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Elaina 01.03.


WHILE > enquanto

BUT > exceto

I enjoy hiking, but steep mountains. STEEP > íngreme

He loves animals, but spiders.

He loves desserts, but cheesecake.

I learn easily, but English.

SPONGE CAKE > pão de ló

EASILY > facilmente, com facilidade

CAN'T HELP > não poder evitar (se vier com mais um verbo, este estará no ing)

My heart races when I see him. I can't help it.

A: Why don't you chew with your mouth closed?

B: I can't help it.

When I saw him, I couldn't help crying.

I can't help falling in love with you.

GET + ADJECTIVE > ficar + adjetivo

ficar triste: get sad

ficar feliz: get happy

ficar com fome: get hungry

ficar cansado: get tired

What makes you get angry?

When do you usually get tired?

How do you manage when you get nervous?

In what situations do you get upset?

LOUSY > talavero, que faz as coisas de má vontade e mal feitas

I hate lousy students.

LAZY > preguiçoso

SPECIALLY > especialmente, sobretudo

BREATH > respirar (EA tem som de ii)

When I get nervous I breath deeply.

BREATH > respiro, fôlego (EA tem som de é)

When I get nervous I take deep breaths.

REGRET > arrepender-se


1. Nervous: worried and anxious

2. Angry: brabo (having a strong feeling against someone who has behaved badly, making you
want to shout at them or hurt them)

PERSON > pessoa (apenas singular) PEOPLE > pessoas (apenas plural)

One person, two people.

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