Basic Programming Pointers 2

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How Do Computers Work?

A computer is a machine that processes

information and this information can be any data that
is provided by the user through devices such as
keyboards, mice, scanners, digital cameras,
joysticks, and microphones. These devices are called
Input Devices and the information provided is called
input. The computer requires storage to store this
information and the storage is called Memory.

Two types of Computer Storage or Memory

 Primary Memory or RAM (Random Access Memory)

->This is the internal storage that is used in the

computers and is located on the motherboard.

->RAM can be accessed or modified quickly in any order

or randomly.

->The information that is stored in RAM is lost when

the computer is turned off.

 Secondary Memory or ROM (Read-Only Memory)

->Information (data) stored in ROM is read-only, and is

stored permanently.
->The ROM stored instruction is required to start a

 Processing
-> Operations done on this information (input data) is
called Processing.

->The Processing of input is done in the Central

Processing Unit which is popularly known as CPU.

 Output Devices
->These are the computer hardware devices that help
in converting information into human-readable form.

->Some of the output devices include Visual Display

Units (VDU) such as a Monitor, Printer, Graphics
Output devices, Plotters, Speakers, etc.

Basic Programming Concepts

1. Algorithm
->Set of steps or instructions followed to accomplish
specific tasks.

2. Source Code
->The actual text that is used to construct the
program using the language of choice.

3. Compiler
->Helps convert the source code into binary or byte
code it is also called machine language.
4. Data Type
->Can be whole number (integer), floating-point
(decimal point numbers), characters or objects.

5. Variable
->Space holder for the value stored in the memory and
its value can be used in the application.

6. Conditionals
->Knowledge of how to use a certain condition, such
that a set of code should execute only if a certain
condition is true. In case of a false condition, the
program should exit and should not continue the code

7. Array
->The variable that stores elements of a similar data

8. Loop
->Used to execute the series of code until the
condition is true.

9. Function
->Used to accomplish a task in programming. They are
also used to reuse them whenever required at any place

10. Class
-> A template that contains state and behavior, which
corresponding to programming field and method.
Top Computer programming languages

1. Java
2. C
3. Python
4. C++
5. Visual Basic.NET
6. C#
7. JavaScript
8. PHP
9. SQL
10. Objective - C

Particular programming languages depends on many

factors such as:

1. Targeted Platform and Project/Solution Requirement

2. Influence of Technical Partners with the
3. Competency of available Resources & Learning Curve
4. Performance
5. Support from the Community

Types of Computer Programming Languages

1. Low-Level Language
-> hardware dependent and difficult to understand

 Machine Language
 Assembly Language
2. High-Level Language
->Independent of a hardware and their codes are very
simple and developers can read, write, and debug as
they are similar to English like statements.

 Procedural Language
 Non-procedural Language
 Object-oriented Language

Basic Operations of A Programming Environment

 Input
 Output
 Arithmetic
 Conditional
 Looping

Career Options For Programmers

 Web Developer
 UI Developer
 User Experience Designer
 SQL Developer
 Quality Assurance
 Automation Test Engineer
 Software Engineer at Test

1. No Eating and Drinking in the IT Lab.

2. Do not insert any flash drive in the units
without instruction.
3. You are not allowed to download software of
any sort in the system units.
4. Treat all school equipment with care.
5. No playing of games on the units or on phones
while in the IT Lab.
6. Do not use electronic devices without
7. Keep noise levels low when the teacher is
8. Keep system area clean and return chairs
after class.

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