Literature Review On Government Expenditure and Economic Growth in Nigeria

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Nigeria? You're not alone. Crafting a comprehensive literature review requires extensive research,
critical analysis, and meticulous organization of existing scholarly works. From identifying relevant
sources to synthesizing key findings, the process can be daunting and time-consuming.

In the realm of government expenditure and economic growth in Nigeria, navigating through a
multitude of studies, data sets, and theoretical frameworks adds another layer of complexity.
Understanding the nuances of fiscal policies, economic indicators, and their impact on Nigeria's
economic landscape demands expertise and diligence.

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Results in table 5 summarize short-run impacts of lagged values of hkpov, lngdpa, lngdpr and other
determinants. The single equation technique of Ordinary Least Square (OLS) was used to estimate
the model. Error. This paper therefore emphasises the need for government across all strata to reduce
the cost of politics and governance, block all revenue leakages and channel the country's wealth and
resources to productive ventures so as to entrench good governance and set the country on the path
of development. This apparent strong negative impact of the CNFPF variable, in spite of concerted.
Granger-causality tests were conducted to ascertain the cause-effect of the variables. Polytechnic of
Namibia Capital structure and Financial leverage Capital structure and Financial leverage Ankesh
Gorkhali World Economic Forum, 'The Financial Development Report 2012' World Economic Forum,
'The Financial Development Report 2012' atul baride Financial development and economic growth:
empirical evidence from Namibia (1. Department of Economics, University of Ibadan, Ibadan,
(unpublished). Bingxin, Yu, Fan, S, and Saurkar, A (2009) “Does composition of government
spending matter to economic. On the other hand, the results confirms the notion that increase in
value added tax could be detrimental to growth since it has overwhelming impact on both the supply
and demand sides of the economy. The study recommended an urgent need to instill fiscal discipline
in government expenditure by initiating far reaching effective internal control measures and more
proactive economic management coordination and implementation as well as discouraging all non-
productive activities and expenditures in all tiers of government forthwith. It is against this
background that this paper examines the impact of government expenditure (disaggregated into
recurrent and capital expenditure) on economic growth from 1987 to 2010. However, the
explanatory variables were jointly significant at 5% level of significance. This theory is hinged on the
fact that executive and legislative authorities are independent. The study employed ADF-unit root
test, Phillips-Perron test and Pairwise Granger causality test. It is against this background that this
paper examines the impact of government expenditure (disaggregated into recurrent and capital
expenditure) on economic growth from 1987 to 2010. Similarly, in 2013, out of a total national
budget of NGN4.92trillion or USD30.75billion, only the sum of NGN1.50trllion or USD9.38billion
was voted for capital expenditure. A key characteristic of sub-Saharan Africa countries is that the
stock of bank credit to the private sector. Tone at the top: the effects of gender board diversity on
gender wage inequal. The long run impact of bank credit on economic growth in ethiopia evidence f.
In this paper real gross domestic product (GDP) is used as a proxy of economic growth. In
Bangladesh External debt service is a burden for its nation that makes the GDP slows down. Effect
of Aggregated and Disaggregated Public Spending On the Nigerian Econom. Governments to
increase expenditure on agricultural sector to at least 10 percent of the national budgetary resources.
How money is spent and from what source is the main component in a government's fiscal policy. In
view of the findingsand the current precarious oil market prices, it was recommended that the
government should increase the tax base through the provision of infrastructures that will enable
more busi. For these reasons, these intervention programmes have. The structure of Nigeria
government expenditure can broadly be categorized into capital and recurrent expenditure. To
browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to
upgrade your browser. Nieuwerburgh et al. (2006): Stock market development and economic growth
in belgiun. Johasen, S. and Juselius, K. (1990). Maximum likelihood estimation and inference on co-
integration with.
Alexander Decker An Empirical Analysis of Public Borrowing and Economic Growth in Nigeria An
Empirical Analysis of Public Borrowing and Economic Growth in Nigeria International Journal of
Economics and Financial Research Measuring the Dynamics of Financial Deepening and Economic
Growth in Nigeria. To achieve these lofty goals, policy makers are saddled with fiscal policy
adjustments and implementations. But the absorptive capacity of this sector has been. Ex-post-facto
research design was employed and the time series data was generated and analysed using regression
analysis, Autoregressive Distributed Lagged (ARDL) testing technique and Error Correction Model-
based, Granger Causality, unit root test, and cointegration to examine the long run causal effect
relationship that exist between government expenditure and economic growth in Nigeria. An
empirical analysis of the structure and growth of federal government expen. United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP 1990, 1997), seek to overcome the above limitation. Particular.
Effect of Fiscal Responsibility Act on Budgeting and Accountability Practice. An Empirical
Analysis of Public Borrowing and Economic Growth in Nigeria An Empirical Analysis of Public
Borrowing and Economic Growth in Nigeria Measuring the Dynamics of Financial Deepening and
Economic Growth in Nigeria. Capacity Management and Survival of Selected Small and Medium
Enterprises SME. Macroeconomic data were essentially economic performance indicators (the. Time
series data spanning 1981-2012 were analysed using the OLS technique. The study employed
ordinary least square regression method of analysis and the result indicated that public expenditure
has a positive effect on economic growth in Nigeria. Roubini Nouriel and Sala-I-Martin, Xavier
(1992): “Financial Repression and Economic growth,”. The negative and significant relationship
between inflation and economic growth for inflation rates both below and above the threshold level
is robust with respect to changes in econometric methodology, additional explanatory variables and
changes in data frequency. Results from Granger’s Test”, Savings and Development, 23(1), 101-111.
Using selected world development indicators, the life. The statistical test of Durbin Watson shows
that DW value falls within the “Inconclusive region”. This means. EBSCO, Index Copernicus,
Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, JournalTOCS, PKP Open. Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction
in Nigeria: An. The main critique of the financial liberalization theory emanates from the imperfect
information. The impact of government agricultural expenditure on economic growth in zimbabwe
The impact of government agricultural expenditure on economic growth in zimbabwe IJSRED-
V1I2P13 IJSRED-V1I2P13 Monetary policy by bhawna bhardwaj Monetary policy by bhawna
bhardwaj Assessment of Public Financial Management and State of Infrastructure in Tara. Over the
decades, Nigeria has constantly been faced with large infrastructural deficits as a result of large gaps
in the demand and supply of basic essential socioeconomic infrastructures. The significant impact of
lending rate on GDP does not no mean that. Trade between South Africa and Mozambique has been
on a steady increase since 2011 with mineral. However, this public spending has been mainly
financed through public debt due to the persistent and rising fiscal deficit. Our data collection
instrument for this study was the non-probabilistic sampling technique. The combined effects of
recurrent and capital expenditures were ascertained using appropriate time series data extracted from
the Statistical Bulletin of the Central Bank of Nigeria. The feedback loop between the variables
implies that they are interdependent, and an appropriate policy implication is to make decisions on
both revenue and expenditure sides that are required to solve the problem of budget deficit. Because
of the varying order of integration seen in the unit root, cointegration and regression analysis were
carried out utilizing the ARDL- Autoregressive Distributed Lag method, which is an acronym for
Autoregressive Distributed Lag. In 1990 many policymakers and researcher increased their concern
about high external debt in many developing countries limited growth.
No. of CE(s) Eigenvalue Statistic Critical Value Critical Value. The null hypothesis of a unit root is
rejected if the t-statistic associated. In analyzing the ratio of bank credit to the private sector, a key
determinant to. The results also indicate that public capital expenditure directly promotes the output
of oil and infrastructure but is directly deleterious to the output of manufacturing and agriculture.
Download Free PDF View PDF Impact of public sector Expenditure on the economic growth of
Nigeria. Based on the error correction model, monetary policy variables (broad money supply and
prime lending rate) and fiscal policy variables (government expenditure, oil revenue, and non-oil
revenue) exerted the desired significant effect on real sector output (gross domestic product) in the
short run. Jarque-Bera Normality Test F-stat 0.484258(0.784955). The statistical test of Durbin
Watson shows that DW value falls within the “Inconclusive region”. This means. The Federal
Government, state governments and local governments should urgently modernize and automate all
its tax system. Ex post facto research design was adopted for the study and is supported by the Barro
model of public expenditure. The study finds a linear relationship between economic growth and tax
revenue. The short-run model revealed that the components of government expenditures like
recurrent expenditures on agriculture, health and education have an insignificant negative impact on
economic growth. IJASRD Journal An Analysis of the Relationship between Fiscal Deficits and
Selected Macroeco. Demand for money in hungary an ardl approach by nikolaos dritsakis Demand
for money in hungary an ardl approach by nikolaos dritsakis Revisiting the link between government
spending and economic growth in the pr. Guryay, safakli and Tuzel (2007) empirically examine.
Schumpeter Joseph A (1983): “American Institution and Economic Progress” (The Theory of
Economic. Foreign Aid and Fiscal Behaviour in Nigeria: An Impact Assessment of Deregula. 21
amassoma ditimi -219-237 21 amassoma ditimi -219-237 Fiscal administration 2 ppt Fiscal
administration 2 ppt ENGR. To browse and the wider internet faster and more
securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. It uses time series data spanning over
the period from 1968-2011. Ohwofasa, B. O., Obeh, H. O.and Atumah, M. (2012). Impact of
government expenditure in education on economic. Economic growth is said to be pro-poor if the
poverty measure adopted falls with increased growth rate. Poverty. Budget is traditionally generally
seen from the phenomenon of shrink the. Error Correction Model (ECM) was employed for the
empirical analysis. The Johansen test of cointegration reveals that there is at least one cointegrating
equation in the long-run between the variables. These outcomes suggest that although increases in
income and capital gain tax seem to influence economic growth positively, it has not been so
significant driving growth. Gross Domestic Product was employed to measure economic growth. The
primary aim of this paper is to explore the relationship between government expenditure and
economic growth with the view to establishing a stable relationship. McKinnon, R. I. (1973): Money
and Capital in Economic Development: Washington; Brooklings Institution. Romer, P. M. (1989).
Human capital and growth: theory and evidence. This goes to explain the importance of the two
variables in determining the direction of economic growth.
Tone at the top: the effects of gender board diversity on gender wage inequal. Journal of economics
and international finance, 5(4), 146-154, JEIF. In contrast, government capital expenditures on
economic services indicated a positive and insignificant impact on economic growth in Nigeria. The
study therefore recommended that Nigerian government should readjust spending priority to
accommodate more capital expenditure and channeling of increase expenditure into some critical
sectors of the economy such as health, power, education and general infrastructure are fundamental
in maximizing government expenditure in Nigeria. Working paper 88. Oxford: Chronic Poverty
research centre. Impact of integrated personnel payroll information system on employees satisf. The
suffocating impact of the high cost of governance on our national life has made it to assume a
national emergency dimension. Musaba et al. (2013) investigated the impact of government sectoral
expenditure on economic growth in. Egypt Economic 122008 Egypt Economic 122008 Big Data 2.0
- How the UK Government Can Optimise Its Use of Big Data Big Data 2.0 - How the UK
Government Can Optimise Its Use of Big Data Foreign trade and economic growth in nigeria (1980
2010) Foreign trade and economic growth in nigeria (1980 2010) Socio political instability and
foreign direct investments in ghana an ardl. The government expenditure ideally should contribute
meaningfully to the magnitude of the Nigeria's economic environment, though the prevalence of
recurring disbursement in the governmental activities lean towards to lessen its efficiency. Time
series econometrics tests like Unit Root, cointegration, Error Correction Model and Granger
Causality were employed to test the hypothesis of education expenditure-led growth strategy.
Federal government retained revenue was also found to be statistically significant in the long run.
Unit Root test using Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test shows that at first difference, the
variables are stationary at 1%, 5%, and 10% level of significance while Engle and Granger co-
integration test reveals significant evidence of a long-run relationship between the variables of the
study's models. Macroeconomic data were essentially economic performance indicators (the. As a
percentage of GDP, it did not make an impressive impact despite. The financial market in turn
responds to such demands. In all submissions that debated on the relationship between public sector
spending and economic growth, Keynesian philosophy was among the most prominent and
celebrated in contrast to Wagner's Law. The magnitude of this inflationary trends may be largely
explained by the rapid growth of money supply motivated by the expansionary fiscal policies of the
public sector, in addition to exchange rate fluctuation and poor diversification of the economy. To
browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to
upgrade your browser. Government is advised to be mindful of the effect of exchange rates on
budget deficit financing in Nigeria when it is deciding on deficit budgeting for economic
development. The research findings admitted that, budget deficit have positive and significant impact
on economic growth in Nigeria. Public expenditure refers broadly to expenditure made by local,
state, and national government agencies as distinct from those of private individuals. Lastly, Local
government total expenditure had a positive relationship in all three short run models but was only
significant in one. By implication, the model is of goodness of fit i.e. reliable for policy making. To
browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to
upgrade your browser. While it is broadly accepted that financial development contributes to
economic development, there are strong. Hondroyiannis and Lolos (2005): financial market and
economic growth in Greece 1986-1999 International. Alexander Decker Government Expenditure
and Economic Growth Nexus: Empirical Evidence from Nig. In an effort to tackle this problem,
vector autoregressive model. Abu-Bader, S. and Abu-Qarn, A. S. (2003). Government expenditures,
military spending and economic growth.

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