AR in EE Report

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3. What is AR?

It is a combination of the real scene viewed by the user and a virtual scene generated by the computer
that augments the scene with additional information.
The ultimate goal is to create a system such that the user cannot tell the difference between the real
world and the virtual augmentation of it.
5. How it is used?
It is used more by advertisers to create a 3D render of a product, such as a car, or football boot, etc .
This allows the consumer to see a 360 degree image of the product. Depending on the quality of the
augmentation, this can go as far as indicating the approximate size of the item, and allow the
consumer to 'wear' the item, as viewed through their phone.
Alternatively print out of a marker can be held before a webcam attached to a computer. (shifu) The
image of the marker and the background as seen by the webcam will be shown on screen.

7. AR Concept: This is the concept of AR

Within AR, the real environment and the additional (computed) information from the virtual reality
are shown all together, as if they were both real (Fig.1). and A tracking system is used to follow the
real image and position of the user so that the virtual image can be super imposed on the real one.
So, this combining of the virtual image with the real world happens within a computer.
Finally, The real world can be shown on the screen , but enriched with some 2D or 3D virtual
objects. The virtual objects can be realistic or fictional, depending on the final objective.
These virtual images interact in real-time with the real images, as they would have the same origin.

8. What’s the difference between augmented and virtual reality?

In short: Virtual Reality is an entirely digital environment whereas Augment Reality, mixes the real
world with digitally enhanced information or graphics. the Implementation of this concept is done?

Hardware: Just like the ones seen in very popular user interactive video games .. the material
presented on the head worn display can be controlled from the handheld small stylus-operated
computer screen .
Software: The main mobile AR application runs on the backpack computer and receives continuous
input from the GPS system, the orientation head tracker and the track pad which are mounted on
the back of the handheld computer.
It generates and displays at an interactive frame rate that overlays 3D graphics and user interface
components on the head worn display.
In the handheld computer arbitrary applications are run which talks to the main backpack application
via Coterie/Repo object communications.

11. Applications: Speeding up production:

Finding the faults in a product design would take more time but interacting with the product digitally
can help to spot the fault in just few minutes.
Similarly, By studying the production process in a virtual environment, manufacturers are able to
detect bottlenecks and areas that need improvements. So with this the need for prototyping any
models which is expensive can be eliminated .
Also during maintenance of any machine, the information that technicians would need can be
projected directly on the part on which they are operating. This eliminates the need to consult charts
and instruction manuals, thereby speeding up the process. Also a relatively inexperienced worker can
perform the necessary repair.

Technological limitations: Lot of work needs to be carried out to make Displays, trackers, and
AR to become more accurate, lighter, cheaper, and less power consuming as the user must wear
the PC, sensors, display, batteries, and everything else required.

limitation with the User interface: here We need a better understanding of how to display data
to a user and how the user should interact with the data.

The final challenge is social acceptance. Given a system with ideal hardware and an intuitive
interface, how AR can become an accepted part of a user’s everyday life, just like a mobile
phone has to be worked on ..
However, these must be addressed before AR becomes widely accepted.

17. Having discussed on the general aspects, let us move on towards our field ie Power
AR can change the approach of the entire energy chain - generation, transmission, distribution,
supply, and energy use . It can bring in real-time information in a convenient way, allowing a power-
friendly approach to the energy domain
The most important benefit of using AR in the power engineering field is that it brings closer
separate fields like design, operation, maintenance, education and training etc and provides access to
any information available in specific place with additional information (knowledge) brought through
the virtual world which helps in addressing any problem easily and exchange real time useful

18. AR helps the design engineer to determine the way in which a detail fits to a specific site in the
real world. During plant/ equipment operation, AR integrates and presents information that comes
from different applications in a user-friendly way e.g., monitored data from the control room (Fig 3),
in-situ visualization of equipments (Fig 4), protection and control, support for decision making, fault
detection and management, Web SCADA applications, advanced analytics functions etc. The
information from different applications is brought to the individual in real-time whenever and
wherever needed.

19. here is an example in which the scheme of an electrical substation is visualized near the panel .
The classical technical documentation and instructions based on paper documents can be replaced by
information made available through AR, anytime, anywhere needed [12].
This example shows how a thermal scheme is displayed in the control-room through AR.

20. This one shows the way step-by-step instructions are displayed to aid a worker to take the
correct actions. Like This way AR helps students to assess and analyze the performance of different
design options within laboratories .
Here you can see The text and image contained in a traditional 2D book or handbook is combined
with interactive 3D virtual content in an augmented book [20]. This figure shows the way photos
taken in real installations are used by AR to give a better understanding of the schemes
Through different visualizations (Fig. 9), AR enables the display of additional information,
explanations and guidance for learning and for training or improving abilities.

21. In laboratories, AR is used to show the students how the equipments are used within the real
installations (Fig. 10) or how the equipments look inside (Fig. 11)
During lab work, AR can provide instructions, schemes and information on theoretical aspects. Thus, the
AR based learning experience is also training the students to use the theoretical knowledge to solve
practical problems

22. Topology : When it comes to education AR is a nascent field; This slide shows the topology of the
system . Here is an example of using a mobile app to learn the practical Experiment. This method of
learning may stimulate students' motivation to a learning process.

23. Functional scheme: This is a training system developed using AR technology in an university in
Russia . Here one needs to direct his camera of the mobile device to the training system’s central
panel .then functional scheme will be displayed in the form of AR elements as shown here (figure 3).
when one selects any of these devices. On the right screen side, its description is displayed.

24. Description of stand elements : Next, one should direct the mobile device camera to the training
system’s central panel. As a result, the virtual object with animation will be superimposed on it; the
object rotates clockwise around the vertical axis. Due to it, one can study the object from all sides (figure

25. This slide shows The initial state of the training system: All the elements ( switches, buttons, etc.)
contain animation elements, indicating in which position they need to be switched to install the system
into the initial state. if one turns the mobile device camera to the training system's central panel, then it
displays a "pointer" and highlights the area in which one should send the mobile device camera (figure 5).

26. Augmented Reality in Electrical Fundamentals:

Let us see how AR can be implemented in our fundamentals… which may help our 1st year students
Here you are seeing an application which aims to contribute to the understanding of certain basic concepts
related to DC circuits , namely power supply, driven current, circuit components such as lamps, motor, switch, etc.,
as well as open/closed circuit, short circuit, current direction, power dissipation, series/parallel components, etc.
In this example, markers for a battery, a few lamps, a dc motor, a switch and connecting wires are provided to the
The user may interact with the circuit by actuating the switch, combining elements association, changing the battery
position or just rotating it, etc., by simply handling the markers. The easy handling configuration and helps the users
to ask themselves the reason of the circuit behavior in each particular configuration. The components can be
integrated in the circuit by placing the respective marker in one of the free positions of the circuit that will be
viewed by the webcam. The image processing is performed using the JavaScript library, JSAR tool Kit, which leads
to the creation of the respective 3D image by using the modeling program Blender3D. how ever It is not necessary
to fill all the available positions, since the implemented circuit is a closed circuit.
27. Transformer:
A typical diagram of the transformer is shown here . This diagram shows only the functional relationships between
the components. When you move the smartphone (tablet) towards this picture, a 3D model of the transformer
appears on the device screen (Fig. 2). Using the on-screen buttons, you can change the circuit parameters and
observe on the model the changes taking place in the circuit. Which may help the students to under the concepts
much better.

28. Finally I would conclude saying that Augmented reality has amazing applications that can very
well allow us to live our lives more productively, more safely, and more informatively.

By adopting this AR technology in our academics, we can make the learning process much
interesting and attractive .
AR might be most useful in laboratories, and also for the visualizations of actual components from
power plants. which can really come to our help specially during this pandemic

No doubt this technology provides an easy way to make progress in teaching and learning.

And of course The AR app allows saving the teacher's time for repeating the explanations;
repetitions can be performed by the student himself using the mobile app.

Currently, the choice of tools for augmented reality is large (ARCore, ARToolKit, EasyAR, Kudan, Maxst, Vuforia,
Objects of augmented reality should be placed in such a way that their perception is realistic for the user
Unity is a tool for developing two- and three-dimensional applications and games that runs under the operating
systems Windows, Linux and OS X.

Unity3d is a modern cross-platform engine for creating games and applications developed by Unity
Technologies. Using this engine, one can develop not only applications for computers, but also for
mobile devices (iOS, Android), game consoles, etc. Firstly, it is worth emphasizing that the game engine
is integrated into the Unity environment, which makes it possible to test the application in the
editor itself. Secondly, Unity supports import of a wide variety of formats, which allows one to develop
imported objects in a more convenient application, and Unity is used for its intended purpose -
product development. Thirdly, when writing scripts, popular programming languages are used - C#
and JavaScript (the authors used C#).
Vuforia is a AR Platform and a Software Development Kit (SDK) for mobile devices developed by

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