Signature, Dual Name, Vernacular

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Form No.: Signature / Dual Name / Vernacular / Multiple Date of Birth

To be filled by applicant only

__________________ Branch

Dear Sir/Madam,

I Mr./ Mrs./ Ms. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. S/o / D/o / W/o ………………………………………………………………….

resident of ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… aged …………years do hereby
solemnly affirm and declare as under:


1. That my name is ………………………………………………….

2. That I have the following Bank accounts with your Bank:

3. That I want to have only one signature for the account as follows:

4. That for the purpose if account operation, apart from the aforesaid signature, I would not sign in any other manner.
a) That I hereby instruct the Bank to accept and honor all instruments/instructions issued/given by me bearing the above mentioned signature.
b) That I hereby agree and undertake to hold the YES BANK and its officers and Directors harmless and indemnified for any loss, damage, costs and charges
incurred or suffered by the Bank and against any claims, suits, proceedings and actions instituted against the Bank due to acceptance of my request to honor
instruments and instructions bearing the above mentioned signature.


1. That my name is ………………………………………………….

2. That I wish to open an account with YES BANK Ltd.

3. That the correct spelling of my name is as above and that the document provided for account opening purposes, has miss-spelt my name. The document,
however, belongs to me. OR
4. My full name when expanded reads as
a) That I hereby instruct the Bank to accept the documents provided by me for the purpose of account opening, bearing any of the above mentioned names.
b) That I hereby agree and undertake to hold the YES BANK and its officers and Directors harmless for any loss or damage caused to it due to acceptance of my
above request.
5. That the document provided towards proof for my correct name is ……………………………. (type of document) which belongs to me.

Applicable for Married Women:

That my name before marriage was ……………………………………………………………………

The details of the Account Opening Form have been read over and explained to me in …………………………………………………… (the language in which the
signatory is signing), and I have understood the contents thereof. I also agree to and accept the terms which too have been explained to me by
………………….……………………. in …………………………………………….


1. That my correct Date Of Birth is ……../………./………. (DD/MM/YYYY), which is mentioned on my Account Opening Form

2. That I wish to open an account with YES BANK Ltd.

3. That the document provided towards proof for my Date of Birth is ……………………………. (type of document) which belongs to me.

4. That I hereby instruct the Bank to accept the documents provided by me for the purpose of account opening.


………………………………………………… (Name and Signature)

Place: ………………………………………
Date D D / M M / Y Y Y Y

For Office Use Only

BBL / BSDL Name:

BBL / BSDL Cust ID: BBL / BSDL Signature:

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