Navas Kottila

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Navas Kottila, Behalf of (Siya Nazli Kottila) EID- 784201459155590





Medical Committee

Ministry of Health and Prevention United Arab Emirates

Subject: Request for Disability Health Card for Financial Assistance

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention the medical
condition of my daughter, Siya Nazli Kottila, and to request your kind consideration
for a Disability Health Card to assist us in managing her medical expenses.

My daughter has been diagnosed with severe hearing loss in both ears, with the left
ear being particularly affected. Due to this condition, she has undergone a cochlear
implant in her left ear and utilizes a hearing aid in her right ear. However, despite
these interventions, her hearing aid has proven insufficient, and medical
professionals have recommended a cochlear implant for her right ear as well.
Unfortunately, due to our financial constraints, we have been unable to proceed with
this recommendation.

As a result of her hearing impairment, my daughter faces significant challenges in

communication and speech development. At present, she can only manage to speak
a few words, which greatly affects her ability to interact and engage with others.
Moreover, her condition is compounded by a learning disability, which necessitates
additional support and interventions, including speech therapy and specialized

The financial burden of managing my daughter's medical needs, including the cost of
the cochlear implant procedure, ongoing therapy sessions, and consultations, is
substantial and beyond our means. Considering this situation, I humbly request your
assistance in obtaining a Disability Health Card that would alleviate some of the
financial strain associated with her medical care.
To support our request, I have enclosed a copy of her disability certificate issued in
India, specifically from Kerala, where her condition was initially diagnosed. This
certificate serves as evidence of her disability and the need for ongoing medical
support and assistance.

I sincerely hope that you will give due consideration to our request and provide us
with the necessary support through the issuance of a Disability Health Card. Your
assistance will not only alleviate our financial burden but also ensure that my
daughter receives the vital medical care and support she urgently requires.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Navas Kottila & Siya Nazli

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