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SMJK Yu Hua, Kajang, Selangor

STPM Trial Examination

January 2024
Physics Paper 3
Form : 6AS1 Prepared by : Pn. Rosmaya Mokhtar
Date : 3th January 2024 (Wednesday) Verified by : Pn. Fazida binti Saipan@Saipol
Time : (11:40 – 1:10) am, 1 ½ h
Number of printed pages : _____________.
SECTION A. (15 marks)
Answer all questions.
1. A simple harmonic motion oscillator is created by suspending a mass from an ideal spring attached to a support.
The mass is pulled from its equilibrium position a distance A in the negative-y direction as shown, and release
from rest at time t = 0. The mass oscillates up and down with period T. Which are the correct displacement-time
and velocity time graphs for this oscillation?

2. The displacement x of a body of mass 0.02 kg in simple harmonic motion is given by the equation
x = 5.0 × 10-3 sin (6πt), where x is in metres and t in seconds. Which of the following is true about
the maximum velocity and the maximum restoring force?
Maximum velocity Maximum restoring force
A. 1.5 × 10-3 ms-1 9.0 × 10-5 N
B. 1.5 × 10-2 ms-1 9.0 × 10-4 N
-2 -1
C. 3.0 × 10 ms 3.6 × 10-3 N
D. 9.4 × 10-2 ms-1 3.6 × 10-2 N

3. Which of the following statements about a critical damping is true ?

A. No energy is lost from the system C. The system takes an infinite time to return to equilibrium
B. Only a few oscillations are possible D. The system does not oscillate but returns easily to the
equilibrium position

4. Which of the following is correct for a stationary wave?

A. Between two nodes the amplitude of the wave is constant.
B. Between two nodes all parts of the wave vibrate in phase.
C. The two waves producing the stationary wave must always be 180° out of phase.
D. The separation of the nodes for the second harmonic is double the separation of nodes for the first harmonic.

5. A point source of sound emits energy equally in all directions at a constant rate and a person 8 m from the
source listens. After a while, the intensity of the source is halved. If the person wishes the sound to seem as loud
as before, how far should he be now from the source?
A. 2 m B. 3 m C. 4 m D. 6 m

6. A sound source, moving at a constant speed of 240 ms-1 towards a detector, emits sound at a constant
frequency. The detector records a frequency of 5 100 Hz. Take the speed of sound in air as 340 ms -1 . Calculate
the wavelength of the sound emitted by the source.
A. 0.16 m B. 0.23 m C. 4.4 m D. 4.7 m

7. The plane surface of a planoconvex lens is silvered.

If radius of curved surface is R and refractive index is n, then the system behaves like a concave mirror whose
radius will be :
A. B. Rn C. D. R(n – 1)
n n−1

8. A laser beam is introduced into an optical fiber, as shown in the figure.

In order to ensure the beam to have a total internal reflection inside the fiber, what is the maximum possible
incident angle,  ?
A. 78.5o B. 67.3o C. 56.8o D. 23.2o

9. The separation between atoms in a crystal is d. A beam of monochromatic X-ray is incident on the crystal, and
the first order Bragg’s diffraction is as shown in the diagram.

Which expression gives the wavelength  of the X-ray?

A.  = 2d sin  B.  = 2d sin  C.  = √2 d sin  D.  = 2 √2 d sin 

10. A setup involves a light source and a container with a layer of kerosene above a layer of acetone. Incident light is
flashed through the acetone which has an index of refraction of 1.36 and is completely polarized at the acetone-
kerosene boundary at an angle of 45.63o. What is the index of refraction of the kerosene ?
A. 0.65 B. 1.20 C. 1.39 D. 1.54

11. According to de Broglie , an electron of velocity v may behave like a wave of wavelength . Which of the
following graphs shows the variation of  with v ?

12. Light of frequency f incidents on a given surface produces photoelectrons with a maximum kinetic energy K. If
light of frequency 2f is used, the maximum kinetic energy will be :
A. less than 2K B. more than 2K C. 2K D. 0

13. The characteristics lines in the X-ray spectrum is produced when

A. an electron at the highest energy level is captured into the nucleus
B. the incident electron successfully knocks out an electron from the outermost orbit of the target atom
C. an electron in the target atom makes a transition to the innermost orbit
D. the incident electron undergoes deceleration and radiates all its energy as a photon

14. The figure shows the energy levels in a hydrogen atom.

What is the shortest wavelength of radiation emitted due to the transition of electron between two of the
energy levels ?
A. 9.14x10-8 m B. 6.86x10-8 m C. 4.17x10-8 m D. 1.01x10-8 m

15. Half life of 18F is 110 minutes. What fraction of 18F sample decays in 20 minutes?
A. 0.118 B. 0.0547 C. 0.882 D. 1.134

SECTION B. (15 marks)
Answer all questions.

16. a) State two characteristics of laser light. [2 marks]

b) The diagram below shows a laser pen emitting a laser light beam which passes perpendicularly through a
piece of diffraction grating with 300 lines mm-1 . The first order diffraction image is formed at a distance
of 15.4 cm from the zeroth order image on the screen.

If the distance between the diffraction grating and the screen is 75.0 cm,
i) calculate the wavelength of the laser light. [4 marks]
ii) Determine the order of highest maximum. [2 marks]

17. The fusion reaction below is one of the final stages in the fusion process that occurs in the Sun.
2 3 4
1𝐻 + 1𝐻 → 2𝐻𝑒 + X
a) What is meant by nuclear fusion? [1 mark]
b) Copy and complete the reaction identifying the particle X. [1 marks]
c) Calculate the energy released in the fusion reaction using the following information.
Mass of 21𝐻 = 3.345x10-27 kg
Mass of 31𝐻 = 5.008x10-27 kg
Mass of 42𝐻 𝑒 = 6.647x10-27 kg
Mass of particle X = 1.674x10-27 kg
[3 marks]
d) Why does a fusion reaction take place at high temperature ? [2 marks]

SECTION C. (30 marks)

Answer any two questions in this section.

18. A whistle that produces sound waves of frequency 500 Hz is tied to the end of a string of length 1.2 m revolves at
40 revolution per minute. An observer standing at 25 m away in the plane of rotation of whistle hears
frequencies in the range. [speed of sound = 340 ms-1]
a) Describe the phenomenon called Doppler effect. [1 mark]
b) Calculate the maximum and minimum frequencies of the sound heard by the observer. [6 marks]
c) Draw a diagram to indicate the locations of the whistle where the maximum and minimum frequencies
occur. [2 marks]
d) When there are two whistles of the same intensity, I emit sound simultaneously,
i) what is the maximum beat frequency heard by the observer? [2 marks]
ii) What is the maximum resultant intensity in terms of I? [2 marks]
iii) Draw a displacement-time graph for the vibrations of molecules of the beats produced. [2 marks]

19. a) i) Write the lens maker’s formula. Explain the symbols that you use. [1 mark]
ii)The diagram below shows the lens of a student’s spectacles which is made of refractive index 1.57.

The lens surfaces P and Q have radii of curvature 15.0 cm and 13 .0 cm respectively. Determine the focal
length of the lens. State whether the lens is of the converging or diverging type. [4 marks]
iii)The students wears the spectacles and dives in water of refractive index 1.33 to see an object in the water.
Explain quantitatively why the students is unable to see the object in the water clearly. [3 marks]

b) A glass rod of 50.0 cm long has convex ends with radii of curvature rP = 5.00 cm and rQ = 4.00 cm respectively.
The refractive index of the glass rod is 1.40. An object O at a distance of 30.0 cm from the end P of the glass rod
is shown in the diagram below.

Determine the image position when the object O is observed from the end Q side of the glass rod. Draw a ray
diagram to illustrate your answer. [7 marks]

20. The results of two photoelectric effect experiments which involve photocathode of work function 2.05 eV are
represented by the graphs sketched in the diagram below. Only 5% of the incidence radiation can produce
photoelectrons in each experiment.

a) What is meant by photoelectric effect? [1 mark]

b) From the results of experiment I shown in the diagram above, determine
i) the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectron, [1 mark]
ii) the energy of incidence photon, [2 marks]
iii) the number of photon per second arrived at the photocathode, [3 marks]
iv) the threshold frequency of photoelectric. [2 marks]
c) “Graphs in the diagram above shows that the intensity of incidence radiation in experiment I is double than
the intensity of incidence radiation in experiment II”. State whether the statement is true or false, and
justify your answer. [5 marks]
d) What is the change has been made in experiment II that causes the curve for experiment II to differ than
the curve for experiment I? [1 mark]


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