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This Lease Agreement was made in Jakarta, on this day …………., date
…………………………., we the undersigned:
Full Name : Tanti Sagittarini
Address : Jl. Gunung Sahari IX, RT 003/RW 004, Sawah Besar, Gunung Sahari Utara,
Jakarta Pusat

Phone Number : 0818994460

(Hereinafter referred to as "LESSEE")

Full Name : Annelies M. Sukardi

Address : Jl. Perikanan No. 47, Kalibata Timur 12510, Jakarta Selatan

Phone Number : 085881418203

(Hereinafter refferred to as “OWNER”)

That the OWNER hereby declares that he has rented and handed over the lease rights to the
LESSEE, and the LESSEE hereby declares that he has rented and received rent from the
OWNER, a house which the local community calls


Built on a plot of land with Certificate of Ownership No....................................

date................................................ and Building Construction Permit No.................................

A residential building along with all amenities built on marble floors. Brick walls and tile
roof as well as courtyard garden and swimming pool, bedroom, bathroom with equipment as
per attached list including electricity with power...... watts, adequate water supply for the
premises and telephone connection with facilities and ID number… ……………………..

Hereinafter referred to as "Place"

This lease agreement is valid and accepted with the following terms and conditions:
Article 1-DURATION

1. The lease of the premises is effective (…………………………..) month and will end
2. LESSEE has the option to extend the lease period with the same terms and conditions
as stated here but at a mutually agreed rate. provided that the LESSEE notifies the
OWNER of this intention at least in writing sixty (60) days before the end of the
Lease Agreement.
3. All terms and conditions contained herein automatically apply during the extension of
the term of this Lease Agreement (if any).
4. At the end of this lease agreement, the LESSEE is obliged to return the premises in
good condition and clean, except for reasonable damage. If loss occurs due to the
LESSEE's negligence, the LESSEE is responsible for the loss.

Article 2-TERM

1. The lease rate for the premises is Rp....................................(………… ………………)

per month or a total of IDR…………………………(…………………………)
for……… year and Income Tax (PPh) is borne by OWNER (Vacation lease rates
include tax)
2. Security deposit in the amount of Rp…………………………..
(…………………………) is handed over from the LESSEE to the OWNER


1. The OWNER guarantees the LESSEE that he is the owner of the Premises and as
long as this lease Agreement is still valid and the Premises are occupied by the
LESSEE, the LESSEE will not be disturbed by any party who claims to have prior
rights to the premises and therefore the LESSEE is hereby released by OWNER for
all claims from other parties in connection with this matter.
2. The OWNER also guarantees the LESSEE that as long as the Lease Agreement is
still valid, the LESSEE can legally occupy the Premises.
3. This Lease Agreement will not be canceled due to the death of the LESSEE and/or
any change in ownership of the property to another party during the term of this Lease
4. The LESSEE guarantees the use of the premises for office purposes and the
OWNER has the right to visit the premises with prior notification and after the
LESSEE has given permission.


1. During the term of this Lease Agreement, the LESSEE may not remove from the
Premises any furniture, fixtures or equipment owned by the OWNER without the
OWNER's prior consent.
2. Any equipment, fixtures or fittings installed by the LESSEE to improve living
conditions in the Premises as deemed suitable by the LESSEE, shall remain the
property of the LESSEE and may be removed at the termination of this Lease
Agreement, provided that the LESSEE is obliged to restore it. place to its original
3. The LESSEE is responsible and bears all costs for and/or repairs related to failure of
the building structure, including repairs to the roof, main walls, main pipes, and floors
of the building, unless damage is caused by the LESSEE, his employees. or anyone
else for whom the LESSEE is responsible, will be borne by the LESSEE.
4. Additionally, the OWNER is also responsible for exterior painting.
5. Meanwhile, the LESSEE is responsible for costs incurred in connection with routine
servicing and maintenance of the Swimming Pool and all its equipment including
servicing or water pumps, water heaters, stoves, AC at least once every 3 months, and
Solar Hart servicing every year. The LESSEE is also responsible for the replacement
and repair of damaged locks, door & window handles, plugs and light bulbs. All
damage to maintenance and repair of equipment and home repairs up to IDR…../item
or per incident and unlimited costs for damage caused by the negligence of the
LESSEE, his agent, his employees or anyone for whom the RENTER is responsible,
will be the responsibility of the LESSEE.
6. Meanwhile, repairs for damage to any equipment that exceeds IDR....../item or per
incident and all costs for repairing structural damage or building construction or non-
functioning household equipment will be borne by the OWNER
7. In the event that damage to the Premises is caused by the negligence of the LESSEE
or its employees which results in major damage to the premises or any part of it, the
LESSEE will be responsible for restoring the Premises to its previous condition.
8. At the end of the contract the LESSEE must hand over the unoccupied Premises in its
original, clean and good condition including the garden and surroundings, repair any
damage or defects to the Premises caused by the LESSEE or his employees, clean the
Premises to its previous condition.


1. Monthly payments for electricity, telephone and other utilities such as environmental
security, waste disposal, etc. are borne and paid by the LESSEE.
2. At the end of the Lease Agreement, the LESSEE is obliged to pay all unpaid portions
of the utility bill up to the contract completion date.
3. To consider the matters mentioned above in Articles 4 and 5, the LESSEE will
provide a Security Deposit paid to the LESSEE in the amount of
Rp…………….before the start date. Security Deposit is a fund to pay off electricity
and telephone bills incurred during and after the lease period and to return the
Premises to its original condition.
4. These funds will be used to settle outstanding bills and restore the Premises to its
original condition after the lease period ends. If none or all of the settlements have
been completed, the remaining funds will be returned.

Article 6-TAXES

THE OWNER is fully responsible for property taxes (Land and Building Tax/PBB). Levies
and other levies of a general nature relating to ownership of goods which may be imposed,
charged or payable in relation to the Premises (or the plot of land on which the Premises are
established) during the term of the Lease Agreement.


1. In the event of loss or damage to the Premises due to a natural disaster, the OWNER will
immediately rebuild and restore the Premises at his own cost and expense. The OWNER is
obliged to insure his property (including against damage caused by fire and water) for the
entire lease period.

2. If in the opinion of the LESSEE the damage to the Premises is such that the LESSEE
must vacate the Premises until it is properly repaired, the OWNER agrees to provide the
LESSEE with appropriate Premises to accumulate during the reconstruction or renovation
until the damage has been completed
3. If the LESSEE vacates the Premises before the end of the Lease Agreement, the OWNER
is not obliged to return the rent paid in advance for the remaining unused lease period.


If for unavoidable reasons (for example the LESSEE is transferred by the company to
another city) and the LESSEE must vacate the Premises, the LESSEE has the right to rent
back the unused term of this Lease Agreement with prior written notification to the


1. This Lease Agreement and all attachments between the parties hereto and shall supersede
any oral or written communications previously made between the parties with respect to the
subject matter of this agreement.

2. Any changes to this Agreement must be made in writing and signed by the parties to this


All disputes between OWNER-LESSEE will be resolved based on mutual agreement by

both parties. This settlement was carried out outside of court amicably between the parties

Day……………………, Date………………..


Annelies Sukardi Tanti Sagittarini

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