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Chapter 9


9.1. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES AND The following tables2 summarise the physical
CONVERSION FACTORS1 properties of many of the more common rocks
and minerals. Values for particular rock units
are quite often obtainable from state and federal
Physical properties
geological survey offices. Also, measurements
The successful application of geophysics depends can be made on rock samples collected from the
on a knowledge of the physical properties of field of interest.
the earth section being examined. Contrasting
properties of the host environment and the target
must be proposed in order that the appropriate Conversion of SI units to CGS or
geophysical technique can be selected and electromagnetic CGS units
applied. The most commonly used properties
are density, magnetic susceptibility, electrical The International System of Units, denoted as
conductivity, polarisability, radioactivity and SI (Système Internationale), was established in
seismic velocity. 1960 as a comprehensive electrical-mechanical-
thermodynamical system of units. It is an
1. From Sharma, P V, 1986. Geophysical Methods in
extension of the MKSA (metre-kilogram-second-
Geology, second edition (Elsevier: New York).
ampere) system. A useful source of information
2. If not stated otherwise, the following tables are taken
from: Telford, W M, Geldard, L P, Sheriff, R E, 1990.
on units is ‘The Dictionary of Units’ by Frank
Applied Geophysics, second edition (Cambridge Tapson, which can be found on the Internet at
University Press: Cambridge), by permission.

SI units Corresponding equivalent in

Quantity Name Symbol CGS or electromagnetic CGS
Mass kilogram kg 103 gm
Length metre m 102 cm
Time second s s
2 2
Acceleration metres/second m/s 10 gal = 102 cm/s2

Subunit for gravity gravity unit g.u. =µm/s 10-1 milligal (mgal)
Gravity gradient Eötvos Eö 10-9 gal/cm
3 3
Density kilogram/metre kg/m 10-3 g/cm3
Force newton N 105 dynes
1. 2

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SI units Corresponding
Quantity Name Symbol equivalent in CGS or
electromagnetic CGS
Pressure pascal Pa=N/m2 10 dynes/cm2 = 10-5 bar
Viscosity pascal sec Pa s 10 poise
Energy joule J 107 ergs = 0.24 cal
Power watt W=J/s 107 ergs
Heat flow watt/metre2 W/m2 23.9 µcal/cm2s
Conductivity (thermal) watt/metre °C W/m °C 2.39 × 10-3 cal/cm s °C
Heat production watt/metre A 2.39 × 10-7 cal/cm3 s
Current ampere A 10-1 e.m.u. (or ‘absolute
Potential difference volt V 108 e.m.u.
Electric field volt/metre V/m 106 e.m.u.
Electric charge coulomb C=A s 10-1 e.m.u.
Capacitance farad F=C/V 10-9 e.m.u.
Resistance ohm Ω =V/A 109 e.m.u.
Resistivity ohm metre Ωm 1011 e.m.u.
Conductivity siemen/metre or S/m Ω 10-11 e.m.u.
Magnetic flux weber WB = Vs 108 maxwell
Magnetic flux density tesla T = Wb/m2 104 gauss (G)
Subunit for the B-field nanoTesla nT 1γ = 10-5 gauss (G)
Magnetising field (H-field) ampere/metre A/m 4π10-3 oersted (Oe)
Inductance henry H = Wb/A 109 e.m.u.
Permeability henry metre µ0 = 4π 10 H/m 1 (for vacuum)
Susceptibility dimensionless k 4π e.m.u.
Magnetic pole strength ampere metre Am 10 e.m.u.
2 2
Magnetic moment ampere metre Am 103 e.m.u.
Magnetisation ampere/metre A/m 10-3 e.m.u.

Further physical constants are available from Markowitz, W, 1973. SI International System of Units, Geophys
Survey, 1:217-241.

Prefixes of the SI system

By using appropriate prefixes the SI unit can or for smaller measurements, a millimetre (a
be made bigger or smaller. For example the thousandth of a metre). The full range of prefixes
basic unit of length is metre. For large distances with their symbols and multiplying factors is
this becomes a kilometre (a thousand metres); given in the following table.

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yotta (Y) 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 1024
zetta (Z) 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 1021
exa (E) 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 = 1018
peta (P) 1 000 000 000 000 000 = 1015
tera (T) 1 000 000 000 000 = 1012
giga (G) 1 000 000 000 = 109 (a thousand millions = a billion)
mega (M) 1 000 000 = 106 (a million)
kilo (k) 1 000 = 10 (a thousand)
hecto (h) 100 = 10
deca (da) 10 = 101
1 = 100
deci (d) 0.1 = 10-1
centi (c) 0.01 = 10-2
milli (m) 0.001 = 10-3 (a thousandth)
micro (µ) 0.000 001 = 10-6 (a millionth)
nano (n) 0.000 000 001 = 10 (a thousand millionth)
pico (p) 0.000 000 000 001 = 10-12
femto (f) 0.000 000 000 000 001 = 10-15
atto (a) 0.000 000 000 000 000 001 = 10-18
zepto (z) 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 001 = 10-21
yocto (y) 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 = 10-24

1. The symbol for micro (µ) is the Greek letter ‘mu’.

9.2. GRAVITY SURVEYING one metre accuracy are usually achieved using
METHODS AND TABLES differential GPS. Conventional measurements
can be taken in an aircraft or on a ship, on land,
under water and in drill holes. There have been
Gravity surveys
significant recent developments in both airborne
The method takes advantage of the different gravity and airborne gravity gradiometry, which
rock densities to map both regional and measures the gradient of the gravity field rather
detailed structure and lithology. Gravimeters than the acceleration. The gradient is usually
measure the acceleration due to gravity at measured in Eötvos (Eö), where 1 Eö = 10-9 gal/
station spacings, which may vary from a few cm or s-2. Airborne measurements may be made
kilometres to a few metres depending on the from both fixed and rotary wing aircraft and
scale of the target sought. Corrections applied contract services are available for both.
to the basic instrument measurement include
those for tidal variation (earth and sun), latitude, Airborne gravity is usually more suitable for
elevation and terrain. The final parameter is long wavelength measurements in regional
usually the bouguer anomaly, which is a vertical surveys and gradient measurements are expected
gravity acceleration expressed in µm/s2. The to be more applicable in the shorter wavelength
older traditional units include milligals (mgals; applications used in mineral exploration. Both
0.1 mgl = 1.0 µm/s2) and gravity units (gu; airborne gravity and airborne gravity gradient
1.0 g.u. = 1.0 µm/s2). Vertical elevation to ten methods are advancing rapidly and are expected
centimetre accuracy and horizontal position to to improve significantly in the next few years.

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TABLE 9.2.1
Densities of sediments and sedimentary rocks.

Rock type Range (wet) Average (wet) Range (dry) Average (dry)
g/cm3 g/cm3 g/cm3 g/cm3
Alluvium 1.96 - 2.0 1.98 1.5 - 1.6 1.54
Clays 1.63 - 2.6 2.21 1.3 - 2.4 1.7
Glacial drift – 1.8 – –
Gravels 1.7 - 2.4 2 1.4 - 2.2 1.95
Loess 1.4 - 1.93 1.64 0.75 - 1.6 1.2
Sand 1.7 - 2.3 2 1.4 - 1.8 1.6
Sand and clays 1.7 - 2.5 2.1 – –
Silt 1.8 - 2.2 1.93 1.2 - 1.8 1.43
Soils 1.2 - 2.4 1.92 1.0 - 2.0 1.46
Sandstones 1.61 - 2.76 2.35 1.6 - 2.68 2.24
Shales 1.77 - 3.2 2.4 1.56 - 3.2 2.1
Limestones 1.93 - 2.90 2.55 1.74 - 2.76 2.11
Dolomite 2.28 - 2.90 2.7 2.04 - 2.54 2.3

TABLE 9.2.2
Densities of igneous rocks.

Rock type Range Average Rock type Range Average

g/cm3 g/cm3 g/cm3 g/cm3
Rhyolite glass 2.20 - 2.28 2.24 Quartz diorite 2.62-2.96 2.79
Obsidian 2.2 - 2.4 2.3 Diorite 2.72-2.99 2.85
Vitrophyre 2.36 - 2.53 2.44 Lavas 2.80-3.00 2.9
Rhyolite 2.35 - 2.70 2.52 Diabase 2.50-3.2 2.91
Dacite 2.35 - 2.8 2.58 Essexite 2.69-3.14 2.91
Phonolite 2.45 - 2.71 2.59 Norite 2.70-3.24 2.92
Trachyte 2.42 - 2.8 2.6 Basalt 2.70-3.30 2.99
Andesite 2.4 - 2.8 2.61 Gabbro 2.70-3.50 3.03
Nepheline syenite 2.53 - 2.7 2.61 Hornblende-gabbro 2.98-3.18 3.08
Granite 2.50 - 2.81 2.64 Peridotite 2.78-3.37 3.15
Granodiorite 2.67 - 2.79 2.73 Pyroxenite 2.93-3.34 3.17
Porphyry 2.60 - 2.89 2.74 Acid igneous 2.30-3.11 2.61
Syenite 2.60 - 2.95 2.77 Basic igneous 2.09-3.17 2.79
Anorthosite 2.64 - 2.94 2.78

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TABLE 9.2.3
Densities of metamorphic rocks.

Rock type Range g/ Average g/ Rock type Range g/cm3 Average g/

cm3 cm3 cm3
Quartzite 2.5 - 2.7 2.6 Serpentinite 2.4 - 3.10 2.78
Schists 2.39 - 2.9 2.64 Slate 2.7 - 2.9 2.79
Graywacke 2.6 - 2.7 2.65 Gneiss 2.59 - 3.0 2.8
Granulite 2.52 - 2.73 2.65 Chloritic slate 2.75 - 2.98 2.87
Phyllite 2.68 - 2.8 2.74 Amphibolite 2.90 - 3.04 2.96
Marble 2.6 - 2.9 2.75 Eclogite 3.2 - 3.54 3.37
Quartzitic slate 2.63 - 2.91 2.77 Metamorphic (average) 2.4 - 3.1 2.74

TABLE 9.2.4
Densities of non-metallic minerals and miscellaneous materials.

Type Range Average Type Range Average

g/cm3 g/cm3 g/cm3 g/cm3
Snow – 0.125 Gypsum 2.2 - 2.6 2.35
Petroleum 0.6 - 0.9 – Bauxite 2.3 - 2.55 2.45
Ice 0.88 - 0.92 – Kaolinite 2.2 - 2.63 2.53
Sea water 1.01 - 1.05 – Orthoclase 2.5 - 2.6 –
Peat – 1.05 Quartz 2.5 - 2.7 2.65
Asphalt 1.1 - 1.2 – Calcite 2.6 - 2.7 –
Lignite 1.1 - 1.25 1.19 Talc 2.7 - 2.8 2.71
Soft coal 1.2 - 1.5 1.32 Anhydrite 2.9 - 3.0 2.93
Anthracite 1.34 - 1.8 1.5 Biotite 2.7 - 3.2 2.92
Brick – 1.5 Magnesite 2.9 - 3.12 3.03
Carnallite 1.6 - 1.7 – Fluorite 3.01 - 3.25 3.14
Sulfur 1.9 - 2.1 – Epidote 3.25 - 3.5 –
Chalk 1.53 - 2.6 2.01 Diamond – 3.52
Graphite 1.9 - 2.3 2.15 Corundum 3.9 - 4.1 4
Rock salt 2.1 - 2.6 2.22 Barite 4.3 - 4.7 4.47
Zircon 4.0 - 4.9 4.57

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TABLE 9.2.5
Densities of minerals.

Mineral Range Average Mineral Range Average

g/cm3 g/cm3 g/cm3 g/cm3
Copper – 8.7 Sulfides, arsenates
Silver – 10.5 Sphalerite 3.5 - 4.0 3.75
Gold 15.7 - 19.4 – Covellite – 3.8
Oxides, carbonates Malachite 3.9 - 4.03 4
Limonite 3.5 - 4.0 3.78 Chalcopyrite 4.1 - 4.3 4.2
Siderite 3.7 - 3.9 3.83 Stannite 4.3 - 4.52 4.4
Rutile 4.18 - 4.3 4.25 Stibnite 4.5 - 4.6 4.6
Manganite 4.2 - 4.4 4.32 Pyrrhotite 4.5 - 4.8 4.65
Chromite 4.3 - 4.6 4.36 Molybdenite 4.4 - 4.8 4.7
Ilmenite 4.3 - 5.0 4.67 Marcasite 4.7 - 4.9 4.85
Pyrolusite 4.7 - 5.0 4.82 Pyrite 4.9 - 5.2 5
Magnetite 4.9 - 5.2 5.12 Bornite 4.9 - 5.4 5.1
Franklinite 5.0 - 5.22 5.12 Millerite 5.3 - 5.65 5.4
Hematite 4.9 - 5.3 5.18 Chalcocite 5.5 - 5.8 5.65
Cuprite 5.7 - 6.15 5.92 Cobaltite 5.8 - 6.3 6.1
Cassiterite 6.5 - 7.1 6.92 Arsenopyrite 5.9 - 6.2 6.1
Wolframite 7.1 - 7.5 7.32 Smaltite 6.4 - 6.6 6.5
Uraninite 8.0 - 9.97 9.17 Bismuthinite 6.5 - 6.7 6.57
Argentite 7.2 - 7.36 7.25
Niccolite 7.3 - 7.67 7.5
Galena 7.4 - 7.6 7.5
Cinnabar 8.0 - 8.2 8.1

9.3. MAGNETIC SURVEY METHODS proportion. It may be oriented in any direction,

AND TABLES not necessarily that of the present inducing field
and can have the effect of reducing or reversing
Survey methods the polarity of an anomaly.
The physical property used is magnetic Regional applications of the magnetic method
susceptibility. This is the ratio of the magnetic are often used for the definition of structure
moment per unit volume to the magnetic field and lithology. Detailed applications may have
strength and, therefore, is dimensionless. The the same purpose plus the possible definition of
values are positive for paramagnetic materials discrete magnetic mineral bodies, eg magnetite,
and negative for diamagnetic materials. pyrrhotite, mineral sands. Usually the total
Most magnetic rocks present an overwhelming magnetic intensity of the earth’s magnetic field is
proportion of induced magnetism, which is due measured and presented in units of nanoTeslas.
to the influence of the present day geomagnetic Corrections for diurnal and secular variation are
field. Remanent magnetism is the result of a made to the data.
previous geomagnetic field that is ‘frozen’ into Measurements can be obtained from fixed
the rock. Remanent magnetism is usually present wing or helicopter airborne platforms; vehicle
in all magnetic anomalies to a small degree, but or pedestrian modes on the ground; and using a
in some cases it is present in a much greater probe for drill hole data. GPS is normally used

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for positioning. Local anomalies are usually from a mathematical description of the earth’s
enhanced by subtracting the International main magnetic field, which is available at http://
Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF), derived

TABLE 9.3.1
Magnetic susceptibilities of various rocks.

Type Range × 10-5 Average × 10-5 Type Range × 10-5 Average× 10-5
Sedimentary Igneous
Dolomite 0 - 60 8 Granite 0 - 3200 160
Limestones 2 - 220 20 Rhyolite 20 - 2400 –
Sandstones 0 - 1320 25 Dolerite 80 - 2400 1100
Shales 4 - 1180 40 Augite-syenite 2200 - 2900 –
Average var. 0 - 3180 60 Olivine-diabase – 1600
sed. (48)
Metamorphic Diabase 60 - 10 300 3600
Amphibolite – 50 Porphyry 20 - 1300 4000
Schist 25 - 240 95 Igneous
Phyllite – 100 Gabbro 60 - 5800 4800
Gneiss 8 - 1590 – Basalts 20 - 11 500 4800
Quartzite – 280 Diorite 40 - 8000 5600
Serpentinite 200 - 1110 – Pyroxenite – 8400
Slate 0 - 2400 400 Peridotite 6100 - 12 400 10 300
Average var. 0 - 4600 280 Andesite – 10 700
met. (61)
Average acid 2 - 5200 520
Average basic 35 - 7730 2070

TABLE 9.3.2
Magnetic susceptibilities of various minerals.

Type Range × 10-5 Average × 10-5 Type Range × 10-5 Average × 10-5
Graphite -6 Siderite 80 - 250
Quartz -1 Pyrite 3 - 330 100
Rock salt -1 Limonite 175
Anhydrite, -1 Arsenopyrite 190
Calcite 0.5 - -1 Hematite 40 - 3000 440
Coal 2 Chromite 190 - 7500 480
Clays 16 Franklinite 29 000
Chalcopyrite 25 Pyrrhotite 100 - 500 000 100 000
Sphalerite 48 Ilmenite 20 000 - 250 000 150 000
Cassiterite 72 Magnetite 100 000 - 1 000 000 500 000

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9.4. ELECTROMAGNETIC, or over a grid, to optimise depth penetration

RESISTIVITY AND INDUCED and detection of specific targets. The resistivity/
POLARISATION SURVEY IP method can be applied on the ground and in
drill holes. Magneto-metric resistivity (MMR) is
a variation where the received signal is detected
by magnetometers which measure the magnetic
Electromagnetic methods component of the secondary field.
Electromagnetic (EM) methods use the Resistivity/IP was originally developed as a tool
physical property of conductivity (this is the for detecting disseminated sulfide mineralisation
inverse of resistivity). Equipment is available but it also provides information for lithology and
that utilises either time-domain or frequency- structure and is often used in engineering and
domain principles. In both cases a particular groundwater applications.
parameter, or parameters, of the secondary
electromagnetic field is measured, from which
information regarding the conductivity of rock Magnetic permeabilities
types and structure is derived. Conductivity is Magnetic permeability is the measure of the
usually measured in siemen/metre. Systems ability of a material to support the formation of
are available for airborne, ground and drill a magnetic field within itself. In other words it
hole applications. Initially developed to find
is the degree of magnetisation that a material
highly conductive massive sulfide deposits, the
obtains in response to an applied magnetic
EM method can now be applied to many other
field. It is usually represented by μ measured in
problems in mineral exploration, geotechnical,
environmental and hydrogeological situations. henry per metre (H/m). The effect of magnetic
permeability on electrical measurements is
very slight except in the case of concentrated
Resistivity and induced polarisation magnetite, pyrrhotite and titanomagnetite. See
methods Table 9.4.7.
The electrical method generally referred to as
resistivity also uses the physical property of Dielectric constants of rocks and
conductivity, but by convention the units used minerals
are the inverse of conductivity units, ie ohm.
metres. Induced polarisation is an over-voltage The dielectric constant is a measure of the
phenomenon (a secondary effect) and may be electrical polarisation resulting in an applied
measured in units of milliseconds, percentage electric field. This polarisation may be molecular,
frequency effect, or milliradians depending on electronic or ionic. The dielectric constant
the type of equipment being used. In most cases varies inversely with frequency. Most of the
measurements are made by transmitting current values given in Table 9.4.8 have been made at
through two grounded (transmitting) electrodes frequencies of 100 kHz or higher. The dielectric
and measuring a voltage between two additional constant and conductivity of rock material are
grounded (receiving) electrodes. These electrodes important considerations in ground penetrating
can be arranged in various configurations, in line radar surveys.

TABLE 9.4.1
Resistivities of minerals.

Mineral Formula Resistivity range Ωm Resistivity average Ωm

Argentite Ag2S 2 × 10-3 to 104 1.7 × 10-3
Bismuthinite Bi2S2 18 to 570 –
Covellite CuS 3 × 10-7 to 8 × 10-5 2 × 10-5
Chalcocite Cu2S 3 × 10-5 to 0.6 10-4
Chalcopyrite CuFeS2 1.2 × 10-5 to 0.3 4 × 10-3
Bornite Cu5FeS4 2.5 × 10 to 0.5 3 × 10-3
Marcasite FeS2 10-3 to 3.5 5 × 10-2

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Mineral Formula Resistivity range Ωm Resistivity average Ωm

Pyrite FeS2 2.9 × 10-5 to 1.5 3 × 10-1
Pyrrhotite FemSn 6.5 × 10-8 to 5 × 10-2 10-4
Cinnabar HgS – 2 × 107
-3 6
Molybdenite MoS2 10 to 10 10
-5 2
Galena PbS 3 × 10 to 3 × 10 2 × 10-3
Millerite NiS – 3 × 10-7
-3 3
Stannite Cu2FeSnS2 10 to 6 × 10 –
5 12
Stibnite Sb2S3 10 to 10 5 × 106
Sphalerite ZnS 1.5 to 10 102
Cobaltite CoAsS 3.5 × 10-4 to 10-1 –
Smaltite CoAs2 – 5 × 10-5
Arsenopyrite FeAsS 2 × 10 to 15 103
Niccolite NiAs 10-7 to 10-3 2 × 10-5
-6 -5
Sylvanite AgAuTe4 4 × 10 to 2 × 10 –
2 3
Bauxite Al2O3.nH2O 2 × 10 to 6 × 10 –
Braunite Mn2O3 0.16 to 1.2 –
Cuprite Cu2O 10-3 to 300 30
Chromite FeCr2O4 1 to 106 –
Specularite Fe2O3 – 6 × 10-3
Hematite Fe2O3 3.5 × 10-3 to 107 –
3 7
Limonite 2Fe2O3.3H2O 10 to 10 –
Magnetite Fe3O4 5 × 10-5 to 5.7 × 103 –
Ilmenite FeTiO3 10 to 50 –
Wolframite Fe,Mn,WO4 10 to 105 –
Manganite MnO(OH) 10 to 0.3 –
Pyrolusite MnO2 5 × 10 to 10 –
Quartz SiO2 4 × 1010 to 2 × 1014 –
Cassiterite SnO2 4 × 10-4 to 104 0.2
Rutile TiO2 30 to 1000 500
Uraninite (Pitchblende) UO2 1 to 200 –
Anhydrite CaSO4 – 109
Calcite CaCO3 – 2 × 1012
Fluorite CaF2 – 8 × 1013
Siderite Fe2(CO3)3 – 70
Rock salt NaCl 30 to 1013 –
11 12
Sylvite KCl 10 to 10 –
Diamond C 10 to 10 –
2 3
Serpentinite 2 × 10 to 3 × 10 –
2 6
Hornblende 2 × 10 to 10 –
2 14
Mica 9 × 10 to 10 –

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Mineral Formula Resistivity range Ωm Resistivity average Ωm

Biotite 2 × 102 to 106 –
11 12
Phlogopite 10 to 10 –
Bituminous coal 0.6 to 10 –
Coals (various) 10 to 1011 –
-3 5
Anthracite 10 to 10 –
Lignite 9 to 200 –
Fire clay – 30
Meteoric waters 30 to 103 –
Surface waters 0.1 to 3 × 10 –
(igneous rocks)
Surface waters 10 to 100 –
Soil waters – 100
Natural waters 0.5 to 150 9
(igneous rocks)
Natural waters 1 to 100 3
Sea water – 0.2
Saline waters, 3% – 0.15
Saline waters, 20% – 0.05

TABLE 9.4.2
Resistivities of various ores.

Ore Other minerals Gangue Resistivity Ωm

Pyrite 19% 2% (chalcopyrite) 80% 300
40% 20% 40% 130
60% 5% (ZnS) + 15% 20% 0.9
75% 10% (ZnS) + 5% 10% 0.14
95% 5% (ZnS) 1.0
95% 5% 7.0
Pyrrhotite 41% 59% 2.2 × 10-4
58% 42% 2.3 × 10-4
79% 21% 1.1 × 10-5
95% 18% 8.5 × 10-5
95% 5% 1.4 × 10-5
SbS2 in quartz 4 × 13-3 to 3 × 107
FeAsS 60% FeS 20% 20% SiO2 0.39
FeAsS 10-4 to 10-2
Cu5FeS4 3 × 10-3
Cu5FeS4 40% 60% SiO2 7 × 10-2

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Ore Other minerals Gangue Resistivity Ωm

(Fe,Mn)WO4 80% 2 × 104
(Fe,Mn)WO4 CoAsS 103 to 107
PbS massive 7 × 10-2
PbS near massive 0.8
PbS 50 - 80% 10-2 to 3
Fe2O3 0.1 to 300
Fe2O3 2.5 to 103
Iron Fe3O4 60% 45
Fe3O4 from contact met. 0.5 to 102
Diss. brown iron oxide 8 × 102 to 3 × 106
75% brown iron oxide 25% 2 × 104 to 8 × 105
Fe2O3 fine grained 2.5 × 103
Fe3O4 5 × 103 to 8 × 103
Fe3O4 in pegmatite 7 × 103 to 2 × 105
Zinc 30% 5% PbS, 15% FeS 50% 0.75
70% 3% chalco, 17% PbS, 20
10% FeS
80% 10% PbS, 10% FeS 1.7 × 103
80% 2% chalco, 1% PbS, 15% 1.3
2% FeS
90% 5% PbS 5% 130
Graphitic slate 0.13
Graphite, massive 10 to 10-3

MoS2 2 × 102 to 4 × 103

MnO2, colloidal ore 1.6
Cu2S 3 × 10-2
CuFeS2 10-4 to 1
CuFeS2, 80% 10% FeS 10% 0.66
CuFeS2, 90% 2% FeS 8% SiO2 0.65
FeCr2O4 103
FeCr2O4, 95% 5% serp. 1.2 × 104

TABLE 9.4.3
Resistivities of igneous and metamorphic rocks.

Rock type Resistivity range, Ωm

Granite 3 × 102 to 106
Granite porphyry 4.5 × 10 (wet) to 1.3 × 106 (dry)

Feldspar porphyry 4 × 103 (wet)

Albite 3 × 10 (wet) to 3.3 × 103 (dry)

Syenite 102 to 106

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Rock type Resistivity range, Ωm

Diorite 104 to 105
Diorite porphyry 1.9 × 103 (wet) to 2.8 × 104 (dry)
Porphyrite 10 to 5 × 104 (wet) to 3.3 × 103 (dry)
Carbonized porphyry 2.5 × 103 (wet) to 6 × 104 (dry)
Quartz porphyry 3 × 102 to 9 × 105
Quartz diorite 2 × 10 to 2 × 106 (wet) to 1.8 × 104 (dry)

Porphyry (various) 60 to 104

Dacite 2 × 104 (wet)
Andesite 4.5 × 10 (wet) to 1.7 × 102 (dry)

Diabase porphyry 103 (wet) to 1.7 × 102 (dry)

Diabase (various) 20 to 5 × 107
Lavas 102 to 5 × 104
Gabbro 103 to 106
Basalt 10 to 1.3 × 107 (dry)
Olivine norite 103 to 6 × 104 (wet)
Peridotite 3 × 103 (wet) to 6.5 × 103 (dry)
Hornfels 8 × 103 (wet) to 6 × 107 (dry)
Schists (calcareous and mica) 20 to 104
Tuffs 2 × 10 (wet) to 105 (dry)

Graphitic schists 10 to 102

Slates (various) 6 × 102 to 4 × 107
Gneiss (various) 6.8 × 104 (wet) to 3 × 106 (dry)
Marble 102 to 2.5 × 108 (dry)
Skarn 2.5 × 102 (wet) to 2.5 × 108 (dry)
Quartzites (various) 10 to 2 × 108

TABLE 9.4.4
Resistivities of metals and rocks.

Element Resistivity Resistivity Element Resistivity Resistivity

range Ω m average Ω m range Ω m average Ω m
Antimony – 4.5 × 10-7 Molybdenum – 5.7 × 10-8
Arsenic – 2.2 × 10 Nickel – 7.8 × 10-8
Bismuth – 1.2 × 10-6 Platinum – 10-7
Copper – 1.7 × 10-8 Silver – 1.6 × 10-8
-8 7 16
Gold – 2.4 × 10 Sulfur 10 to 10 1014
Graphite 5 × 10-7 to 10 10-3 Tellurium 10-4 to 2 × 10-3 10-3
Iron – 10 Tin – 1.1 × 10-7
Lead – 2.2 × 10-7 Uranium – 3 × 10-7
Mercury – 9.6 × 10-7 Zinc – 5.8 × 10-8

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TABLE 9.4.5
Resistivities of sediments.
Rock type Resistivity range Ωm
Consolidated shales 20 to 103
Argillites 10 to 102
Conglomerates 2 × 103 to 104
Sandstones 1 to 6.4 × 108
Limestones 50 to 107
Dolomite 3.5 × 102 to 5 × 103
Unconsolidated wet clay 20
Marls 3 to 70
Clays 1 to 100
Alluvium and sands 10 to 800
Oil sands 4 to 800

TABLE 9.4.6
Variation of rock resistivity with water content.

Rock % H 2O Resistivity Ω m Rock % H2 O Resistivity Ω m

Siltstone 0.54 1.5 × 104 Peridotite 0.1 3 × 103
Siltstone 0.38 5.6 × 108 Peridotite 0 1.8 × 107
Coarse grain ss 0.39 9.6 × 10 Pyrophyllite 0.76 6 × 106
Coarse grain ss 0.18 108 Pyrophyllite 0 1011
Medium grain ss 1.0 4.2 × 103 Granite 0.31 4.4 × 103
Medium grain ss 0.1 1.4 × 10 Granite 0.19 1.8 × 106
Graywacke ss 1.16 4.7 × 103 Granite 0 1010
Graywacke ss 0.45 5.8 × 10 Diorite 0.02 5.8 × 105
Arkosic ss 1.0 1.4 × 103 Diorite 0 6 × 106
Organic limestone 11 0.6 × 103 Basalt 0.095 4 × 104
Dolomite 1.3 6 × 10 Basalt 0 1.3 × 108
Dolomite 0.96 8 × 103 Olivine-pyroxenite 0.028 2 × 104
Olivine-pyroxenite 0 5.6 × 107

TABLE 9.4.7
Magnetic permeabilities (H/m).

Mineral Permeability Mineral Permeability

Magnetite 5 Rutile 1.0000035
Pyrrhotite 2.55 Calcite 0.999987
Ilmenite 1.55 Quartz 0.999985
Hematite 1.05 Hornblende 1.00015
Pyrite 1.0015

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TABLE 9.4.8
Dielectric constants of rocks and minerals.

Rock, mineral Dielectric constant Rock, mineral Dielectric constant

Galena 18 Gypsum 5 to 11.5
Sphalerite 7.9 to 69.7 Beryl 5.5 to 7.8
Corundum 11 to 13.2 Biotite 4.7 to 9.3
Cassiterite 23 Epidote 7.6 to 15.4
Hematite 25 Orthoclase 3 to 5.8
Rutile 31 to 170 Plagioclase felspar 5.4 to 7.1
Fluorite 6.2 to 6.8 Quartz 4.2 to 5
Calcite 7.8 to 8.5 Zircon 8.6 to 12
Apatite 7.4 to 11.7 Granite (dry) 4.8 to 18.9
Barite 7 to 12.2 Gabbro 8.5 to 40
Peridote 8.6 Diorite 6
Norite 61 Serpentine 6.6
Quartz porphyry 14 to 49.3 Gneiss 8.5
Diabase 10.5 to 34.5 Sandstone (dry to moist) 4.7 to 12
Trap 18.9 to 39.8 Packed sand (dry to moist) 2.9 to 105
Dacite 6.8 to 8.2 Soil (dry to moist) 3.9 to 29.4
Obsidian 5.8 to 10.4 Basalt 12
Sulfur 3.6 to 4.7 Clays (dry to moist) 7 to 43
Rock salt 5.6 Petroleum 2.07 to 2.14
Anthracite 5.6 to 6.3 Water (20°C) 80.36
Ice 3 to 4.3

9.5. RADIOMETRIC SURVEYS AND potassium, uranium and thorium. The principal
TABLES applications are in the search for uranium, heavy
mineral sands, alteration haloes and general
geological mapping. The effective penetration of
Survey methods
gamma radiation is generally less than ten metres
The method utilises the gamma radiation emitted of regolith material. Instrumentation is available
from the isotopes or daughter products of for airborne, ground and drill hole applications.

TABLE 9.5.1
Naturally occurring radioactive isotopes.

Element Isotope Abundance Half-life Type of Energy

% (years) radiation (MeV)
Potassium 19 K40 0.012 1.3 × 109 β, K-cap + γ1 1.46
48 16
Calcium 20 Ca 0.18 >2 × 10 β 0.12
Vanadium 23V 0.24 6 × 1015 β, K-cap + γ1 0.17, 1.59
Rubidium 37 Rb87 27.8 4.7 × 1010 β 0.27
115 14
Indium 49 In 95.72 6 × 10 β 0.6
Lanthanum 57La 0.089 1.1 × 1011 β, K-cap + γ1 0.54, 0.81, 1.43
Cerium 58 Ce142 11.1 – α 1.5

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Element Isotope Abundance Half-life Type of Energy

% (years) radiation (MeV)
Neodymium 60 Nd144 23.8 5 × 1015 α 1.8
Samarium 62Sm 14.97 1011 α 2.32
Samarium Sm148
62 11.2 1.2 × 1013 α 2.14
149 14
Samarium 62 Sm 13.8 ~ 4 × 10 α 1.84
Gadolinium 64Gd 0.2 1.1 × 1014 α 2.24
Lutecium 71 Lu176 2.6 3 × 1010 β, γ 0.088, 0.20, 0.31
174 15
Hafnium 72 Hf 0.16 2 × 10 α 2.5
Rhenium 75Re 62.9 7 × 1010 β ' 0.008
190 11
Platinum 78 Pt 0.013 6 × 10 α 3.11
Platinum 78Pt 0.78 ~1015 α 2.6
Lead 82 Pb 1.48 – α –
Thorium2 90Th
100 1.39 × 1010 α, β, γ 0.03 - 2.62
Uranium2 92 U235 0.72 7.1 × 108 α, β, γ 0.02 - 0.9
2 38 9
Uranium 92 U2 99.3 4.5 × 10 α, β, γ 0.4 - 2.5

1. K-electron capture followed by γ-ray emission.

2. Each of these undergoes a long series of disintegrations ultimately yielding lead isotopes 208, 207, 206
respectively. During these disintegrations numerous γ -rays are emitted, in addition to the α-and β-particles.

TABLE 9.5.2
Natural radioactive series of thorium and uranium.

Element Isotope Half-life Decay Radiation γ-ray No of

constant energies γ-rays
sec-1 (MeV)
Thorium series
Thorium 90Th 1.4 × 1010yr 1.58 × 10-18 α, SF1, γ 0.059 –
228 -9
Radium 88 Ra 6.7 yr 3.3 × 10 β, γ 0.03 –
228 -4
Actinium 89 Ac 6.1 yr 3.1 × 10 β, γ 0.06 - 0.97 ( 10
228 -8
Thorium 90Th 1.91 yr 1.15 × 10 α, γ 0.085 - 0.214 5
224 -6
Radium 88 Ra 3.64 day 2.2 × 10 α, γ 0.24, 0.29 –
Radon 86Rn 51 sec 1.3 × 10-2 α, γ 0.54 –
Polonium 84 Po216 0.16 sec 4.3 α – –
212 -5
Lead 82 Pb 10.6 hr 1.8 × 10 β, γ 0.11 - 0.41 5
Bismuth 83Bi 60.6 min 1.9 × 10-4 β, α, γ 0.04 - 2.2 ( 10
212 -6 6
Polonium 84 Po 0.3 × 10 sec 2.3 × 10 α – –
Thallium 81Tl 3.1 min 3.7 × 10-3 β, γ 0.28 - 2.62 5
Lead 82Pb stable
Actinium series
Uranium 92U 7.1 × 108yr 3.1 × 10-17 α, SF1, γ 0.07 - 0.38 10
231 -6
Thorium 90 Th 25.6 hr 7.4 × 10 β, γ 0.08 - 0.31 ( 10

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Element Isotope Half-life Decay Radiation γ-ray No of

constant energies γ-rays
sec-1 (MeV)
Protactinium 91 Pa231 3.4 × 104yr 6.5 × 10-13 α, γ 0.29 - 0.36 ( 10
237 -9
Actinium 89 Ac 21.6 yr 10 β, α, γ 0.09 - 0.19 9
227 -7
Thorium 90 Th 18.2 day 4.35 × 10 α, γ 0.05 - 0.33 ( 10
223 -4
Francium 87Fr 22 min 5.2 × 10 β, α, γ 0.05 - 0.31 4
223 -7
Radium 88 Ra 11.7 day 6.76 × 10 α, γ 0.03 - 0.45 ( 10
Radon 86 Rn 4 sec 0.17 α, γ 0.27, 0.4 –
219 -2
Astatine 85 At 54 sec 1.28 × 10 α, β – –
215 -3 2
Polonium 84 Po 1.8 × 10 sec 3.8 × 10 α, β – –
215 -4 3
Astatine 85 At 10 sec 6.9 × 10 α – –
Bismuth 83Bi 8 min 1.44 × 10-3 β – –
211 -3
Bismuth 83 Bi 2.15 min 5.35 × 10 α, β, γ 0.35 –
Polonium 84 Po 0.52 sec 1.32 α, 0.56, 0.88 –
Lead 82Pb 36 min 3.2 × 10-4 β, γ 0.065 - 0.83 –
207 -3
Thallium 81 Tl 4.8 min 2.4 × 10 β, γ 0.89 4
Lead 82 Pb Stable – – – –
Uranium series
Uranium 92U 4.5 × 109yr 4.9 × 10-18 α, SF1, γ 0.048 –
234 -7
Thorium 90 Th 24.1 day 3.3 × 10 β, γ 0.03 - 0.09 3
234 -5
Protactinium 91 Pa 6.7 hr 2.84 × 10 β, γ 0.044 - 1.85 ( 10
234 5 -14 1
Uranium 92U 2.48 × 10 yr 8.9 × 10 α, SF , γ 0.053, 0.118 –
230 4 -10
Thorium 90 Th 8 × 10 yr 2.75 × 10 α, γ 0.068 - 0.25 7
226 -11
Radium 88 Ra 1622 yr 1.35 × 10 α, γ 0.19 - 0.64 4
Radon 86Rn 3.82 day 2.07 × 10-6 α, γ 0.51 –
Polonium 84 Po218 3.05 min 3.8 × 10-3 α, β – –
Astatine 85 At 1.35 sec 0.51 α – –
Radon 86Rn 0.03 sec – α 0.61 –
214 -4
Bismuth 83 Bi 19.7 min 5.85 × 10 β, α, γ 0.45 - 2.43 ( 10
214 -4 3
Polonium 84 Po 1.64 × 10 s 4.2 × 10 α – –
Lead 82Pb 26.8 min 4.3 × 10-4 β, γ 0.05 - 0.35 ( 10
210 -9
Lead 82 Pb 21 yr 1.05 × 10 β, γ 0.047 –
210 -6
Bismuth 83 Bi 5 day 1.58 × 10 β – –
Polonium 84Po 138.4 day 5.7 × 10-8 α, γ 0.79 –
210 -3
Thallium 81 Tl 1.3 min 8.85 × 10 β, γ 0.3, 0.78, 1.1 –
Thallium 81 Tl 4.2 min – β – –
Lead 82Pb Stable –

1. SF = spontaneous fission.

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TABLE 9.5.3
Radioactive minerals.

Mineral Occurrence
1. Potassium minerals
Orthoclase and microline felspars [KAlSi3O8] Main constituents in acid igneous
rocks and pegmatites
Muscovite [H2KAl(SiO4)3] Main constituents of acid igneous
rocks and pegmatites
Alunite [K2Al6(OH)12SO4] Alteration in acid volcanics
Sylvite, carnallite [KCl, MgCl2 . 6H2O] Saline deposits in sediments
2. Thorium minerals
Monazite [ThO2 + rare earth phosphate] Granites, pegmatites, gneiss
Thorianite [(Th,U)O2] Granites pegmatites, placers
Thorite, uranothorite [ThSiO4 + U] Granites, pegmatites, placers
3. Uranium minerals
Uraninite [Oxide of U, Pb, Ra + Th, rare earths] Granites, pegmatites and with vein
deposits of Ag, Pb, Cu, etc.
Carnotite [K2O . 2UO3 . V2O5 . 2H2O] Sandstones
Gummite [Uraninite alteration] Associated with uraninite

TABLE 9.5.4
Background radiation in rocks and waters.

Rock Ci/g K Th U Water Ci/g

(×10-12) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (radium) (×10-12)
Hornblende 1.2 Saratoga, NY 0.01 - 0.1
Granite 0.7 - 4.8 35 000 15 4.0 Bath, UK 0.14
Basalts 0.5 9000 2.0 0.6 Carlsbad, Czech 0.04 - 0.1
Olivine 0.33 St Lawrence River 0.00025
Ultramafics 10 0.2 0.05 Valdemorillo, Spain 0.02
Marble 1.9 Aix-les-Bains, France 0.002
Quartzite 5.0 Manitou, CO 0.003
Sandstones 2-4 Hot Springs, AR 0.0009
Slates 3-8 Atlantic Ocean 0.014 - 0.034
Dolomites 8.0 Indian Ocean 0.007
Chalk 0.4
Chondrites 850 0.08 0.02
Fe meteorite 0.015 0.04

Ci = curie; it is the activity that results in 3.7 × 1010 disintegrations per second.

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9.6. SEISMIC SURVEY METHODS Velocity (Vp) m/s Rock type

330 Air
Survey methods 1400 - 1500 Water

Longitudinal velocity, sometimes referred to as 3000 - 4000 Ice

compressional velocity, is the physical property 300 - 1700 Alluvium, sand
utilised by the seismic method. Acoustic impe- 1500 - 2600 Glacial moraine
dance is the product of the rock velocity and
density. Seismic refraction surveys generally 2000 - 4500 Sandstones
have applications within the geotechnical field 2400 - 5000 Slates and shales
at depths of investigation ranging from 5 to
3500 - 6000 Limestones and dolomites
50 m; but with a suitably large energy source the
method can be used for crustal studies. Seismic 4000 - 5500 Rock salt
reflection surveys will supply structural and 5000 - 6200 Granites and gneisses
lithological information for depths ranging from
50 m to many kilometres depending on the field 5500 - 6300 Basalt
parameters. Various corrections are applied to 6400 - 6800 Gabbro
the data to refer it to a consistent datum plane. 7500 - 8100 Dunite
Surveys can be carried out on land surfaces and
on water. Drill hole applications are also available. 7800 - 8400 Peridotite

TABLE 9.6.1
Compressional seismic wave velocities1. 9.7. DOWNHOLE SURVEY METHODS
All geophysical methods used on the surface
Velocity (m/s) Rock description
can be modified and applied in drill holes. They
200 - 400 Soil, unconsolidated surface can be used simply to measure the physical
deposits properties of the rocks intersected in the drill
400 - 1400 Unconsolidated clays, silts, hole (geophysical logging) and this is often
unsaturated sands, gravels done routinely in oil and gas, coal and uranium
1400 - 1800 Saturated sands and gravels;
exploration, where drill core is not necessarily
compact clays and silts; collected. They can also be used to search for
completely weathered rocks targets ‘off hole’, effectively expanding the search
radius of the drill hole.
1800 - 2400 Consolidated sediments;
probably water saturated; In mineral exploration, common logging
highly weathered/fractured tools are natural gamma, various electrical and
metamorphic and igneous induction tools, induced polarisation, magnetic
rocks; weathered and jointed susceptibility and density. Electromagnetic and
sandstones and shales magnetometric (MMR) tools, resistivity and IP,
and downhole magnetics are routinely used to
2400 - 3700 Shales, sandstones; search for ‘off hole’ targets.
weathered and/or sheared
Geotechnical drill hole logs will include
metamorphic and igneous
electrical, natural gamma, sonic and a number
rocks and limestones
of specialised variations to determine lithology,
3700 - 4500 Slightly weathered and/ rock boundaries and structure. Additional
or fractured igneous rocks; methods may include borehole camera, caliper
limestones; some very hard and temperature logs.
sandstone and shale The petroleum and coal industries routinely
4500 - 6000 Unweathered metamorphic log exploratory wells and drill holes as an aid
and igneous rocks; some to lithological identification and cross-hole
limestones and dolomite correlation.

1. From Greenhalgh, S A and Whitely, R J, 1977. 9.8. AIRBORNE SURVEY METHODS

Effective application of seismic refraction method
to highway engineering projects, Australian Road Airborne magnetic and radiometric surveys are
Research, 7(1), March 1977. commonly used to define and delineate lithology

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and structures at an early stage in an exploration Gravity gradient should be (ideally) independent
or mapping program. A modern regional survey of the acceleration of the aircraft and ultimately
may have a flight spacing of between 200 m and has the potential to achieve better short
500 m; detailed surveys may have a line spacing wavelength resolution. Further developments in
as close as 40  m. Modern instrumentation both GPS and in airborne gravity gradiometers
provides measurements on a virtually continual are expected as the field is advancing rapidly.
basis along the line. With magnetics, the
total magnetic field intensity (TMI) is usually Fixed wing or helicopter platforms are selected
recorded; however, vertical and horizontal fields depending on the purpose of the survey and the
and gradients can be measured if required. local terrain conditions.
Radiometric surveying conventionally records
at least total count and the potassium, uranium 9.9. EARTHQUAKE MAGNITUDE
and thorium channels, but the trend is towards AND INTENSITY1
recording the full radiometric spectrum.
Airborne electromagnetic surveying is usually Vibrations produced by earthquakes are detected,
applied as a detailed survey in the search for recorded and measured on seismometers. From
conductive bodies, but in some instances it this data, the time, epicentre and focal depth of
is used on a regional basis for structural and the earthquake can be determined and estimates
lithological information. On a regional basis it can be made of the amount of energy that was
may also be used for salinity studies. released.
Airborne gravity measures the combined
accelerations due to gravity and the movements of The Richter (or Local) Magnitude Scale
the aircraft. The aircraft motion is also measured
independently (usually by GPS) and the gravity When the earth quakes, the amplitude of the
acceleration is derived from the difference. wave recorded on the seismometer is measured
Consequently, the sensitivity and resolution of and then mathematically corrected to what
airborne gravity is linked to the accuracy of GPS. the amplitude would have been if it had been

Relationship bewteen Earth-

quake Magnitude and Energy
The volumes of the spheres are
roughly proportional to the amount of
energy released by earthquakes of the
magnitudes given, and illustrate the
exponential relationship between
magnitude and energy. At the same scale
the energy released by the San Francisco
earthquake of 1906 (Richter magnitude
8.3) would be represented by a sphere
with a radius of 21 metres.
Richter Magnitude 3
Richter Magnitude 2

Magnitude 1

1. After Richter, C F, 1958. Elementary Seismology

(Freeman: New York), in Kinemetrics, August 1972.

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recorded at a distance of 100 km from the II. Felt by only a few persons at rest, especially
epicentre. The Richter magnitude derived on upper floors of buildings. Delicately
from these corrected seismometer recordings suspended objects may swing.
indicates the amount of energy released as if III. Felt quite noticeably indoors, especially on
it had been recorded at this standard 100 km upper floors of buildings, but many people
distance. The Richter magnitude is known today do not recognise it as an earthquake.
by seismologists as the local magnitude of the Standing motor cars may rock slightly.
earthquake and is designated ML. On the ML Vibration like passing of truck. Duration
scale the magnitude varies logarithmically with can sometimes be estimated.
the wave amplitude of the quake recorded by IV. During the day felt indoors by many,
the seismometer. Each whole number step of outdoors by few. At night some awakened.
magnitude represents an increase of ten times in Dishes, windows, doors disturbed; walls
the measured wave amplitude of an earthquake make cracking sound. Sensation like heavy
and an increase of about 31 times in the amount truck striking building. Standing motor
of energy released. For example, the amplitude cars rocked noticeably.
of a 5.0 magnitude earthquake is about 100 times V. Felt by nearly everyone, many awakened.
as large as the amplitude of magnitude of a 3.0 Some dishes, windows, etc broken; a few
earthquake. Above about magnitude 6.8 the ML instances of cracked plaster; unstable
scale is said to saturate. This means that the ML objects overturned. Disturbance of trees,
scale begins to systematically underestimate the poles and other tall objects sometimes
magnitude of earthquakes larger than about 6.8. noticed. Pendulum clocks may stop.
To overcome this problem other scales, usually VI. Felt by all, many frightened and run
the moment magnitude scale, is used instead. outdoors. Some heavy furniture moved; a
The moment magnitude (MW) is scaled to give few instances of fallen plaster or damaged
approximately the same magnitudes below 6.8 chimneys. Damage slight.
as the ML scale but is valid for earthquakes of any VII. Everybody runs outdoors. Damage
magnitude, including very large ones. negligible in buildings of good design and
construction; slight to moderate in well
A quake of magnitude 2.0 is the smallest built ordinary structures; considerable in
quake normally felt by humans, except under poorly built or badly designed structures;
very favourable circumstances. Earthquakes some chimneys broken. Noticed by persons
with a magnitude of 7.0 or more are commonly driving motor cars.
considered to be major. The moment magnitude
VIII. Damage slight in specially designed
scale has no fixed maximum or minimum; structures; considerable in ordinary
observations have placed the largest recorded substantial buildings, with partial collapse;
earthquakes in the world at about 9.5 and great in poorly built structures. Panel
the smallest at about -3. Earthquakes with walls thrown out of frame structures. Fall
magnitudes smaller than 2.0 are called ‘micro- of chimneys, factory stacks, columns,
earthquakes’. Magnitudes do not directly monuments and walls. Heavy furniture
estimate damage. overturned. Sand and mud ejected in small
amounts. Changes in well water. Persons
The Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale driving motor cars disturbed.
IX. Damage considerable in specially designed
This scale measures the intensity of an structures; well-designed frame structures
earthquake’s effects in a given locality. It is thrown out of plumb; great in substantial
based on actual observations of earthquake buildings with partial collapse. Buildings
effects at specific places. The Modified Mercalli shifted off foundations. Ground cracked
Intensity values are traditionally given by Roman conspicuously. Underground pipes broken.
numerals and range from I to XII. An earthquake X. Some well built wooden structures
can have only one magnitude but can have many destroyed; most masonry and frame
intensities depending on a variety of factors such structures destroyed with foundations;
as the distance from the epicentre and the local ground badly cracked. Rails bent.
soil conditions at a particular location. Landslides considerable from riverbanks
I. Not felt except by very few under especially and steep slopes. Shifted sand and mud.
favourable circumstances. Water splashed (slopped) over banks.

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XI. Few, if any (masonry) structures remain Moment Modified Typical effects
standing. Bridges destroyed. Broad magnitude Mercalli near the
fissures in ground. Underground pipelines intensity epicentre
completely out of service. Earth slumps
2 I - II Usually detected
and land slips in soft ground. Rails bent
only by instruments
XII. Damage total. Practically all works of 3 III Felt outdoors
construction are damaged greatly or 4 V Felt by most people,
destroyed. Waves seen on ground surface. slight damage
Lines of sight and level are distorted. 5 VI - VII Felt by all; many
Objects are thrown upward into the air. frightened and run
outdoors; damage
Comparison of magnitude and intensity minor to moderate
6 VII - VIII Everybody runs
It is difficult to compare magnitude and intensity
outdoors; damage
because intensity is linked with the particular moderate to major
ground and structural conditions of a given
7 IX - X Major damage
area, as well as distance from the earthquake
epicentre, while magnitude is a measure of the 8+ X - XII Total and major
energy released at the focus of the earthquake. damage

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