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Title: Overcoming Literature Review Challenges: Examples of Limitations

Crafting a comprehensive literature review is a crucial aspect of academic research. However, this
task often presents significant challenges, particularly when it comes to addressing limitations.
Understanding and effectively conveying the limitations of existing literature is essential for
maintaining the credibility and integrity of your research. In this article, we explore the complexities
of writing a literature review, focusing specifically on examples of limitations encountered in the

The Complexity of Literature Review

A literature review involves a thorough examination of existing scholarly works relevant to a
particular topic or research question. It requires researchers to analyze, synthesize, and critically
evaluate a wide range of sources, including peer-reviewed articles, books, and other academic
publications. While conducting a literature review is an essential step in the research process, it is not
without its challenges.

Challenges in Addressing Limitations

One of the primary challenges in writing a literature review is identifying and addressing the
limitations of existing studies. Limitations refer to the shortcomings or constraints of a particular
piece of research, which may include methodological flaws, biases, or gaps in the literature.
Acknowledging these limitations is crucial for providing a balanced and objective assessment of the
existing research landscape.

Examples of Limitations
1. Sample Size and Generalizability: Many studies suffer from limitations related to sample
size and representativeness. For example, a study conducted on a small sample may not be
generalizable to the broader population, limiting the applicability of its findings.
2. Methodological Issues: Some studies may have methodological limitations that affect the
validity and reliability of their results. These limitations could include issues with research
design, data collection methods, or measurement tools.
3. Publication Bias: The literature review process itself may be susceptible to publication bias,
where only studies with positive or significant results are published, leading to an incomplete
or skewed representation of the research findings.
4. Temporal and Geographic Constraints: Certain studies may be limited by temporal or
geographic factors, such as outdated data or a narrow focus on a specific region or context,
which can restrict the generalizability of the findings.

Overcoming Challenges with ⇒ ⇔

Navigating the complexities of writing a literature review, particularly when addressing limitations,
can be daunting. However, with the assistance of professional academic services like ⇒ ⇔, researchers can overcome these challenges effectively. ⇒ ⇔ offers
expert guidance and support to students and researchers, ensuring the quality and rigor of their
literature reviews.
By leveraging the expertise of experienced writers and researchers, ⇒ ⇔ assists
clients in crafting comprehensive and well-structured literature reviews that effectively address the
limitations of existing research. With personalized assistance tailored to their specific needs, clients
can enhance the credibility and impact of their academic work.

Writing a literature review presents numerous challenges, especially when it comes to addressing
limitations in existing research. However, by understanding the complexities involved and seeking
support from reputable academic services like ⇒ ⇔, researchers can overcome these
challenges and produce high-quality literature reviews that contribute meaningfully to the
advancement of knowledge.
Self-Reported Limitations and Future Directions in Scholarly Reports: Analysis and suggestions.
Similarly, to research on EE, academics attach greater importance to the conceptualisation and
elements of the UEE. Ferreira et al. ( 2019 ) mention that one of the most suitable methods for
analysing past research works is bibliometric analysis. We performed a two-arm parallel group
randomized controlled trial (RCT) using a sample of 30 abstracts of systematic reviews evaluating
the effects of healthcare intervention with conclusions favoring the beneficial effect of the
experimental treatments. Cluster 1 (Blue)—Conceptualization and Attributes of Entrepreneurship
Ecosystems The first cluster is focused on the definition and attributes present in EEs. Five first-
order categories of benefits and five of barriers were found with individual sub-themes. Review
authors should use their judgement to decide between alternative categories, depending on the likely
magnitude of the potential biases. All this fact enhances the importance of the sets of themes in the
article. GRADE: assessing the quality of evidence for diagnostic recommendations. In this case,
explain the reasons for limited access and be sure that your finding is still reliable and valid despite
this limitation. He underlines that it is not only generating entrepreneurship that makes it a good EE.
You might find that students in smaller classes generally perform better. He compares the
composition and contribution of social networks among entrepreneurial academics and analyses how
these networks relate to the development trajectory of university spinoffs. When the original abstract
was structured, we preserved the structured form and added the limitations section before the
conclusions section with a heading “Limitations”. Generally, you should use both approaches
together whenever possible. According to Aria and Cuccurullo ( 2017 ) and Thelwall ( 2008 ), there
are relevant points when using bibliometric. The number of participants in the included studies was
small which could decrease the power of the studies, furthermore comparing the interventions
regarding the efficacy would not be incontrovertible. Participants were mainly located in the
European Union (49%) and in the United States (33%). The data shows a turning point in 2018 (14)
and 2019 (23). Namely, there were challenges with the battery life, unstable or low wireless
connectivity, incompatibility with existing house automation technologies, or that the technology was
spatially inconvenient and could not fit comfortably in the home. Ensuring quality of collected data
All data was extracted and coded first using the extraction document by the first, second, or last
author, who were each responsible for a portion of articles. Also, 26% of the included systematic
reviews mentioned a funding statement. Brush ( 2014 ) believed that entrepreneurship education is
the core of the UEE. EDT 513 2023 Week 8.pptx 08. EDT 513 2023 Week 8.pptx WRITING
Social Science Literature Review in Social Science 32241.ppt 32241.ppt Thesis Writing format.pptx
Thesis Writing format.pptx Presentation2.pptx Presentation2.pptx Chapter 3 The Research Process:
The broad problem area and defining the pro. Make sure to select a research problem that doesn’t
require a lot of time for you to complete the literature review, use the methodology, and gather and
interpret the outcomes. The Balanced Scorecard has been applied, initially by private teaching
institutions. To reduce bias, it’s important to search for relevant studies very thoroughly. Sometimes
scoping reviews are an exploratory preparation step for a systematic review, and sometimes they are
a standalone project. For the authors, thinking in terms of EEs may only reflect the importance of a
particular topic, such as “business ecosystems”, “digital ecosystems”, “financial ecosystems” and
“university ecosystems”, among others. Conclusions In conclusion, adding a limitations section in
abstracts of systematic review may not affect expert-readers’ interpretation of abstract results and
All the steps of this study were done by two independent reviewers, which reduces errors and
increases the power of the study. Frequently, when formulating questions that include all patient-
important outcomes for decision making, review authors will confront reports of studies that have
not included all these outcomes. The GRADE approach specifies four levels of the certainty for a
body of evidence for a given outcome: high, moderate, low and very low. Based on 110 academic
articles obtained through a rigorous data collection process, the study went beyond describing
elementary information, standing out in relation to the review studies found and filling a gap in the
field of EEs taking into consideration higher education institutions. Overview, strengths, and
limitations of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Authors’ contributions Conceived, designed and
experiments: AY, IB, SH, PR, Performed the experiments: AY, IB, Analyzed the data: GB, Wrote the
first draft: AY IB, Contributed to the writing of the manuscript: AY, IB, SH, GB, PR. After this
introductory section, the theoretical framework on the concept is presented in the second section of
the paper and is organized as follows: entrepreneurial ecosystems and academic entrepreneurial
ecosystems. In the third section, the methodological characteristics of the research used in the SLR,
the sample and the bibliometric analysis method are presented. Spigel ( 2017 ) efforts to rank the
categories of an EE in terms of (i) cultural attributes (entrepreneurship stories, supportive culture),
(ii) social attributes (talent, mentors, networks, investment capital) and (iii) material attributes
(infrastructure, universities, support services, public policies, open markets). Stating the Obvious:
Writing Assumptions, Limitations, and. In addition, Differences in disease definition and
heterogeneity in studies are important factors influencing the results of these studies. Many
systematic reviews relied on a relatively limited number of databases for the identification of
potentially eligible studies. Table 3 elucidates the stages that followed in this study. Journal of
Economic Issues, 53 (4), 946-965. ( Source ). Sitemap case study creative writing presentation
problem solving rewiew prompts websites tips. Heterogeneity across the studies may affect the study
results ( 65 ). Dissertations and Theses: A Web-based Textbook. Review authors should
use their judgement to decide between alternative categories, depending on the likely magnitude of
the potential biases. It has long been assumed in epidemiology that relative measures of effect are
more consistent than absolute measures of effect from one scenario to another. Consequently, adding
a limitations section could be useful to enhance readers’ awareness and improve their interpretation.
Table 9 summarizes the attributes by applying them to the EEs. Though the data extraction document
with pre-existing themes was prepared in advance, the organization of final themes was dynamic,
where we continuously discussed among authors on the best way to understand and subsequently
portray the data as objectively and comprehensively as possible. If material is not included in the
article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or
exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. It is
far better for you to identify and acknowledge your study s limitations than to Here are examples of
limitations related to methodology and the research. In relational bibliometrics will analyse co-
citations and the respective clusters. Thus, “networks”, “case study” and “academic
entrepreneurship” reveal themselves as major themes. Two formats of these abstracts were derived:
one reported without and one with a standardized limitations section written according to the
PRISMA statement for abstracts. Thematic Analysis In this part of the article, the thematic analysis
results will be examined. Firstly, this study led to a survey and mapping of the main investigations on
EE and their relationship with the HEI. A systematic review needs the definition of clear questions,
criteria and conclusions that provide new information based on the examined content. The data
produced in this user-centric attempt to organize the current knowledge on SHHTs will prove
informative to inform policy, improve user-acceptance, and serve as an additional resource for those
who care for older persons.
Download citation Received: 05 November 2022 Accepted: 11 January 2024 Published: 14 February
2024 DOI: Share this article Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this
content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. It is far better for you to
identify and acknowledge your study s limitations than to Here are examples of limitations related
to methodology and the research. However, don’t just provide both hands in frustration make use of
this being an chance to explain the requirement for future research. Impact of adding a limitations
section to abstracts of systematic A recent study showed that despite systematic reviews including
primary studies with high risk of bias, just over half included a risk of bias assessment in the
interpretation of results in the abstract. Sens (Basel), 2017. 17(11). Sanchez VG, Pfeiffer CF, Skeie
N-O. In this case, the people who responded to your survey questions may not truly be a random
sample. Front Aging Neurosci, 2015. 7(JUN). Melkas H et al. Impacts of robot implementation on
care personnel and clients in elderly-care institutions. In this context, this study aims to complement
and stand out from the five reviews found and understand the characteristics of an AEE and their
successful development as a potential research area relevant in the future. After an overview of
similar strategic measuring tools in industry (Fitzgerald et al. If an article isn’t available online or
through your library, you may need to contact the authors to ask for a copy. Data collection process
Upon screening both titles and abstracts, full electronically-available copies of remaining articles
were retrieved and carefully studied by the first, second, and last authors for data extraction. They
concluded that the study of University EE is little recognized in the literature, lacking a solid
methodological basis and revealed that the topic may constitute a research area of interest. Namely,
the installation of home sensors also involves the monitoring of health and signs of diseases, but
could resolve the issue of forgetfulness common in the adoption of wearable sensors, concerns of
waterproofing when the older person is in the shower, or the preferences against wearing devices on
the body. Cluster 2 (Red)—Spatial Context and Knowledge Ecosystems Beyond definitional debates,
the lead author of this cluster, Stam ( 2015 ), expresses himself critically concerning studies of EEs.
How to Do a Systematic Review: A Best Practice Guide. For Bischoff et al. ( 2018 ), although the
concrete strengths and conceptualization of UBEEs generally vary between universities, a number of
common characteristics can be identified. The average years from publication is 3.31 and the average
number of citations per documents 13.4. The number of authors and co-authors per document is 2.5
and 2.7. The first study in the final database addressed the entrepreneurship ecosystems, and the
global innovation networks were written by Malecki in 2011. Despite being two of the most
influential databases, the overview could be improved by including other databases. Xin Lu, Angela
Zoss CSCI B651 Final Project Presentation December 16, 2010. Each abstract with and without a
limitations section was assessed 5 times. Other studies are needed to confirm the results and explore
the impact of a limitations section on a less expert panel of participants. Do you know how to
develop your research design and methodology? 8. A review is an overview of the research that’s
already been completed on a topic. Kansheba and Wald ( 2020 ) present a systematic review of the
existing literature, develop a research agenda and analysing, only, articles that focused on EEs
(conceptual, theoretical or empirical). For example, our confidence in the result of observational
studies that show an increased risk of bleeding in patients who have supratherapeutic anticoagulation
levels is increased by the observation that there is a dose-response gradient between the length of
time needed for blood to clot (as measured by the international normalized ratio (INR)) and an
increased risk of bleeding (Levine et al 2004). The two main categories of limitations are those that
result from the methodology and those that result from issues with the researcher(s). You will have to
define what you want to study in addition to what you don’t. The static approach of EE studies was
another criticism highlighted as its evolution over time was not considered. The safety, tolerability
and mortality reduction efficacy of remdesivir; based on randomized clinical trials, observational and
case studies reported safety outcomes: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Hist Philos
Life Sci. 2021;43(3):93. Huber M, et al. How should we define health? BMJ. 2011;343:d4163. Peek
STM, et al. Older adults’ reasons for using Technology while Aging in Place.
Elderly people’s perceptions of a Telehealthcare System: relative advantage, compatibility,
complexity and Observability. For other types of data, an absolute measure alone (such as a
difference in means for continuous data) might be sufficient. To meet our eligibility criteria, many
articles that fulfill some but not all of the required facets were not included in the final review. By
“home”, we mean an individual’s place of residence. The other component of the
term—ecosystem—is associated with biology and is defined as the physical environment and all
possible interactions in the complex of living and non-living components (Stam, 2015 ). BMC
Geriatr. 2021;21(1):412. Hensel BK, Demiris G, Courtney KL. NOTE: Should you identify bias in
prior research, it should be acknowledged and you ought to explain what measures were come to
avoid perpetuating that bias. Differences in the sample population in terms of age, gender, race, and
comorbidities in the participants are the most reported limitation. In accordance with the review
carried out, the other authors initiate the development of methods to evaluate an AEE. Review
authors should provide time frames for the measurement of the outcomes (e.g. 90 days or 12 months)
and the type of instrument scores (e.g. ranging from 0 to 100). It may be used in various ways to
obtain absolute risks and other interpretable quantities for a specific population. During the process
of writing your thesis or dissertation, you might suddenly realize that your research has inherent
flaws Don t worry. This is because, unlike in grounded research, you’re putting in place your study in
advance, and you can’t make changes part-way through. Shea BJ, Grimshaw JM, Wells GA, Boers
M, Andersson N, Hamel C, Porter AC, Tugwell P, Moher D, Bouter LM: Development of AMSTAR:
a measurement tool to assess the methodological quality of systematic reviews. One possible bias
relates to different disease severity in patients in the two hospital types. Page ME, McKenzie J,
Bossuyt PM, Boutron I, Hoffmann TC, Mulrow CD, et al. Canadian Medical Association Journal
2003; 169: 677-680. Stam and Spigel ( 2017 ) point out that it is the coordination that occurs between
actors and interdependent factors that enables productive entrepreneurship in each territory.
Langendam M, Carrasco-Labra A, Santesso N, Mustafa RA, Brignardello-Petersen R, Ventresca M,
Heus P, Lasserson T, Moustgaard R, Brozek J, Schunemann HJ. Since then, many editorial policies
have been implemented to try to improve the content and the format of abstracts. It is these three
criteria that should guide authors seeking to write a systematic review or editors. Abstracts from the
cohort of 100 systematic reviews were screened by one author (AY) and reviewed by a second
author (IB) to confirm eligibility. Authors’ contributions Conceived, designed and experiments: AY,
IB, SH, PR, Performed the experiments: AY, IB, Analyzed the data: GB, Wrote the first draft: AY
IB, Contributed to the writing of the manuscript: AY, IB, SH, GB, PR. Thirdly, the developed co-
citation analysis allowed obtaining an understanding about the existing field of knowledge on EEs
and AEE, identifying their scientific origins and revealing research roots. A supplementary table of
the basic information from all articles analyzed for this review and an example of the search string is
nevertheless included. Use of telemedicine-based care for the aging and elderly: promises and
pitfalls. Each category included synonyms and varying spelling of each term, while also
accommodating for possible definition and structure variabilities. DoctoralNet Limited Review of
literature Review of literature JomilyJoyson1 WRITING LITERATURE REVIEW.pptx WRITING
LITERATURE REVIEW.pptx claudiatyrone 3. It becomes prudent to find ways to address these
barriers as we move forward with technological development to ensure that the benefits generated
does not come at higher costs. In addition, as we opted to include only peer-review empirical articles,
there could have been valuable insight in other forms of data output relevant to our topic that were
published as, for example, theoretical papers, book chapters, thesis or have been published as grey
As the aging process is dynamic and requires continuous adaptations from both caregivers and older
persons, it is important that SHHTs are designed to interoperate with the end-users’ existing routines
and home environment. Qualitative research excels in exploring depth, context, and complexity,
while quantitative research excels in examining breadth, generalizability, and quantifiable measures.
Lee L, Kim MJ. A critical review of Smart residential environments for older adults with a focus on
pleasurable experience. Brindley, Geoff (2001). Assessment. In R. Carter and D. Nunan (Eds). The.
Each of the clusters, identified with different colours, can be observed in Fig. 5. The colours indicate
the clusters and the articles belonging to them. In addition, each article’s weight is assigned based on
the links’ total strength, and the number of citations the publication has received. The stage was set
for a more balanced style of evaluation. To avoid bias between the primary coders, two external
researchers (the third and fourth authors with backgrounds in geriatrics and psychology) additionally
analyzed 10% of all articles, and achieved 80% in consistency in content. Thilo FJS, et al.
Facilitating the use of personal safety alerting device with older adults: the views, experiences and
roles of relatives and health care professionals. However, the impact of adding this section to
abstracts on readers’ interpretation is unknown. Our search also contributed a nuanced perspective,
whereby end-users felt that while SHHTs could improve the relationships and communication
between caregivers and older persons, both in terms of quality and quantity, older persons still
worried that these new functions may eventually replace the social connectedness that they enjoyed
during in-person visits. It may be used in various ways to obtain absolute risks and other interpretable
quantities for a specific population. They also collected data about possible sources of bias, such as
how the study participants were randomized into the control and treatment groups. All abstracts
were standardized, with the treatment name(s), authors and journal masked. Ann Intern Med. 2004,
140: 480-481. Article Google Scholar Schulz KF, Altman DG, Moher D: CONSORT 2010 statement:
updated guidelines for reporting parallel group randomised trials. J Med Internet Res.
2021;23(12):e28022. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Choi HK, Lee SH. If your
sample size is too small, it will be difficult to identify significant relationships in the data. Although
the topic on the attributes of EEs is innovative, it has not been without trials. According to Audretsh
et al. ( 2019 ), the question remains as to what exactly an EE is and what it comprises. If you don’t
have enough data, or the data from different studies aren’t comparable, then you can take just a
narrative approach. Anything less which may potentially limit the validity of the study to grow much
beyond its initial population sample. Chapter 3 The Research Process: The broad problem area and
defining the pro. If this sounds like the situation, though, the limitation ought to be reiterated
following the section. Cite this Article in your Essay (APA Style) Drew, C. (October 17, 2023). 21
Research Limitations Examples. Benefits mentioned in the included studies From the 163 articles
reviewed, we categorized benefits associated with the use of SHHTs into five main categories (see
Table 4 ), which are described below. However, this study highlights an important topic for future
research. Pranckute, R. (2021). Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus: The titans of bibliographic
information in today’s academic world. We selected 30 abstracts of systematic reviews, and then
developed 2 formats of the selected abstracts: reported with and without a limitations section written
according to the PRISMA statement for abstracts. How to structure the Research Limitations section
of your dissertation. Brush ( 2014 ) believed that entrepreneurship education is the core of the UEE.
This is a result of judgement, but the judgement process operates within a transparent structure. A
Novel and Intelligent Home Monitoring System for Care Support of elders with cognitive
OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES nethisip13 1. Method Categorizing information
according to the research methods used. To conduct a systematic review, you’ll need the following:
A precise question, usually about the effectiveness of an intervention. A qualitative study based on
the voices of next of kin and care providers. Schunemann HJ, Tugwell P, Reeves BC, Akl EA,
Santesso N, Spencer FA, Shea B, Wells G, Helfand M. Study characteristics The number of authors
of the included systematic reviews varied between 3 and 58 people. The number of included studies
in the included systematic reviews varied between 2 and 136. Only 29.7% of the included systematic
reviews have a registered protocol. Also excluded were systematic reviews. (2) Studies that did not
report on the views of our population of interest or only included the views of researchers; and (3)
technologies that are used for caregiving but is not interoperable or communicable with each other
over an integration platform, such as stand-alone health devices such as those measuring blood
pressure or weight, or the use of the video calling technologies to enable telehealth visits. For
instance, a rigorous systematic review of observational studies including a total of 38 million patients
demonstrated higher death rates in private for-profit versus private not-for-profit hospitals
(Devereaux et al 2002). Malecki ( 2018 ) reviews the literature, concepts and operationalizations of
the concept of EE with a bibliometric analysis. Smart Health Caring Home: a systematic review of
Smart Home Care for elders and Chronic Disease patients. This proportion of patients will be
specific to a period of time of observation. When the original abstract was structured, we preserved
the structured form and added the limitations section before the conclusions section with a heading
“Limitations”. It would be interesting to also add independent variables in the equation, such as
cultural background, generational gaps, technology readiness, living situation, financial comfort, and
the nature of their social environment. This process can act as a justification for your approach and a
defense of your decision to take it while acknowledging the feasibility of other approaches. It is the
different relationships between students, faculty and entrepreneurs and the analysis of the strengths
and weaknesses of each that can lead to the creation of a successful spinoff. Technologies that did
not fulfill caregiving purposes for the promotion of health, such as single-purpose devices for
cooking, cleaning, and comfort, were also excluded. Adapted from Creswell, J. W. (1994). Research
Design: Qualitative and Quantitative. In regard to the existing benefits, most articles cited the
capacity of SHHTs to allow continuous monitoring of the older person. Report: report on the internet,
New Zealand Federation of Voluntary Welfare. These assessments should feed directly into this
GRADE domain. Descriptions of limitations ought to be mentioned previously tense simply because
they were found once you completed your quest. Therefore, the findings need to be interpreted with
caution. It would not offer appropriate solutions for not-for-. Although these barriers seem simple
and easy-to-overcome, they could be significantly troublesome for end-users to realistically
implement in their home environment where familiarity is greatly valued. The results section should
begin with a general summary of the. Evidence-Based Practice: Toward Optimizing Clinical
Outcomes. Quantitative: Use statistical methods to summarize and compare data from different

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