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I. Fill in the following sentences with suitable words.

intensive interests degradation contributor combustion

conservation prosperity landfills underlying inextricable
expense ecological testament exacerbated downplay
1. The long queue outside the restaurant is a … to its quality.
2. It would be irresponsible for me to … the magnitude of this crisis or assure
you that everything is under control
3. The race was postponed in the … of safety.
4. One of the most viable solutions to protect the environment is to prioritize
the … of wild animals
5. Humans have an …relationship with wildlife.
6. They expect organic produce to provide … balance, which in reality is often
more than questionable.
7. Economic … has allowed a rising number of Chinese to live an affluent
8. His fame was earned at the … of health and happiness
9. A new survey shows that for millennials in India, religious conflict is the …
reason that leads to national corruption and poverty.
10. The measures proposed are oriented to mitigating the factors that induce
greater environmental … and poverty.
11. A large number of deforestation in different areas have catastrophically …
air pollution and other natural habitats.
12. One of the rationales behind air pollution is the … of fossil fuels.
13. Electricity that’s generated using fossil fuels is more carbon …, as the
process by which it’s generated creates CO2 emissions.
14. Over the last fifteen days, the city Xuan Son has overloaded …
15. Aviation is considered to be a major … to global warming.
1. Many countries …, which results in a global security threat. (WEAPON)
2. The escalating international tensions surrounding uranium … and
development of weapons-grade nuclear material in countries are a
testament to the risk of renewables. (RICH)
3. Renewables have extremely low carbon … compared to fossil fuels, given
how dire environmental pollution has become and how it affects our very
existence. (FOOT)
4. Reversing the damage done to planet is a … undertaking that seems
impossible without government … (MASS/INTERVENE)
5. It is believed that recent extreme climatic events are … to global warming.
6. The past two years have seen the … of reality TV shows. (PROLIFERATE)
7. The soaring population does have a social … (IMPLY)
8. If there is a rise in sea-level, low-lying areas could become … (HABITAT)
9. Most summers see … waves in one section or another of the United States.
10. There will be more extreme and … weather (PREDICT)
11. Switzerland’s most important source of … energy is hydropower.
12. If the … of natural resources continues, the environment will be seriously
harmed (DEPLETE)
13. Logging leads to the loss of … of wildlife in many countries worldwide.
14. Packaging often contains plastics which are not … (BIO)
15. Waste … is a big issue around the world. (DISPOSE)
16. The potassium in the bananas is slight … (RADIO)

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