WEEK5 HECO Worksheet

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Gov. D. Mangubat Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite 4114, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (046) 416-4339/41 www.eac.edu.ph


Health Economics with Taxation and Reform (AEG1100)
Week 5: Application of Supply and Demand

__ Section: ________

Note: Please print this worksheet back to back on a SHORT bond paper.
Instructions: Answer the following questions below based on the cases given.

Case #1:

Using supply and demand concepts to control smoking among teenagers.

Quantitative assessment: evaluate each option economically. Study the effects of each option
on the supply and demand curves. You may use graphs and explain it below
Option 1
Implementing a Tax on Tobacco Products

Supply Curve: Implementing a tax on tobacco products increases the production cost for
tobacco companies, leading to a leftward shift in the supply curve. This shift reduces the
quantity supplied at every given price level.

Demand Curve: The demand for tobacco products among teenagers is often relatively
inelastic, meaning changes in price have a minimal effect on the quantity demanded.
However, there could still be some reduction in demand due to the increased price resulting
from the tax.

Overall Effect: The combination of a decrease in supply and a potential decrease in demand
due to higher prices is likely to lead to a reduction in smoking among teenagers.
Option 2
Implementing Public Awareness Campaigns and Education Programs.

Supply Curve: This option does not directly affect the supply curve as it focuses on demand-
side interventions.

Demand Curve: Public awareness campaigns and education programs aim to shift the
demand curve for tobacco products to the left by informing teenagers about the dangers of
smoking and promoting healthier lifestyle choices.

Overall Effect: While this option may not directly impact the supply curve, it can lead to a
decrease in demand for tobacco products among teenagers, potentially resulting in reduced
smoking rates.
Option 3
Gov. D. Mangubat Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite 4114, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (046) 416-4339/41 www.eac.edu.ph


Enforcing Age Restrictions and Penalties for Underage Smoking

Supply Curve: This option primarily targets the demand side and does not directly affect the
supply curve.

Demand Curve: By enforcing age restrictions and imposing penalties for underage smoking,
the aim is to discourage teenagers from starting or continuing to smoke, thus shifting the
demand curve to the left.

Overall Effect: This option could lead to a decrease in demand for tobacco products among
teenagers, thereby reducing smoking rates.
Qualitative assessment: evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

Option 1: Implementing a Tax on Tobacco Products

Advantages Disadvantages
• Financial incentive: Higher taxes •
Regressive impact: Tobacco taxes
increase the cost of tobacco products, tend to disproportionately affect low-
making them less affordable, income individuals who may be more
particularly for teenagers with limited likely to smoke, potentially
disposable income. exacerbating socioeconomic
• Revenue generation: Tax revenues disparities.
can be allocated to fund anti-smoking • Black market: Excessive taxes may
campaigns, healthcare initiatives, or drive consumers to seek cheaper
other public services. alternatives through illegal markets,
• Reduced consumption: Higher prices resulting in lost tax revenue and
discourage consumption, potentially increased health risks from
leading to lower smoking rates and unregulated products.
improved public health outcomes. • Opposition from industry: Tobacco
companies may resist tax increases
and lobby against such measures,
posing challenges to implementation
and enforcement.
Option 2: Implementing Public Awareness Campaigns and Education Programs


• Informing the public: Education • Costly and time-consuming:

programs can increase awareness Developing and implementing
about the health risks associated with comprehensive public awareness
smoking, empowering individuals to campaigns requires significant
make informed decisions. resources and may take time to yield
• Behavior change: Effective measurable results.
campaigns can alter social norms • Limited effectiveness: Some
surrounding smoking, reducing its individuals may remain unaffected by
social acceptability and prevalence. educational efforts, particularly those
• Long-term impact: Education heavily addicted to nicotine or
initiatives can have lasting effects on resistant to change.
attitudes towards smoking, potentially • Influence of industry: Tobacco
leading to sustained reductions in companies may attempt to undermine
tobacco use. or discredit public health messages to
Gov. D. Mangubat Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite 4114, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (046) 416-4339/41 www.eac.edu.ph


protect their interests, potentially
undermining the effectiveness of the

Option 3: Enforcing Age Restrictions and Penalties for Underage Smoking


• Prevention of early initiation: Strict • Enforcement challenges: It can be

enforcement of age restrictions makes difficult to effectively enforce age
it more difficult for teenagers to restrictions, particularly given the
access tobacco products, reducing prevalence of online sales and illicit
the likelihood of them becoming distribution channels.
smokers. • Stigmatization: Punitive measures
• Deterrent effect: Penalties for may stigmatize and alienate underage
underage smoking, such as fines or smokers, potentially exacerbating
community service, can discourage social and psychological issues.
teenagers from engaging in illegal • Limited impact on established
behavior. smokers: Enforcing age restrictions
• Compliance with regulations: Effective primarily targets new initiates and
enforcement promotes adherence to may have limited effectiveness in
existing laws and regulations, reducing smoking rates among
supporting broader public health existing smokers.
Gov. D. Mangubat Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite 4114, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (046) 416-4339/41 www.eac.edu.ph


Case #2:

Supply and demand for Hepa B vaccine.

I. Quantitative assessment: evaluate each option economically. Study the effects

of each option on the supply and demand curves. You may use graphs and
explain it below
Option 1
International Aid and Cooperation
Effect on Supply Curve: International aid and cooperation can potentially increase the supply
of Hepatitis B vaccines by providing resources, funding, and technology transfer to vaccine
manufacturers in countries where production capacity is limited. This would result in a
rightward shift of the supply curve, indicating an increase in the quantity supplied at every
given price level.
Effect on Demand Curve: International aid and cooperation may also indirectly influence the
demand for Hepatitis B vaccines by improving access to healthcare services, raising
awareness about the importance of vaccination, and reducing barriers to vaccination. This
could lead to a potential rightward shift of the demand curve, indicating an increase in the
quantity demanded at every given price level.

Option 2
Increasing Production Capacity
Effect on Supply Curve: Increasing production capacity directly addresses the supply side of
the Hepatitis B vaccine market. By expanding manufacturing facilities, investing in
technology, and training personnel, the production capacity of the vaccine can be increased.
This would result in a rightward shift of the supply curve, indicating an increase in the quantity
supplied at every given price level.
Effect on Demand Curve: While increasing production capacity does not directly affect
demand, it can indirectly influence demand by ensuring an adequate supply of vaccines to
meet existing and potential demand. This may lead to increased confidence among
consumers and healthcare providers, potentially contributing to a rightward shift of the
demand curve as well.

Option 3
Gov. D. Mangubat Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite 4114, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (046) 416-4339/41 www.eac.edu.ph


Government Subsidies for Vaccine Production
Effect on Supply Curve: Government subsidies for vaccine production can reduce the cost of
production for manufacturers, incentivizing them to produce more vaccines. This would result
in a rightward shift of the supply curve, indicating an increase in the quantity supplied at every
given price level.
Effect on Demand Curve: Subsidies can also make vaccines more affordable for consumers,
potentially increasing demand. Lower prices resulting from subsidies can lead to higher
vaccination rates, especially among lower-income populations. This could contribute to a
rightward shift of the demand curve, indicating an increase in the quantity demanded at every
given price level.

II. Qualitative assessment: evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each


Option 1: International Aid and Cooperation

Advantages Disadvantages
• Increased Supply: Facilitates the • Dependency: Reliance on
transfer of resources, technology, and international aid may inhibit efforts to
funding to regions with limited vaccine develop sustainable healthcare
production capacity, bolstering the infrastructure and self-sufficiency in
overall supply of Hepatitis B vaccines. recipient countries.
• Improved Access: Collaboration with • Political Challenges: International aid
international organizations enhances initiatives may encounter diplomatic
access to vaccines in underserved tensions, bureaucratic hurdles, and
regions, reducing healthcare conflicting priorities among donor
disparities and promoting global countries and organizations.
health equity. • Inequitable Distribution: Despite
• Cost Sharing: Shared financial burden efforts to promote equitable access,
among multiple countries and challenges may persist in ensuring
organizations enables the scaling up vaccines reach the most vulnerable
of vaccination efforts, benefiting both populations, leading to disparities in
donors and recipients. coverage and health outcomes.

Option 2: Increasing Production Capacity

Advantages Disadvantages
• Scalability: Investment in expanding • Initial Costs: Significant upfront
production capacity allows for a investments in infrastructure,
flexible response to rising demand, technology, and workforce training
ensuring sufficient supply to meet may pose financial challenges for
global health needs. manufacturers and governments.
• Long-Term Sustainability: • Time Constraints: Building or
Strengthening local vaccine upgrading manufacturing facilities is
production capabilities reduces time-consuming, potentially delaying
reliance on imports, contributing to the availability of additional vaccine
sustainable healthcare infrastructure. supply.
• Economic Benefits: Expansion of • Overproduction Risks: Expansion
production capacity creates jobs, without proper demand forecasting
Gov. D. Mangubat Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite 4114, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (046) 416-4339/41 www.eac.edu.ph


drives economic growth, and fosters may lead to overproduction and
innovation in the vaccine wastage, resulting in financial losses
manufacturing sector, benefiting local and inefficiencies.
and global economies.

Option 3: Government Subsidies for Vaccine Production

Advantages Disadvantages
• Cost Reduction: Subsidies lower • Budget Constraints: Subsidies strain
production costs, making vaccines public budgets, potentially competing
more affordable and accessible to with other healthcare priorities and
healthcare providers and consumers. social programs.
• Market Stability: Stable income for • Market Distortion: Subsidies may
vaccine producers mitigates financial disrupt market dynamics, artificially
risks associated with market lowering prices and discouraging
fluctuations, ensuring consistent competition and innovation.
supply. • Sustainability Concerns: Continued
• Public Health Impact: Lower vaccine reliance on subsidies raises questions
prices from subsidies can increase about long-term sustainability,
vaccination rates, reducing Hepatitis necessitating viable exit strategies or
B incidence and associated health alternative financing mechanisms.

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