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Important Information Regarding New Political Map of Pakistan

Q: What is a political map?

A: A political map shows the borders and boundaries of countries, states, and cities.

2. Q: Why did Pakistan create a new political map? A: Pakistan created a new political map to
accurately represent its borders and to assert its territorial claims.

3. Q: How many provinces are there in Pakistan according to the new map? A: Pakistan has four
provinces: Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Balochistan.

4. Q: Can you name the capital cities of the four provinces of Pakistan?

A: Punjab - Lahore, Sindh - Karachi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa - Peshawar, Balochistan - Quetta.

5. Q: What is the capital city of Pakistan according to the new map?

A: Islamabad is the capital city of Pakistan.

6. Q: Which country does Pakistan share its longest border with?

A: Pakistan shares its longest border with India.

7. Q: Can you name the neighboring countries of Pakistan according to the new map?

A: India, Afghanistan, Iran, and China are the neighboring countries of Pakistan.

8. Q: What is the significance of the Arabian Sea in relation to Pakistan? A: The Arabian Sea is to
the south of Pakistan and provides the country with a coastline, allowing access to the sea.

9. Q: Name the mountain range that forms part of Pakistan's northern border.

A: The Himalayan mountain range forms part of Pakistan's northern border.

10. Q: Which river is considered the lifeline of Pakistan and is shown on the new political map?

A: The Indus River is considered the lifeline of Pakistan and is depicted on the new political

Q: Which country is located to the west of Pakistan?

A: Pakistan shares its western border with Afghanistan.

2. Q: Name the mountain range that separates Pakistan from Afghanistan. A: The mountain
range that separates Pakistan from Afghanistan is the Hindu Kush.

3. Q: What is the name of the border crossing between Pakistan and India? A: The Wagah
Border is a famous border crossing between Pakistan and India.
4. Q: Which country is located to the northwest of Pakistan? A: Pakistan shares its northwest
border with Iran.

5. Q: What is the name of the famous mountain range in the northern areas of Pakistan? A: The
Himalayan mountain range is in the northern areas of Pakistan.

6. Q: Which country is located to the northeast of Pakistan? A: China is located to the northeast
of Pakistan.

7. Q: What is the name of the mountain range that forms part of the northern border with China?
A: The Karakoram Range is part of the northern border with China.

8. Q: Can you name the sea to the south of Pakistan? A: The Arabian Sea is to the south of

9. Q: How does the Arabian Sea benefit Pakistan? A: The Arabian Sea provides Pakistan with a
coastline for trade and access to maritime resources.

10. Q: Why is the Indus River important for Pakistan? A: The Indus River is vital for Pakistan as it
provides water for agriculture, a key source of livelihood for many people.

11. Q: Which city in Pakistan serves as a major port on the Arabian Sea? A: Karachi is a major
port city on the Arabian Sea.

12. Q: What is the importance of good relations with neighboring countries for Pakistan? A:
Good relations with neighboring countries promote peace, trade, and cooperation, benefiting the
overall development of Paistan

1. Q: What is Kashmir? A: Kashmir is a region located in South Asia, known for its scenic beauty
and cultural diversity. It is a region that has been a source of dispute between India and

2. Q: What is the Line of Control (LoC)? A: The Line of Control is a boundary line that separates
the regions of Jammu and Kashmir between India and Pakistan. It is a de facto border in the
disputed Kashmir region.

4. Q: What is Indian-Occupied Kashmir? A: Indian-Occupied Kashmir refers to the part of

Kashmir that is illegaly occupied by India. Pakistan claims this area as part of its territory.

5. Q: What is the Durand Line? A: The Durand Line is a boundary between Afghanistan and

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