 7

1.4.1 WhatsApp 8

1.4.2 Instagram 9

1.4.3 YouTube 10

1.4.4 Facebook 11
1.4.5 Twitter 12

1.4.6 Snapchat 13

1.5 How Social Media beneficial to youth 14

1.6 Role of Social Media in covid 19 16
2.1 Introduction 18

2.2 Positive impact on Social Media youth 19

2.3 Negative impact on Social Media youth 21


3.1 Meaning of the study 25

3.2 Objective of the study 25

3.3 Title of the study 25

3.4 Needs / scope of the study 26

3.5 Literature review 26

3.6 Hypothesis 29

3.7 Research methodology 29

3.7.1 Source of data 29

3.7.2 Sample design 30

3.7.3 Sample size 30

3.7.4 Period of study 30

3.7.5 Statical tools 30

3.8 Limitations of the study 31


4.1 General Information 33

4.2 Hypothesis 51


5.1 Findings 54

5.2 Suggestions 54

5.3 Conclusions 55

Bibliography 56

Annexure 58


4.1.1 Gender ratio 33

4.1.2 Age ratio 34

4.1.3 Education ratio 35

4.1.4 Occupation 36

4.1.5 Member proportion 37

4.1.6 Emotions impact 38

4.1.7 Most use social media 39

4.1.8 Ratio of time spend by members 40

4.1.9 Emotions impact 41

4.1.10 Reasons of using 42

4.1.11 Stranger as a friend 43

4.1.12 Benefits of social media 44

4.1.13 Purpose of social media 46

4.1.14 Online networking affect your social life 47

4.1.15 Using social media before going to bad 48

4.1.16 Lack of intrest in family meeting 49

4.1.17 Information available is reliable on Social Media 50

4.1.1 Chart of gender 33

4.1.2 Chart of age 34

4.1.3 Chart of education 35

4.1.4 Chart of occupation 36

4.1.5 Chart of member proportion 37

4.1.6 Chart of emotions impact 38

4.1.7 Chart of most use social media 39

4.1.8 Chart of ratio of time spend by members 40

4.1.9 Chart of emotions impact 41

4.1.10 Chart of reasons of using 42

4.1.11 Chart of stranger as a friend 43

4.1.12 Chart of benefits of social media 45

4.1.13 Chart of purpose of social media 46

4.1.14 Chart of online networking affect your social life 47

4.1.15 Chart of using social media before going to bad 48

4.1.16 Chart of lack of intrest in family meeting 49

4.1.17 Chart of information available is reliable on Social 50




Social media refers to array of applications such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube etc. and
websites through which people share the information and appreciate major events that happens around
them. Social Media is in the progress from the early of the 21st century. Social Media tools provide better way
of opportunities and interaction to learn different foreign languages. With the advent of social media, the world
becomes the global village. Through social media platform, users can connect with each other within seconds,
share their ideas, and provide comments on different area of interest and issues. People of different cultures
can also talk on any related issues and also search for information and data about other countries. Social media
is the most recent form of media and have also gained astounding worldwide growth. It has become a part of
everyone life. Social media is a very broad term really encompasses several different types media such as video,
blogs….etc. It is a place where one can transmit the information about other one. Young people can maintain
social connections and can access more information than ever before. It has become a place where youth can
spend many hours constantly with a particular purpose or without purpose for spending their time.

In recent years the number of people engaging with social media has exploded. Social media platform are now
utilized as key locations for networking, socializing and importantly, for reflecting on all aspects of everyday life.
Such online spaces therefore hold vast quantities of towards pro-environment policies, to political views
and preferences. Traditional ethics framework can inform researchers to some extent in this, but social media
data bring new contextual challenges which the more traditional approaches are not equipped to deal with.


Social Media Before 1900

The earliest method of communicating across great distance used written correspondence delivered by hand from
one person to another. In other words, letters. The earliest form of postal service dates backs to 550 B.C.,
and this primitive delivery system would become more widespread and streamlined in future centuries. In
1792, the telegraph was invented. This allowed messages to be delivered over a long distance far faster than
a horse and rider could carry them. Although telegraph messages were shorts, they were a revolutionary way
to convey news and information.

Although no longer popular outside of drive through banking, the pneumatic post, developed in 1865, created
another way for letters to be delivered quickly between recipients. A pneumatic post utilizes underground
pressurized air tubes to carry capsules from one area to another.

Two important discoveries happened in the last decade of the 1800s: The telephone in 1890 and the
radio in 1891.

Both the technologies are still in use today, although the modern versions are much more sophisticated than their
predecessors. Telephone lines and radio signals enabled people to communicate across great distances
instantaneously, something that mankind had never experienced before.

Social Media in the 20th Century

Technology began to change very rapidly in the 20th century. After the first super computers were created in the
1940s, scientist and engineers began to develop ways to create network between those computers, and this would
later lead to the birth of internet. The earliest forms of the internet, such as CompuServe, were developed in the
1960s. Primitive forms of email were also developed during this time. By the 70s, networking technology had
improved, and 1979’s UseNet allowed users and the youth to communicate through virtual newsletter.

By the 1980s, home computers were becoming more common and social media was becoming more
sophisticated. Internet relay chats, or IRCs, were first used in 1988 and continued to be popular well into
the 1990s.

The first recognizable social media sites, SIX Degrees, were created in 1997. It enabled users to upload a profile
and make friends with other users. In 1999, the first blogging sites became popular, creating a social media
sensation that’s still popular today.

Social Media Today

After the invention of blogging, social media began to explode in popularity. Sites like MySpace and LinkedIn
gained prominence in the early 2000s, and sites like Photo bucket and Flicker facilitated online photo sharing.
YouTube came out in 2005, creating an entirely new way for people to communicate and share with each
other across great distances. By 2006, Face book and Twitter both became available to users through the world.
These sites remain some of the most popular social media on the internet.

Today, there is a tremendous variety of social networking sites, and many of them can be linked to allow
cross-posting. This creates an environment where users can reach the maximum number of people without
sacrificing the intimacy of person to person communication. We can only speculate about what the future of
social media may look in the next decade or even 100 years from now, but is seems clear that it will
exist in some form for as long as humans are alive.


Social media sites are used by more than two-third of all internet users. When did the rise of social media starts
and what are the largest sites today.

By Esteban Ortiz- Ospina

September 18, 2019- latest updated on April 30, 2020

Face book, the largest social media platform in the world, has 2.4 billion users. Other social media platforms
including YouTube and WhatsApp also have more than one billion users each. These numbers are huge- there
are 7.7 billion people in the world, with at least 3.5 billion of us online. This means social media platforms are
used by one-in-three people in the world, and more than two-thirds of all internet users. Social media has changed
the world. The rapid and vast adoption of these technologies is changing how we find partners, how we
access information from the news, and how we organize to demand political change.

Social media started in the early 2000s The first social media sites to reach a million monthly active users was
MySpace- it achieved this milestone around 2004. This is arguably the beginning of social media as we know it.
With 2.3 billion users, Face book is the most popular social media platform. YouTube, Instagram and WeChat
follow, with more than a billion users. Tumblr and Tik-tok come next with over half a billion users.

In reach country almost all youth use social media. From the back of the calculation its known that, if
Face book has 2.3 billion users, then at least 30% of the world uses social media. This is of course just
an average for some world regions, and specifically for some population groups, usage rates are much
higher. Youth tend to use social media more frequently. In fact, in rich countries, where access to internet is
nearly universal, the vast majority of youth use it. And if today’s youth continue using social media
throughout their life, then it’s likely that social media will continuing growing rapidly as internet adoption
expands throughout lower-income countries. The rise of social media in rich countries has come together
with an increase in the amount of time spent online. The increase in social media use over the last decades
has, of course, come together with a large increase in the amount of time that youth spend online.

According to a report published by Common Sense Media, social media usage among youth has drastically
increased between 2012 and 2018. A survey conducted in the U.S. earlier this year showed that 70% of youth
check the social media accounts several times a day, up from just 34% in 2012. More astoundingly,
however, 16% of today’s youth admit to checking their social feeds nearly constantly and another 27% do soon
an hourly basis. It is hard to say that how much social media use is too much, but constantly checking for
likes, comments or new post by friends certainly has an effect on youth people and many studies suggest
that its not a positive one. Social media and device addiction are an important issues in the internet age and it
will take an effort by the industry as well as the users themselves to tackle it head on.


Social Media is the set of collective channels for online communications sources dedicated to varieties of
input, communication, sharing and collaboration. It is especially based on Websites, application, blogging,
social networking, social bookmarking and wikis are different types of social media. Social media is
interactive Web 2.0 Internet based applications. Users generated content, such as text posts or comments, digital
photos or videos, and data generated through all online interactions, are the lifeblood of social media.
Users create service-specific profiles for the websites or app that are designed and maintained by the social media

Social media is a tool that is becoming quite popular these days because of its user-friendly features. Social
media platforms like Face book, Instagram, Twitter and more are giving people a chance to connect with
each other across distances. In other words, the whole world is at our fingertips all thanks to social media. The
youth is especially one of the most dominant users of social media. All this makes them wonder that something
so powerful and with such a massive reach cannot be all good. Like how there are always two sides to a coin,
the same goes for social media. Subsequently, different people have different opinions on this debatable topic.
So, it means that social media have advantages and even disadvantages also.

1.4.1 WhatsApp

Launched 2009
Headquarters Menlo Park, California
Monthly Active Users 2 billion
Revenue $5 billion
Founders Brian Acton, Jan Koum

WhatsApp (also called WhatsApp Messenger) is an internationally available freeware, crossplatform,

centralized instant messaging (IM) and voice-over-IP (VoIP) service owned by US tech conglomerate Meta. It
allows users to send text and voice messages, make voice and video calls, and share images, documents, user
locations, and other content. WhatsApp's client application runs on mobile devices, and can be accessed from
computers. The service requires a cellular mobile telephone number to sign up. In January 2018, WhatsApp
released a standalone business app called WhatsApp Business which can communicate with the standard
WhatsApp client.

The service was created by WhatsApp Inc. of Mountain View, California, which was acquired by Facebook in
February 2014 for approximately US $19.3 billion. It became the world's most popular messaging application by
2015, and had more than 2 billion users worldwide by February 2020. By 2016, it had become the primary means
of Internet communication in regions including Latin America, the Indian subcontinent, and large parts of Europe
and Africa.

1.4.2 Instagram

Launched 2010
Headquarters Menlo Park, CA
Monthly Active Users 1.16 billion
Revenue $6.8 billion
Founders Kevin Systrom, Mike Krieger

Instagram is a photo and video sharing social networking service owned by American company Meta Platforms.
The app allows users to upload media that can be edited with filters and organized by hashtags and geographical
tagging. Posts can be shared publicly or with preapproved followers. Users can browse other users' content by tag
and location, view trending content, like photos, and follow other users to add their content to a personal feed.

Instagram was originally distinguished by allowing content to be framed only in a square (1:1) aspect ratio of 640
pixels to match the display width of the iPhone at the time. In 2015, this restriction was eased with an increase to
1080 pixels. It also added messaging features, the ability to include multiple images or videos in a single post, and a
Stories feature—similar to its main competitor Snapchat—which allowed users to post their content to a sequential
feed, with each post accessible to others for 24 hours.
As of January 2019 Stories is used by 500 million people daily.

1.4.3 YouTube

Launched 2005
Headquarters San Bruno, California
Monthly Active Users 2 billion
Revenue $19.8 billion
Founders Jawed Karim, Steve Chen, Chad Hurley

YouTube is a global online video sharing and social media platform headquartered in San Bruno, California. It
was launched on February 14, 2005, by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim. It is owned by Google and is
the second most visited website, after Google Search. YouTube has more than 2.5 billion monthly users, who
collectively watch more than one billion hours of videos each day. As of May 2019, videos were being uploaded
at a rate of more than 500 hours of content per minute.

Since its purchase by Google, YouTube has expanded beyond the core website into mobile apps, network
television, and the ability to link with other platforms. Video categories on YouTube include music videos, video
clips, news, short films, feature films, songs, documentaries, movie trailers, teasers, live streams, vlogs, and more.
Most content is generated by individuals, including collaborations between YouTubers and corporate sponsors.
Established media corporations such as Disney, Paramount, NBCUniversal, and Warner Bros.
Discovery have also created and expanded their corporate YouTube channels to advertise to a larger audience .

1.4.4 Facebook

Launched 2004
Headquarters Menlo Park, CA
Monthly Active Users 2.7 billion
Revenue $86 billion
Founders MarkZukerberg, Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum,
Dustin Moskovitz, Chris Hughes

Facebook is an online social media and social networking service owned by American technology giant
Meta Platforms. Created in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg with fellow Harvard College students and roommates
Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes, its name derives from the face
book directories often given to American university students. Membership was initially limited to only
Harvard students, gradually expanding to other North American universities and, since 2006, anyone over
13 years old. As of December 2022, Facebook claimed 2.96 billion monthly active users, and ranked third
worldwide among the most visited websites. It was the most downloaded mobile app of the 2010s.

Facebook can be accessed from devices with Internet connectivity, such as personal computers, tablets and
smartphones. After registering, users can create profile revealing information about themselves. They can
post text, photos and multimedia which are shared with any other users who have agreed to be their "friend"
or, with different privacy settings, publicly. Users can also communicate directly with each other with
Messenger, join common-interest groups, and receive notifications on the activities of their Facebook
friends and the pages they follow.

1.4.5 Twitter

Launched 200
Headquarters San Francisco, California, United States
Monthly Active Users 450 million
Revenue $1.18 billion
Founders Jack Dorsey , Biz Stone , Evan Williams , Noah Glass

Twitter is an online social media and social networking service owned and operated by American company
Twitter, on which users post or reply to texts, images and videos known as "tweets". Registered users can
tweet, like, 'retweet' tweets and direct message (DM), while unregistered users only have the ability to view
public tweets. Users interact with Twitter through browser or mobile frontend software, or
programmatically via its APIs.

On October 27, 2022, business magnate Elon Musk acquired Twitter, Inc. for US $44 billion, gaining
control of the platform. On December 20, 2022, Musk announced he would step down as CEO once a
replacement had been found. As of March 2023, Musk has yet to announce a successor and remains CEO.

1.4.6 Snapchat

Launched 2011
Headquarters Los Angeles, CA
Monthly Active Users 433 million
Revenue $911 million
Founder Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy, Daniel Smith,
David Kravitz, Leo Noah Katz

Snapchat is an American multimedia instant messaging app and service developed by Snap Inc., originally
Snapchat Inc. One of the principal features of Snapchat is that pictures and messages are usually only
available for a short time before they become inaccessible to their recipients. The app has evolved from
originally focusing on person-to-person photo sharing to presently featuring users' "Stories" of 24 hours of
chronological content, along with "Discover", letting brands show ad-supported short-form content. It also
allows users to store photos in a password-protected area called "my eyes only". It has also reportedly
incorporated limited use of end-to-end encryption, with plans to broaden its use in the future.

Snapchat was created by Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy, and Reggie Brown, former students at Stanford
University. It is known for representing a mobile-first direction for social media, and places significant
emphasis on users interacting with virtual stickers and augmented reality objects. In July 2021, Snapchat
had 293 million daily active users, a 23% growth over a year. On average more than four billion Snaps are
sent each day. Snapchat is popular among the younger generations, particularly those below the age of 16,
leading to many privacy concerns for parents.


 It develops Creativity and Innovation

Social media sites allows users to access content in different forms such as videos, graphics, pictures,
photos, etc… This will help youth to hone their creative skills to a large extent or audience. For
example, Instagram allows youth to uploads photos quickly that gives ways to showcase their
abilities. It even contributes to getting encouragement and feedback from viewers. Social media is the right
place for the youth who want to hone their skills with fresh and innovative ideas that help reach more people
in a quick turnaround time.

 Provides the Opportunities for learning education

Social media is an excellent place for the youth to read articles, watch videos, and view pictures which
result in educational benefits. They can learn new things easily that provides ways to improve their
knowledge. Many educational organizations today use social media platforms to educate youth with fact-
finding initiatives.

 Develops Social and Communication skills

One of the main advantages of social media is that it provides opportunities to interact with their
peers to make friends. It even helps to indulge in debates and conversation allowing youths to develop their
communication abilities. Moreover, social media is a perfect place for discussing a variety of topics with
others that will help to share ideas.

 Source of Income

Social media is a great source for youth to earn income by addressing their exact needs. It lets
youth to create own channels on YouTube and Instagram thereby showing ways to generate revenues
based on the views. Youth can learn many techniques from social media platforms that have the way to
focus more on their objectives. Not only that, they provide methods to promote products and services
easily when youths want to start a new business. This will help to increase sales in the markets to the
youth also.

 Enhance Critical Thinking and Assessment

One of the main benefits of using social media is that it enhances critical thinking and assessment of youth
effectively. It even contributes more to form their own opinions after checking the facts and other things.
Furthermore, social media gives ways to share ideas with others after checking and researching the

 Space for exploring Creativity

Social media allows the youth to learn how to solve problem with creative ideas and identify the
answers and innovative approaches to different aspects of life. Whether it is designing or writing, it allows
youth to explore their creativity that help to increase their abilities to a large extent.

 Others...

• Its inspire the youth.

• Its allows youth to set their life objectives or can say a life goal.

• Its also reduces the mental problem by providing solution in easy and quick manner.

• Its also gives ways to support others and talk about bigger issues in their personal lives.


Social media has played a significant role in mediating the communication of information about
Covid -19, although coverage of social media is more often than not negative. Social media has become
essential to societal responses to the crisis and become an important site for the public discussion and
understanding of COVID-19.

COVID-19 dominates the news and since the initial reports from China, traditional news media have
played a key role in disseminating vital information to the public. As a result, broadcasters, such as
the BBC and others, have seen significant increases to their audiences. However, whilst traditional media
and their biases have long been critiqued from a range of standpoints, the COVID-19 pandemic has
focused attention particularly on the negative role that played by special media and potential for
“information pollution.”

This risk was acknowledge early by the World Health Organization, who declared an “ infodemic
”and outbreak of misinformation causing mass anxiety and uncertainty- running in parallel to the viral
pandemic. The social impact of this pendemic were felt in the UK, when 5G masts were set on fire based
on a conspiracy theory linking 5G to COVID-19, a theory that was trending on twitter under the
#5GCoronavirus hasting.

COVID-19 also reveals the positive social role of social media and the way it has become
increasingly central to the public dissemination and discussion of vital information about the

Social media is an information vacuum, it spreads both knowledge and information at an exponential
rate, in turn creating opportunities for exaggeration, scapegoating, rumour, social vigilantism and
xenophobia. The instantaneous nature of these platforms combined with the dark art of algorithmic
manipulation and simple bad faith, can ultimately have undesirable consequences. Concerns around
social media therefore become heightened in time of crisis, when public understanding and co-operation
are at heart of disaster management response strategies. However, despite this negative press, COVID-19
also reveals the positive social role of social media and the way it has become increasingly central
to the public dissemination and discussion of vital information about pandemic





Social Media has been ingrained into our society today to such extent that it is virtually impossible
for the people to take you seriously, if you are not on any social media platform. Everyone is on social
media-young, old, rich, poor, etc… Everyone is always in a frenzy when it comes to socializing online.
Even the corporate world has jumped into bandwagon and companies are very active online, posting updates
and answering queries. Through the interaction young people can share ideas, acquire information and also
be exposed to many opportunities out there. Secondly social Media give them the avenue and opportunity
to make new friends and also allows them to maintain their old friends. With social Media, they can trace
their former friends by simply typing their names or just indicating the school they or college they attended.
Then, the network will do all the dirty work and link them to all people they went to school or
college with.

It also an avenue where people can express their honest opinions. People who are naturally shy may
say whatever they wish in public forums, without the fear of serious repercussions. It is also a cheaper
means of communications. What is required is just internet bandwidth and a few keystroke and users
can communicate with virtually anyone on earth. This is referred to as virtual teaming. Though hired in the
same organization, these virtual workgroups are operating from different part of the earth. However, their
communication is done online. On the flips side, the internet is an unregulated world that has no form of
morals or laws to abide to. Young people are exposed to gore images of murder victims, accidents,
rape cases, or even video footage of gun shooting, violence verbal outbursts, nudism and explicit sexual
content. All these kind of gore content are in the domain of youth people and when consumed for a long
time can lead to serious mental breakdowns.

Too much social media also leads to addictions. Society today is full of people specially youth one
seating next to each other, not talking, but just staring at their phones. Youths are spending more time
with their social media friends than with their families, friends and loved ones. When they wake up,
the first they checks is their social media accounts. Before they go to sleep, the last things they checks are
the updates on their social media account.

IMPACT: Impact refers to what results get in return by the particular course of action. Means what impact
created on youth by using social media like WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, twitter, YouTube and

etc. In short Impact, have a strong effect bon someone or something or The act or the force of
one thing hitting another.

YOUTH : The United Nations defines youth as persons between the ages of 15 and 24 and also
varies without prejudices to other age groups listed by member states such as 18 - 30. It also known


 Faster communication
Social Media playing an extensive role in terms of linking people. It gives a platform to those who can’t
travel and find it convenient to move out to meet people. Different apps, for example, WhatsApp,
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc have been introduced for this purpose. Now people do not need to
travel and spend money to meet physically, they can meet their dears and loved ones just by making video
calls. A person finds is easier to talk on WhatsApp instead of arranging the time to meet others. Text
messages are faster and the cheapest means of communication that are being promoted day by day.

 Get in touch with World

Youth can find advantages of social Media to remain connected with their friends and family if they
live abroad. It has become easier for the youth to live outside the country to stay in touch with their
family and friends. It is the cheapest way to be connected with everyone anytime they want to.

 Educational purpose and useful information

Youth find it quite easy and quick to find different quarries regarding education. It is just one type and we
find 100 of the solutions to their questions or can say doubts. They can find any type of data and information
regarding their doubts and questions. Youth students are getting advantages of social media in order to take
help. Some explore near ideas, some find information and some find new stratigies for improvement in their
work. Social media can be as beneficial for the teachers to learn new techniques to teach students
with different approaches.

 Chances of increased skills

Social media is such a power as it can give chances to the youth to improve their skills, for which,
they do not need to go out. It gives online tutorials and webinars free of cost. It provides different
programs, multiple trainers train different skills such as glass painting, interior decoration, knitting,
stitching, cooking, dress designing, jewellery designing, mirror work etc.

 Improvement in lifestyle and living standard

Youth become today a trendier and their way of life is being improved as social media has brought
awareness in them. Their sense of style and living standard has positively changed. Everyone tries to look
sophisticated and stylish. People analyses others on social media and try to copy their lifestyle. The sense
of dressing and behaving is become much improved.

 Best for online shopping

Many online selling apps use social media for the announcement of their products. Then they sell their
products through dissimilar social media pages and groups, even many affiliate marketers using these
channels b for the lead generation. Many famous stores like Amazon, eBay and Alibaba also have take
advantages of these social media websites which indeed leads to their product selling and business

 Promotes creativity

Many social media tools provide an outlet for creative self-expression. Not only are you able to share work
such as photography, film, written works and illustrations, other users can offer comments and feedback
which can offer the added benefit of building self-esteem and confidence.


 Facebook Depression
Facebook depression is an emotional disturbance associated with social media usage. When a teenager is
made to feel inferior to their social media counterparts, they often fall into a depression commonly referred
to as a Facebook depression. The need to stand out, fit in, or be accepted by their Facebook friends drives
teenagers towards this form of emotional disturbance.

 Anxiety

We are more curious about knowing what other people are doing rather than spending time for ourselves.
Those who spend more time on social media become victims of depression and anxiety because it adversely
affects the thought processes and mood.

Good mental health is important for study, career, and personal life. Thus, it is recommended to spend only
a half-hour per day instead of wasting your whole day.

 Cyberstalking
Nowadays, cyberstalking has become an issue. We have already covered a few articles related to Facebook
stalking, Instagram stalking, and WhatsApp Stalking.

Smart phones are connecting people. But, the negative effects of Smartphone on youth can be seen today.
If you’re always sharing your location, then social media friends know where you are. Teenagers are used
to updating their status, share what they’re watching, listening to, reading, and where they check-ins. This
habit becomes an addiction and makes them hyperactive because they always look for new updates from
their friends. They check every notification and alert to respond because they believe responding on time is

Teenagers find new friends on social media and never take a rest. Such connections are virtual but can
produce anxiety and cause depression. Some teenagers feel lonely when their virtual friend is not online or
responds on time. They took everything seriously, any status update or text.

 Cyberbullying

A cyberbully is the use of social media to communicate false, embarrassing, or hostile information to
specific users. Among the major effects of social media, cyberbullying is an evil that has become such an
atypical today. Victims of prolonged cyber-bullying often end up with psychosocial problems like
depression, isolation, loneliness, stress, anxiety, low self-esteem, and some even become suicidal.

The lack of a mechanism to unravel users behind cyberbullying accounts is what is making these activities

 Sleep Deprivation

Social media is among the leading causes of sleep deprivation in teens today. They are constantly worried
about what their friends are posting and sharing. Adolescents can stay active on social for longer durations
if not prompted to stop. And if they do these, especially during sleep time or just before sleep, then there is
a high possibility of their sleep being disrupted. The readings can help you understand the importance of
sleep and the associated risks of sleep loss.

 Lower Self-esteem
Most teen girls start comparing themselves with celebrities after spending time on social media and want to
look slim, pretty, and rich like them. It is normal to copy those persons they admire or consider a role model
in the teenage. This imitation can negatively affect their self-respect and dignity. Different studies’
outcomes are that girls who spend more time on social media to portray themselves like celebrities are
isolated from friend circles. Their friends do not accept them.

 Social Isolation
There is a statistical relationship between the use of social media and social isolation. When teenagers see
pictures or videos of a party where they were not invited, it can bring anxiety. It is known as “fear of missing
out” or FOMO. Most of the time, teenage children believe they are connecting to different persons using
social media, but actually, they are out of the present moment and their lives. It can become a cause to feel
more isolated and a reason for FOMO.

 Impractical Expectations
You won’t be surprised if I say Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are the reason for impractical
expectations and friendships. You cannot cross-check the authenticity of other’s activities.

Nobody should lie on social media in an ideal situation, but showbiz and promotion strategies are not going
to change shortly. Instagram and YouTube celebrities, including influencers, are bind to such strategies to
attract audiences.

 Poor Concentration

Today negative effects of social media on students can be seen easily. Different tasks, such as schoolwork,
class work, or homework, require more concentration to deal with something important, but now teenagers
have a habit of simultaneously using social media. Most of them consider it multitasking, but it is not.
Researches show constant interruption has an adverse effect on attention and reduces learning and

 Decreased Activity

Teenagers who use social media heavily do not spend enough time on activities that definitely increase
mental abilities, skills, and physical movement. Those who exercise daily, their body releases endorphins
that signal our brain to stay positive and reduce depression. Thus decreased activities reduce the secretion
of endorphins, and it is causing depression, a common problem.

 Internet Addiction

Uncontrolled social media usage among teens can lead to internet addiction. The more time kids spend on
social media, the more they become exposed to new stories and ideas they want to explore. This habit
eventually turns into an addiction that, if not handled early, can affect their school performance, mental
health, and even personal development.




Research is defined as careful consideration of study regarding a particular concern or problem using
b scientific methods. It also means, to study a subject carefully or in detail, especially in order to discover
new information or understand the subject better.


The main objective of the study is to analyses the impact of social media on youth. It also to access
how youth use social media in their day-to-day life and its impact on youth in term of education,
learning, entertainment, in question of job opportunities, communication, enhancing skills and online

This study contains some more objectives they are:

• To find out which social media mostly used by youth.

• To get awareness about the impact of social media on youth.

• To determine how social media impact on youth.

• To know the extent of usage of social media by youth.

• To clear the result regarding the positively and negatively of social media.

• To know the most important reason of using the social media.


The title of the study is “Impact of Social Media on Youth”


The necessity to do the study of impact of social media on youth is arise because it’s have create the
impact on youth by their using of social media. It creates negative as well as positive impact on youth.
So, the need of study arise to know how long they are suing social media in day, which social media
they are using mostly and for what purpose they are using. In short the essence of this research
work is to primarily study the impact of social media on youth. The research intends to focus on social
media for easy analysis of the data. This will reduce cost and avoid complexity that may arise as a
result of having very large population.


Blair (2015) opines that advancements in communication and leisure technologies over the past decade
have radically transformed the role of technology in the lives of youth. Around the globe, children and
adolescents are often seen as being the first to embrace new technologies, such as new forms of social
media. Having a cell phone, once regarded as an adult technology, has become a necessity within youth
culture in many societies. Even video games, once limited to stand-alone computers, have become a venue
for social gatherings of youth. The rapid pace of technological advancement has brought about profound
changes in the very nature of childhood and adolescence. His work examines the role of technology in the
lives of adolescents and youth.

Nerone (2015) opines that media has a particular task to perform in governance especially in
democracies. He believed that the media person should make democratic government possible by making
information available to people, who then discuss it and make up their mind and vote. Media represents the
public opinion and public opinion is important in governance and media is important because the people
who run the things accept the fact that they have to answer to a universal supervising intelligence
represented by media persons. He also argued that due to media involvement in almost each and every
aspect of the lives of the people the primary relation no more exist now. Media has led to the time and space
distanciation because of which relations with those who are distant are more close and the people who are
near are more distant. He concluded that though media acts as a watch dog in the democratic society. But
in a networked society, weak ties are more important than strong ties. Strong ties are like those which you

share with your family, ties that are durable and built up out of more than one shared interest. Traditional
democratic theory assumed that citizens would have relatively strong ties in the political community.

Ravi prakash Singh (2016) The social networking sites are nowadays playing an increasing role in
people‟ s everyday life and the use of the social networking sites has become more and more important as
a way of communicating in the last couple of years. Social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook,
YouTube and MySpace etc. have gained more and more popularity. From the social networking sites
especially the “bigtree” services as Facebook , Twitter and YouTube have grown tremendously in the last
couple of years. Politicians are now using social media and the Internet and in turn are permitting a new
arena of grassroots politics. The main objective of this article is to study the role of social networking sites
like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube etc. on Indian politics.

Siddiqui & Singh (2016) in modern time, social media has been used by young students during their
studies. It enables them to grasp different kinds of information from diverse sources. Students use it for
enhancing their knowledge and to understand the concealed secrets. Through several blogging sites,
students also polish their skills and showcase their potential by posting attractive content and hence, prove
their worth. Social media is not just fun, it enables youngsters to form collaborations with others and this
way, they can enrich their potential. Moreover, it allows them to share files easily that could contain books,
articles and informative videos.

Akram & Kumar (2017) Social media is widely used by the adolescence and youth. Starting from
Facebook in 2003, it has seen massive increase in its users who choose it for diverse purposes. It provides
them with the chances of showcasing their hidden skills to the world. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,
YouTube, Snapchat, and Tumbler all offer far reaching prospects to observe and choose them according to
their interest. From getting salaried to running businesses, from relishing impressive content to presenting
inner skills, from reading books, novels and interesting content to staying updated with the happening
events, it benefits each of its users in the best desired way. Where social media has comprehensive and far-
reaching impacts on youth, it is also being used in negative means. From cyber bullying to online crimes
and from hacking to data breaches, it also has some deleterious impacts.

S, Kumar, & Kumar (2019) on the contrary, social media is also affecting the youngsters in negative
means. Ohio State University’s research states that students who used social media in their study hours had

lesser grades than those who did not involve themselves in these activities. Furthermore, extensive and
unbalanced use of social media sites also leads to mental and psychological stress and this way, it affects
their learning and understanding skills. To be more precise, there are examples where youngsters tangled
themselves in online delinquencies just because of lack of knowledge and information. Those who indulge
in activities that are considered wicked by humanity are a big threat not only for the person whom they are
harassing, but also for themselves.

Aksh Baghla (2022) the year 2022 was dominated by short videos — mostly Instagram Reels and
YouTube Shorts. These short video features were launched in 2020 in India, but according to influencers,
they peaked in
2022. “I think Reels was the biggest trend... I saw people who never used to post much also make reels. I
saw massive traction — 30-40 million views on a single reel, which is insane.”


A hypothesis is an unproven statement or proposition about a factor or phenomenon that is of interest of

the researcher. It may, for example be a tentative statement about relationship between two or more variables as
stipulated by the theoretical framework or the analytical model. Often, a hypothesis refers to a possible answer
to a question A hypothesis which taken for possible acceptance is called Null Hypothesis and it is denoted by
H0. A hypothesis complementary to null hypothesis is called Alternative Hypothesis and it is denoted by H1.

(H01) = There is no significance difference between the use of different applications of Social Media.

(H11) = There is significance difference between the use of different applications of Social Media.

(H02) = There is no significant difference between the impact on Youth by using Social Media.

(H12) = There is significant difference between the impact on Youth by using Social Media.


Research methodology start with the question or problem. Its purpose is to find answer to question through the
applicant of scientific method it pursuit the track with the help of study and observation.

In present study, Descriptive type of research is used which describes the characteristics of a group or individual
and their perception about the social media and its impact on youth. The research is qualitative in nature.

3.7.1 Source of Data

Researcher has collected the primary data from youth through the structured questionnaire. Secondary data has
been collected from various past research survey report and other published data. The structured questionnaire is
filled-up by only the youth.

3.7.2 Sample Design

A sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from given population. It refers to the
technique or the procedure the researcher would adopt in selecting items for the sample. Thus, sample design is
basically of two types: Probability and Non Probability Sampling.

Probability Sampling is known by different name like Simple random sampling, stratified sampling etc..

Non Probability Sampling is known by different name like Deliberate sampling, purposive sampling, judgemental
sampling etc..

Here the researcher has taken simple random sampling and convenient sampling.

3.7.3 Sample size

Sample size refers to the number of participant or observations included in a study. This number
is usually represented by n. The sample size of this study is 100.

n = 100


 Graphs
 Pie chart
 Tables
 Chi square method


The limitation of the study are those the characterises of design or methodology that impact or influenced the
interpretation of the finding your research. Researchers felt that information bias by the respondent may slightly
weaken the precision of findings. Some of the limitation of the study of impact of social media on the youth is:

o It may create subjective impact sometimes.

o Insufficient sample size for statistical measurement. o Conflicts arising from cultural bias and
o It’s a reflection of ideas for some specified period of time only.
o Sample size of 100 only taken so no accurate result should be gain.


• The proportion of female respondents is more than male.
• Most of the Social Media platform are used between age group of 18 to 24.
• All the respondents are the member of Social Media.
• Instagram is the most used among all the Social Media.
• Mostly the youth are spending on an average 1 to 2 hrs on Social Media.
• Social Media gives happiness to the youth along with motivation & inspiration, depression,
sense of belonging and anxiety.

• Today’s youth use more Social Media to contact & connect with friends and family, keep up
with news, interact with new people, for sharing and liking post and education.
• Now a day’s strangers try to friend us on Social Media.
• Youth also believe that they get the benefits like entertainment in social media
,opportunities for learning, develop creativity an innovation, as source of income etc..
• Mostly the youth are using Social Media for entertainment.
• Online networking affects youth social life.

• Mostly the youth are checking social media account before going to bed.

• Youth also consider lack of family meeting is a negative impact.

• Social media gives people egos which they don’t have in real life.


It is suggested that Social media users have to remember the purpose of using media and stay remained use
informative sites and also aware of privacy issues involved in the use of apps.

We should understand the difference between reel life and real life. First priority should be given to the
real life than reel life. And even not to apply the reel life into the real life.

One shouldn’t have to be engaged with the Social Media that he/she forget his responsibilities because
that may affect the user carrier and their future lives.
One must not be engaged with the cyberbullying. That may effects some innocents life and also it is
a serious crime.

In this Social Media platform many of the strangers are trying to connect with him/her intentionally and
unintentionally. So one should remain aware of this. Here we should suggest that everyone should accept
the friend request of only the known person.

Social Media can also be used even for productive work other than entrainment and passing time.


The result of the study shows that there is a significant impact of Social Media platform and applications
on youth’s day to day life.

The study reveals that maximum youth uses social media platform for the entertainment and staying
contact and connect with friends which seems like the wasting of the times.

The study shows that maximum time spend by youth on Social Media platform 2hrs daily on social
media which keep them always from their own responsibility and work. And it is even seen that today’s
youth are addicted to Social media.

The study also reveals the various benefits of social media platform for youth such as Source of income,
Opportunities for learning, space for exploring creativity, develop creativity and innovation and many more
and stay connected with each other at anytime and anywhere and moreover it help the youth to have
motivation & inspiration, keep up with news, and education.

Similarly the Social media platform also have a negative impact on youth like lack of interest in family
meetings, depression, lower self – esteem and anxiety.

At last it is evident from studies that social media has the positive and negative impact on youth.
Youths must be clear on purpose of using social media and how long they are online and make it beneficial
to their personal and social purpose.


• Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques by C. R. Kothari
• Kotler Philip (2017) Marketing Management, Pearson Publications UK, 11th edition.
• S. Chitra, E. Shabana, “A survey report on Impact of Social Media on youth.



Survey Report on The Impact of Social Media on Youth

We are students of BBA Sem 6 from Smt. S. B. Patel Institute of Business

Management, Visnagar. As a part of our study, we are conducting a survey
report on Impact of Social Media on Youth and hence request you to all this
questionnaire. And your data will be confidential and it will be used only for
our study purpose

1. Name:

2. Gender:

• Male
• Female

3. Age:
• 18 to 24
• 25to 34
• 35 to 44
• 45 to 54
• 55 & above

4. Education

• Undergraduate
• Graduate
• Post Graduate
• P.H.D
• Other

5. Occupation
• Student
• Service/job
• Businessman
• Homemaker
• Other

6. Do you use Smartphone?

• Yes • No

7. Do you use social media?

• Yes

• No

8. Which social media do use the most?

• Whatsapp
• Instagram

• Snapchat

• Facebook

• Other

9. How much time you are spending daily on social media platform?

• 1 to 2 hrs

• 3 to 4 hrs

• 4 to 5 hrs

• More than 5 hrs

10. What emotions do you experience while using social media platform?

• Motivation & inspiration

• Happiness
• Depression

• Sense of belonging

• Anxiety

11. Why do you use social media platform?

• Keep up with news

• Contact & connect with friends and family

• Interact with new people

• Sharing/liking post

• Education

12. Do you accept that strangers try to friend you on social media platform?

• Yes

• No

• May be

13. What do you believe among the following is/are benefits to youth by using social media

• Sources of income
• Opportunities for learning
• Entertainment
• Space for exploring creativity

• Develop creativity an innovation

• Help with studies

14. For what purpose are you mostly using social media platform?

• Studying
• Entertainment

• Staying connected with people

• Learn new skills

• Sharing own thoughts

15. Does online networking affect your social life?

• Yes

• No

• May be

16. Do you check social media account before going to bed?

• Yes

• No

17. Do you believe lack of interest in family meeting is negative impact on youth by social

• Yes

• No
• May be

18. Do you think privacy maintaining is easy in social media?

statement agree Strongly Strongly Disagree

agree disagree



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Two factor

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