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History Aware Multimodal Transformer for

Vision-and-Language Navigation

Shizhe Chen, Pierre-Louis Guhur, Cordelia Schmid, Ivan Laptev

Inria, École normale supérieure, CNRS, PSL Research University
arXiv:2110.13309v2 [cs.CV] 17 Aug 2023

{shizhe.chen, pierre-louis.guhur, cordelia.schmid, ivan.laptev}


Vision-and-language navigation (VLN) aims to build autonomous visual agents

that follow instructions and navigate in real scenes. To remember previously visited
locations and actions taken, most approaches to VLN implement memory using
recurrent states. Instead, we introduce a History Aware Multimodal Transformer
(HAMT) to incorporate a long-horizon history into multimodal decision making.
HAMT efficiently encodes all the past panoramic observations via a hierarchical
vision transformer (ViT), which first encodes individual images with ViT, then
models spatial relation between images in a panoramic observation and finally
takes into account temporal relation between panoramas in the history. It, then,
jointly combines text, history and current observation to predict the next action. We
first train HAMT end-to-end using several proxy tasks including single step action
prediction and spatial relation prediction, and then use reinforcement learning to
further improve the navigation policy. HAMT achieves new state of the art on a
broad range of VLN tasks, including VLN with fine-grained instructions (R2R,
RxR), high-level instructions (R2R-Last, REVERIE), dialogs (CVDN) as well as
long-horizon VLN (R4R, R2R-Back). We demonstrate HAMT to be particularly
effective for navigation tasks with longer trajectories.

1 Introduction

Vision-and-language navigation (VLN) has recently received growing attention [1–5]. VLN requires
an agent to understand natural language instructions, perceive the visual world, and perform navigation
actions to arrive at a target location. A number of datasets have been proposed to support various VLN
tasks such as indoor and outdoor navigation with fine-grained instructions [2, 6, 7], language-driven
remote object finding [8] and navigation in dialogs [9].
VLN agents are faced with several challenges. First, as opposed to static vision-text grounding [10],
the agent continuously receives new visual observations and should align them with instructions.
Most of existing works adopt recurrent neural networks (RNNs) [6, 11–16] to encode historical
observations and actions within a fixed-size state vector to predict the next action. Such condensed
states might be sub-optimal for capturing essential information in extended trajectories [17]. For
instance, “bring the spoon to me” requires the agent to remember its start location after navigating to
the “spoon”, while early memories are prone to fade in the recurrent state. Few endeavors [18, 19]
construct external map-like memories for received observations. Nevertheless, these approaches still
rely on RNNs to track the navigation state. As the history plays an important role in environment
understanding and instruction grounding, we propose to explicitly encode the history as a sequence
of previous actions and observations instead of using recurrent states.

35th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021), Sydney, Australia.
Figure 1: The architecture of History Aware Multimodal Tranformer (HAMT). HAMT jointly encodes textual
instruction, full history of previous observations and actions, and current observation to predict the next action.

Another VLN challenge concerns the generalizations of agents to new environments that have not
been observed during training [4]. One direction is to learn more generic text-image representations.
The PRESS model [20] improves language representation with a pretrained BERT encoder [21], and
PREVALENT [22] uses pairs of instruction and single-step observations to pretrain a multimodal
transformer. Though achieved promising results, these works do not optimize visual representation for
the target navigation task. Moreover, lack of history in training [22] makes it hard to learn cross-modal
alignment and increases the risk of overfitting to training environments. Another direction towards
better generalization is to overcome exposure bias [23] due to discrepancy between training and
inference. Different methods have been adopted for VLN including DAgger [6, 24] and scheduled
sampling [20, 25]. Reinforcement Learning (RL) [12, 26] is one of the most effective approach
among them, but it is considered unstable to directly train large-scale transformers via RL [27].
To address the above challenges, we propose the History Aware Multimodal Transformer (HAMT), a
fully transformer-based architecture for multimodal decision making in VLN tasks. As illustrated
in Figure 1, HAMT consists of unimodal transformers for text, history and observation encoding,
and a cross-modal transformer to capture long-range dependencies of the history sequence, current
observation and instruction. Since our history contains a sequence of all previous observations, its
encoding is computationally expensive. To resolve complexity issues, we propose a hierarchical vision
transformer as shown in Figure 2, which progressively learns representations for a single view, spatial
relationships among views within a panorama and, finally, the temporal dynamics across panoramas
of the history. In order to learn better visual representations, we propose auxiliary proxy tasks for
end-to-end training. Such tasks include single-step action prediction based on imitation learning,
self-supervised spatial relationship reasoning, masked language and image predictions and instruction-
trajectory matching. We empirically show that our training facilitates the subsequent fine-tuning of
our model with RL [28]. We carry out extensive experiments on various VLN tasks, including VLN
with fine-grained instructions (R2R [6] and RxR [7]), high-level instructions (REVERIE [8] and our
proposed R2R-Last), dialogs [9] as well as long-horizon VLN (R4R [3] and our proposed R2R-Back
which requires the agent to return back after arriving at the target location). HAMT outperforms state
of the art on both seen and unseen environments in all the tasks.
We summarize our contributions as follows: (1) We introduce HAMT to efficiently model long-
horizon history of observed panoramas and actions via hierarchical vision transformer; (2) We train
HAMT with auxiliary proxy tasks in an end-to-end fashion and use RL to improve the navigation
policy; (3) We validate our method and outperform state of the art in a diverse range of VLN tasks,
while demonstrating larger gains for long-horizon navigation.

2 Related work
Vision-and-language navigation. Training instruction-following navigation agents has attracted
increasing research attention [1, 2, 6–8, 29]. Anderson et al. [6] propose a sequence-to-sequence

(b) Flattened history encod-
ing. It encodes spatial and tem-
poral relations at the same time.

(a) Hierarchical history encoding. It first encodes individual view images (c) Temporal-only history en-
with ViT, then models the spatial relation between images in each panorama, coding. It only considers tem-
and finally captures the temporal relation between panoramas in the history. poral relation of oriented views.
Figure 2: A comparison of history encoding methods. Circle nodes in different colors denote view
images of panorama at different steps. Darker circle nodes are the oriented view of the agent.

LSTM baseline for the VLN task. Fried et al. [11] extend it with panoramic action space and
synthesized instructions. To improve cross-modal alignment, the self-monitoring agent [13] proposes
co-grounding and progress estimation, and RelGraph [15] uses graphs to model relationships across
scene, objects and directions. Reinforcement learning (RL) is typically used to improve navigation
policy. The EnvDrop model [12] mixes imitation learning and A3C [28]. The RCM [14] utilizes
intrinsic reward of cross-modal matching in REINFORCE algorithm. Wang et al. [30] propose to
learn rewards via soft expert distillation. Due to the success of transformer [31], recent works explore
transformer architectures in VLN. PRESS [20] replaces LSTM instruction encoder with pretrained
BERT [21]. SIA [16] uses transformer for single-step multimodal fusion and LSTM for sequential
action prediction. PTA [32] is a transformer VLN model using CNNs to extract visual features [33].
Here we propose the first full transformer architecture for VLN and train it end-to-end.
Memory-based policy for navigation. LSTMs [34] have been the dominant approach to encode
memories for navigation [6, 11, 12, 14]. Condensing all history into one feature vector, however,
is prone to the loss of information. Alternative approaches include topological map memory struc-
tures [35, 36]. Deng et al. [18] use graphs to capture environment layout and enable long-term
planing. A similar graph is adopted in [19] with frontier-exploration based decision making. But
these works still utilize LSTMs for state tracking. To exploit long-term spatio-temporal dependencies,
Fang et al. [17] store histories in a sequence encoded with transformer. Recurrent VLN-BERT [5]
injects a recurrent unit to encode histories in transformer for VLN. The most similar work to ours is
Episodic Transformer (E.T.) [37]. Differently from [37], we propose a hierarchical encoding of the
panoramic observation history and optimize the whole model in end-to-end training.
Multimodal pretraining with transformers. Recent works show significant progress in vision
and language tasks using multimodal pretraining. In particular, transformer architectures such as
one-stream [38, 39] and dual-stream [40, 41] achieve state of the art for a number of downstream
tasks including visual question answering, image-text retrieval and image captioning. While most
previous methods rely on CNN to extract image representations, ViLT [42] adopts Vision Transformer
(ViT) [43] and trains it with associated texts in an end-to-end manner thanks to the efficiency of ViT.
A few endeavors [22, 44] explore multimodal pretraining for VLN. PREVALENT [22] pretrains a
transformer using instructions and single-step observations without referring to trajectory history.
VLN-BERT [44] measures the compatibility between an instruction and images in a path but does
not support action prediction. Our work presents the first end-to-end trainable VLN transformer that
jointly encodes text, history and observation, and is able to sequentially predict actions.

3 Method

Problem definition The VLN problem [6] is formulated as a partially observable Markov decision
process, where future observations are independent of the past conditioning on current state st . Given

an instruction W containing a sequence of L words (w1 , w2 , · · · , wL ), an agent should follow the
instruction to move in a connectivity graph to reach the goal location. At each step t, the agent
receives an observation Ot , a panorama of its surrounding environment. The Ot consists of K single
view images split from the panorama Ot ≜ ([v1o ; ao1 ], · · · , [vK o
; aoK ]), where vio is the visual feature of
the i-th view and aoi denotes the relative angle to face the view (subscript t is omitted for simplicity).
There are n navigable viewpoints among all the K views1 , denoted as Otc ≜ ([v1c ; ac1 ], · · · , [vnc ; acn ]).
We follow the setup in [11] and use Otc as the decision space, so the agent only needs to select a
candidate in Otc at each step. All observations Oi and performed actions ahi before step t form the
history Ht ≜ ([O1 ; ah1 ], · · · , [Ot−1 ; aht−1 ]), where ahi denotes the turned angles at step i. The goal is
to learn a policy π parametrized by Θ to predict the next action based on the instruction, history and
the current observation, which is π(at |W, Ht , Ot , Otc ; Θ).
Unlike dominant recurrent approaches to condense Ht into a fixed-size vector, in this section, we
present the History Aware Multimodal Transformer (HAMT) that jointly encodes text, long-horizon
history, and observation for sequential action prediction. The model architecture is described in
Section 3.1. We propose end-to-end training for HAMT in Section 3.2 to learn unimodal and
multimodal representations, and then use RL to fine-tune the navigation policy in Section 3.3.

3.1 HAMT: History Aware Multimodal Transformer

Figure 1 illustrates the model architecture of HAMT. The inputs text W, history Ht and observation
Ot are first encoded via the corresponding unimodal transformers respectively, and then fed into the
cross-modal transformer encoder to capture multimodal relationships.
Text Encoding. For each token i in the instruction W, we embed it as the summation of its
word embedding wi , position embedding EiP and type embedding of text E0T . Then we employ a
transformer with NL layers to obtain contextual representation xi following the standard BERT [21].
Observation Encoding. For each view [vio ; aoi ] in the panoramic observation Ot , we first represent
the relative angle aoi as EaAoi = (sin θi , cos θi , sin ϕi , cos ϕi ) where θi and ϕi are the relative heading
and elevation angle to the agent’s orientation. Then the observation embedding oi is as follows:
oi = LN(Wvo vio ) + LN(Wao EaAoi ) + EoNi + E1T (1)
where Wvo , Wao are learnable weights. The EoNi denotes the navigable embedding to differentiate
types of views, with E0N for non-navigable view, E1N for navigable view and E2N for stop view
(we append a stop token in observation to support stop action). The E1T is the type embedding of
observation. We omit bias terms for simplicity. The LN denotes layer normalization [45]. Because
aoi has much lower feature dimensions than vio , we apply LN to balance the encoded aoi and vio .
Hierarchical History Encoding. As Ht consists of all the past panoramic observations Oi and
performed actions ahi before step t, it is important to encode Ht efficiently as context. Figures 2b-2c
depict the flattened and temporal-only history encoding approaches used in VLN-BERT [44] and
E.T. [37] respectively. The flattened approach treats each view image in Oi as a token, so the
history sequence contains tK tokens. Though it enables to learn relationships among all image
views, the computation cost quadratically increases with the sequence length, making it inefficient
for long-horizon tasks. In the temporal-only approach, only the oriented view of the agent in each Oi
is taken as inputs instead of the whole panorama, so only t temporal tokens are encoded. However,
this approach can lose critical information in past observations. For example, in the instruction “with
the windows on your left, walk through the large room past the sitting areas”, the object “window”
does not appear in the oriented view of the agent. Therefore, the encoded history is insufficient to tell
whether the agent passed the window or not, making the model confused to take the next action.
In order to balance computational efficiency and information integrity, we propose a hierarchical
history encoding approach as illustrated in Figure 2a. It hierarchically encodes view images within
each panorama and then temporal relationships across panoramas, similar to the factorized spatial-
temporal video transformer [46]. For each Oi , its constituent view images are first embeded via ViT
and Eq (1), and then encoded via a panoramic transformer with Nh layers to learn spatial relationships
within the panorama. We apply average pooling to obtain panorama embedding, and add it with the
A navigable view can lead to one or multiple viewpoints. We follow [5, 12] to use different features for
these viewpoints. The viewpoints share the same visual features but differ in angle features.

Table 1: Comparison of HAMT and previous VLN transformers.
Inputs Proxy Tasks
Text History Observation MLM MRM ITM SAP/SAR SPREL
PREVALENT [22] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
VLN-BERT [44] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
HAMT (Ours) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

oriented view image feature in residual connection. The parameters in ViT and panoramic transformer
are shared for different steps. In this way, each historical observation Oi is represented as vih , and the
final temporal token hi is computed as:
hi = LN(Wvh vih ) + LN(Wah EaAh ) + EiS + E2T (2)

where EiS denotes the i-th step embedding, E2T is the type embedding of history. The computational
cost is O(tK 2 +t2 ), which significantly reduces from O(t2 K 2 ) in the flattened approach. To be noted,
we add a special token [cls] to the start of the history sequence to obtain a global representation.
The embedding of [cls] is a parameter to learn, which is initialized from a zero vector.
Cross-modal Encoding. We concatenate history and observation as the vision modality, and use
cross-modal transformer with Nx layers to fuse features from text, history and observation as
shown in the right of Figure 1. The reason of using such dual-stream architecture rather than one-
stream is that the length of different modalities can be highly imbalanced, and the dual-stream
architecture can balance the importance of intra- and inter-modal relationships by model design [47].
In each cross-modal layer, a vision-text cross-attention is firstly performed for vision modality to
attend relevant text information and vice versa for text modality. Then each modality uses self-
attention to learn intra-modal relationship such as interaction between observation and history,
followed by a fully-connected neural network. Finally, the HAMT model outputs embeddings
′ ′ ′
X = (x′cls , x′1 , · · · , x′L ), Ht = (h′cls , h′1 , · · · , h′t−1 ), Ot = (o′1 , · · · , o′K , o′stop ) for tokens in text,
history and observation respectively.

3.2 End-to-end training with proxy tasks

As it is difficult to train large-scale transformers with RL due to sparse supervision [27], we propose to
first end-to-end train HAMT via several proxy tasks to learn unimodal and multimodal representation.
Table 1 compares our HAMT with previous VLN transformers PREVALENT [22] and VLN-
BERT [44] in inputs and proxy tasks. As neither PREVALENT nor VLN-BERT jointly encodes text,
history and observation, a limited choice of proxy tasks can be applied in training. Our model instead
can take advantage of various proxy tasks to learn cross-modal alignment, spatial and temporal
reasoning, and history-aware action prediction. Given the input pair (W, HT ) where T is the length
of full trajectory, we can apply common proxy tasks as in vision-and-language pretraining [40, 44],
including Masked Language Modeling (MLM), Masked Region Modeling (MRM) and Instruction
Trajectory Matching (ITM). Details of the three proxy tasks are presented in the supplementary mate-
rial. In the following, we introduce new proxy tasks given the triplet input (W, Ht , Ot ) specifically
for VLN tasks.
Single-step Action Prediction/Regression (SAP/SAR). The task deploys imitation learning to pre-
dict the next action based on instruction, history from expert demonstration and the current observation.
We formulate it as a classification and a regression task respectively. In the SAP classification task,
exp(fSAP (o′i ⊙x′cls ))
we predict action probability for each navigable view in Otc which is pt (o′i ) = P exp(f ′
SAP (o ⊙x
′ )) ,
j j cls
where fSAP is a two-layer fully-connected network, ⊙ is element-wise multiplication and x′cls is
output embedding of special text token [cls]. The objective is to minimize negative log probability
of the target view action o′∗ : LSAP = −log pt (o′∗ ). In SAR regression task, we directly predict the
action heading and elevation angles based on the text token [cls] which is θˆt , ϕ̂t = fSAR (x′cls ). The
loss function is LSAR = (θˆt − θt )2 + (ϕ̂t − ϕt )2 . The two proxy tasks enable the model to learn how
to make action decision conditioning on instruction and contextual history.
Spatial Relationship Prediction (SPREL). Expressions of egocentric and allocentric spatial relations
are frequent in navigational instructions, such as “walk into the room on your left” and “enter the

bedroom next to the stairs”. In order to learn spatial relation aware representations, we propose the
SPREL self-supervised task to predict relative spatial position of two views in a panorama based
on only visual feature, angle feature or both. Assume [vio ; aoi ] and [vjo ; aoj ] are two views in Ot , we
randomly zero out v∗o or ao∗ with probability of 0.3. Their encoded representations are o′i and o′j , and
their relative heading and elevation angles are θij , ϕij . We then predict θ̂ij , ϕ̂ij = fSPREL ([o′i ; o′j ])
where [; ] denotes vector concatenation and optimize LSPREL = (θ̂ij − θij )2 + (ϕ̂ij − ϕij )2 . The
task helps for spatial relationship reasoning in the observation.
Training Strategy. Instead of directly training the whole HAMT model at once, we propose to
progressively train HAMT in two stages. In the first stage, we freeze ViT pretrained on ImageNet
[48] and train the rest of the modules which are randomly initialized. This aims to avoid catastrophic
forgetting of the pretrained weights in ViT. Then we unfreeze ViT and train the whole model end-to-
end. The learning rate for ViT is set to be higher than for others modules to avoid vanishing gradients
and to speedup convergence. We empirically show that the proposed two-stage training outperforms
one-stage training in the supplementary material.

3.3 Fine-tuning for sequential action prediction

Structure Variants. We present two variants of HAMT for action prediction in the following.
1) MLP action head: we directly reuse the action prediction network fSAP in the SAP task to predict
navigable views. We use it as default for VLN tasks. 2) MLP action head based on encoder-decoder
structure: the original HAMT model applies cross-modal attention for both vision-to-text and text-to-
vision, which is computationally expensive when instructions are long. Therefore, we remove the
cross-modal attention from text to vision. In this way, we separate the cross-modal transformer into
an encoder which only takes instruction as input, and a decoder that inputs history and observation as
query and attends over encoded text tokens. Please see supplementary material for details.
RL+IL Objective. We combine Reinforcement Learning (RL) and Imitation Learning (IL) to fine-
tune HAMT for sequential action prediction. The IL relies on the SAP loss defined in Section 3.2 and
follows the expert action at each step while RL samples actions according to the policy π. Specifically,
we use the Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic (A3C) RL algorithm [28]. At each step t, the agent
samples an action based on policy π: âht ∼ π(at |W, Ht , Ot , Otc ) and receives an immediate reward
rt . For non-stop actions, we set rt as the reduced distance of taking the action to the target and
the increased alignment score [3] compared to expert demonstration as defined in [5]; for the stop
action, rt = 2 if the agent successfully arrives at the target otherwise -2. A critic network is trained
PT −t
to estimate the value of each state st , which is Rt = k=0 γ k rt+k where γ is discount factor. We
′ ′
implement it as Vt = fcritic (xcls ⊙ hcls ). As the reward signal favors shortest distance, we empirically
find it benefits to combine A3C RL with IL weighted by λ, which is:

1X 1 X
Θ←Θ+µ ∇Θ log π(âht ; Θ)(Rt − Vt ) + λµ ∗ ∇Θ log π(a∗t ; Θ) (3)
T t=1 T t=1
| {z } | {z }
Reinforcement Learning (RL) Imitation Learning (IL)

where µ is the learning rate, a∗t is the expert action at step t of the expert trajectory of length T ∗ .

4 Experiments

4.1 Experimental setup

Datasets. We evaluate our method on four VLN tasks (seven datasets): VLN with fine-grained
instructions (R2R [6], RxR [7]); VLN with high-level instructions (REVERIE [8], R2R-Last); vision-
and-dialogue navigation (CVDN [9]); and long-horizon VLN (R4R [3], R2R-Back).
• R2R [1] builds upon Matterport3D [49] and includes 90 photo-realistic houses with 10,567
panoramas. It contains 7,189 shortest-path trajectories, each associated with 3 instructions. The
dataset is split into train, val seen, val unseen and test unseen sets with 61, 56, 11 and 18 houses
respectively. Houses in val seen split are the same as training, while houses in val unseen and
test splits are different from training.

• RxR [7] is a large multilingual VLN dataset based on Matterport 3D. The instructions are
in three different languages (English, Hindi and Telugu). The dataset emphasizes the role of
language in VLN by addressing biases in paths and describing more visible entities than R2R.
• R4R [3] extends R2R dataset by concatenating two adjacent tail-to-head trajectories in R2R.
Therefore, it has longer instructions and trajectories. The trajectories are also less biased as they
are not necessarily the shortest-path from start to end location.
• R2R-Back is a new VLN setup proposed in this work. The agent is required to return to its start
location after arriving at the destination. The agent needs to remember its navigation histories to
solve the task. We add a return command at the end of each instruction in R2R and a reverse
path from the end to start locations as expert demonstration.
• CVDN [9] defines a navigation from dialog history task, which requires an agent to arrive at
goal regions based on multi-turn question-answering dialogs. Such types of instructions are
often ambiguous and under-specified. The lengths of instructions and paths are also long.
• REVERIE [8] replaces step-by-step instructions in R2R with high-level instructions, which
mainly describe the target location and object. The agent, hence, is required to navigate to the
goal without detailed guidance and depends on its past experiences.
• R2R-Last is our proposed VLN setup similar to REVERIE. It only uses the last sentence from
the original R2R instructions describing the final destination.
Evaluation metrics. We adopt standard metrics [1], including (1) Trajectory Length (TL): the agent’s
navigated path in meters; (2) Navigation Error (NE): the average distance in meters between the
agent’s final position and the target; (3) Success Rate (SR): the ratio of trajectories reaching the
destination with a maximum error of 3 meters to the target; and (4) Success Rate normalized by
the ratio between the length of the shortest path and the predicted path (SPL). SPL is more relevant
than SR as it balances the navigation accuracy and efficiency. For long-horizon VLN task (R4R and
R2R-Back), we further employ three metrics to measure the path fidelity between the predicted path
and target path, including (5) Coverage weighted by Length Score (CLS) [3]; (6) the normalized
Dynamic Time Warping (nDTW) [50]; and (7) the Success weighted by nDTW (SDTW).
Implementation details. For the HAMT model, we set NL = 9 for language transformer, Nh = 2
for panoramic transformer in hierarchical history encoding, and Nx = 4 for cross-modal transformer.
There are K = 36 view images in each panoramic observation. We use ViT-B/16 [43] for image
encoding if not otherwise specified. In training with proxy tasks, we randomly select proxy tasks
for each mini-batch with predefined ratio. We train HAMT for 200k iterations with fixed ViT using
learning rate of 5e-5 and batch size of 64 on 4 NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPUs (∼1 day). The whole
HAMT model is trained end-to-end for 20k iterations on 20 NVIDIA V100 GPUs with learning rate
of 5e-5 for ViT and 1e-5 for the others (∼20 hours). We use R2R training set and augmented pairs
from [22] for training unless otherwise noted. In fine-tuning with RL+IL, we set λ = 0.2 in Eq (3)
and γ = 0.9. The model is fine-tuned for 100k iterations with learning rate of 1e-5 and batch size of
8 on a single GPU. Unimodal encoders are fixed by default. The best model is selected according to
performance on val unseen split. We use the same augmented data as [5] for R2R for fair comparison,
while no augmented data is used for other datasets. Greedy search is applied in inference following
the single-run setting. Please see supplementary material for more details.
4.2 Ablation studies
In this section, we evaluate each component in the HAMT model, including: hierarchical history
encoding, end-to-end training with proxy tasks, and fine-tuning objectives.
How important is the history encod- Table 2: R2R navigation results for alternative methods of
ing for VLN? For fair comparison history encoding. All methods use Resnet152 visual features
with the state-of-the-art recurrent ar- and are trained from scratch on R2R dataset.
chitecture RecBERT [5], we use the
same Resnet152 visual features and History Val Seen Val Unseen
train all the models from scratch with Encoding SR↑ SPL↑ SR↑ SPL↑
RL+IL objectives to avoid the influ-
ence of different weight initialization. RecBERT [5] 62 59 50 46
The models are optimized for 300k Recurrent 60.9±1.0 56.6±1.1 52.2±0.7 47.0±0.5
iterations end-to-end except for the vi- Temporal-only 61.5±0.8 57.7±0.7 53.2±0.1 48.0±0.4
sual feature. Table 2 compares differ- Hierarchical 65.5±1.2 61.3±1.4 54.4±0.4 48.7±0.4
ent history encoding approaches on
R2R dataset. Our recurrent model slightly differs from RecBERT (no init. OSCAR) [5] in trans-

Table 3: Ablations for end-to-end HAMT training on R2R dataset using proposed proxy tasks.
(a) Comparison of visual features and end-to-end train- (b) Comparison of different proxy tasks. The
ing. The “PT” stands for proxy tasks in training; “e2e” “SAP(R)” denotes the single step action prediction
for optimizing the visual representation. and regression task, and “SPREL” is the spatial
relationship prediction task.
Val Seen Val Unseen
feature PT e2e
SR↑ SPL↑ SR↑ SPL↑ SAP SP Val Seen Val Unseen
Resnet × × 65.5±1.2 61.3±1.4 54.4±0.4 48.7±0.4
152 ✓ × 69.3±1.0 64.8±1.2 63.5±0.5 57.5±0.5 × × 71.2±2.3 67.2±2.0 62.8±1.3 57.7±1.0
✓ × 75.7±1.0 72.5±1.0 64.4±0.3 58.8±0.0 ✓ × 74.7±0.6 71.1±0.9 63.6±0.1 58.1±0.4
✓ ✓ 75.0±0.9 71.7±0.7 65.7±0.7 60.9±0.7 ✓ ✓ 75.7±1.0 72.5±1.0 64.4±0.3 58.8±0.0

former architecture as shown in Figure 1. It achieves slightly better performance on val unseen split.
The temporal-only model uses transformer to encode agent’s oriented visual observations in history
sequence, and outperforms the recurrent method by relative gains of 1.9% on SR and 2.1% on SPL
for val unseen split. Adding panoramic observations in a hierarchical way results in 4.2% (SR) and
3.6% (SLP) relative improvements on the val unseen split compared to the recurrent method. Even
larger improvements are achieved on val seen split as the hierarchical model has a larger capacity
to fit the seen environments. This evaluation demonstrates the advantage of our hierarchical history
representation compared to the recurrent and temporal-only history representation.
How much does training with proxy tasks help? We next evaluate the advantage of training
HAMT end-to-end with proxy tasks. In Table 3a, the first row uses RL+IL objectives to train HAMT
from scratch, while the second row uses proxy tasks for training prior to RL+IL fine-tuning. We
can see that it significantly boosts the performance to first train with proxy tasks. It improves on val
unseen split with 16.7% and 18.0% relative gains on SR and SPL respectively, indicating that training
with auxiliary proxy tasks enables better generalization. In the third row, we replace the visual feature
from Resnet152 to ViT. The ViT feature improves the performance on both val seen and val unseen
splits, showing that more powerful visual representations matter. Finally, training ViT end-to-end
obtains 2.1% gains on SPL on val unseen split. This is the first time to show that optimizing visual
representations end-to-end is beneficial for VLN tasks. In Table 3b, we evaluate the benefit of the
two new proxy tasks for frozen ViT features using the other proxy tasks by default. The SAP(R) uses
imitation learning to predict actions, which directly influences the navigation policy and improves the
performance by a large margin. The SPREL is a self-supervised proxy task that forces the model
to learn spatial relationships in panorama and helps generalization in unseen environments. More
experiments to ablate contributions from history encoding and proxy tasks, contributions of proxy
tasks in end-to-end training etc. are presented in supplementary material.
What is the impact of the fine-tuning objec- Table 4: Ablations for fine-tuning objectives of
tives? Table 4 presents results using different sequential action prediction on R2R dataset.
objectives in fine-tuning. The first row directly
applies HAMT trained by proxy tasks, which Val Seen Val Unseen
achieves lower performance than that after IL fine- IL RL
tuning, because we mainly use augmented data
in proxy task training to increase visual diversity, × × 57.9 54.8 51.8 48.9
✓ × 63.7±2.1 61.7±2.2 57.2±0.1 54.7±0.3
but such noisy data deteriorates action prediction × ✓ 70.5±2.9 65.6±2.8 63.5±1.4 57.5±1.1
performance. Previous work [12] has shown that ✓ ✓ 75.0±0.9 71.7±0.7 65.7±0.7 60.9±0.7
RL alone performs poorly. However, training with
proxy tasks stabilizes the followup RL fine-tuning. HAMT optimized by RL achieves much better
performance than that when fine-tuning with IL on the SR metric. It indicates that RL is able to learn
better exploration strategy on unseen environments. However, as the reward for RL focuses more on
shortest paths rather than path fidelity with instructions, the improvement on SPL metric is relatively
small compared to SR metric. Moreover, the fluctuation of the pure RL objective is larger than IL.
Therefore, mixing the RL and IL achieves the best performance.

4.3 Comparison to state of the art

VLN with fine-grained instructions: R2R and RxR. Table 5 compares HAMT with previous
VLN methods on the R2R benchmark. Our model outperforms state-of-the-art results of RecBERT [5]

Table 5: Comparison with state-of-the-art methods on R2R dataset.
Validation Seen Validation Unseen Test Unseen
Seq2Seq [6] 11.33 6.01 39 - 8.39 7.81 22 - 8.13 7.85 20 18
SF [11] - 3.36 66 - - 6.62 35 - 14.82 6.62 35 28
PRESS [20] 10.57 4.39 58 55 10.36 5.28 49 45 10.77 5.49 49 45
EnvDrop [12] 11.00 3.99 62 59 10.70 5.22 52 48 11.66 5.23 51 47
AuxRN [51] - 3.33 70 67 - 5.28 55 50 - 5.15 55 51
PREVALENT [22] 10.32 3.67 69 65 10.19 4.71 58 53 10.51 5.30 54 51
RelGraph [15] 10.13 3.47 67 65 9.99 4.73 57 53 10.29 4.75 55 52
RecBERT [5] 11.13 2.90 72 68 12.01 3.93 63 57 12.35 4.09 63 57
HAMT (Ours) 11.15 2.51 76 72 11.46 3.62 66 61 12.27 3.93 65 60

by relative 5.9% and 7.0% improvements in SPL on val seen and unseen splits respectively. We
achieve state-of-the-art performance under the single-run setting on the unseen testing split of the
leaderboard2 . It demonstrates the effectiveness and generalization of our model. We further provide
computation time in inference for HAMT and RecBERT in the supplementary material to show the
efficiency of our HAMT model. We also achieve large improvements on RxR dataset. The full results
are presented in supplementary material.
Long-horizon VLN: R4R and R2R-Back. Table 6 shows navigation results on R4R dataset. As
R4R contains longer instructions and trajectories compared to R2R, we use the encoder-decoder
variant of HAMT for better efficiency. Our method outperforms previous approaches in all metrics and
shows particularly large improvements for the path fidelity related metrics. Compared to RecBERT,
HAMT achives 8.2% and 9.5% relative improvement in CLS and nDTW respectively. The large
improvements on these path fidelity related metrics indicate that HAMT is better to follow the
designated path of the fine-grained instruction. Figure 3 evaluates the performance of HAMT and
RecBERT with respect to instruction length measured by words. Though the nDTW decreases for
longer instructions, the relative improvement of HAMT increases with the instruction length.
Table 6: Comparison on R4R val unseen split.

Methods NE↓ SR↑ CLS↑ nDTW↑ SDTW↑

SF [11] 8.47 24 30 - -
RCM [14] - 29 35 30 13
PTA [32] 8.25 24 37 32 10
EGP [18] 8.0 30.2 44.4 37.4 17.5
RelGraph [15] 7.43 36 41 47 34
RecBERT† [5] 6.67 43.6 51.4 45.1 29.9
HAMT (Ours) 6.09 44.6 57.7 50.3 31.8 Figure 3: nDTW with respect to instruc-
tion length on R4R val unseen split.
The navigation performance on R2R-Back dataset is presented in Table 7. We compare with two
state-of-the-art recurrent models EnvDrop [12] and RecBERT [5] based on LSTM and transformer
respectively (both models are trained on R2R-Back for fair comparison). The improvements are
more significant on this task as it requires the agent to remember the way it came to the target to
successfully return back. The recurrent state is insufficient to capture such history and leads to inferior
performance compared to the HAMT model.
Table 7: Comparison of methods on the R2R-Back dataset.
Val Seen Val Unseen

EnvDrop [12] 23.83 44.1 42.0 61.3 39.4 24.57 32.4 30.2 51.1 28.0
RecBERT† [5] 22.33 51.4 48.4 67.3 45.7 23.35 41.1 37.7 58.2 35.6
HAMT (Ours) 22.76 64.8 61.8 73.7 58.9 23.78 57.2 53.1 65.1 49.5

We report the published results on the testing unseen split as shown in
challenges/challenge-page/97/leaderboard/270 (25/10/2021).

Table 8: Navigation performance on CVDN dataset. Vision-and-Dialog Navigation: CVDN.
The CVDN dataset contains dialogs as in-
Val Seen Val Unseen Test Unseen structions and use Goal Progress (GP) in
PREVALENT [22] - 3.15 2.44
meters as the primary evaluation metric.
VISITRON [52] 5.11 3.25 3.11 GP measures the difference between com-
MT-RCM+EnvAg [53] 5.07 4.65 3.91 pleted distance and left distance to the goal,
so the higher the better. There are two
HAMT (Ours) 6.91 5.13 5.58 types of demonstrations in the dataset. One
is shortest-path trajectory and the other is
player’s navigation trajectory. We mix the two types of demonstrations as supervision in training
which has shown to be the most effective in previous works [22, 52, 53]. As navigation paths in
CVDN dataset are much longer than R2R dataset, we adopt the encoder-decoder variant of HAMT.
As shown in Table 8, HAMT outperforms existing recurrent approaches on both seen and unseen
environments, and achieves the top position in the leaderboard3 . It demonstrates that our HAMT
model is generalizable to different types of instructions in new VLN tasks.
VLN with high-level instructions: R2R-Last Table 9: Comparison on the R2R-Last dataset.
and REVERIE. Table 9 shows results on the
R2R-Last dataset that specifies the goal loca- Val Seen Val Unseen
tion and contains no step-by-step instructions. Methods
The HAMT model with the hierarchical his-
tory encoding is able to better accumulate the EnvDrop† [12] 42.8 38.4 34.3 28.3
knowledge of the environment and achieves RecBERT† [5] 50.2 45.8 41.6 37.3
9.8% and 10.5% relative gains on SPL metric HAMT (Ours) 53.3 50.3 45.2 41.2
on seen and unseen splits respectively compared
to RecBERT [5]. The REVERIE dataset also
contains high-level instructions but requires object grounding at the target location besides navigation.
We provide results on REVERIE dataset in supplementary material. Our HAMT achieves SPL 30.20
and 26.67 on val unseen and test splits respectively, outperforming the state of the art navigation
performance [5] by 5.3% and 2.7%.

5 Conclusion
This paper presents the first end-to-end transformer for vision-and-language navigation, denoted
as History Aware Multimodal Transformer (HAMT). Our method efficiently encodes long-horizon
history and combines it with instructions and observations to derive multimodal action prediction.
The HAMT is first trained with proxy tasks in an end-to-end manner, and is then fine-tuned with RL to
improve the navigation policy. We achieve state-of-the-art navigation performance on a diverse range
of challenging VLN tasks, demonstrating improved accuracy and generalization of our approach
compared to the dominant recurrent methods. Future work could extend our history-aware transformer
to VLN with continuous actions [54] and could benefit from pretraining on larger navigation datasets.
This paper has minimal ethical, privacy and safety concerns.

Acknowledgments and Disclosure of Funding

This work was granted access to the HPC resources of IDRIS under the allocation 101002 made by
GENCI. It was funded in part by the French government under management of Agence Nationale
de la Recherche as part of the “Investissements d’avenir” program, reference ANR19-P3IA-0001
(PRAIRIE 3IA Institute) and by Louis Vuitton ENS Chair on Artificial Intelligence.

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Supplementary Material for HAMT
Section A provides additional details for the model. The experimental setup is described in Section B,
including datasets, metrics and implementation details. Section C presents computation time on
R2R dataset and full experimental results on RxR and REVERIE datasets. Section D includes more
ablations. Finally, Section E illustrates qualitative results.

A Model details
A.1 Proxy tasks in training
We employ five proxy tasks to train HAMT and introduced SAP/SAR and SPREL in Section 3.2. In
the following, we present the other three proxy tasks, which are all based on the input pair (W, HT ),
where W is the textual instruction and HT is the full trajectory with length T .
Masked Language Modeling (MLM). The task predicts masked words based on contextual words
and the full trajectory. We randomly mask out tokens in W with the probability of 15% with a special
token [mask] as in BERT, and predict the word distribution p(wi |W\i , HT ) = fMLM (x′i ) where W\i
is the masked instruction, x′i is the output embedding of the masked word wi and fMLM is a two-layer
fully-connected network. The objective is to minimize the negative log-likelihood of original words:
LMLM = −log p(wi |W\i , HT ). The task is beneficial to learn grounded language representations
and cross-modal alignment.
Masked Region Modeling (MRM). The task aims to predict semantic labels of masked observations
in the trajectory given an instruction and neighboring observations. We zero out observations
in HT 15% of the time. The target of a masked Oi is the class probability predicted by an image
classification model pretrained on ImageNet. We use ViT-B/16 [43] in this work. Suppose Pi ∈ R1000
is the target class probability for a masked Oi , we predict P̂i = fMRM (o′i ) where o′i is the output
embedding of masked Oi , and minimize the KL divergence between the two probability distributions:
LMRM = − j=1 Pi,j log P̂i,j . In order to solve the task, o′i should capture temporal continuity in
the history sequence and align with relevant instructions.
Instruction Trajectory Matching (ITM). The task predicts whether a pair of instruction and trajec-
tory is aligned. We predict the alignment score as s(W, HT ) = fITM (x′cls ⊙h′cls ), where ⊙ is element-
wise multiplication and x′cls , h′cls are output embeddings for the text [cls] token and the history
[cls] token respectively. We sample 4 negative trajectories for each positive instruction-trajectory
pair during training, in which two negative trajectories are randomly selected from other positive pairs
in the mini-batch, two are obtained by temporally shuffling the positive trajectory. The objective is
the Noisy Contrastive Estimation loss [55]: LITM = −log exp(s(W,H exp(s(W,H
))+ 4
P T ))
exp(s(W,Hneg ))
. The
T k=1 T ,k
model is supposed to learn cross-modal alignment and be sensitive to temporal orders of history to
solve the task.
&4 [,'4 ; .'4 ] &4 [,'4 ; .'4 ]
A.2 Structure variants in fine-tuning
We present the encoder-decoder variant of FFN FFN FFN FFN
HAMT in fine-tuning on the right of Figure 4.
Compared to the original cross-modal trans- Self-attn Self-attn Self-attn Self-attn
former on the left, the variant removes text-to- Q K V Q K V Q K V Q K V
vision cross-modal attention. The encoder en-
codes the texts to obtain textual embeddings. Cross-attn Cross-attn Cross-attn
Then the decoder reuses the same text embed- Q K V K V Q K V Q
dings in vision-to-text attention layer at each
navigation step. In this way, the variant is more
efficient when instructions are long e.g. in R4R & [,' ; .' ] & [,' ; .' ]
and RxR datasets. Cross-modal Encoder-Decoder
Figure 4: Comparison
Transformer Layer of the originalVariant
transformer layer (left) and the encoder-decoder
B Experimental setup based variant (right).
B.1 Dataset details
Table 10 summarizes details of the dataset split. The proposed R2R-Back and R2R-Last setups
consider exactly the same splits as the R2R dataset. We present details to construct R2R-Back and
R2R-Last in the following.

Table 10: Dataset statistics. #traj, #instr denote the number of trajectories and instructions respectively.
Train Val Seen Val Unseen Test Unseen
#traj #instr #traj #instr #traj #instr #traj #instr
R2R [6] 4,675 14,039 340 1,021 783 2,349 1,391 4,173
RxR [7] 11,077 79,467 1,244 8,813 1,517 13,652 - 11,888
R4R [3] 25,921 233,532 115 1,035 5,026 45,234 - -
R2R-Back 4,675 14,039 340 1,021 783 2,349 - -
CVDN [9] 4,742 4,742 382 382 907 907 1,384 1,384
R2R-Last 4,675 14,039 340 1,021 783 2,349 - -
REVERIE [8] 4,150 10,466 515 1,423 1,328 3,521 2,304 6,292

R2R-Back. We append a returning command at the end of annotated instructions in R2R to create
new instructions for R2R-Back. The returning command is randomly sampled from the following
sentences: “walk back to the start”, “return by the way you came”, “double back to where you
start”, “backtrack to the start”, “back the way you came”, “return to the starting point”. The original
target location is viewed as a middle stop point. The groundtruth trajectory in R2R-Back is the
concatenation of the original and its inverse trajectory.
R2R-Last. We use spacy toolkit4 to split sentences for instructions in R2R. We only select the last
sentence in each instruction as the new high-level instruction. It mainly describes where the goal
location is e.g. “stop in front of the vent”, requiring the agent to explore houses without step-by-step
textual guidance. The groundtruth trajectory is the same as R2R.

B.2 Evaluation Metrics

In R2R, RxR, R4R and R2R-Last datasets, a predicted trajectory is considered to be successful if the
agent arrives 3 meters near to the final destination. However, such definition would make a motionless
agent achieve 100% success rate (SR) on R2R-Back dataset as the final destination is the same as
the starting location. Therefore, in R2R-Back evaluation, we define the success as that an agent
firstly arrives 3 meters near to the original destination and then returns 3 meters near to its starting
location. The groundtruth length in the SPL metric is also modified as the total traversed distance
in groundtruth trajectory rather than the shortest distance between start and target location. As the
REVERIE task aims for remote object grounding, the success on REVERIE is defined as arriving at
a viewpoint where the target object is visible.

B.3 Implementation Details

Training with proxy tasks. We sample proxy tasks for each mini-batch to train the HAMT model.
The sampling ratio is MLM:MRM:ITM:SAP:SAR:SPREL=5:2:2:1:1:1. The optimizer is AdamW
[56]. In the end-to-end training stage, we use image augmentation and regularization techniques to
avoid overfitting of the ViT model, including RandAugment [57] and stochastic depth [58].
Fine-tuning for sequential action prediction. Due to different goals in various VLN tasks, we
design different rewards in reinforcement learning for each downstream VLN dataset. In R2R, RxR
and R4R datasets, the reward is introduced in Section 3.3 to take both goal distance and path fidelity
into account. In R2R-Last, REVERIE and CVDN datasets where the instruction may not describe
detailed navigation path, we only use the reduced distance to the goal viewpoints as rewards. We
normalize the reduced distance in the same way as in the R2R dataset. In R2R-Back dataset, we use
a different fine-tune strategy to avoid trivial motionless solutions. We require the agent to predict
stop actions twice for the original destination (midpoint) and its starting point (final destination)
respectively. Before arriving at the midpoint, the RL reward is computed based on distances to the
midpoint. If the agent predicts a wrong location to stop for the midpoint, the episode is stopped;
otherwise the agent continues its task while receiving rewards based on the distance to the final
destination for fine-tuning. We run each experiment twice for ablation study and use the best result
on the validation unseen split for the state-of-the-art comparison.


Table 13: Navigation performances on RxR val seen and val unseen splits.
Val Seen Val Unseen
Multilingual Baseline [7] 25.2 - 42.2 20.7 22.8 - 38.9 18.2
Monolingual Baseline [7] 28.8 - 46.8 23.8 28.5 - 44.5 23.1
Multilingual HAMT 59.4 58.9 65.3 50.9 56.5 56.0 63.1 48.3

C Experimental results
C.1 Computation Efficiency
To assess the influence of history encoding on the infer- Table 11: Computation time in inference
ence time, we compare HAMT with RecBERT [5]. The on R2R val unseen split.
HAMT and RecBERT use the same number of layers in the
language transformer and cross-modal transformer. The Inference
main difference of two models is in the history encoding Time (s)
and the attended length of history for action prediction. RecBERT [5] 69 63 57
We run each model on the R2R val unseen split (2349 HAMT 104 66 61
instructions) and report inference times averaged over two HAMT noT2V 76 65 60
runs using a single Tesla P100 GPU. For our method we
compare variants with and without Text-to-Vision Attention (see Section A.2), denoted here as HAMT
and HAMT noT2V respectively. We can see that HAMT and its noT2V variant are only 1.5x and
1.1x slower compared to RecBERT, suggesting that attending to the whole history does not increase
the inference time significantly. Moreover, while HAMT noT2V is only 10% slower compared to [5],
it still outperforms [5] in SR and SPL on val unseen split.

C.2 RxR dataset

As shown in Table 10, RxR dataset Table 12: Navigation performance on RxR test split.
contains much more instructions than
R2R dataset. Therefore, we directly PL SR↑ SPL↑ nDTW↑ SDTW↑
use RxR in training proxy tasks rather
than R2R with augmented data. As Multilingual Baseline [7] 16.88 20.98 18.55 41.05 20.59
there are three different languages in Monolingual Baseline [7] 17.05 25.40 22.59 41.05 20.59
CLIP-ViL 15.43 38.34 35.17 51.10 32.42
RxR, we take advantage of pretrained CLEAR-CLIP 16.46 40.29 36.57 53.69 34.86
multilingual BERT [59] to initialize Multilingual HAMT 19.77 53.12 46.62 59.94 45.19
the unimodal language encoder, so
we are able to deal with multilingual Human 20.78 93.92 74.13 79.48 76.90
instructions using the same HAMT
model. We employ the encoder-decoder variant of HAMT for computational efficiency. For fair
comparison with other approaches in RxR testing leaderboard5 which adopt pretrained CLIP [60] fea-
tures, we use the same visual features without end-to-end optimization. Table 12 presents navigation
performances on RxR test split. Our multilingual HAMT model achieves 12.83% and 6.25% gains on
SR and nDTW respectively than the second place. Nevertheless, there is still a large gap compared to
the human performance. We further present results on val seen and val unseen splits in Table 13.

C.3 REVERIE dataset

The remote object localization task in REVERIE dataset requires both navigation and object ground-
ing. To support the two subtasks in HAMT, we concatenate object features with original view image
features for each viewpoint, and add an object grounding head to predict the target object given
output embeddings of all object tokens. We fine-tune HAMT that is end-to-end pretrained on R2R
dataset, and use the optimized ViT to extract object features given groundtruth object bounding boxes
in REVERIE dataset. As shown in Table 14, HAMT achieves better navigation performance (SR and
SPL), but the object grounding performance (RGS and RGSPL) on test split is worse than state of
the art. Since HAMT can more effectively encode observed visual scenes and actions in the history
sequence, it is able to better understand house environments and navigate to target viewpoints more
5 (25/10/2021).

Table 14: Navigation and object grounding performances on REVERIE val unseen and test splits.
Validation Unseen Test Unseen
Methods Navigation Grounding Navigation Grounding
Seq2Seq [6] 11.07 4.20 8.07 2.84 2.16 1.63 10.89 3.99 6.88 3.09 2.00 1.58
RCM [14] 11.98 9.29 14.23 6.97 4.89 3.89 10.60 7.84 11.68 6.67 3.67 3.14
SMNA [13] 9.07 8.15 11.28 6.44 4.54 3.61 9.23 5.80 8.39 4.53 3.10 2.39
FAST-MATTN [8] 45.28 14.40 28.20 7.19 7.84 4.67 39.05 19.88 30.63 11.6 11.28 6.08
SIA [16] 41.53 31.53 44.67 16.28 22.41 11.56 48.61 30.80 44.56 14.85 19.02 9.20
RecBERT [5] 16.78 30.67 35.02 24.90 18.77 15.27 15.86 29.61 32.91 23.99 16.50 13.51
HAMT 14.08 32.95 36.84 30.20 18.92 17.28 13.62 30.40 33.41 26.67 14.88 13.08

efficiently as shown in the much higher SPL score. However, as we use ViT optimized on R2R
dataset to extract object features, the object representation might not be as generalizable as object
features used in previous works which are pretrained on large-scale object detection datasets.

D Additional ablations
D.1 History in training with proxy tasks
We show that the history input plays a critical role for training with proxy tasks. We compare HAMT
with history input and PREVALENT [22] without history. For fair comparison, we re-implement
PREVALENT which only takes instruction W and single-step observation Ot as input and the other
architectures are set the same as HAMT. We train PREVALENT with all proxy tasks except the ITM
task because there is no trajectory input in PREVALENT for instruction-trajectory matching. ViT
features pretrained on ImageNet are used in this experiment.
In Figure 5, we present the single-step action prediction
(SAP) accuracy of HAMT and PREVALENT during the
training. The SAP accuracies on val seen split are simi-
lar for the two models, however, PREVALENT performs
much worse on the val unseen split than HAMT. Due to the
capacity of large-scale transformer, PREVALENT is likely
to memorize the map structure of seen houses, and thus
achieves comparable performance to HAMT. However,
such knowledge cannot be transferred to unseen houses be-
cause the structure and visual observations are distinct for
seen and unseen houses. Feeding history as inputs avoids
the model simply cramming the structure of seen houses,
Figure 5: SAP accuracy of PREVA-
and enables it to align the history with an instruction to
LENT (w/o history) and HAMT (w/ his-
predict actions for better generalization. After fine-tuning
tory) on R2R dataset.
the two models on R2R dataset, we obtain SPL 57.5 on
val unseen split for HAMT, while 52.7 for PREVALENT
without history input. As the same proxy tasks are used in training, the large gains of our HAMT
model contribute to the history encoding. Therefore, the proposed history encoding can largely
improve the navigation performance on top of training proxy tasks.

D.2 Visual features in training with proxy tasks

Table 15: Comparison of features (same
Table 15 provides an additional experiment in the third row notations as Table 3a).
compared to Table 3a. It demonstrates that ViT features
outperform ResNet152 features with and without training Val Seen Val Unseen
proxy tasks. Comparing the last two rows in Table 15, Features PT e2e SR SPL SR SPL
end-to-end feature optimization improves SPL by 2.1% on Resnet × × 65.5 61.3 54.4 48.7
val unseen split but decreases SPL by 0.8% on val seen 152 ✓ × 69.3 64.8 63.5 57.5
split. Note that we follow previous VLN works [5, 12] to
select the best model based on val unseen and use the same × × 68.8 66.1 56.3 52.5
model for val seen split. We observe that the performance ViT ✓ × 75.7 72.5 64.4 58.8
✓ ✓ 75.0 71.7 65.7 60.9
on val seen split can be improved with longer training time.

After optimizing visual representations, HAMT converges faster on val unseen split and achieves the
best performance at earlier iterations. Therefore, the performance on val seen split is slightly worse
than no end-to-end optimization. If training longer, the performance with optimized ViT features on
val seen split can be higher.

D.3 Different proxy tasks in end-to-end training

Table 16: Comparison of different proxy In Table 3b of the main paper, we fix ViT features to ab-
tasks in end-to-end optimization. late contributions of different proxy tasks in training. We
further present the ablation results in a fully end-to-end
Val Seen Val Unseen training setup in Table 16, where different proxy tasks are
SAP(R) SPREL SR SPL SR SPL used to train HAMT including the ViT features. The re-
sults show the same trend as Table 3b, where our proposed
× × 70.1 65.9 63.3 57.7 two new proxy tasks (SAP/R and SPREL) are beneficial.
✓ × 72.5 69.2 64.5 59.4
✓ ✓ 75.0 71.7 65.7 60.9
Moreover, we can see that the end-to-end ViT features are
superior to fixed ViT features in Table 3b on val unseen
split for all the three proxy task combinations.

D.4 Two-stage end-to-end (e2e) training strategy

We compare our two-stage e2e training strategy with a single-stage e2e training of HAMT. However,
single-stage e2e training achieves inferior performance to the two-stage training or even no e2e
training. When trained for 25k iterations and evaluated on the val unseen split, the single-stage e2e
training of HAMT results in SPL 53.5 while no e2e training achieves SPL 56.5. We hypothesize that
the single-stage e2e training is less effective for VLN given (a) the limited training data available for
the VLN task and (b) the higher complexity of VLN compared to common vision and language tasks.

D.5 History encoding in long-horizon VLN task

We compare different history encoding approaches on the R2R-Back dataset to show that the history
information is more beneficial for the long-horizon VLN task. Table 17 presents navigation results.
All the models are initialized from weights after training with proxy tasks. In order to successfully
return back, the agent should remember the way it comes to the targets. The recurrent state is
insufficient to capture all the information and achieves the worst navigation performance. Encoding
agent’s oriented view at each step in temporal-only model improves over the recurrent approach.
However, as the oriented view of the agent in backward trajectory is different from the view in forward
trajectory, temporal-only model does not take advantage of the full memory in previous exploration
and performs inferior to our hierarchical history encoding model. It demonstrates the effectiveness of
our proposed method in long-horizon VLN task that requires long-term dependency. We also show
that using the end-to-end trained ViT features further benefits the navigation performance.
Table 17: Navigation results for R2R-Back dataset.
History Val Seen Val Unseen
Recurrent × 22.33 51.4 48.4 67.3 45.7 23.35 41.1 37.7 58.2 35.6
Temporal-only × 22.70 51.6 49.6 67.8 46.7 22.93 45.1 42.9 62.7 40.2
Hierarchical × 23.52 66.8 63.5 73.8 60.4 24.58 56.5 51.7 63.6 48.4
Hierarchical ✓ 22.76 64.8 61.8 73.7 58.9 23.78 57.2 53.1 65.1 49.5

D.6 Structure variants in fine-tuning

Table 18: Comparison of using different
Our model reuses the fSAP (o′i ⊙x′cls ) in training proxy tasks tokens in fSAP in fine-tuning.
to sequentially predict action in fine-tuning. In Table 18,
we compare using different input tokens for the action Action
prediction in fSAP , including different combinations of the Prediction Token Val Seen Val Unseen
observation token o′i , global history token h′cls and special obs txt hist SR↑ SPL↑ SR↑ SPL↑
text token x′cls . We can see that the performance varies
little on the val unseen split, which indicates that the cross- ✓ × × 76.1 72.8 66.0 60.3
modal transformer in our model is able to effectively fuse ✓ ✓ × 75.0 71.7 65.7 60.9
different modalities so that the performance is influenced ✓ × ✓ 78.0 75.9 65.5 60.2
✓ ✓ ✓ 76.3 73.4 65.5 60.9
little by tokens used in prediction.

(a) Predicted trajectory by RecBERT [5] (failed). (b) Predicted trajectory by HAMT (succeed).
Figure 6: Examples in R2R val unseen split. Navigation steps inside red box are incorrect. The
instruction is “Walk to the right of the stairs. Continue past and to the right of the stairs that go
down. Turn right and stop in the doorway of the double glass doors.” (id: 697_0). The RecBERT
misunderstands the instruction and goes down the stairs instead of turning right. Our HAMT is better
to understand the instruction and spatial relation related to the stairs to turn to the right of the stairs.

E Qualitative results
Figures 6-9 illustrate trajectories obtained by our HAMT model and compare them to results of the
state-of-the-art RecBERT [5] model. We can see that HAMT enables to better interpret instructions
(Figure 6), recognize the scene (Figure 7), follow the correct direction (Figure 8), and align the current
observation with the instruction (Figure 9). We also provide some failure cases in Figures 10-11,
where the HAMT model still needs improvements on scene and object recognition.

(a) Predicted trajectory by RecBERT [5] (failed). (b) Predicted trajectory by HAMT (succeed).
Figure 7: Examples in R2R val unseen split. Navigation steps inside red box are incorrect. The
instruction is “Walk into the kitchen area. Walk by the sink and oven. Walk straight into the hallway.
Turn right into the little room. Turn left and walk into the bedroom. Stop by the corner of the bed.”
(id: 155_0). The RecBERT fails to recognize the kitchen area and navigates back and forth in wrong
locations. Our HAMT correctly recognizes the kitchen and follows the instruction.

(a) Predicted trajectory by RecBERT [5] (failed). (b) Predicted trajectory by HAMT (succeed).
Figure 8: Examples in R2R val unseen split. Navigation steps inside red box are incorrect. The
instruction is “Walk straight until you get to a room that has a black table on the left with flowers
on it. Wait there.” (id: 4182_2). The RecBERT takes the wrong direction at the first step, while our
HAMT follows the instruction and successfully stops.

(a) Predicted trajectory by RecBERT [5] (failed). (b) Predicted trajectory by HAMT (succeed).
Figure 9: Examples in R2R val unseen split. Navigation steps inside red box are incorrect. The
instruction is “Walk out of the bathroom and turn right. Turn left and walk down the hallway. Turn
right and stop by the end table.” (id: 5153_0). The RecBERT correctly performs the first two turns
but fails to track the third turn right action and stops incorrectly. Our HAMT is better to align the
current state with the instruction to correctly perform the third turn right action.

(a) groundtruth trajectory. (b) Predicted trajectory by HAMT (failed).

Figure 10: Failure cases in R2R val unseen split. The instruction is “Go stand underneath the stairs,
next to the liquor shelf. ” (id: 36968_2). Though HAMT correctly goes towards the direction, it fails
to recognize the liquor shelf and results in exploring further the room until reaching the maximum
number of navigation steps.

(a) Groundtruth trajectory. (b) Predicted trajectory by HAMT (failed).
Figure 11: Failure cases in R2R val unseen split. The instruction is “With the low stone or concrete
barrier behind you, walk parallel to the board covering the floor and turn left before reaching the end.
Move forward to leave the wooden flooring and when on the stone flooring, turn right and stand in
front of the doors leading out of the room.” (id: 5873_1). As the scene is unusual, HAMT fails to
locate itself in the correct direction at the first step.


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