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Lesson Plan – To Do List


Eliana – Hipster

Emily – Hustler

Sophie – Hacker

Hannah – Humanist

Week 1:

- No lesson

Week 2:

- Allocate team roles

- Research E Scooters (appealing features, safety concerns etc.)

- Identify the problem of E Scooters and find statistics

- Create and send out a survey

- Add all information to PPT

Week 3:

- Identify and understand 3 User Persona’s (Wants, Needs, Frustrations, design considerations)

- Add all information to PPT

Week 4:

- Start to research possible solutions

- Think of a solution for each individual user persona

- Explore other countries solutions

- Add all information to PPT

Week 5:
Week 6:

- Same as week 5

Week 7:

- Same as week 5

Week 8:

- Start practicing pitch

- Think about final touches and ways to make it engaging

Week 9:


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