5.4 Web Programming Questions

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Web programming questions

1. What is a static web page?

A static web page is a page whose content consists of HTML code and whose extension is .html.

2. What are the disadvantages of static web pages?

They cannot access databases or send certain content depending on the user’s action, or they cannot
display personalized content to individual users.

3. Where are the dynamic web pages executed and what is sent to the client's browser?

The dynamic web page is written in a programming language that consists of server controls and
instructions. Dynamic web pages are executed on the web server, and the result of this execution is the
HTML code that will be sent to our browser.

4. What is a web server?

A web server is a special program that serves the needs of web clients.

5. Where are the server controls implemented, what prefix is ​in front of them and which attributes do
they have?

Nemam pojma iskreno, chatgpt kaze: They are implemented in ‘System.Web.UI.WebControls’. They are
typically prefixed with asp:. There are many attributes but some are: ID, Height, Width.

6. What are the TextBox, Button and Label controls for?

Textbox is for entering text, Button for executing something when it’s clicked, and label to display text.

7. List three ways to adjust the appearance of controls.

There are several ways to set the properties of controls:

-The simplest method is to set the controller's properties in Design mode, that is, selecting the
controller and changing its properties in the Properties window.

-In the second method, change the attributes of the controls directly in the HTML code. To do this, we
need to switch to the Source view.

-The settings can also be implemented when writing the program code, but then the changes can only
be seen when the program is executed (Run-time mod).
8. How to create the Click event on a Button controller?

Double click on the Button.

9. When creating a web application in Visual Studio, what is in the Design view and what is in the Source

1. Design view: This view provides a visual design surface where you can drag and drop controls
onto the page, set properties using a Property Grid, and visually design the layout of your page.
Design view is more focused on the visual aspect of your web page and is similar to a WYSIWYG
(What You See Is What You Get) editor.
2. Source view: This view displays the underlying HTML markup of your web page. You can directly
edit the HTML code in Source view, which allows for more precise control over the markup and
enables you to work with the code directly. Source view is useful for tasks that are more
code-oriented or for fine-tuning the HTML output of your controls.

10. How do we check the correctness of data on ASP.NET web pages?

The correctness of the data on ASP.NET web pages is carried out with the validation controls.

11. How do we call the group in the Toolbox that contains the validation controls and write the name of
the validation control that checks whether the entered value is within the allowed range?

We call them Validation controls. RangeValidator.

12. What does the ControlToValidate property of the validation control define?

The name of the controller whose correctness is checked

13. What does the TextMode=”Date” property define in the TextBox control?

When TextMode is set to "Date", the TextBox control will render as an input field that allows users to
enter a date using a date picker or a similar mechanism, depending on the browser's capabilities.

14. What is the DropDownList control for?

The DropDownList control in ASP.NET is used to display a list of items to users, allowing them to select a
single item from the list. It renders as an HTML <select> element.

15. What is the RadioButtonList control for?

The RadioButtonList control in ASP.NET is used to display a list of radio buttons to users, where they can
select a single option from the list. It renders as a group of HTML <input type="radio"> elements.

16. What is a topic in ASP?

Nema nigde odgovora

17. What can a theme consist of in ASP?

The theme consists of a set of elements: skins, CSS, images.

18. What is the name of the folder in which the themes are placed?

The themes are in a special folder (App_Themes) within the application.

19. What is a skin?

A skin is a file with a .skin extension that is used for each control, such as a Button, GridView, or

TextBox contains its settings.

20. What action do we need to perform in order to use the created theme on the website?

To apply a theme to elements on a Web page, the StyleSheetTheme attribute must be set in the Page

directive at the top of each aspx page.

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