An Illustraded History of The USA - Chapters 18,19 and 20

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An Illustraded History of the USA - Chapters 18,19 and

Alexya, Beatriz and Pâmyla​.

Chapter 18 - The Golden Door

● Statue of Liberty: More than a Monument (1886):

-Several versions of how it became an american statue.

● Immigrants:
- Hunger and political and economic situation.
- 1845: 750 thousand irish people dying with diseases.
- 1860: one in four people in the USA were irish.

● Civil War: the ticket to the New World:

- Military service in exchange for land

● Jews: immigration history (1880):

- terrible persecutions in Europe
- Pogroms

● Why the jewish people still wanted to live in America although their
life conditions?
● 1 out of 10 Americans are Jewish
● Ellis Island: the “paradise” gates (1892):

- 1800: The government found it difficult to keep the immigrants in

- 1892: Ellis Island was created
- 1954 : Government closes Ellis Island

● How immigrants lived:

- Job Hunt.
- Free goods.
- 1910: 14,5% of the people who lived in the USA were born in
other countries.
- Prejudice and violence against chinese people.
- 1882: Government bans Japanese and Chinese people.
- 1924: Immigration Act.

Chapter 19 - Reformers and ​Progressives

● USA’ powerful ore factures (1900):

- 31,9% do carvão mineral do mundo
- 34,1% do ferro
- 36,7% do aço

● Labor protests and strikes

- Union Opositions.
- Awful working conditions/ heavy work
● Muckrakers (1906):
- What is it?
- Upton Sinclair (The Jungle)

● Emergence of the progressive movement:

- Theodore Roosevelt
- Square Deal
- Woodrow Wilson and the “The new freedom”

Chapter 20 - An American Empire

● The Maine: An demonstration of power:

- 260 sailors died in the explosion.
- 1867: USA buys Alaska.
- 1890: Great Britain and Germany inspires USA people.

● USA vs Spain.
- Spain week defense.
- Colonial Power.

● Enormous control over million non-Americans:

- Values contradiction
- The only civilized people among the others

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