Autism Spectrum Disorder Literature Review

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Title: Mastering the Challenge of Writing a Literature Review on Autism Spectrum Disorder

Embarking on a literature review on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can be a daunting task for
many researchers, clinicians, and students alike. Navigating through the vast array of scholarly
articles, studies, and research findings requires not only time and effort but also a keen understanding
of the intricacies of the disorder itself. From understanding the diverse perspectives within the field
to critically analyzing empirical evidence, the process demands both patience and expertise.

One of the primary challenges encountered in crafting a literature review on ASD is the sheer
volume of available literature. As one of the most extensively researched topics in psychology and
neuroscience, ASD has been the subject of countless studies over the years. Sorting through this
abundance of information to identify relevant and credible sources can be overwhelming,
particularly for those new to the field.

Moreover, the multifaceted nature of ASD adds another layer of complexity to the literature review
process. With its broad spectrum of symptoms, etiological factors, and treatment approaches, ASD
encompasses a wide range of research areas, from genetics and neurobiology to behavioral
interventions and social cognition. Synthesizing these diverse perspectives into a coherent narrative
requires a comprehensive understanding of the various dimensions of the disorder.

Furthermore, the evolving nature of research in the field of ASD poses a challenge for writers aiming
to provide an up-to-date review of the literature. New studies are continually being published,
introducing novel findings and perspectives that may reshape our understanding of the disorder.
Keeping abreast of these developments and incorporating them into the review requires diligence and

In light of these challenges, many individuals find themselves seeking assistance in crafting a
comprehensive and well-structured literature review on ASD. This is where ⇒ ⇔
comes in. With a team of experienced professionals well-versed in the field of psychology and
neuroscience, ⇒ ⇔ offers expert assistance in conducting literature reviews on ASD.

By outsourcing the task to ⇒ ⇔, individuals can save valuable time and resources
while ensuring the quality and accuracy of their literature review. Whether you're a researcher
looking to publish a scholarly article or a student working on a thesis, our team can provide the
support and guidance needed to navigate the complexities of the literature review process.

In conclusion, writing a literature review on Autism Spectrum Disorder is undoubtedly a challenging

endeavor, requiring a deep understanding of the disorder and its associated research landscape. For
those in need of assistance, ⇒ ⇔ offers a reliable and efficient solution, allowing
individuals to overcome the obstacles and produce a high-quality review that contributes to our
collective understanding of ASD.
Luckily, in the age of technological progress, there are various technologies to help parents in this.
Parents need to be aware of the peculiar perception patterns of their children. The general term
“Autism Spectrum Disorders” replaced some other names in 2013. Levy, S., Mandell, D., Schultz,
R., 2009. Autism- par. neurobiology. Retrieved from. It has been seen that interventions through the
educational system is quite effective in a majority of the children with Autism. A disorder of the
neural development, it is generally characterized by impaired communication skills and flawed social
interactions, and is also noticed in the restricted and repetitive behaviour of a child. There is no
available single form of treatment, and the therapy for Autism must necessarily be made suitable for
each child’s needs and requirements (Myers, S., Johnson, C., and Council on Children with
Disabilities, 2007). One that links research theory and practice in ways that are accessible to students
practitioners and parents. Doctors usually ask parents about their child’s behavior and associate the
answers with ASD symptoms. Children with some developmental problems in the screening process
undergo the second stage of assessment. Fullscreen Sharing Deliver a distraction-free reading
experience with a simple link. Autism is the most serious out of the three, while the latter (also called
“functional autism”) is the least severe. Accessibility, User Agreement, Privacy, Payments Terms of
Use, Cookies, CA Privacy Notice, Your Privacy Choices and AdChoice. Some companies release
applications that help autistic kids learn new facts and even skills. There is a wide range of
symptoms that vary in severity. Still, some patients cannot lead a standard lifestyle. Adobe Express
Go from Adobe Express creation to Issuu publication. Analysis involved comparison of the
communicative abilities of the sample with those of children with autistic spectrum. Diagnosing
young children is often a two-step process. Digital Sales Sell your publications commission-free as
single issues or ongoing subscriptions. To present a comprehensive readable and up-to-date overview
of the field of autism. Rinaldi Psychology, Education Journal of autism and developmental disorders
2020 TLDR Investigation of several predictors of teacher-reported academic competence among a
sample of elementary school children found that cognitive ability, social skills, and problem behaviors
accounted for significant variance in academic competence. Bryan Philip W. Cali G. Dawson
Psychology, Education Journal of autism and developmental disorders 2011 TLDR It is suggested
that the large majority of higher-functioning children with ASD show discrepancies between actual
achievement levels and levels predicted by their intellectual ability, whereas in others, they are
achieving lower than expected. Among other symptoms, children showed unsociability. The scholars
tried to determine the causes and consequences of the disorder and possible ways to deal with it.
Kavale, K., 2002. Mainstreaming to Full Inclusion: From Orthogenesis to. Thus, we find that besides
providing various therapies for the child to be integrated into the present social and educational
system, one of the primary measures to be adopted by the government is to arrange for appropriate
training and support for the general educators, so that they are able to assist the children with various
learning disabilities, including Autism, within the setting of a general classroom setting. According to
Kestenbaum (2008), the chief aim of any therapeutic or clinical intervention, pertaining to learning
disabilities (like autism), should be to assist the child to integrate and interact well, and become a
member of the normal social world. For children themselves, simple day-to-day interactions might be
problematic. Adequate treatment should start as soon as possible. This means that 2.8 million
Americans officially have the ASD diagnosis, and many more might have a very “light” form of the
With the publication of the DSM-5 in 2013 there is a single category of ASD replacing the subtypes
of autistic disorder Asperger syndrome and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise speci?ed
in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fourth Edition Text Revision. QR
Codes Generate QR Codes for your digital content. It enables them to bypass nonverbal cues that
people typically use in person. The two most commonly used diagnoses tests for Autism are the
Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) which is a form of semi-structured parent interview;
and the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) for observing and interacting with a
child, in order to understand the nature of his impairments. Diagnosing young children is often a
two-step process. In an effort to link research to classrooms, we have collected a bunch of sources to
help teachers locate evidence-based practices for improving outcomes for students with ASD.
Certain symptoms of Autism may be rather subtle without any clear distinctions, as for example one
may find that an Autistic “three year old child can read, but can’t play peek-a-boo” (Hayes, 2008,
3), while at times the signs may also be quite. Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis
and. All in all, every situation is unique and requires accurate consideration. Abrahams, B., and
Geschwind, D. 2008. Advances in autism genetics: on the. Caregivers should make sure that their
children undergo a corresponding examination as early as possible. During the last decade autism
spectrum disorders ASD have. Find many great new used options and get the best deals for Autism
Spectrum Disorders. Some companies release applications that help autistic kids learn new facts and
even skills. There is no available single form of treatment, and the therapy for Autism must
necessarily be made suitable for each child’s needs and requirements (Myers, S., Johnson, C., and
Council on Children with Disabilities, 2007). If a related question arises, there is always an
opportunity to ask other parents for online advice. Consequently, those unaware of the disorder often
attempt to establish contact with the child. The members can support each other, share insights and
tips, etc. Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder ASD refers to three common disorders, namely
Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Autistic Disorder, and Asperger’s Syndrome. Kestenbaum, C.,
2008. Autism, Asperger’s and other oddities. Among other symptoms, children showed unsociability.
Meanwhile, a child with ASD may have a standard “normal” physical appearance. In most cases,
ASD is diagnosed in young children, typically less than a year old. For over a century, scientists and
theorists have been contemplating the human brain and studying the forces that cause certain
tendencies. Autism case studies show that social support can be beneficial for ASD patients and their
relatives. Mental illness is not a new disorder plaguing society today. ASD is a complex of three
rather similar behavioral and developmental disorders. It is vital to ensure reduced stress and
improved life quality for all family members. That update of the classification helped to reach
consensus among scientists, psychiatrists, physicians, and other specialists across the globe. That
might be even more important for children with autism.
Find many great new used options and get the best deals for Autism Spectrum Disorders. Autism is
the most serious out of the three, while the latter (also called “functional autism”) is the least severe.
Identification Education and Treatment continues the mission of its predecessors. One that links
research theory and practice in ways that are accessible to students practitioners and parents. To
present a comprehensive readable and up-to-date overview of the field of autism. Autism affects
how patients view the world and interact with others. In any case, those involved in communication
with families dealing with ASD should practice empathy and compassion. Identification Education
and Treatment continues the mission of its predecessors. If you use an assignment from StudyCorgi
website, it should be referenced accordingly. Analysis involved comparison of the communicative
abilities of the sample with those of children with autistic spectrum. ASD is a complex of three rather
similar behavioral and developmental disorders. To present a comprehensive readable and up-to-date
overview of the field of autism. While both are lifelong developmental disorders, they have
substantial differences in: Causes Symptoms Manifestations Medications Treatments Even adult
patients with Down syndrome typically manifest a cognitive perception equivalent to that of an
eight-year-old child. Autistic symptom disorder is usually diagnosed at a very young age. Parents
and other family members need to adapt to the peculiar perception patterns of the child. Please
ensure you properly reference the paper if you're using it to write your assignment. Error: Try Again
Ok Sell Watchlist Expand Watch List Loading. Thus, families of autistic people experience
significant stressful effects. Identification Education and Treatment continues the mission of its
predecessors. Counsellors working with autistic children should approach the child with a broader
perspective, and include other service providers like psychiatrists, teachers, and other experts in the
medical field. During the last decade autism spectrum disorders ASD have. Individuals with this
disorder show characterises that may range from being “high-functioning” ones, to those that fail to
establish any sort of communication with others. The best form of treatment available for the autistic
children are family support and an integrative educational system (Myers, Johnson, and Council on
Children with Disabilities, 2007). After years of research and examinations, Kanner published his
thesis on autism in 1973. A clinician first performs the basic preliminary examinations to ascertain the
nature of the impairments by taking note of the child’s developmental history and also by physically
examination. Rinaldi Psychology, Education Journal of autism and developmental disorders 2020
TLDR Investigation of several predictors of teacher-reported academic competence among a sample
of elementary school children found that cognitive ability, social skills, and problem behaviors
accounted for significant variance in academic competence. An autist can struggle to build friendly
relationships both with strangers and with their own family members. The American Academy of
Pediatrics recommends screening all children for autism. To present a comprehensive readable and
up-to-date overview of the field of autism. Kathryn Ambrose K. Simpson D. Adams Psychology
Clinical psychology review 2021 7 Save Academic achievement of children with autistic symptoms
compared to typically developing children N. Sari M. Luijk Pauline W. Jansen Peter Prinzie Marinus

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