Emotional Labour Literature Review

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Crafting a comprehensive literature review on emotional labor can be a daunting task.

It requires
extensive research, critical analysis, and synthesis of various scholarly sources to provide a thorough
understanding of the topic. From exploring the historical evolution of emotional labor to examining
its implications in different contexts, the process demands meticulous attention to detail and a deep
understanding of the subject matter.

One of the major challenges faced by individuals when writing a literature review on emotional
labor is the vast amount of literature available. Navigating through numerous academic journals,
books, and articles to identify relevant sources can be time-consuming and overwhelming. Moreover,
synthesizing diverse perspectives and theories into a cohesive narrative requires careful consideration
and analytical skills.

Furthermore, ensuring the credibility and reliability of the sources chosen is essential to maintain the
integrity of the literature review. Evaluating the validity of research studies, the expertise of authors,
and the relevance of findings is crucial to producing a high-quality review.

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We recommend some methods to strengthen survey designs in emotional labor research to match the
research method with the research problem. 8.1 Multi-source, multi-wave studies During the design
phase, the researchers should collect data from multiple time points to reduce common method
deviations from multiple sources. An employee’s emotional intelligence or cognitive abilities cannot
be assessed or developed without an understanding of the context or emotion work rules. Frequency
of emotional labour recurrent obligation indicates a negative emotional labour in the case of a
statement investor (Bitzer, 2006). Emotional language cannot help but break out because care work
which is primarily dominated by emotional component becomes essential for achieving desired
results as a caring nurse. Sociology, 35(4), pp.913-931. Simpson, P. and Stroh, L., 2004. Gender
Differences: Emotional Expression and Feelings of Personal Inauthenticity. This kind of attitude
surely enhances and respects all the conditions that define useful labor and energy indulged in the
form of emotional work. San Diego, CA. Rafaeli, A. and Sutton, R.I., 1989. The expression of
emotion in organizational life. In: L.L. Cummings and B.M. Staw, eds. n.d. Research in
organizational behaviour. Women are great examples of constant emotional labor. Specifically, we
explored the relationship between emotional labor and job satisfaction and emotional exhaustion
under the East and West’s diverse cultural backgrounds. Acknowledgments The authors are grateful
for the financial support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (71572170). The
use of scenarios has the advantages of reducing recall biases, controlling the impact of irrelevant
variables, and ensuring higher internal reliability. That is, longitudinal data are required for testing
causal conclusions, especially needed in emotional labor research. In the second section, an overview
is given of the primary measurement tools of emotional labor that have been used or adapted. The
poem is written from a first-person perspective, suggesting that the speaker could be an observer,
someone familiar with the child or their family, or potentially even a relative. At the organizational
level, the industry the occupation emotional labor requirements, and employees’ views of the overall
culture of the organization (perceived organizational support, autonomy, the climate of authenticity)
influence the effectiveness of emotional labor on the service performance of the organization, and
employees’ job satisfaction, emotional exhaustion, and well-being. If you need to make more
complex queries, use the tips below to guide you. Broadly speaking, labor relations may refer to any
transaction between employer and employees with regards to certain employment conditions.
However, despite the growing interest in analyzing emotional labor at work, only a few studies have
examined emotional labor at home. Let us write or edit the literature review on your topic. Emotion
regulation in Chinese employees could even lead to a higher level of psychological well-being. 4
Measures of emotional labor To the best of our knowledge, there are mainly seven measures of
emotional labor in extant literature. Those responsible for employee development must help the
employee develop abilities and knowledge about contextual emotional expression rules. In further,
more theoretical perspectives should be incorporated to provide a complete picture of the spillover
and crossover of emotional labor. 10 Conclusion In response to this increased interest in emotional
labor, and the proliferation of studies, our objectives for this paper were five-fold. Nevertheless, he
argues that displaying emotion based on only formal instruction is a mistake, because it will affect
workers’ work because workers themselves have own ability to express emotion needed in work.
Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your
writing easier are also offered here. Example of those work that suit women is nursing, nurses are
required to express strong emotion such as care, affection and kindness (Henderson, 2001). However,
it can be seen that team-related moderators are the least common in the emotional labor literature
compared to individual and organizational variables. However, studies show that call center operators
are more likely to suffer emotional labor. There are differences between various types of emotion
labor, and how gender, status and the search for authenticity are affected by the feeling mechanism in
each individual. On the other hand, when I was at another electronic shop, the situation was totally
different from the first shop. The display of positive emotions and sensitivity requirements also had
positive effects on personal accomplishment.
They describe the sequential events that occur during the experience of an emotion. A professional
nurse must be able to perform numerous different technical activities. Example of those work that
suit women is nursing, nurses are required to express strong emotion such as care, affection and
kindness (Henderson, 2001). Adelmann (2005) developed one range for emotional labour at work,
though, this research could not discover the ordinary negative associations between emotional labour
at work and emotional strain, an elucidation of the fact that more differentiated ideas ought to be
brought forward. Overall, it is difficult for the antecedents of emotional labor to go beyond the
individual, organization, customer, and affectivity. Chunjiang Yang is working as a professor at
Yantai Nanshan University, Shandong, China. Such emotions lead directly to affect-laden
behaviors—such as emotional labor—that carefully map onto the affect-driven behaviors proposed
in affective events theory. The nursing work suit women since they have high level of emotional
expressivity. Finally, to the best of our knowledge, the comprehensive literature review of emotional
labor is scarce, highlighting the importance and urgency of our article. However, arguments exist
within the issue of emotional labour over the years (Smith, 1999). If you need to make more complex
queries, use the tips below to guide you. Grandey (2000) suggests that emotionally exhausted
workers might leave the organization in the long run due to burnout. Hochschild (1983, as cited in
Bryman, 2004, p.104) considers emotional labour as acting, and distinguished it into surface and
deep acting. Fourth, we use meta-analysis to explore the relationship between emotional labor and
other variables in different contexts. More specifically, experimental designs have made recent
strides in the study of employees’ emotional labor. Give us your email address and we’ll send this
sample there. Berkeley: University of California Press. Leidner, R., 1993. Fast Food, Fast Talk.
Traditionally which was presented as distinct are now two broad researched areas -emotional
intelligence and emotion work. Bryman (2004, p.106) have focused on Disney Theme Parks which
emotional labour is very vital in its service delivery. The display of positive emotions and sensitivity
requirements also had positive effects on personal accomplishment. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, our
review provides a whole picture of where the literature has been and where it should go.
Nevertheless, he argues that displaying emotion based on only formal instruction is a mistake,
because it will affect workers’ work because workers themselves have own ability to express emotion
needed in work. However, research on the spillover and crossover of emotional labor is far from
enough. To include an article in our review, it must include emotional labor as a key variable or
subject area. Shandong Nanshan Health Wellness Tourism Research Center, Shandong, Longkou,
China. Emotional labour is very important as it distinguishes services which have roughly the same
products (Bryman, 2004, p.106). Bryman (2004, p.106) explains that the growing understanding of
emotional labour as one of the factors that affect customers satisfaction, which is important to repeat
business have been the cause for customer care programmes’ growth. Including an instrumental
variable helps purge emotional labor models of endogeneity bias, which could not depend on other
variables. Customers are the main object of emotional labor for service providers. Thus, this research
is fragmented across disciplines and yet to be integrated. The review has demonstrated that the
emotional labor field has made progress in the last 40 years; however, emotional labor still has its
Even though it is quite debatable factual statement, however more or less, our emotions are
constantly monitored by our brains at work. Finding by Simpson and Stroh (2004) as cited in Fay
(2011) showed that women are more probably conceal their negative feeling, whereas men are likely
to hide their positive feeling. This conceptualization and operationalization of emotional labor depart
from previous efforts because it focuses on the behavior of emotional expression, encompassing
genuine, faked, and suppressed positive and negative emotional displays. Such emotions lead
directly to affect-laden behaviors—such as emotional labor—that carefully map onto the affect-
driven behaviors proposed in affective events theory. In fact, research on emotional labor can be
divided into three development phases. Specifically, we explored the relationship between emotional
labor and job satisfaction and emotional exhaustion under the East and West’s diverse cultural
backgrounds. Traditionally which was presented as distinct are now two broad researched areas -
emotional intelligence and emotion work. According to her emotional labor is the extent of handling
of individual's external behavior or internal feelings in order to show the suitable emotion in reply to
show occupational standards or rules. That is, emotional labor leads to the loss of resources and has
various negative outcomes such as burnout, negative affect, and low level of performance.
Henderson, A., 2001. Emotional labor and nursing: an under-appreciated aspect of caring work. If
emotional labor and customers’ behavior or leaders’ behavior are assessed at three or more periods,
latent change analysis to capture reciprocal spiraling effects would also be possible. When employees
gain access to organizational resources, they need to reward the organization’s support by increasing
their efforts. A study on table servers reported that employees who really put feeling in the jobs are
more satisfied than employees who do not (Adelmann, 1995 cited in Grandey, 2000). Please enable
Javascript for this site to function properly. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect
you with the best. If the Q value is significant, the difference between groups is significant. It
usually justifies the preference for longitudinal studies over cross-sectional ones. Therefore, they can
accomplish service jobs better which require emotional labour (Grandey, 2000). In common,
researchers approve that illustrations and emotional state that complement the precise emotional labor
affects emotions that are displayed at work location; hence, connect their factual feelings with the
differences in descriptions and operationalization of anticipated emotions. Following corrections, we
estimated the sample-weighted mean of these correlations. Emotional labour may inflict adverse
impact on emotional labourer, but there are also researches that show the other ways round. Bryman
(2004, p.104) states that the creation of emotional tie will cultivate excitement and meaning for
workers. Women are great examples of constant emotional labor. However, thus far, in the emotional
labor literature, our knowledge is more limited to individual differences and affective states. We also
examined the reference lists of all retrieved articles to identify additional literature that was not
included in our database search. Finally, we suggest directions for future research and point out the
deficiency of existing research through both theoretical and empirical advancement. The extant
cross-sectional and longitudinal research studies demonstrate that individuals differ from one another
in their average levels of emotional labor, but also that a given individual may differ in his or her
specific level of emotional labor at any given point in time. Though I personally cannot remember
when, as a small. It has become vital that there is a constant monitoring carried out to see how
employees regulate their emotions at work.
Recently, research has considered the relationships among emotional labor constructs over briefer
periods. These workers put effort on rapid emotions that are indicated to be satisfactory by clients.
Job stress does more than causing irregular attendance of employees, decreased productivity, fatigue
and burnout. I was to carry large round shaped deep trays filled with snacks and drinks over my
right shoulder with grace had to make sure that I do not frown but smile at all times and be extra
sweet. In addition, in analyzing a large number of hypotheses that have been published, two patterns
emerged. Yantai Nanshan University, Shandong, Longkou, China. While this method has been used
for research on the emotion field, it is just beginning to be utilized in emotional research. However, it
can be seen that team-related moderators are the least common in the emotional labor literature
compared to individual and organizational variables. He states that workers’ performance that is
presented to the customers is vital as it is memorable to customers. Research has linked the inhibition
of emotions to a variety of physical illnesses, including high blood pressure, heart disease and cancer.
In addition, different conclusions from previous studies, the use of rich theoretical perspectives, and
complicated relationships among variables are distinctive features of this stage. Considering the
rationale of this review, we considered four significant questions in our literature analysis: (1) How is
emotional labor understood and defined within the literature based on different perspectives and
cultures? (2) How is emotional labor measured? (3) What do we know about emotional labor through
existing empirical research? (4) What is the future of emotional labor research. Adelmann (2005)
developed one range for emotional labour at work, though, this research could not discover the
ordinary negative associations between emotional labour at work and emotional strain, an
elucidation of the fact that more differentiated ideas ought to be brought forward. Henderson, A.,
2001. Emotional labor and nursing: an under-appreciated aspect of caring work. Though I personally
cannot remember when, as a small. There certainly are jobs such as nursing and customer service
work that involves frequent interactions with others, which itself may engender emotional labor.
RESULTS: We expect our research to expand the field in five different ways. How emotional
contagion and emotional labor affect service relationships. We, therefore, provide our evaluation of
the seven measures to form the basis of contents. Science, 233, pp.1271-1276. Sharma, U. and
Black, P., 2001. Look good, feel better: Beauty therapy as emotional labour. Sociology, 35(4),
pp.913-931. Simpson, P. and Stroh, L., 2004. Gender Differences: Emotional Expression and
Feelings of Personal Inauthenticity. Many job roles call for variation in expressed emotions. The
behavior of a person is a result of an emotional state that he is going through. Lack of control and
autonomy over their own emotion can lead to life stress and work stress (Rodin, 1986 cited in
Grandey, 2000). Nursery school teachers, for example, manage with each other to secure jobs
involving more contact with the children and complain of being taken away by excessive tidying up
and cleaning duties. At the second intervention point, an individual could engage in response-
focused emotion regulation. The made-up smile did not make my heart smile even for a minute
whether at the back of the kitchen doors with other waitresses or at the forefront of guests. In
general, the definition of emotional labor tends to specific and rigid. In further, more theoretical
perspectives should be incorporated to provide a complete picture of the spillover and crossover of
emotional labor. 10 Conclusion In response to this increased interest in emotional labor, and the
proliferation of studies, our objectives for this paper were five-fold. In her classification of emotional
labor, Callahan and McCollum (2002, pp. 45) state that such activities are achieved for remuneration;
they are also below the jurisdiction of others.
In fact, today the poet, teacher, analyst are classified as intellectuals, while the nurse or policeman
tend to be classed as manual workers. In addition, different conclusions from previous studies, the
use of rich theoretical perspectives, and complicated relationships among variables are distinctive
features of this stage. In her classification of emotional labor, Callahan and McCollum (2002, pp. 45)
state that such activities are achieved for remuneration; they are also below the jurisdiction of others.
There is a regular need to acquire a greater capacity for work on oneself is essential to all kinds of
jobs whether at home or work. Evaluating an emotional capacity means evaluating a laborer’s work
possibilities in a more articulate and at the same time comprehensive manner. In interdependent
cultures, on the other hand, deep acting and surface acting can be regarded as potential feasible
strategies to achieve the goal of harmonious relationships, and therefore receive equal attention.
Drawing upon the social exchange theory, individuals will seek to distance themselves from
unrewarding and even socially costly relationships. As a known matter of fact the main job profiles
of call center operators is that of constant interaction with customers by telephone, with the support
of desktop computer systems. Now, some may debate that here workers are largely saved from the
day-to-day stress on the job, since they are behind the curtains. First, a brief definition and
dimensions of the construct of emotional labor are described. Job stress does more than causing
irregular attendance of employees, decreased productivity, fatigue and burnout. Each correlation was
corrected for attenuation due to unreliability in predictor and outcome variables. More specifically,
experimental designs have made recent strides in the study of employees’ emotional labor. He states
that workers’ performance that is presented to the customers is vital as it is memorable to customers.
We, therefore, provide our evaluation of the seven measures to form the basis of contents. Though I
personally cannot remember when, as a small. Fourth, using the meta-analysis method to examine the
relationship between emotional labor and other variables in different national contexts has not been
deeply discussed, and thus, we know little about the differences of emotional labor under different
cultural backgrounds. Emotional labour is very important as it distinguishes services which have
roughly the same products (Bryman, 2004, p.106). Bryman (2004, p.106) explains that the growing
understanding of emotional labour as one of the factors that affect customers satisfaction, which is
important to repeat business have been the cause for customer care programmes’ growth. According
to Hochschild (2003), occupations concerning emotional labor acquire three individualities: they
need the workforce to make facial or speech contact with the community; they necessitate the
employee to create an emotional condition in the consumer or purchaser, and they deliver the
instructions with the aim of exercising some control over the expressive events of workforces.
Nonetheless, their actions had unforeseen outcomes that hindered their public acceptance. Of
primary concern are the following areas that require more work. 8 Advances in research design and
analysis for future research The overreliance on self-reports and single-time studies in the emotional
labor field raises severe warnings about the implications of these findings, especially since none of
these studies address endogeneity and common method bias in their design. In the same vein,
surface acting had indirect effects on turnover behaviors through negative attitudes, including
turnover intentions. 5.3.3 Outcomes of customer How the service provider acts and speaks with the
customer has attracted increasing attention. The issue of whether emotional labor can be generalized
to the group itself remains an open question. The role of help in buffering the depleting effects of
surface acting. He recommended that emotional labour at work is based on frequency of personal
communication between members of staff and customer, therefore, making emotional labour at work
a one-dimensional structure disapprovingly correlated with workers’ health. The extant cross-
sectional and longitudinal research studies demonstrate that individuals differ from one another in
their average levels of emotional labor, but also that a given individual may differ in his or her
specific level of emotional labor at any given point in time. Third, we map the theoretical and
nomological network of emotional labor about its antecedents, outcomes, moderators, mediators.
Second, we also reviewed three important aspects of emotional labor (1) the definition of emotional
labor (2) the measurement of emotional labor (3) cross-cultural differences in emotional labor, which
provides a clearer understanding of the nature of emotional labor. Recently, research has considered
the relationships among emotional labor constructs over briefer periods. Surface and, especially, deep
acting are often used to uphold and reinforce a valued identity, thereby facilitating the sense that one
is actually being true to oneself. The first, and most common, was that the moderation paths were
significant, and the mediation paths were also made sense.
The more general definitions of labor are “intellectual work” and “manual work”. However, the
conceptual and empirical patterns identified at one level may not automatically apply to another level
(cf. Each correlation was corrected for attenuation due to unreliability in predictor and outcome
variables. It is a non-stop momentous of re-establishing patient’s and their kin’s faith and courage.
Finally, to the best of our knowledge, the comprehensive literature review of emotional labor is
scarce, highlighting the importance and urgency of our article. Example of those work that suit
women is nursing, nurses are required to express strong emotion such as care, affection and kindness
(Henderson, 2001). In addition, Hochschild (1983) as cited in Bryman (2004, p. 121) proposes that
emotional labour leaves adverse effect on labourer as it separates worker’s action and feeling. Apart
from that, Bryman (2004) stresses that women are more suitable than men in some occupations
where sexuality is a key element. The work done by women with care has not yet given rise to a job
description, let alone adequate payment. The requirement to express negative emotions had little
effect on burnout. Hochschild (1983, as cited in Bryman, 2004, p.104) considers emotional labour as
acting, and distinguished it into surface and deep acting. Thus, this research is fragmented across
disciplines and yet to be integrated. However, arguments exist within the issue of emotional labour
over the years (Smith, 1999). The most memorable encounter I had experience was at electronic
shops. Bryman (2004) relates the influence of emotional labour to workers in airlines, shops,
McDonald’s, restaurants, telephone call centres, zoos, and hotels. Surface acting Problem of
mistaking performance and authenticity; betrayal of trust 2. It is now appropriate to remember the
process of transformation that the family has undergone in recent centuries, at the core of which has
been placed the mother, first accepting to breastfeed her babies, then being tender and involved in
her children’s education and finally giving unconditional emotional support to her partner. This kind
of attitude surely enhances and respects all the conditions that define useful labor and energy
indulged in the form of emotional work. Researching the relationship between emotional labor and
customers has also become an indispensable part of emotional labor outcomes. However, research on
the spillover and crossover of emotional labor is far from enough. He was explaining patiently the
feature of the device to me with a pleasurable tone and his smile never went away even it took a
long time to explain to me. The made-up smile did not make my heart smile even for a minute
whether at the back of the kitchen doors with other waitresses or at the forefront of guests. In
profiles like that of nurse, hospital ward boys, analyst or doctor, the trader, call center operators,
flight attendants, teachers, the fearful father, the emotional mother; extensive emotions are evoked at
numerous times. It is not unique to emotional labor, and there have been some efforts to improve
survey design in the emotional area. Customers are the main object of emotional labor for service
providers. The fourth section shows the results of the meta-analysis of emotional labor in different
national contexts. These workers put effort on rapid emotions that are indicated to be satisfactory by
clients. However, studies show that call center operators are more likely to suffer emotional labor.
However, a close look at the customer orientation literature shows that the research fails to identify
causal relationships between emotional labor and customer orientation. 5.4 Moderators in emotional
labor research A promising start has been made in unpacking the boundary conditions in which
emotional labor processes. He states that workers’ performance that is presented to the customers is
vital as it is memorable to customers.
It has become vital that there is a constant monitoring carried out to see how employees regulate
their emotions at work. The effects of CSR perception on emotional labor strategies. Fourth, we use
meta-analysis to explore the relationship between emotional labor and other variables in different
contexts. Sociology, 35(4), pp.913-931. Simpson, P. and Stroh, L., 2004. Gender Differences:
Emotional Expression and Feelings of Personal Inauthenticity. To include an article in our review, it
must include emotional labor as a key variable or subject area. As the relationship between the
frontline employees and the customers matures over time, we would expect to see the dynamic
change of emotional labor and the corresponding change of its outcomes. First, a brief definition
and dimensions of the construct of emotional labor are described. Meanwhile, Hochschild’s
definition of emotional labor implicitly presumes that servicers more or less consciously and
painstakingly attempt to manage emotion by engaging in surface acting (employees modify their
displays without shaping inner feelings) or deep acting (employees modify internal feelings to be
consistent with display rules). At an even more finely grained level of analysis, capturing and
describing dynamic processes of emotional labor is necessary. Each correlation was corrected for
attenuation due to unreliability in predictor and outcome variables. In contrast, bill collectors and
bouncers are paid to convey hostility. It focuses not only on the behavioral outcomes that meet
organizational requirements and expectations but also on the dynamic process of emotional
regulation or management. How does emotional labor at work spill over into the home domain over
time. Therefore, we call upon future studies and meta-analyses to analyze promising antecedents
(e.g., leader) to create and expand a more holistic picture of emotional labor theory and research in
the category. 5.3 Outcomes of emotional labor While progress has been made on outcomes of
employees’ emotional labor, the results of these empirical studies can be divided into three aspects
according to different influencing subjects, namely employees, organizations, and customers. From
his tone when speaking to me, I felt that he was not willing to serve and explain his product to me.
When in high school it is more likely for youngsters to indulge in quick catering service industry or
join the fast food centers for fast cash. There are differences between various types of emotion labor,
and how gender, status and the search for authenticity are affected by the feeling mechanism in each
individual. Emotion work is defined as emotional regulation which is more likely required to display
organizationally desired emotions by the employees. In common, researchers approve that
illustrations and emotional state that complement the precise emotional labor affects emotions that
are displayed at work location; hence, connect their factual feelings with the differences in
descriptions and operationalization of anticipated emotions. Surface acting Problem of mistaking
performance and authenticity; betrayal of trust 2. Ashforth, B.E. and Humphrey, R.H., 1993.
Emotional labour in service role: The influence of identity. The constant pleasing act is primarily
enacted by all call center operators, resulting in emotional labor. Fourth, using the meta-analysis
method to examine the relationship between emotional labor and other variables in different national
contexts has not been deeply discussed, and thus, we know little about the differences of emotional
labor under different cultural backgrounds. The worker is thrown in at the deep end with respect to
manual or intellectual work, where job processes are more consolidated and definite. It has become a
widely known and accepted fact that more or less all of us face some sort of, some extent of
emotional labor. Bryman (2004) relates the influence of emotional labour to workers in airlines,
shops, McDonald’s, restaurants, telephone call centres, zoos, and hotels. The article thoroughly
discusses the theories that guide the Ifaluk in describing and explaining human nature in terms of
behavior, consciousness, differences and similarities of their concepts of “self” and “others.” The
author broadly describes how the Ifaluk speak of themselves as persons who are relatively undivided
internally and socially. More research needs to be accomplished on the genesis and dynamics of this
more positive form of emotional labor, and include it in their studies of emotional labor, rather than
limited to surface acting and deep acting. Hochschild’s (2003, pp. 67) stated that emotional labor
comprises impression of the administration of examination of employees. Nursery school teachers,
for example, manage with each other to secure jobs involving more contact with the children and
complain of being taken away by excessive tidying up and cleaning duties.

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