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IM No.

: IM-NSTP 1-1STSEM-2021-2022
Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Name: Almorado, Melanie Mae A.

Course/Year: BSED 1A
Module 9


1. Make your own graphic presentation of the following:

a. process of community development

b. aspects of community development

“In accordance with Section 185, Fair Use of Copyrighted Work of Republic Act 8293, the copyrighted works included in this material may be reproduced for
educational purposes only and not for commercial distribution.”
IM No.:IM-NSTP 1-1ST SEM-2021-2022

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IM No.: IM-NSTP 1-1STSEM-2021-2022
Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

1. Make your own community scanning and evaluate its aspects whether it is
developing or not. Support your claim.

Things have changed and are always cycling in the same circumstance where the Pandemic is
still ongoing, but are we still recognizing if our community is improving or developing as we go
about our daily lives? Well, in our community, Barangay Bascaran, We're all aware of what's
going on, but we've managed to spread positivity by assisting one another, which is essentially
one of the aspects of development wherein our community members assist one another by
having a generous heart to give and share food or other essential items for those in need, which
builds a strong foundation between the people in our community. I had the opportunity to
interview one of my friends, who is the daughter of an official in our area, and she said that
when it comes to economic development, we can't predict how high or low the budget for each
program that needs to be funded, but she can assure us that we are not financially
disadvantaged because there are many people in our municipalities who are always glad to help
us. In terms of the environment, she stated that daily garbage collectors are always on the job in
order to reduce the amount of dirt or garbage that is thrown everywhere, and that they are
ensuring that they can collect every garbage in every house, which is true because I can see
that they are truly doing their job well. In other ways, I can see how our barangay is improving,
even if we can't see each other because of the pandemic, every barangay official ensures that
we are all safe in our own homes, providing us with what we need by working in their office, and
when someone fights, they are always ready to do their job to maintain peace in both parties.
That is how our community has been able to improve in a variety of ways.

2. As a student, how can you contribute in the development of your own community?

Apart from being young and strong, we have a lot that we can contribute as students. We may
use it to contribute to the development of our community or to improve every area of our
community. As a young person with unique qualities and skills, it is preferable to utilize them to
assist our community improve as a place where we can live in harmony, where we use them to
enhance ourselves and others rather than using them to destroy and degrade ourselves and the
entire community. The environment is in a critical state, and we can’t ignore it. It hurts my pride
that as a human being, we tend to forget that this creation has been a great blessing to us, but
we continue to live as if nothing is wrong. As a youth, there are many ways that I can show my
concern for our mother nature. To be honest, I'm a person who believes that even the tiniest
piece of plastic can be destructing, and to me, I should pick it up, As I discovered and continued
to do it, I realized that we can help our mother nature to be more aesthetic and healthy as
before by doing proper segregation when it comes to throwing garbage, reducing the use of
plastics instead of paper, and knowing how to deal with the 5R's, which are refuse, reduce,
reuse, recycle, and rot, and this way of having the right waste management will have in the
sustenance of the environment. Pollution is difficult to resolve, but we can always reduce our
use of chemicals and plastic by being disciplined in disposing of our own waste, knowing and
examining ourselves before using something because small actions, whether good or bad, can
always have a large impact on those who are around you or rather the entire community. Let us
consider before we act, and be sensitive enough to determine whether the activities you're
about to perform will help to the better society that we desire. Don't act selfishly, but rather do
things for others by demonstrating how amazing a role model you are to yourself and others.
This wonderful creation that we live in is not for us; we are only God's stewards in managing it.
As a result, let us work together to grow and improve our environment, demonstrating how
much we love and cherish God's creation.

“In accordance with Section 185, Fair Use of Copyrighted Work of Republic Act 8293, the copyrighted works included in this material may be reproduced for
educational purposes only and not for commercial distribution.”
IM No.:IM-NSTP 1-1ST SEM-2021-2022

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IM No.: IM-NSTP 1-1STSEM-2021-2022
Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

“In accordance with Section 185, Fair Use of Copyrighted Work of Republic Act 8293, the copyrighted works included in this material may be reproduced for
educational purposes only and not for commercial distribution.”
IM No.:IM-NSTP 1-1ST SEM-2021-2022

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