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Manuel María Alcedo Serrano

My beginnings in computers
1. I have chosen to talk about computers because it has always been one of my passion.
2. When I was 11 years old, I prepared my first computer with parts from different old
computers that my father had at home.
3. I have been working as an IT employee for 9 years.
4. I remember one day when I was 13 years old and was able to help my father with a
computer problem at work.
5. I have always liked computers because it is my way to take the stress out.

Rules, tips and advice

There are so many rules that you need to follow if you want to become computer scientist.

1. If you want to be a good computer scientist you have to update yourself every day.
2. If you want to be a computer scientist you should to study computer engineering or
3. If you want to be a good computer scientist you have to learn by practicing it.
4. To be the best you have to dedicate a lot of time.
5. If you want to be IT employee you must to know english.

1. I am sure I will one of the best computer scientists in my town.
2. In three years, I will be working as an IT boss
3. I promise that I will study to improve my computer knowledge
4. In the future I dream of knowing all the fields of computing.
5. When I finish my English training, I want to specialize in computer security.

Free branch
1. There are so many people who think that computers are very difficult.
2. Most people think that you have to learn computer science from a young age.
3. Although there may be people who think that to learn computer science you don't
need english, I strongly believe that you need it.
4. The key to IT success is experience.
5. Although computing is a difficult world, I love it and I will continue training for it.

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