Bom31 - Mcdonald's Pestle and Porter's Analysis

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External factors to Factors affected within my Importance to

consider industry organization
POLITICAL Political stability Changes in government Political stability is
Health and Nutrition policies or political crucial for fostering
Policies instability in key markets investor confidence,
Trade Policies affect the operations and ensuring sustainable
International expansion plans economic growth,
Conflict Affect the menu offerings and maintaining a
and changes in consumer conducive
behavior environment for
Affect the cost of businesses to thrive.
importing and exporting McDonald's must
goods, including comply with food
ingredients, packaging safety standards set
materials, and equipment. by governments to
Implement policies and ensure the safety and
regulations that directly quality of its menu
affect the operations items.
including the changes in Importance of trade
taxation, import/export policies to
restrictions, or even McDonald's lies in
nationalizations in extreme their pivotal role in
cases shaping the global
fast-food giant's
supply chain
dynamics, cost
structure, market
access conditions,
and competitive
everything from
ingredient sourcing to
pricing strategies and
ECONOMIC Economic conditions The country GDP growth Economic conditions
Exchange Rates rates, inflation rates, and and exchange rates
consumer spending levels directly influence
can affect consumer McDonald's
discretionary spending and profitability and
impact the sales. global expansion
Changes in exchange rates efforts, shaping
can impact revenue, consumer spending
profitability, and financial patterns and
reporting, particularly in impacting the
markets. company's financial
SOCIAL Consumer Increasing awareness of Consumer
Preference health issues affect the preferences,
Demographic Trends menu offerings demographic trends,
Cultural influences Changes in population and cultural
demographics can affect influences are pivotal
target markets and store for McDonald's,
locations guiding menu
Menus and marketing innovations,
strategies to suit local marketing strategies,
cultural preferences and and store location
dietary habits in different decisions to resonate
countries with diverse customer
needs and preferences
TECHNOLOGY Automation Automatic food Technology is really
Innovation preparation important for making
Disruptive Ordering processes using things work better,
technologies Social technology like how McDonald's
networking Use of robotics in service runs its restaurants.
Upgrades Robotics Using AI for customer They use it to make
Artificial service sure everything goes
Intelligence Security Using AI for data analysis smoothly, like taking
orders faster and
making sure
customers are happy
when they order
through apps or at the
drive-thru. It also
helps them keep track
of all the inventory
they need to make
products so they don't
run out. For
McDonald's to stay
ahead and keep
people liking their
food, they have to
always come up with
new ideas and ways
to use technology to
make things even
better for their
LEGAL Employment law Compliance with For McDonald's,
Common law Local employment laws following the rules is
labour law Health regarding: very important to
and safety Wages avoid problems. This
regulations Working hours means they need to
Health and safety do everything the law
regulations in food says, like making
preparation and serving sure they treat their
Comply with local labor workers and
laws in various countries customers well and
of operation. keep everything safe.
If they don't follow
the rules, they can get
in big trouble and it
will affect their
image, also having to
pay fines or getting
sued. Plus, people
might start thinking
bad things about
McDonald's if they
hear they're not doing
what they're supposed
to. So, it's important
for McDonald's to
always do the right
thing and follow the
ENVIRONMENTAL Environmental Compliance with Compliance with
restrictions imposed environmental regulations environmental
by in-country regarding: regulations is super
governments Waste management important for
Sustainable Energy consumption McDonald's because
resources CSR Adoption of sustainable it helps them keep
(Corporate social practices in using our planet healthy.
responsibility) ingredients and packaging When McDonald's
Ethical sourcing Changes in environmental follows these rules
Transportation laws in other countries. about things like
Procurement Supply waste and energy,
chain management they reduce their
Future pandemics impact on the
environment. This
means they can help
prevent pollution and
conserve precious
resources like water
and energy. By doing
this, McDonald's
shows that they care
about the Earth and
the communities they
serve. Plus, it builds
trust with customers
who want to support
businesses that are
responsible and eco-
friendly. So, sticking
to environmental
compliance isn't just
good for the planet,
it's also good for
reputation and the
people who enjoyed
their products.
Threat of New Entrants:

The threat of new entrants into the fast-food industry, particularly against
McDonald's, appears to be low to medium. This is primarily due to the high capital
requirements and economies of scale associated with competing against a
behemoth like McDonald's. Significant financial resources would be needed to
establish a presence and compete effectively in the market. However, entering the
business itself is relatively easy, as there are no significant barriers preventing new
players from entering the industry. Additionally, low brand loyalty among
consumers, who frequently patronize various food outlets, further contributes to
the moderate threat of new entrants.
Power of Buyer:
The powers of buyers are high because of different factors that come into play. The
customers who buy from McDonald’s only buy small to medium quantities of
food, depending on how many people they come with. They have a lot of locations
around the world, with some considering them number 1 in store locations
worldwide. When their price changes, their demand then becomes affected highly,
as McDonald’s food is a luxury for a considerable amount of people. Because of
this, buyers are also quick to change where they buy their food from, which
doesn’t cost them much.

Threat of Substitutes:
The threat of substitutes in the fast-food industry is high, posing a challenge to
McDonald's. Consumers have access to a wide array of cuisines, even within the
fast-food segment, and cheaper alternatives are readily available. This abundance
of substitute options increases the likelihood of consumers choosing alternatives
over McDonald's, thereby intensifying competitive pressure.
Power of Supplier:
The power of suppliers to McDonald's is assessed as medium to low. While there is
a considerable number of suppliers available to McDonald's due to its longstanding
presence and industry leadership, the company's reputation and relationships allow
it to maintain multiple supplier options. Moreover, suppliers typically offer similar
products, granting McDonald's some leverage in negotiating terms. Overall, while
suppliers hold some power, it is not as significant as in other industries.
Competitive Rivalry:
Competitive rivalry within the fast-food industry, particularly against McDonald's,
is high. Both domestic and international rivals pose strong competition across
various menu items. However, McDonald's has solidified its position and carved
out a distinct niche in the market, making it the dominant player with unparalleled
brand recognition and market share. Despite facing formidable competition,
McDonald's remains a standout force in the fast-food landscape.

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