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Classification and prevalence of temporomandibular

joint disk displacement in patients and

symptom-free volunteers
Mark M. Tasaki, DDS, MS, PhD, a Per-Lennart Westesson, DDS, PhD, b'°
Annika M. Isberg, DDS, PhD, a Yan-Fang Ren, DDS, MD," and Ross H. Tallents, DDS °
Umett, Sweden, and Rochester, N.Y.

The purposes of this study were to develop a classification system for disk displacement in the
temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and to study the prevalence of the various types of TMJ disk
displacement in patients and symptom-free volunteers. The study was based on bilateral MRIs of
243 patients and 57 symptom-free volunteers. Eight different types of disk displacements were
identified in addition to the superior disk position and a tenth indeterminate category. Superior disk
position was observed bilaterally in 18% of the patients and bilaterally in 70% of the symptom-free
volunteers. (AM J ORTHODDENTOFACORTHOP1996;109:249-62.)

D i f f e r e n t types of disk displacement are correlative studies showing accuracy rates of 90%
the most frequent findings when imaging the tem- or higher. 9 The observer variation can be traced
poromandibular joint (TMJ) of patients having back to a lack of strict criteria for how disk dis-
signs and symptoms of T M J disorders. ~ The most placement of the T M J should be classified. Mag-
frequent type of disk displacement described in the netic resonance imaging is currently the most ac-
publications has b e e n anterior displacement. 2-5 curate imaging modality for identification of disk
More recent studies with arthrography 6 and mag- position in the T M J 9 and was selected as the gold
netic resonance imaging ( M R I ) 7 have shown that standard for disk position identification purposes.
lateral and medial displacements also occur. A few The purposes of this study were to develop a
cases of posterior displacement have been de- classification system for disk displacement of the
scribed as w e l l s T M J and to document the prevalence of different
W e have observed large variations of disk dis- types of disk displacement in patients and symp-
placements in clinical work with MRI. Several of tom-free volunteers.
the observed directions of disk displacement did
not fit into the categories of displacement de- MATERIALS AND METHODS
scribed in the earlier publications, sometimes mak- The study was based on bilateral temporomandibular
ing it difficult to communicate the results of imag- joint MR images of 300 persons, including 243 patients
ing studies to referring clinicians. A significant with clinical signs and symptoms of TMJ disorders and 57
variation in how radiologists have interpreted mag- symptom-free volunteers. The patients consisted of 197
netic resonance (MR) images of the T M J has females and 46 males with a median age of 30 years, a
sometimes given referring clinicians the impression mean age of 32 years, and a range from 10 to 81 years. The
symptom-flee volunteers consisted of 31 females and 26
that M R I of the T M J is inaccurate despite the
males with a median age of 26 years, a mean age of 27
years, and a range from 19 to 46 years. The patients repre-
Supported by the Torsten and Ragnar S6derberg Foundation, Ulla and
Gustaf af Uggla's Foundation, and the Swedish Medical Research Coun-
sent a consecutive series referred for MRI of the TMJs,
cil, grant no, 6877, Stockholm, Sweden, and by USPHS Research Grant based on physical examination findings. Patients did not
DE-8059 from the National Institute of Dental Research, National represent a consecutive series of persons with temporo-
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. mandibular disorders (TMD). Symptom-free volunteers
This article was prepared while Drs. Tasaki, Isberg, and Ren were visiting
were selected on the basis of having no previous or present
researchers in the Department of Radiology, University of Rochester
School of Medicine and Dentistry. clinical signs and symptoms of TMJ disorders including
aDepartment of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, University of Ume~, pain, no previous or present treatment for TMJ disorders,
Ume,~, Sweden. no joint sound on auscultation with a stethoscope or pal-
bDepartment of Radiology, University of Rochester School of Medicine pable noises, having normal range of vertical ( _>40 mm)
and Dentistry, Rochester, N.Y.
CDepartment of Orthodontics, Eastman Dental Center, Rochester, N.Y.
and horizontal ( ->5 mm) movement, and a willingness to
Copyright © 1996 by the American Association of Orthodontists. participate in our study.
0889-5406/96/$5.00 + 0 8/1/65599 Cryosections of the TMJs were obtained from several
250 T a s a k i et al. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
March 1996

Table I. C r i t e r i a for classification o f disk p o s i t i o n s

Superior disk position Posterior band of disk superior to condyle or central thin zone (intermediate zone) of disk
located between anterior prominence of condyle and posterior aspect of articular emi-
nence (Fig. 2).
Anterior disk displacement Posterior band of disk anterior to anterior prominence of condyle throughout mediolateral
dimension of joint (Fig. 3).
Partial anterior disk displacement Disk anteriorly displaced in lateral part of joint and disk in superior position in medial part
in lateral part of joint of joint with no sideways component to displacement (Fig. 4).
Partial anterior disk displacement Disk anteriorly displaced in medial part of joint and in superior position in lateral part of
in medial part of joint joint with no sideways component to displacement (Fig. 5).
Rotational anterolateral disk Disk anteriorly and laterally displaced (Fig. 6).
Rotational anteromedial disk Disk anteriorly and medially displaced (Fig. 7).
Lateral disk displacement Disk displaced lateral to lateral pole of condyle (Fig. 8).
Medial disk displacement Disk displaced medial to medial pole of condyle (Fig. 9).
Posterior disk displacement Disk displaced posterior to 12 o'clock position on top of condyle (Fig. 10).
Indeterminate This category was used when a large perforation, prior surgical therapy or no clear image of
the disk prevented classification into any of the above categories.

prior studies 9'1° for illustration purposes. The age of the displaced disk in the closed mouth position did not achieve
subjects from whom the specimens were removed ranged a position between the condyle and the articular eminence
between 55 and 96 years with a mean age of 80 years. in the open mouth position. Indeterminate disk function
The TMJ specimens were removed within 48 hours of was noted when the disk could not be identified because of
death and obtained from cadavers with a distinct closed surgical removal, metallic artifacts, or postsurgical scar-
mouth position relative to either dentures or natural ring. Osseous components were classified as normal or
dentition. A closed mouth position was maintained dur- abnormal. Normal osseous condition was noted when the
ing removal of the specimens through repeated applica- joint components were rounded or slightly remodeled with
tions of liquid nitrogen. With the aid of videofluoroscopy, an intact cortex. Abnormal osseous condition was noted
cryosections perpendicular and parallel through the sag- when there were osteophytes or severe flattening.
ittal and the coronal planes of the joint were then Two of the investigators individually interpreted the
obtained. These sections were used for multiple purposes MR images without knowledge of the interpretation of
in previous studies, 9'1° but in the present study they were the other investigator. In cases where a difference in
used only for illustration. diagnosis existed, a consensus diagnosis was reached.
The MRI was performed on a 1.5 Tesla Signa MR Interobserver variation in interpretation of MR images
imager (General Electric, Milwaukee, Wis.) with bilateral of the TMJs has been reported separately."
6 × 8 cm surface coils. On the basis of an axial localizer The Chi-square test was used to compare the preva-
(TR/TE = 400/12 msec, NEX = 1, F O V = 18 cm, ma- lence of disk displacement in patients and symptom-free
trix = 256 × 128, and slice thickness = 3 ram, with a gap volunteers. A two-tailed statistical analysis was used
between slices = 0.5 ram), MR images were prescribed where a probability less than 0.05 was considered statis-
graphically perpendicular (sagittal images) and parallel tically significant.
(coronal images) to the horizontal long axis of the condyle. RESULTS
Images were obtained in the closed and open mouth posi-
tion with TR/TE = 2000/19, 80, NEX = 0.5, FOV = 10 A n a l y s i s o f the M R i m a g e s of the 600 j o i n t s
cm~ matrix = 256 × 192, slice thickness = 3 ram, with a s t u d i e d r e s u l t e d in t h e f o r m u l a t i o n o f c r i t e r i a t h a t
gap = 0.5 mm between slices. Disk position was analyzed e n a b l e d t h e classification o f disk d i s p l a c e m e n t into
and grouped into 1 of 10 categories described in Table I. eight c a t e g o r i e s in a d d i t i o n to t h e s u p e r i o r p o s i t i o n
Disk function was analyzed in the sagittal plane only and a n d a t e n t h i n d e t e r m i n a t e category. T h e criteria
categorized as normal, displaced with reduction or with- for classification o f a j o i n t into e a c h o f t h e s e g r o u p s
out reduction, or indeterminate. Normal function was a r e d e s c r i b e d in T a b l e I. T h e t e n t h i n d e t e r m i n a t e
noted when a disk in the superior position in the closed c a t e g o r y was u s e d w h e n a large p e r f o r a t i o n , p r i o r
mouth position maintained a position interposed between surgical t r e a t m e n t , o r no clear d e l i n e a t i o n o f t h e
the condyle and the articular eminence in the open mouth
disk p r e v e n t e d classification o f disk p o s i t i o n into
position. Reduction was noted when a displaced disk in
any of t h e o t h e r nine categories. T h e n i n e c a t e g o -
the closed mouth position assumed a position interposed
between the condyle and the articular eminence in the ries o f disk p o s i t i o n a r e i l l u s t r a t e d in Figs. 1 to 10.
open mouth position. No reduction was noted when a M a g n e t i c r e s o n a n c e i m a g e s w e r e o b t a i n e d from
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics T a s a k i et al. 251
Volume 109, No. 3

.~~!!~;:::: ~.~ ~°,**~4;;'~~

Fig. 1. 1 to 9 schematically illustrate nine categories of disk position described in Table I. Insets are
axial views from above. 1, Superior disk position; 2, anterior disk displacement; 3, partial anterior disk
displacement in lateral part of joint; 4, partial anterior disk displacement in medial part of joint; 5,
rotational anterolateral disk displacement; 6, rotational anteromedial disk displacement; 7, lateral disk
displacement; 8, medial disk displacement; 9, posterior disk displacement.
252 Tasaki et al. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics"
March t996

Fig. 2. Superior disk position. A, Sagittal MR image shows central thin zone of disk interposed
between anterior prominence of condyle and posterior prominence of articular eminence. Posterior
band (arrow) is superior to condyle. B, Coronal MR image (same joint as A) shows disk (arrows)
superior to condyle. C, Sagittal cryosection (different joint than A-B) shows posterior band of disk
(arrow) superior to condyle. D, Coronal cryosection (different joint than A-B and C) shows disk
(arrows) superior to condyle.

Table II. Distribution of unilateral and bilateral disk displacements in patients and
symptom-free volunteers
Disk position

Superior disk position Unilateral disk displacement Bilateral disk displacement

Volunteers (n = 57) 40 (70.2%) 10 (17.5%) 7 (12.3%)

Patients (n = 243) 44 (18.1%) 58 (23.9%) 141 (58.0%)

patients and volunteers. Cryosections were ob- anterior disk displacements were the most frequent
tained from cadavers and are for illustration pur- types of disk displacement observed in the patients.
poses only. The other types of disk displacement were evenly
The distribution of unilateral and bilateral disk distributed, with the exception of posterior disk
displacements in patients and symptom-free volun- displacement with only three observed cases. In the
teers is shown in Table II. Unilateral and bilateral symptom-free volunteers, anterolateral displace-
disk displacement was significantly more prevalent ment was the most frequent displacement observed
in the patients than in the symptom-free volunteers as well, followed by partial anterior disk displace-
(p < 0.001). ment in the medial part of the joint.
The distribution of the different types of disk The distribution of the different types of disk
positions in patients' and symptom-free volunteers' positions in female and male patients' joints are
joints are listed in Table III. Anterolateral and listed in Table IV. The distribution of the different
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics T a s a k i et aL 253
Volume 109, No. 3

Fig. 3. Anterior disk displacement. A, Sagittal MR image shows posterior band of disk (arrow)
anterior to condyle. B, Coronal MR image (same joint as A) shows no medial or lateral displacement
of disk (arrows). C, Sagittal cryosection (different joint than A-B) shows disk (arrow) anterior to

types of disk positions in the symptom-free female Indeterminate status was detected in 1.4% (7 of
and symptom-free male volunteers' joints are listed 486) of the patient sample.
in Table V. No significant relation was found be- In the symptom-free volunteer group, 21.1% (24
tween sex and the prevalence of any specific disk of 114) of the joints had one form of disk displace-
position. ment or another. However, all joints with displaced
Normal function with normal osseous condition disks reduced and had normal osseous condition.
was noted in all the joints that had disks in the None of the joints in the symptom-free volunteer
superior disk position for both patients and symp- group presented without reduction, with abnormal
tom-free volunteers. In the patient group, 36.0% osseous condition, or indeterminate status.
(175 of 486) of the joints reduced on opening and
had normal osseous condition, whereas 4.1% (20 of DISCUSSION
486) of the joints reduced on opening and had On the basis of the MR images of the 600 TMJs
osseous changes. Of the joints in the patient group, in patients and symptom-free volunteers, prior
15.4% (75 of 486) had displaced disks without clinical experience and work with cryosectional and
reduction and normal osseous condition, whereas histologic studies, a classification system for differ-
13.0% (63 of 486) of the joints had displaced disks ent types of disk displacement was developed. Ten
without reduction and abnormal osseous changes. different categories of disk position into which
254 Tasaki et aL American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
March 1996

Fig. 4. Partial anterior disk displacement in lateral part of joint. A, Sagittal MR image of lateral part of
joint shows disk (arrow) anterior to condyle (C). B, Sagittal MR image of medial part of joint (same
joint as A) shows disk (arrow) superior to condyle. C, Coronal MR image (same joint as A-B) shows
no medial or lateral displacement of disk. D, Sagittal cryosection of lateral part of joint (different joint
than A-C) shows anterior displacement of disk (arrow). Disk deformation is more prominent in clinical
picture in A than in cadaver section from different joint in D. E, Sagittal cryosection of medial part of
joint (same joint as D; different joint than A-C) shows disk (arrow) superior to condyle.

Table III. Prevalence of disk positions in patients (n = 243) and symptom-flee volunteers (n = 57)
Numbers of Number of
Disk position joints in patients Percentage joints in volunteers Percentage

Superior disk position 146 30.0 90 79.0

Anterior disk displacement 110 22.6 1 0.9
Partial anterior disk displacement in lateral part of joint 40 8.2 2 1.8
Partial anterior disk displacement in medial part of joint 4 0.8 7 6.1
Rotational anterolateral disk displacement 113 23.3 10 8.8
Rotational anteromedial disk displacement 21 4.3 1 0.9
Lateral disk displacement 22 4.5 2 1.8
Medial disk displacement 20 4.1 1 0.9
Posterior disk displacement 3 0.6 0 0
Indeterminate 7 1.4 0 0
Total 486 99.8* 114 100.2"

*Percentages vary from 100% due to rounding.

normal and abnormal TMJs could be classified used this classification system has shown a low level
were identified. This classification system should of intraobserver and interobserver variability. 11
function as a communication tool among clinicians This is consistent with the observation that the use
and between clinicians and researchers in scientific of reference radiographs will improve observer per-
studies. With this system, it is possible to classify f o r m a n c e . 12
the position of the disk into definitive categories, An analysis of the prevalence of different disk
and it should be possible to keep observer variation positions in both patients and volunteers in this
to a minimum. A study on observer variation that study showed a strong association between the
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Tasaki et aI. 255
Volume 109, No. 3

Fig. 5. Partial anterior disk displacement in medial part of joint. A, Sagittal MR image of lateral part
of joint shows disk (arrow) superior to condyle. B, Sagittal MR image of medial part of joint (same joint
as A) shows disk (arrow) anterior to condyle (C). C, Coronal MR image (same joint as A-B) shows no
medial or lateral displacement of disk. D, Sagittal cryosection of central part of joint (different joint
than A-C) shows disk (arrow) superior to condyle. E, Sagittal cryosection of medial part of joint
(different joint than A-C; same joint as D) shows disk (arrow) anterior to condyle (C).

Table IV. Prevalence of disk positions in female patients (n = 197) and male patients (n = 46)
Numbers of Number of
joints in joints in
Disk position female patients Percentage male patients Percentage

Superior disk position 107 27.2 39 42.4

Anterior disk displacement 90 22.8 20 21.7
Partial anterior disk displacement in lateral part of joint 31 7.9 9 9.8
Partial anterior disk displacement in medial part of joint 4 1.0 0 0
Rotational anterolateral disk displacement 99 25.1 14 15.2
Rotational anteromedial disk displacement 20 5.1 1 1.1
Lateral disk displacement 19 4.8 3 3.3
Medial disk displacement 17 4.3 3 3.3
Posterior disk displacement 1 0.3 2 2.2
Indeterminate 6 1.5 1 1.1
Total 394 100.0 92 100.1"
*Percentage varies from 100% due to rounding.

patients and disk displacement, and between symp- of the disk to the anterior prominence of the
tom-free volunteers and superior disk position. In condyle overrode the relative position of the pos-
the superior position, the posterior band of the disk terior band of the disk in reference to the condyle
was located superior to the condyle. There was in determining whether the disk was in a superior
some variation in the position of the posterior band position. If the anterior prominence of the condyle
for the superior disk position category. Variations and the inferior concavity of the central thin zone
in position occurred most frequently anterior to the of the disk were in contact and if the anterior
12 o'clock position. In cases where this happened, prominence of the condyle was within the bicon-
the positional relationship of the central thin zone cave portions of the disk, the criteria of a normal
256 Tasaki et al. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
March 1996

Fig. 6. Rotational anterolateral disk displacement. A, Sagittal MR image shows disk (arrow) anterior
to condyle. B, Coronal MR image (same joint as A) shows disk (arrow) lateral to condyle. C, Sagittal
cryosection (different joint than A-B) shows disk (arrow) anterior to condyle. D, Coronal cryosection
(different joint than A-B and C) shows disk (arrow) lateral to condyle (C).

Table V. Prevalence of disk positions in female symptom-free volunteers (n = 31) and male
asymptom-free volunteers (n = 26)
Numbers of Number of
joints in joints in
Disk position female volunteers Percentage male volunteers Percentage

Superior disk position 44 71.0 46 88.5

Anterior disk displacement 0 0 1 1.9
Partial anterior disk displacement in lateral part of joint 2 3.2 0 0
Partial anterior disk displacement in medial part of joint 4 6.5 3 5.8
Rotational anterolateral disk displacement 9 14.5 1 1.9
Rotational anteromedial disk displacement 1 1.6 0 0
Lateral disk displacement 2 3.2 0 0
Medial disk displacement 0 0 1 1.9
Posterior disk displacement 0 0 0 0
Indeterminate 0 0 0 0
Total 62 100.0 52 100.0

position of the disk was fulfilled. If these two tom-free volunteers 1~'14 but contradicts the obser-
surfaces were separated by at least 2 mm, the disk vations by Kaplan et al. 15 who found no disk dis-
was considered displaced. placement in symptom-free volunteers as observed
Disk displacement was observed in one or both with arthrography. Possible explanations for the
joints of nearly one third of the symptom-free difference between Kaplan's study and the other
volunteers in this study. These subjects had no past studies are that different selection criteria for par-
or present signs and symptoms of TMD. This ticipation and diagnostic criteria were used in the
observation is consistent with prior studies of symp- interpretation of the images. We used M R I instead
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics T a s a k i et aL 257
Volume 109, No. 3

Fig. 7. Rotational anteromedial disk displacement. A, Sagittal MR image shows disk (arrow) anterior
to condyle. B, Coronal MR image (same joint as A) shows disk (arrow) medial to condyle. C, Coronal
cryoseotion (different joint than A-B) shows disk (arrow) medial to condyle.

of arthrography, which could be responsible for the males in our patient group. This inequity does not
higher report of disk displacements in our study, necessarily result in an underrepresentation of disk
since a correlative study has shown that single displacement in the symptom-free volunteer group.
contrast lower space arthrography is relatively in- The female dominance in the patient group may
sensitive for identifying sideways disk displace- indicate that chronic inflammation and pain asso-
ments. 16The MR! with coronal projection has been ciated with disk displacement develops more fre-
shown to be sensitive for detecting sideways disk quently in females than in males. The exact relation-
displacements. Iv The observation of 30% disk dis- ship between disk displacement and pain must await
placement in symptom-free volunteers suggests further studies. Disk displacement may be part of a
that disk displacement is not always associated with prerequisite physiologic condition or a sequela or
pain or dysfunction. On the other hand, the obser- may be coincidental to pain. Longitudinal studies
vation of 82% disk displacement in the patient with both physiologic and emotional conditions con-
group suggests that disk displacement is signifi- trolled are necessary to determine the effect that
cantly more prevalent in patients than in persons disk displacement has on pain in the various articu-
without symptoms and that disk displacement is lations of the body including the TMJs.
associated with clinical symptoms. The female-to- The observation of abnormalities within articu-
male ratio in our volunteer group was almost equal lating tissues in the symptom-free volunteers is not
compared with a higher prevalence of females to unique to the TMJ. A magnetic resonance study of
258 Tasaki et aL American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
March 1996

Fig. 8. Lateral disk displacement. A, Sagittal MR image shows disk (arrow) superior to condyle. B,
Coronal MR image (same joint as A) shows disk (arrow) lateral to condyle. C, Sagittal cryosection
(different joint than A-B) shows disk (arrow) superior to condyle. D, Coronal cryosection (different joint
than A-B; same joint as C) shows disk (arrow) lateral to condyle.

asymPtomatic knees has shown a 16% prevalence ing operative decisions on diagnostic tests, without
of meniscal abnormalities consistent with a tear. 18 matching clinical signs and symptoms. Patient
This abnormality was more frequently seen in those symptoms should govern treatment decisions, while
older than 45 years than in younger person. Also imaging observations of the abnormality help to
concerning the cervical spine 19 and lumbosacral determine what kind of treatment should be per-
spine, 2°'21 magnetic resonance studies of symptom- formed or in which way treatment should be car-
free subjects have shown abnormalities in 13% to ried out. However, treatment decisions should be
54% of the subjects investigated. A recent study based solely on observation of morphologic abnor-
with MRI of the lumbosacral spine showed a high malities such as disk displacement if disturbances
prevalence of abnormalities in symptom-free per- of facial growth are shown to be at risk.
sons, raising the question of the correlation be- The cause of pain symptoms in patients with
tween abnormalities and symptoms.= These obser- disk displacement is not fully understood. Disk
vations suggest that musculoskeletal abnormalities displacement probably plays a significant role in the
such as internal derangement of the TMJ caused by pain process, but disk displacement alone is not
disk displacement may or may not be associated always associated with pain, since several studies
with clinical symptoms. This has been observed in have shown that disk displacement may occur in
t h e T M J a3"14 and in several other parts of the symptom-free joints, a3'14'23 An alteration in disk
musculoskeletal system,ls22 Thus the disorder is position alone is therefore not the only factor in the
not always associated with clinical signs and symp- development of pain. Disk displacement, combined
toms. For self-limiting conditions, operative proce- with disk dysfunction or an inflammatory reaction
dures are not always required that may be contrary as shown in extirpated disk and posterior disk
to conditions that are life threatening, debilitating, attachment tissue from temporomandibular joints
or disfiguring. This emphasizes the danger of bas- with chronic pain, z4"25are key issues for pain symp-
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dent@~cial Orthopedics Tasaki et aL 259
Volume 109, No. 3

Fig. 9. Medial disk displacement. A, Sagittal MR image shows disk (arrow) superior to condyle. B,
Coronal MR image (same joint as A) shows disk (arrow) medial to condyle. C, Sagittal cryosection
(different joint than A-B) shows disk (arrow) superior to condyle. D, Coronal cryosection (different joint
than A-B and C) shows disk (arrow) medial to condyle.

toms. A recent study has indicated that the preva- this technique rests in its inability to consistently
lence of magnetic resonance evidence of joint ef- identify sideways displacements of the disk. 28 Du-
fusion is more strongly associated with pain than voisin et al.27 showed a higher prevalence of disk
disk displacement alone. 26 It appears as if disk displacements with a medial component when they
displacement can cause some reaction in the joint used dual joint space, sagittal and anteroposterior
that can initiate pain. This reaction could be syno- arthrography with surgery as the morphologic stan-
vitis, capsulitis, impingement on the capsule from dard. Surgical confirmation of imaging findings may
the inside, and impingement or compression of the not be as precise as cryosectional observations
posterior disk attachment. because surgery does not provide a cross-sectional
This study documents a high prevalence of view of the joint. This may be an explanation for
anterolateral disk displacement, which was seen the higher report of medial disk displacements by
both in patients and in symptom-free volunteers. Duvoisin et al. Another explanation for Duvoisin's
The high prevalence of a lateral component to the higher finding of medial displacements may be
disk displacement was more evident than in earlier different patient selection criteria for imaging than
studies, 6'7'27 which showed a higher prevalence of in our study. In our study, symptom-free subjects
medial displacements than lateral displacements. A also had a higher prevalence of lateral disk dis-
plausible explanation for the difference in findings placement, which lends support to our findings of a
was that an underdiagnosis of lateral disk displace- greater prevalence of lateral disk position com-
ments occurred in the earlier studies because of pared with medial disk position in both patients
different imaging techniques. In the study by and symptom-free subjects.
Khoury and Dolans, 6 lower joint space sagittal In the previous magnetic resonance study by
projection arthrography was used. Studies, which Katzberg et al., 7 the coronal images were obtained
have tested the diagnostic accuracy of this tech- in the true coronal plane without correction for the
nique by using cryosections as the morphologic angulation of the condyle in the horizontal plane.
standard, have shown that one of the deficiencies of That means that the laterally displaced disk was
260 Tasaki et aL American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
March 1996

Fig. 10. Posterior disk displacement. A, Sagittal MR image shows disk (arrows) posterior to condyle.
B, Coronal MR image (same joint as A) shows no medial or lateral displacement of disk. C, Sagittal
cryosection (different joint than A-B) shows disk (arrows) posterior to condyle.

not depicted in the same image as the condyle that displacement. Also note that the patients were
could have lead to an underdiagnosis of lateral disk selected for MRI on the basis of physical examina-
displacements. The uncorrected coronal images tion findings. They do not represent a consecutive
also have a tendency to show the medial part of the series of patients with TMJ or a general group of
disk in the same image as the condyle, possibly patients with TMDs.
leading to a false impression of medial displace- There is extensive debate concerning treatment
ment. Thus a combination of underdiagnosis of and prognosis for patients with temporomandibular
lateral disk displacement and an overdiagnosis of joint disorders. Multiple treatment modalities are
medial disk displacements could explain the differ- often applied empirically to patients with these
ence in imaging findings between our studies. An- symptoms. The classification of disk positions devel-
other possibility would be that in our study, the oped should serve as a precise guide to define pa-
higher signal to noise in the vicinity of the coil tients! morphologic abnormalities, which should
laterally showed lateral disk displacements in serve as the basis for more precise treatment studies.
greater detail than medial disk displacements. This On the basis of the morphologic findings, 29 side-
theory of inaccuracy is contradicted by the findings ways disk displacement has been offered as the
in a prior study on diagnostic accuracy of MRI probable explanation for peripheral neurologic
where an accuracy of more than 90% was docu- symptoms reported in the area of distribution of the
mented. ~ It is therefore our strong belief that the auriculotemporal nerve in patients who have symp-
lateral component is a significant part of TMJ disk toms of temporomandibular disk displacement. 3°
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics T a s a k i et al. 261
Volume 109, No. 3

Thus the classification system for TMJ disk displace- Coggs GC. Arthrotomography of the temporomandibular
joint. AJR Am J Roentgenol 1980;134:995-1003.
ment should be used in clinical settings where disk
5. Westesson P-L. Double-contrast arthrotomography of the
position is compared with patient symptoms. temporomandibular joint: introduction of an arthrographic
The classification system should be valuable for technique for visualization of the disc and articular surfaces.
treatment studies as well. Past treatment studies J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1983;41:163-72.
have indicated that medial disk displacement is 6. Khoury MB, Dolan E. Sideways dislocation of the temporo-
mandibular joint meniscus: the edge sign. AJNR Am J
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Reprint requests to:
Dr. Annika Isberg
26. Westesson P-L, Brooks SL. Temporomandibular joint: rela-
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
tionship between MR evidence of effusion and the presence
Ume~ University
of pain and disk displacement. AIR Am J Roentgenol
S-901 87 Umeg
27. Duvoisin B, Klaus E, Schnyder P. Coronal radiographs and

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